Beispiel #1
void eraPvm(double pv[2][3], double *r, double *s)
**  - - - - - - -
**   e r a P v m
**  - - - - - - -
**  Modulus of pv-vector.
**  Given:
**     pv     double[2][3]   pv-vector
**  Returned:
**     r      double         modulus of position component
**     s      double         modulus of velocity component
**  Called:
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
/* Distance. */
   *r = eraPm(pv[0]);

/* Speed. */
   *s = eraPm(pv[1]);


Beispiel #2
void eraPn(double p[3], double *r, double u[3])
**  - - - - - -
**   e r a P n
**  - - - - - -
**  Convert a p-vector into modulus and unit vector.
**  Given:
**     p        double[3]      p-vector
**  Returned:
**     r        double         modulus
**     u        double[3]      unit vector
**  Notes:
**  1) If p is null, the result is null.  Otherwise the result is a unit
**     vector.
**  2) It is permissible to re-use the same array for any of the
**     arguments.
**  Called:
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**     eraZp        zero p-vector
**     eraSxp       multiply p-vector by scalar
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double w;

/* Obtain the modulus and test for zero. */
   w = eraPm(p);
   if (w == 0.0) {

   /* Null vector. */

   } else {

   /* Unit vector. */
      eraSxp(1.0/w, p, u);

/* Return the modulus. */
   *r = w;


Beispiel #3
double eraSepp(double a[3], double b[3])
**  - - - - - - - -
**   e r a S e p p
**  - - - - - - - -
**  Angular separation between two p-vectors.
**  Given:
**     a      double[3]    first p-vector (not necessarily unit length)
**     b      double[3]    second p-vector (not necessarily unit length)
**  Returned (function value):
**            double       angular separation (radians, always positive)
**  Notes:
**  1) If either vector is null, a zero result is returned.
**  2) The angular separation is most simply formulated in terms of
**     scalar product.  However, this gives poor accuracy for angles
**     near zero and pi.  The present algorithm uses both cross product
**     and dot product, to deliver full accuracy whatever the size of
**     the angle.
**  Called:
**     eraPxp       vector product of two p-vectors
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**     eraPdp       scalar product of two p-vectors
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double axb[3], ss, cs, s;

/* Sine of angle between the vectors, multiplied by the two moduli. */
   eraPxp(a, b, axb);
   ss = eraPm(axb);

/* Cosine of the angle, multiplied by the two moduli. */
   cs = eraPdp(a, b);

/* The angle. */
   s = ((ss != 0.0) || (cs != 0.0)) ? atan2(ss, cs) : 0.0;

   return s;

Beispiel #4
void eraP2s(double p[3], double *theta, double *phi, double *r)
**  - - - - - - -
**   e r a P 2 s
**  - - - - - - -
**  P-vector to spherical polar coordinates.
**  Given:
**     p        double[3]    p-vector
**  Returned:
**     theta    double       longitude angle (radians)
**     phi      double       latitude angle (radians)
**     r        double       radial distance
**  Notes:
**  1) If P is null, zero theta, phi and r are returned.
**  2) At either pole, zero theta is returned.
**  Called:
**     eraC2s       p-vector to spherical
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   eraC2s(p, theta, phi);
   *r = eraPm(p);


Beispiel #5
double eraPap(double a[3], double b[3])
**  - - - - - - -
**   e r a P a p
**  - - - - - - -
**  Position-angle from two p-vectors.
**  Given:
**     a      double[3]  direction of reference point
**     b      double[3]  direction of point whose PA is required
**  Returned (function value):
**            double     position angle of b with respect to a (radians)
**  Notes:
**  1) The result is the position angle, in radians, of direction b with
**     respect to direction a.  It is in the range -pi to +pi.  The
**     sense is such that if b is a small distance "north" of a the
**     position angle is approximately zero, and if b is a small
**     distance "east" of a the position angle is approximately +pi/2.
**  2) The vectors a and b need not be of unit length.
**  3) Zero is returned if the two directions are the same or if either
**     vector is null.
**  4) If vector a is at a pole, the result is ill-defined.
**  Called:
**     eraPn        decompose p-vector into modulus and direction
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**     eraPxp       vector product of two p-vectors
**     eraPmp       p-vector minus p-vector
**     eraPdp       scalar product of two p-vectors
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double am, au[3], bm, st, ct, xa, ya, za, eta[3], xi[3], a2b[3], pa;

