Beispiel #1
void eraXys00b(double date1, double date2,
               double *x, double *y, double *s)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a X y s 0 0 b
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  For a given TT date, compute the X,Y coordinates of the Celestial
**  Intermediate Pole and the CIO locator s, using the IAU 2000B
**  precession-nutation model.
**  Given:
**     date1,date2  double   TT as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**  Returned:
**     x,y          double   Celestial Intermediate Pole (Note 2)
**     s            double   the CIO locator s (Note 2)
**  Notes:
**  1) The TT date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TT)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways,
**     among others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) The Celestial Intermediate Pole coordinates are the x,y
**     components of the unit vector in the Geocentric Celestial
**     Reference System.
**  3) The CIO locator s (in radians) positions the Celestial
**     Intermediate Origin on the equator of the CIP.
**  4) The present function is faster, but slightly less accurate (about
**     1 mas in X,Y), than the eraXys00a function.
**  Called:
**     eraPnm00b    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2000B
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS00       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2000A
**  Reference:
**     McCarthy, D. D., Petit, G. (eds.), IERS Conventions (2003),
**     IERS Technical Note No. 32, BKG (2004)
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double rbpn[3][3];

/* Form the bias-precession-nutation matrix, IAU 2000A. */
   eraPnm00b(date1, date2, rbpn);

/* Extract X,Y. */
   eraBpn2xy(rbpn, x, y);

/* Obtain s. */
   *s = eraS00(date1, date2, *x, *y);