/* Modulus and direction of the a vector. */
   eraPn(a, &am, au);

/* Modulus of the b vector. */
   bm = eraPm(b);

/* Deal with the case of a null vector. */
   if ((am == 0.0) || (bm == 0.0)) {
      st = 0.0;
      ct = 1.0;
   } else {

   /* The "north" axis tangential from a (arbitrary length). */
      xa = a[0];
      ya = a[1];
      za = a[2];
      eta[0] = -xa * za;
      eta[1] = -ya * za;
      eta[2] =  xa*xa + ya*ya;

   /* The "east" axis tangential from a (same length). */
      eraPxp(eta, au, xi);

   /* The vector from a to b. */
      eraPmp(b, a, a2b);

   /* Resolve into components along the north and east axes. */
      st = eraPdp(a2b, xi);
      ct = eraPdp(a2b, eta);

   /* Deal with degenerate cases. */
      if ((st == 0.0) && (ct == 0.0)) ct = 1.0;

/* Position angle. */
   pa = atan2(st, ct);

   return pa;

Beispiel #6
int eraStarpv(double ra, double dec,
              double pmr, double pmd, double px, double rv,
              double pv[2][3])
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a S t a r p v
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Convert star catalog coordinates to position+velocity vector.
**  Given (Note 1):
**     ra     double        right ascension (radians)
**     dec    double        declination (radians)
**     pmr    double        RA proper motion (radians/year)
**     pmd    double        Dec proper motion (radians/year)
**     px     double        parallax (arcseconds)
**     rv     double        radial velocity (km/s, positive = receding)
**  Returned (Note 2):
**     pv     double[2][3]  pv-vector (AU, AU/day)
**  Returned (function value):
**            int           status:
**                              0 = no warnings
**                              1 = distance overridden (Note 6)
**                              2 = excessive speed (Note 7)
**                              4 = solution didn't converge (Note 8)
**                           else = binary logical OR of the above
**  Notes:
**  1) The star data accepted by this function are "observables" for an
**     imaginary observer at the solar-system barycenter.  Proper motion
**     and radial velocity are, strictly, in terms of barycentric
**     coordinate time, TCB.  For most practical applications, it is
**     permissible to neglect the distinction between TCB and ordinary
**     "proper" time on Earth (TT/TAI).  The result will, as a rule, be
**     limited by the intrinsic accuracy of the proper-motion and
**     radial-velocity data;  moreover, the pv-vector is likely to be
**     merely an intermediate result, so that a change of time unit
**     would cancel out overall.
**     In accordance with normal star-catalog conventions, the object's
**     right ascension and declination are freed from the effects of
**     secular aberration.  The frame, which is aligned to the catalog
**     equator and equinox, is Lorentzian and centered on the SSB.
**  2) The resulting position and velocity pv-vector is with respect to
**     the same frame and, like the catalog coordinates, is freed from
**     the effects of secular aberration.  Should the "coordinate
**     direction", where the object was located at the catalog epoch, be
**     required, it may be obtained by calculating the magnitude of the
**     position vector pv[0][0-2] dividing by the speed of light in
**     AU/day to give the light-time, and then multiplying the space
**     velocity pv[1][0-2] by this light-time and adding the result to
**     pv[0][0-2].
**     Summarizing, the pv-vector returned is for most stars almost
**     identical to the result of applying the standard geometrical
**     "space motion" transformation.  The differences, which are the
**     subject of the Stumpff paper referenced below, are:
**     (i) In stars with significant radial velocity and proper motion,
**     the constantly changing light-time distorts the apparent proper
**     motion.  Note that this is a classical, not a relativistic,
**     effect.
**     (ii) The transformation complies with special relativity.
**  3) Care is needed with units.  The star coordinates are in radians
**     and the proper motions in radians per Julian year, but the
**     parallax is in arcseconds; the radial velocity is in km/s, but
**     the pv-vector result is in AU and AU/day.
**  4) The RA proper motion is in terms of coordinate angle, not true
**     angle.  If the catalog uses arcseconds for both RA and Dec proper
**     motions, the RA proper motion will need to be divided by cos(Dec)
**     before use.
**  5) Straight-line motion at constant speed, in the inertial frame,
**     is assumed.
**  6) An extremely small (or zero or negative) parallax is interpreted
**     to mean that the object is on the "celestial sphere", the radius
**     of which is an arbitrary (large) value (see the constant PXMIN).
**     When the distance is overridden in this way, the status,
**     initially zero, has 1 added to it.
**  7) If the space velocity is a significant fraction of c (see the
**     constant VMAX), it is arbitrarily set to zero.  When this action
**     occurs, 2 is added to the status.
**  8) The relativistic adjustment involves an iterative calculation.
**     If the process fails to converge within a set number (IMAX) of
**     iterations, 4 is added to the status.
**  9) The inverse transformation is performed by the function
**     eraPvstar.
**  Called:
**     eraS2pv      spherical coordinates to pv-vector
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**     eraZp        zero p-vector
**     eraPn        decompose p-vector into modulus and direction
**     eraPdp       scalar product of two p-vectors
**     eraSxp       multiply p-vector by scalar
**     eraPmp       p-vector minus p-vector
**     eraPpp       p-vector plus p-vector
**  Reference:
**     Stumpff, P., 1985, Astron.Astrophys. 144, 232-240.
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2015, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
/* Smallest allowed parallax */
   static const double PXMIN = 1e-7;