Beispiel #2
int eraApco13(double utc1, double utc2, double dut1,
              double elong, double phi, double hm, double xp, double yp,
              double phpa, double tc, double rh, double wl,
              eraASTROM *astrom, double *eo)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a A p c o 1 3
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  For a terrestrial observer, prepare star-independent astrometry
**  parameters for transformations between ICRS and observed
**  coordinates.  The caller supplies UTC, site coordinates, ambient air
**  conditions and observing wavelength, and ERFA models are used to
**  obtain the Earth ephemeris, CIP/CIO and refraction constants.
**  The parameters produced by this function are required in the
**  parallax, light deflection, aberration, and bias-precession-nutation
**  parts of the ICRS/CIRS transformations.
**  Given:
**     utc1   double     UTC as a 2-part...
**     utc2   double     ...quasi Julian Date (Notes 1,2)
**     dut1   double     UT1-UTC (seconds, Note 3)
**     elong  double     longitude (radians, east +ve, Note 4)
**     phi    double     latitude (geodetic, radians, Note 4)
**     hm     double     height above ellipsoid (m, geodetic, Notes 4,6)
**     xp,yp  double     polar motion coordinates (radians, Note 5)
**     phpa   double     pressure at the observer (hPa = mB, Note 6)
**     tc     double     ambient temperature at the observer (deg C)
**     rh     double     relative humidity at the observer (range 0-1)
**     wl     double     wavelength (micrometers, Note 7)
**  Returned:
**     astrom eraASTROM* star-independent astrometry parameters:
**      pmt    double       PM time interval (SSB, Julian years)
**      eb     double[3]    SSB to observer (vector, au)
**      eh     double[3]    Sun to observer (unit vector)
**      em     double       distance from Sun to observer (au)
**      v      double[3]    barycentric observer velocity (vector, c)
**      bm1    double       sqrt(1-|v|^2): reciprocal of Lorenz factor
**      bpn    double[3][3] bias-precession-nutation matrix
**      along  double       longitude + s' (radians)
**      xpl    double       polar motion xp wrt local meridian (radians)
**      ypl    double       polar motion yp wrt local meridian (radians)
**      sphi   double       sine of geodetic latitude
**      cphi   double       cosine of geodetic latitude
**      diurab double       magnitude of diurnal aberration vector
**      eral   double       "local" Earth rotation angle (radians)
**      refa   double       refraction constant A (radians)
**      refb   double       refraction constant B (radians)
**     eo     double*    equation of the origins (ERA-GST)
**  Returned (function value):
**            int        status: +1 = dubious year (Note 2)
**                                0 = OK
**                               -1 = unacceptable date
**  Notes:
**  1)  utc1+utc2 is quasi Julian Date (see Note 2), apportioned in any
**      convenient way between the two arguments, for example where utc1
**      is the Julian Day Number and utc2 is the fraction of a day.
**      However, JD cannot unambiguously represent UTC during a leap
**      second unless special measures are taken.  The convention in the
**      present function is that the JD day represents UTC days whether
**      the length is 86399, 86400 or 86401 SI seconds.
**      Applications should use the function eraDtf2d to convert from
**      calendar date and time of day into 2-part quasi Julian Date, as
**      it implements the leap-second-ambiguity convention just
**      described.
**  2)  The warning status "dubious year" flags UTCs that predate the
**      introduction of the time scale or that are too far in the
**      future to be trusted.  See eraDat for further details.
**  3)  UT1-UTC is tabulated in IERS bulletins.  It increases by exactly
**      one second at the end of each positive UTC leap second,
**      introduced in order to keep UT1-UTC within +/- 0.9s.  n.b. This
**      practice is under review, and in the future UT1-UTC may grow
**      essentially without limit.
**  4)  The geographical coordinates are with respect to the ERFA_WGS84
**      reference ellipsoid.  TAKE CARE WITH THE LONGITUDE SIGN:  the
**      longitude required by the present function is east-positive
**      (i.e. right-handed), in accordance with geographical convention.
**  5)  The polar motion xp,yp can be obtained from IERS bulletins.  The
**      values are the coordinates (in radians) of the Celestial
**      Intermediate Pole with respect to the International Terrestrial
**      Reference System (see IERS Conventions 2003), measured along the
**      meridians 0 and 90 deg west respectively.  For many
**      applications, xp and yp can be set to zero.
**      Internally, the polar motion is stored in a form rotated onto
**      the local meridian.
**  6)  If hm, the height above the ellipsoid of the observing station
**      in meters, is not known but phpa, the pressure in hPa (=mB), is
**      available, an adequate estimate of hm can be obtained from the
**      expression
**            hm = -29.3 * tsl * log ( phpa / 1013.25 );
**      where tsl is the approximate sea-level air temperature in K
**      (See Astrophysical Quantities, C.W.Allen, 3rd edition, section
**      52).  Similarly, if the pressure phpa is not known, it can be
**      estimated from the height of the observing station, hm, as
**      follows:
**            phpa = 1013.25 * exp ( -hm / ( 29.3 * tsl ) );
**      Note, however, that the refraction is nearly proportional to
**      the pressure and that an accurate phpa value is important for
**      precise work.
**  7)  The argument wl specifies the observing wavelength in
**      micrometers.  The transition from optical to radio is assumed to
**      occur at 100 micrometers (about 3000 GHz).
**  8)  It is advisable to take great care with units, as even unlikely
**      values of the input parameters are accepted and processed in
**      accordance with the models used.
**  9)  In cases where the caller wishes to supply his own Earth
**      ephemeris, Earth rotation information and refraction constants,
**      the function eraApco can be used instead of the present function.
**  10) This is one of several functions that inserts into the astrom
**      structure star-independent parameters needed for the chain of
**      astrometric transformations ICRS <-> GCRS <-> CIRS <-> observed.
**      The various functions support different classes of observer and
**      portions of the transformation chain:
**          functions         observer        transformation
**       eraApcg eraApcg13    geocentric      ICRS <-> GCRS
**       eraApci eraApci13    terrestrial     ICRS <-> CIRS
**       eraApco eraApco13    terrestrial     ICRS <-> observed
**       eraApcs eraApcs13    space           ICRS <-> GCRS
**       eraAper eraAper13    terrestrial     update Earth rotation
**       eraApio eraApio13    terrestrial     CIRS <-> observed
**      Those with names ending in "13" use contemporary ERFA models to
**      compute the various ephemerides.  The others accept ephemerides
**      supplied by the caller.
**      The transformation from ICRS to GCRS covers space motion,
**      parallax, light deflection, and aberration.  From GCRS to CIRS
**      comprises frame bias and precession-nutation.  From CIRS to
**      observed takes account of Earth rotation, polar motion, diurnal
**      aberration and parallax (unless subsumed into the ICRS <-> GCRS
**      transformation), and atmospheric refraction.
**  11) The context structure astrom produced by this function is used
**      by eraAtioq, eraAtoiq, eraAtciq* and eraAticq*.
**  Called:
**     eraUtctai    UTC to TAI
**     eraTaitt     TAI to TT
**     eraUtcut1    UTC to UT1
**     eraEpv00     Earth position and velocity
**     eraPnm06a    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS06       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
**     eraEra00     Earth rotation angle, IAU 2000
**     eraSp00      the TIO locator s', IERS 2000
**     eraRefco     refraction constants for given ambient conditions
**     eraApco      astrometry parameters, ICRS-observed
**     eraEors      equation of the origins, given NPB matrix and s
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   int j;
   double tai1, tai2, tt1, tt2, ut11, ut12, ehpv[2][3], ebpv[2][3],
          r[3][3], x, y, s, theta, sp, refa, refb;

/* UTC to other time scales. */
   j = eraUtctai(utc1, utc2, &tai1, &tai2);
   if ( j < 0 ) return -1;
   j = eraTaitt(tai1, tai2, &tt1, &tt2);
   j = eraUtcut1(utc1, utc2, dut1, &ut11, &ut12);
   if ( j < 0 ) return -1;

/* Earth barycentric & heliocentric position/velocity (au, au/d). */
   (void) eraEpv00(tt1, tt2, ehpv, ebpv);

/* Form the equinox based BPN matrix, IAU 2006/2000A. */
   eraPnm06a(tt1, tt2, r);

/* Extract CIP X,Y. */
   eraBpn2xy(r, &x, &y);

/* Obtain CIO locator s. */
   s = eraS06(tt1, tt2, x, y);

/* Earth rotation angle. */
   theta = eraEra00(ut11, ut12);

/* TIO locator s'. */
   sp = eraSp00(tt1, tt2);

/* Refraction constants A and B. */
   eraRefco(phpa, tc, rh, wl, &refa, &refb);

/* Compute the star-independent astrometry parameters. */
   eraApco(tt1, tt2, ebpv, ehpv[0], x, y, s, theta,
           elong, phi, hm, xp, yp, sp, refa, refb, astrom);

/* Equation of the origins. */
   *eo = eraEors(r, s);

/* Return any warning status. */
   return j;

/* Finished. */

Beispiel #3
double eraS06a(double date1, double date2)
**  - - - - - - - -
**   e r a S 0 6 a
**  - - - - - - - -
**  The CIO locator s, positioning the Celestial Intermediate Origin on
**  the equator of the Celestial Intermediate Pole, using the IAU 2006
**  precession and IAU 2000A nutation models.
**  Given:
**     date1,date2  double    TT as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**  Returned (function value):
**                  double    the CIO locator s in radians (Note 2)
**  Notes:
**  1) The TT date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TT)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways,
**     among others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) The CIO locator s is the difference between the right ascensions
**     of the same point in two systems.  The two systems are the GCRS
**     and the CIP,CIO, and the point is the ascending node of the
**     CIP equator.  The CIO locator s remains a small fraction of
**     1 arcsecond throughout 1900-2100.
**  3) The series used to compute s is in fact for s+XY/2, where X and Y
**     are the x and y components of the CIP unit vector;  this series is
**     more compact than a direct series for s would be.  The present
**     function uses the full IAU 2000A nutation model when predicting
**     the CIP position.
**  Called:
**     eraPnm06a    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS06       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
**  References:
**     Capitaine, N., Chapront, J., Lambert, S. and Wallace, P.,
**     "Expressions for the Celestial Intermediate Pole and Celestial
**     Ephemeris Origin consistent with the IAU 2000A precession-
**     nutation model", Astron.Astrophys. 400, 1145-1154 (2003)
**     n.b. The celestial ephemeris origin (CEO) was renamed "celestial
**          intermediate origin" (CIO) by IAU 2006 Resolution 2.
**     Capitaine, N. & Wallace, P.T., 2006, Astron.Astrophys. 450, 855
**     McCarthy, D. D., Petit, G. (eds.), 2004, IERS Conventions (2003),
**     IERS Technical Note No. 32, BKG
**     Wallace, P.T. & Capitaine, N., 2006, Astron.Astrophys. 459, 981
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double rnpb[3][3], x, y, s;

/* Bias-precession-nutation-matrix, IAU 20006/2000A. */
   eraPnm06a(date1, date2, rnpb);

/* Extract the CIP coordinates. */
   eraBpn2xy(rnpb, &x, &y);

/* Compute the CIO locator s, given the CIP coordinates. */
   s = eraS06(date1, date2, x, y);

   return s;