/* Largest allowed speed (fraction of c) */
   static const double VMAX = 0.5;

/* Maximum number of iterations for relativistic solution */
   static const int IMAX = 100;

   int i, iwarn;
   double w, r, rd, rad, decd, v, x[3], usr[3], ust[3],
          vsr, vst, betst, betsr, bett, betr,
          dd, ddel, ur[3], ut[3],
          d = 0.0, del = 0.0,       /* to prevent */
          odd = 0.0, oddel = 0.0,   /* compiler   */
          od = 0.0, odel = 0.0;     /* warnings   */

/* Distance (AU). */
   if (px >= PXMIN) {
      w = px;
      iwarn = 0;
   } else {
      w = PXMIN;
      iwarn = 1;
   r = ERFA_DR2AS / w;

/* Radial velocity (AU/day). */
   rd = ERFA_DAYSEC * rv * 1e3 / ERFA_DAU;

/* Proper motion (radian/day). */
   rad = pmr / ERFA_DJY;
   decd = pmd / ERFA_DJY;

/* To pv-vector (AU,AU/day). */
   eraS2pv(ra, dec, r, rad, decd, rd, pv);

/* If excessive velocity, arbitrarily set it to zero. */
   v = eraPm(pv[1]);
   if (v / ERFA_DC > VMAX) {
      iwarn += 2;

/* Isolate the radial component of the velocity (AU/day). */
   eraPn(pv[0], &w, x);
   vsr = eraPdp(x, pv[1]);
   eraSxp(vsr, x, usr);

/* Isolate the transverse component of the velocity (AU/day). */
   eraPmp(pv[1], usr, ust);
   vst = eraPm(ust);

/* Special-relativity dimensionless parameters. */
   betsr = vsr / ERFA_DC;
   betst = vst / ERFA_DC;

/* Determine the inertial-to-observed relativistic correction terms. */
   bett = betst;
   betr = betsr;
   for (i = 0; i < IMAX; i++) {
      d = 1.0 + betr;
      del = sqrt(1.0 - betr*betr - bett*bett) - 1.0;
      betr = d * betsr + del;
      bett = d * betst;
      if (i > 0) {
         dd = fabs(d - od);
         ddel = fabs(del - odel);
         if ((i > 1) && (dd >= odd) && (ddel >= oddel)) break;
         odd = dd;
         oddel = ddel;
      od = d;
      odel = del;
   if (i >= IMAX) iwarn += 4;