Beispiel #4
void eraFw2xy(double gamb, double phib, double psi, double eps,
              double *x, double *y)
**  - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a F w 2 x y
**  - - - - - - - - -
**  CIP X,Y given Fukushima-Williams bias-precession-nutation angles.
**  Given:
**     gamb     double    F-W angle gamma_bar (radians)
**     phib     double    F-W angle phi_bar (radians)
**     psi      double    F-W angle psi (radians)
**     eps      double    F-W angle epsilon (radians)
**  Returned:
**     x,y      double    CIP unit vector X,Y
**  Notes:
**  1) Naming the following points:
**           e = J2000.0 ecliptic pole,
**           p = GCRS pole
**           E = ecliptic pole of date,
**     and   P = CIP,
**     the four Fukushima-Williams angles are as follows:
**        gamb = gamma = epE
**        phib = phi = pE
**        psi = psi = pEP
**        eps = epsilon = EP
**  2) The matrix representing the combined effects of frame bias,
**     precession and nutation is:
**        NxPxB = R_1(-epsA).R_3(-psi).R_1(phib).R_3(gamb)
**     The returned values x,y are elements [2][0] and [2][1] of the
**     matrix.  Near J2000.0, they are essentially angles in radians.
**  Called:
**     eraFw2m      F-W angles to r-matrix
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**  Reference:
**     Hilton, J. et al., 2006, Celest.Mech.Dyn.Astron. 94, 351
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2014, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double r[3][3];

/* Form NxPxB matrix. */
   eraFw2m(gamb, phib, psi, eps, r);

/* Extract CIP X,Y. */
   eraBpn2xy(r, x, y);


Beispiel #5
void eraXys06a(double date1, double date2,
               double *x, double *y, double *s)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a X y s 0 6 a
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  For a given TT date, compute the X,Y coordinates of the Celestial
**  Intermediate Pole and the CIO locator s, using the IAU 2006
**  precession and IAU 2000A nutation models.
**  Given:
**     date1,date2  double  TT as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**  Returned:
**     x,y          double  Celestial Intermediate Pole (Note 2)
**     s            double  the CIO locator s (Note 2)
**  Notes:
**  1) The TT date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TT)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways,
**     among others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) The Celestial Intermediate Pole coordinates are the x,y components
**     of the unit vector in the Geocentric Celestial Reference System.
**  3) The CIO locator s (in radians) positions the Celestial
**     Intermediate Origin on the equator of the CIP.
**  4) Series-based solutions for generating X and Y are also available:
**     see Capitaine & Wallace (2006) and eraXy06.
**  Called:
**     eraPnm06a    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS06       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
**  References:
**     Capitaine, N. & Wallace, P.T., 2006, Astron.Astrophys. 450, 855
**     Wallace, P.T. & Capitaine, N., 2006, Astron.Astrophys. 459, 981
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double rbpn[3][3];

/* Form the bias-precession-nutation matrix, IAU 2006/2000A. */
   eraPnm06a(date1, date2, rbpn);

/* Extract X,Y. */
   eraBpn2xy(rbpn, x, y);

/* Obtain s. */
   *s = eraS06(date1, date2, *x, *y);


Beispiel #6
void eraC2i06a(double date1, double date2, double rc2i[3][3])
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a C 2 i 0 6 a
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Form the celestial-to-intermediate matrix for a given date using the
**  IAU 2006 precession and IAU 2000A nutation models.
**  Given:
**     date1,date2 double       TT as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**  Returned:
**     rc2i        double[3][3] celestial-to-intermediate matrix (Note 2)
**  Notes:
**  1) The TT date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TT)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways,
**     among others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) The matrix rc2i is the first stage in the transformation from
**     celestial to terrestrial coordinates:
**        [TRS]  =  RPOM * R_3(ERA) * rc2i * [CRS]
**               =  RC2T * [CRS]
**     where [CRS] is a vector in the Geocentric Celestial Reference
**     System and [TRS] is a vector in the International Terrestrial
**     Reference System (see IERS Conventions 2003), ERA is the Earth
**     Rotation Angle and RPOM is the polar motion matrix.
**  Called:
**     eraPnm06a    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS06       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
**     eraC2ixys    celestial-to-intermediate matrix, given X,Y and s
**  References:
**     McCarthy, D. D., Petit, G. (eds.), 2004, IERS Conventions (2003),
**     IERS Technical Note No. 32, BKG
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double rbpn[3][3], x, y, s;

/* Obtain the celestial-to-true matrix (IAU 2006/2000A). */
   eraPnm06a(date1, date2, rbpn);

/* Extract the X,Y coordinates. */
   eraBpn2xy(rbpn, &x, &y);

/* Obtain the CIO locator. */
   s = eraS06(date1, date2, x, y);

/* Form the celestial-to-intermediate matrix. */
   eraC2ixys(x, y, s, rc2i);


Beispiel #7
void eraApci13(double date1, double date2,
               eraASTROM *astrom, double *eo)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a A p c i 1 3
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  For a terrestrial observer, prepare star-independent astrometry
**  parameters for transformations between ICRS and geocentric CIRS
**  coordinates.  The caller supplies the date, and ERFA models are used
**  to predict the Earth ephemeris and CIP/CIO.
**  The parameters produced by this function are required in the
**  parallax, light deflection, aberration, and bias-precession-nutation
**  parts of the astrometric transformation chain.
**  Given:
**     date1  double      TDB as a 2-part...
**     date2  double      ...Julian Date (Note 1)
**  Returned:
**     astrom eraASTROM*  star-independent astrometry parameters:
**      pmt    double       PM time interval (SSB, Julian years)
**      eb     double[3]    SSB to observer (vector, au)
**      eh     double[3]    Sun to observer (unit vector)
**      em     double       distance from Sun to observer (au)
**      v      double[3]    barycentric observer velocity (vector, c)
**      bm1    double       sqrt(1-|v|^2): reciprocal of Lorenz factor
**      bpn    double[3][3] bias-precession-nutation matrix
**      along  double       unchanged
**      xpl    double       unchanged
**      ypl    double       unchanged
**      sphi   double       unchanged
**      cphi   double       unchanged
**      diurab double       unchanged
**      eral   double       unchanged
**      refa   double       unchanged
**      refb   double       unchanged
**     eo     double*     equation of the origins (ERA-GST)
**  Notes:
**  1) The TDB date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TDB)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways, among
**     others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in cases
**     where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution is
**     acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way the
**     argument is handled internally and will deliver the optimum
**     resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods are both
**     good compromises between resolution and convenience.  For most
**     applications of this function the choice will not be at all
**     critical.
**     TT can be used instead of TDB without any significant impact on
**     accuracy.
**  2) All the vectors are with respect to BCRS axes.
**  3) In cases where the caller wishes to supply his own Earth
**     ephemeris and CIP/CIO, the function eraApci can be used instead
**     of the present function.
**  4) This is one of several functions that inserts into the astrom
**     structure star-independent parameters needed for the chain of
**     astrometric transformations ICRS <-> GCRS <-> CIRS <-> observed.
**     The various functions support different classes of observer and
**     portions of the transformation chain:
**          functions         observer        transformation
**       eraApcg eraApcg13    geocentric      ICRS <-> GCRS
**       eraApci eraApci13    terrestrial     ICRS <-> CIRS
**       eraApco eraApco13    terrestrial     ICRS <-> observed
**       eraApcs eraApcs13    space           ICRS <-> GCRS
**       eraAper eraAper13    terrestrial     update Earth rotation
**       eraApio eraApio13    terrestrial     CIRS <-> observed
**     Those with names ending in "13" use contemporary ERFA models to
**     compute the various ephemerides.  The others accept ephemerides
**     supplied by the caller.
**     The transformation from ICRS to GCRS covers space motion,
**     parallax, light deflection, and aberration.  From GCRS to CIRS
**     comprises frame bias and precession-nutation.  From CIRS to
**     observed takes account of Earth rotation, polar motion, diurnal
**     aberration and parallax (unless subsumed into the ICRS <-> GCRS
**     transformation), and atmospheric refraction.
**  5) The context structure astrom produced by this function is used by
**     eraAtciq* and eraAticq*.
**  Called:
**     eraEpv00     Earth position and velocity
**     eraPnm06a    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS06       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
**     eraApci      astrometry parameters, ICRS-CIRS
**     eraEors      equation of the origins, given NPB matrix and s
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2014, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double ehpv[2][3], ebpv[2][3], r[3][3], x, y, s;

/* Earth barycentric & heliocentric position/velocity (au, au/d). */
   (void) eraEpv00(date1, date2, ehpv, ebpv);