/* Replace observed radial velocity with inertial value. */
   w = (betsr != 0.0) ? d + del / betsr : 1.0;
   eraSxp(w, usr, ur);

/* Replace observed tangential velocity with inertial value. */
   eraSxp(d, ust, ut);

/* Combine the two to obtain the inertial space velocity. */
   eraPpp(ur, ut, pv[1]);

/* Return the status. */
   return iwarn;

Beispiel #7
int eraPvstar(double pv[2][3], double *ra, double *dec,
              double *pmr, double *pmd, double *px, double *rv)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a P v s t a r
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Convert star position+velocity vector to catalog coordinates.
**  Given (Note 1):
**     pv     double[2][3]   pv-vector (AU, AU/day)
**  Returned (Note 2):
**     ra     double         right ascension (radians)
**     dec    double         declination (radians)
**     pmr    double         RA proper motion (radians/year)
**     pmd    double         Dec proper motion (radians/year)
**     px     double         parallax (arcsec)
**     rv     double         radial velocity (km/s, positive = receding)
**  Returned (function value):
**            int            status:
**                              0 = OK
**                             -1 = superluminal speed (Note 5)
**                             -2 = null position vector
**  Notes:
**  1) The specified pv-vector is the coordinate direction (and its rate
**     of change) for the date at which the light leaving the star
**     reached the solar-system barycenter.
**  2) The star data returned by this function are "observables" for an
**     imaginary observer at the solar-system barycenter.  Proper motion
**     and radial velocity are, strictly, in terms of barycentric
**     coordinate time, TCB.  For most practical applications, it is
**     permissible to neglect the distinction between TCB and ordinary
**     "proper" time on Earth (TT/TAI).  The result will, as a rule, be
**     limited by the intrinsic accuracy of the proper-motion and
**     radial-velocity data;  moreover, the supplied pv-vector is likely
**     to be merely an intermediate result (for example generated by the
**     function eraStarpv), so that a change of time unit will cancel
**     out overall.
**     In accordance with normal star-catalog conventions, the object's
**     right ascension and declination are freed from the effects of
**     secular aberration.  The frame, which is aligned to the catalog
**     equator and equinox, is Lorentzian and centered on the SSB.
**     Summarizing, the specified pv-vector is for most stars almost
**     identical to the result of applying the standard geometrical
**     "space motion" transformation to the catalog data.  The
**     differences, which are the subject of the Stumpff paper cited
**     below, are:
**     (i) In stars with significant radial velocity and proper motion,
**     the constantly changing light-time distorts the apparent proper
**     motion.  Note that this is a classical, not a relativistic,
**     effect.
**     (ii) The transformation complies with special relativity.
**  3) Care is needed with units.  The star coordinates are in radians
**     and the proper motions in radians per Julian year, but the
**     parallax is in arcseconds; the radial velocity is in km/s, but
**     the pv-vector result is in AU and AU/day.
**  4) The proper motions are the rate of change of the right ascension
**     and declination at the catalog epoch and are in radians per Julian
**     year.  The RA proper motion is in terms of coordinate angle, not
**     true angle, and will thus be numerically larger at high
**     declinations.
**  5) Straight-line motion at constant speed in the inertial frame is
**     assumed.  If the speed is greater than or equal to the speed of
**     light, the function aborts with an error status.
**  6) The inverse transformation is performed by the function eraStarpv.
**  Called:
**     eraPn        decompose p-vector into modulus and direction
**     eraPdp       scalar product of two p-vectors
**     eraSxp       multiply p-vector by scalar
**     eraPmp       p-vector minus p-vector
**     eraPm        modulus of p-vector
**     eraPpp       p-vector plus p-vector
**     eraPv2s      pv-vector to spherical
**     eraAnp       normalize angle into range 0 to 2pi
**  Reference:
**     Stumpff, P., 1985, Astron.Astrophys. 144, 232-240.
**  Copyright (C) 2013-2016, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double r, x[3], vr, ur[3], vt, ut[3], bett, betr, d, w, del,
          usr[3], ust[3], a, rad, decd, rd;