/* Form the equinox based BPN matrix, IAU 2006/2000A. */
   eraPnm06a(date1, date2, r);

/* Extract CIP X,Y. */
   eraBpn2xy(r, &x, &y);

/* Obtain CIO locator s. */
   s = eraS06(date1, date2, x, y);

/* Compute the star-independent astrometry parameters. */
   eraApci(date1, date2, ebpv, ehpv[0], x, y, s, astrom);

/* Equation of the origins. */
   *eo = eraEors(r, s);

/* Finished. */

Beispiel #8
double eraEo06a(double date1, double date2)
**  - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a E o 0 6 a
**  - - - - - - - - -
**  Equation of the origins, IAU 2006 precession and IAU 2000A nutation.
**  Given:
**     date1,date2  double    TT as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**  Returned (function value):
**                  double    equation of the origins in radians
**  Notes:
**  1) The TT date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TT)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways,
**     among others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) The equation of the origins is the distance between the true
**     equinox and the celestial intermediate origin and, equivalently,
**     the difference between Earth rotation angle and Greenwich
**     apparent sidereal time (ERA-GST).  It comprises the precession
**     (since J2000.0) in right ascension plus the equation of the
**     equinoxes (including the small correction terms).
**  Called:
**     eraPnm06a    classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraS06       the CIO locator s, given X,Y, IAU 2006
**     eraEors      equation of the origins, given NPB matrix and s
**  References:
**     Capitaine, N. & Wallace, P.T., 2006, Astron.Astrophys. 450, 855
**     Wallace, P.T. & Capitaine, N., 2006, Astron.Astrophys. 459, 981
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double r[3][3], x, y, s, eo;

/* Classical nutation x precession x bias matrix. */
   eraPnm06a(date1, date2, r);

/* Extract CIP coordinates. */
   eraBpn2xy(r, &x, &y);

/* The CIO locator, s. */
   s = eraS06(date1, date2, x, y);

/* Solve for the EO. */
   eo = eraEors(r, s);

   return eo;

Beispiel #9
void eraC2ibpn(double date1, double date2, double rbpn[3][3],
               double rc2i[3][3])
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a C 2 i b p n
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Form the celestial-to-intermediate matrix for a given date given
**  the bias-precession-nutation matrix.  IAU 2000.
**  Given:
**     date1,date2 double       TT as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**     rbpn        double[3][3] celestial-to-true matrix (Note 2)
**  Returned:
**     rc2i        double[3][3] celestial-to-intermediate matrix (Note 3)
**  Notes:
**  1) The TT date date1+date2 is a Julian Date, apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments.  For example,
**     JD(TT)=2450123.7 could be expressed in any of these ways,
**     among others:
**            date1          date2
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) The matrix rbpn transforms vectors from GCRS to true equator (and
**     CIO or equinox) of date.  Only the CIP (bottom row) is used.
**  3) The matrix rc2i is the first stage in the transformation from
**     celestial to terrestrial coordinates:
**        [TRS] = RPOM * R_3(ERA) * rc2i * [CRS]
**              = RC2T * [CRS]
**     where [CRS] is a vector in the Geocentric Celestial Reference
**     System and [TRS] is a vector in the International Terrestrial
**     Reference System (see IERS Conventions 2003), ERA is the Earth
**     Rotation Angle and RPOM is the polar motion matrix.
**  4) Although its name does not include "00", This function is in fact
**     specific to the IAU 2000 models.
**  Called:
**     eraBpn2xy    extract CIP X,Y coordinates from NPB matrix
**     eraC2ixy     celestial-to-intermediate matrix, given X,Y
**  References:
**     "Expressions for the Celestial Intermediate Pole and Celestial
**     Ephemeris Origin consistent with the IAU 2000A precession-
**     nutation model", Astron.Astrophys. 400, 1145-1154 (2003)
**     n.b. The celestial ephemeris origin (CEO) was renamed "celestial
**          intermediate origin" (CIO) by IAU 2006 Resolution 2.
**     McCarthy, D. D., Petit, G. (eds.), IERS Conventions (2003),
**     IERS Technical Note No. 32, BKG (2004)
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double x, y;

/* Extract the X,Y coordinates. */
   eraBpn2xy(rbpn, &x, &y);

/* Form the celestial-to-intermediate matrix (n.b. IAU 2000 specific). */
   eraC2ixy(date1, date2, x, y, rc2i);