/* Isolate the radial component of the velocity (AU/day, inertial). */
   eraPn(pv[0], &r, x);
   vr = eraPdp(x, pv[1]);
   eraSxp(vr, x, ur);

/* Isolate the transverse component of the velocity (AU/day, inertial). */
   eraPmp(pv[1], ur, ut);
   vt = eraPm(ut);

/* Special-relativity dimensionless parameters. */
   bett = vt / ERFA_DC;
   betr = vr / ERFA_DC;

/* The inertial-to-observed correction terms. */
   d = 1.0 + betr;
   w = 1.0 - betr*betr - bett*bett;
   if (d == 0.0 || w < 0) return -1;
   del = sqrt(w) - 1.0;

/* Apply relativistic correction factor to radial velocity component. */
   w = (betr != 0) ? (betr - del) / (betr * d) : 1.0;
   eraSxp(w, ur, usr);

/* Apply relativistic correction factor to tangential velocity */
/* component.                                                  */
   eraSxp(1.0/d, ut, ust);

/* Combine the two to obtain the observed velocity vector (AU/day). */
   eraPpp(usr, ust, pv[1]);

/* Cartesian to spherical. */
   eraPv2s(pv, &a, dec, &r, &rad, &decd, &rd);
   if (r == 0.0) return -2;

/* Return RA in range 0 to 2pi. */
   *ra = eraAnp(a);

/* Return proper motions in radians per year. */
   *pmr = rad * ERFA_DJY;
   *pmd = decd * ERFA_DJY;

/* Return parallax in arcsec. */
   *px = ERFA_DR2AS / r;

/* Return radial velocity in km/s. */
   *rv = 1e-3 * rd * ERFA_DAU / ERFA_DAYSEC;

/* OK status. */
   return 0;

Beispiel #8
int eraStarpm(double ra1, double dec1,
              double pmr1, double pmd1, double px1, double rv1,
              double ep1a, double ep1b, double ep2a, double ep2b,
              double *ra2, double *dec2,
              double *pmr2, double *pmd2, double *px2, double *rv2)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   e r a S t a r p m
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Star proper motion:  update star catalog data for space motion.
**  Given:
**     ra1    double     right ascension (radians), before
**     dec1   double     declination (radians), before
**     pmr1   double     RA proper motion (radians/year), before
**     pmd1   double     Dec proper motion (radians/year), before
**     px1    double     parallax (arcseconds), before
**     rv1    double     radial velocity (km/s, +ve = receding), before
**     ep1a   double     "before" epoch, part A (Note 1)
**     ep1b   double     "before" epoch, part B (Note 1)
**     ep2a   double     "after" epoch, part A (Note 1)
**     ep2b   double     "after" epoch, part B (Note 1)
**  Returned:
**     ra2    double     right ascension (radians), after
**     dec2   double     declination (radians), after
**     pmr2   double     RA proper motion (radians/year), after
**     pmd2   double     Dec proper motion (radians/year), after
**     px2    double     parallax (arcseconds), after
**     rv2    double     radial velocity (km/s, +ve = receding), after
**  Returned (function value):
**            int        status:
**                          -1 = system error (should not occur)
**                           0 = no warnings or errors
**                           1 = distance overridden (Note 6)
**                           2 = excessive velocity (Note 7)
**                           4 = solution didn't converge (Note 8)
**                        else = binary logical OR of the above warnings
**  Notes:
**  1) The starting and ending TDB dates ep1a+ep1b and ep2a+ep2b are
**     Julian Dates, apportioned in any convenient way between the two
**     parts (A and B).  For example, JD(TDB)=2450123.7 could be
**     expressed in any of these ways, among others:
**             epna          epnb
**         2450123.7           0.0       (JD method)
**         2451545.0       -1421.3       (J2000 method)
**         2400000.5       50123.2       (MJD method)
**         2450123.5           0.2       (date & time method)
**     The JD method is the most natural and convenient to use in
**     cases where the loss of several decimal digits of resolution
**     is acceptable.  The J2000 method is best matched to the way
**     the argument is handled internally and will deliver the
**     optimum resolution.  The MJD method and the date & time methods
**     are both good compromises between resolution and convenience.
**  2) In accordance with normal star-catalog conventions, the object's
**     right ascension and declination are freed from the effects of
**     secular aberration.  The frame, which is aligned to the catalog
**     equator and equinox, is Lorentzian and centered on the SSB.
**     The proper motions are the rate of change of the right ascension
**     and declination at the catalog epoch and are in radians per TDB
**     Julian year.
**     The parallax and radial velocity are in the same frame.
**  3) Care is needed with units.  The star coordinates are in radians
**     and the proper motions in radians per Julian year, but the
**     parallax is in arcseconds.
**  4) The RA proper motion is in terms of coordinate angle, not true
**     angle.  If the catalog uses arcseconds for both RA and Dec proper
**     motions, the RA proper motion will need to be divided by cos(Dec)
**     before use.
**  5) Straight-line motion at constant speed, in the inertial frame,
**     is assumed.
**  6) An extremely small (or zero or negative) parallax is interpreted
**     to mean that the object is on the "celestial sphere", the radius
**     of which is an arbitrary (large) value (see the eraStarpv
**     function for the value used).  When the distance is overridden in
**     this way, the status, initially zero, has 1 added to it.
**  7) If the space velocity is a significant fraction of c (see the
**     constant VMAX in the function eraStarpv),  it is arbitrarily set
**     to zero.  When this action occurs, 2 is added to the status.
**  8) The relativistic adjustment carried out in the eraStarpv function
**     involves an iterative calculation.  If the process fails to
**     converge within a set number of iterations, 4 is added to the
**     status.
**  Called:
**     eraStarpv    star catalog data to space motion pv-vector
**     eraPvu       update a pv-vector
**     eraPdp       scalar product of two p-vectors
**     eraPvstar    space motion pv-vector to star catalog data
**  Copyright (C) 2013, NumFOCUS Foundation.
**  Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.
   double pv1[2][3], tl1, dt, pv[2][3], r2, rdv, v2, c2mv2, tl2,
   int j1, j2, j;

/* RA,Dec etc. at the "before" epoch to space motion pv-vector. */
   j1 = eraStarpv(ra1, dec1, pmr1, pmd1, px1, rv1, pv1);

/* Light time when observed (days). */
   tl1 = eraPm(pv1[0]) / DC;

/* Time interval, "before" to "after" (days). */
   dt = (ep2a - ep1a) + (ep2b - ep1b);

/* Move star along track from the "before" observed position to the */
/* "after" geometric position. */
   eraPvu(dt + tl1, pv1, pv);

/* From this geometric position, deduce the observed light time (days) */
/* at the "after" epoch (with theoretically unneccessary error check). */
   r2 = eraPdp(pv[0], pv[0]);
   rdv = eraPdp(pv[0], pv[1]);
   v2 = eraPdp(pv[1], pv[1]);
   c2mv2 = DC*DC - v2;
   if (c2mv2 <=  0) return -1;
   tl2 = (-rdv + sqrt(rdv*rdv + c2mv2*r2)) / c2mv2;

/* Move the position along track from the observed place at the */
/* "before" epoch to the observed place at the "after" epoch. */
   eraPvu(dt + (tl1 - tl2), pv1, pv2);

/* Space motion pv-vector to RA,Dec etc. at the "after" epoch. */
   j2 = eraPvstar(pv2, ra2, dec2, pmr2, pmd2, px2, rv2);

/* Final status. */
   j = (j2 == 0) ? j1 : -1;

   return j;
