void Analysis::errorReport(const std::string& message) { errorSyntax(message); }
/** * Handles the statistics sub-command. * * @returns Suitable exit code. * @param pArgs The handler arguments. * @param pDebugger Pointer to the debugger interface. */ static RTEXITCODE handleDebugVM_Statistics(HandlerArg *pArgs, IMachineDebugger *pDebugger) { /* * Parse arguments. */ bool fWithDescriptions = false; const char *pszPattern = NULL; /* all */ bool fReset = false; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--descriptions", 'd', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--pattern", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_STRING }, { "--reset", 'r', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; int rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, pArgs->argc, pArgs->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 2, 0 /*fFlags*/); AssertRCReturn(rc, RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { switch (rc) { case 'd': fWithDescriptions = true; break; case 'p': if (pszPattern) return errorSyntax("Multiple --pattern options are not permitted"); pszPattern = ValueUnion.psz; break; case 'r': fReset = true; break; default: return errorGetOpt(rc, &ValueUnion); } } if (fReset && fWithDescriptions) return errorSyntax("The --reset and --descriptions options does not mix"); /* * Execute the order. */ com::Bstr bstrPattern(pszPattern); if (fReset) CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pDebugger, ResetStats(bstrPattern.raw()), RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); else { com::Bstr bstrStats; CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pDebugger, GetStats(bstrPattern.raw(), fWithDescriptions, bstrStats.asOutParam()), RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); /* if (fFormatted) { big mess } else */ RTPrintf("%ls\n", bstrStats.raw()); } return RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS; }
/** * Handles the getregisters sub-command. * * @returns Suitable exit code. * @param pArgs The handler arguments. * @param pDebugger Pointer to the debugger interface. */ static RTEXITCODE handleDebugVM_GetRegisters(HandlerArg *pArgs, IMachineDebugger *pDebugger) { /* * We take a list of register names (case insensitive). If 'all' is * encountered we'll dump all registers. */ ULONG idCpu = 0; unsigned cRegisters = 0; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--cpu", 'c', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, }; int rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, pArgs->argc, pArgs->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 2, RTGETOPTINIT_FLAGS_OPTS_FIRST); AssertRCReturn(rc, RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { switch (rc) { case 'c': idCpu = ValueUnion.u32; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: if (!RTStrICmp(ValueUnion.psz, "all")) { com::SafeArray<BSTR> aBstrNames; com::SafeArray<BSTR> aBstrValues; CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pDebugger, GetRegisters(idCpu, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aBstrNames), ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aBstrValues)), RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); Assert(aBstrNames.size() == aBstrValues.size()); size_t cchMaxName = 8; for (size_t i = 0; i < aBstrNames.size(); i++) { size_t cchName = RTUtf16Len(aBstrNames[i]); if (cchName > cchMaxName) cchMaxName = cchName; } for (size_t i = 0; i < aBstrNames.size(); i++) RTPrintf("%-*ls = %ls\n", cchMaxName, aBstrNames[i], aBstrValues[i]); } else { com::Bstr bstrName = ValueUnion.psz; com::Bstr bstrValue; CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pDebugger, GetRegister(idCpu, bstrName.raw(), bstrValue.asOutParam()), RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); RTPrintf("%s = %ls\n", ValueUnion.psz, bstrValue.raw()); } cRegisters++; break; default: return errorGetOpt(rc, &ValueUnion); } } if (!cRegisters) return errorSyntax("The getregisters sub-command takes at least one register name"); return RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS; }
/** * Handles the show sub-command. * * @returns Suitable exit code. * @param pArgs The handler arguments. * @param pDebugger Pointer to the debugger interface. */ static RTEXITCODE handleDebugVM_Show(HandlerArg *pArgs, IMachineDebugger *pDebugger) { /* * Parse arguments and what to show. Order dependent. */ uint32_t fFlags = DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_HUMAN_READABLE; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--human-readable", 'H', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--sh-export", 'e', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--sh-eval", 'E', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, { "--cmd-set", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_NOTHING }, }; int rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, pArgs->argc, pArgs->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 2, 0 /*fFlags*/); AssertRCReturn(rc, RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { switch (rc) { case 'H': fFlags = (fFlags & ~DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_FMT_MASK) | DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_HUMAN_READABLE; break; case 'e': fFlags = (fFlags & ~DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_FMT_MASK) | DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_SH_EXPORT; break; case 'E': fFlags = (fFlags & ~DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_FMT_MASK) | DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_SH_EVAL; break; case 's': fFlags = (fFlags & ~DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_FMT_MASK) | DEBUGVM_SHOW_FLAGS_CMD_SET; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: { RTEXITCODE rcExit; if (!strcmp(ValueUnion.psz, "log-settings")) { rcExit = handleDebugVM_Show_LogDbgSettings(pDebugger, fFlags); if (rcExit == RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS) rcExit = handleDebugVM_Show_LogRelSettings(pDebugger, fFlags); } else if (!strcmp(ValueUnion.psz, "logdbg-settings")) rcExit = handleDebugVM_Show_LogDbgSettings(pDebugger, fFlags); else if (!strcmp(ValueUnion.psz, "logrel-settings")) rcExit = handleDebugVM_Show_LogRelSettings(pDebugger, fFlags); else rcExit = errorSyntax("The show sub-command has no idea what '%s' might be", ValueUnion.psz); if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS) return rcExit; break; } default: return errorGetOpt(rc, &ValueUnion); } } return RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS; }
/** * Handles the setregisters sub-command. * * @returns Suitable exit code. * @param pArgs The handler arguments. * @param pDebugger Pointer to the debugger interface. */ static RTEXITCODE handleDebugVM_SetRegisters(HandlerArg *pArgs, IMachineDebugger *pDebugger) { /* * We take a list of register assignments, that is register=value. */ ULONG idCpu = 0; com::SafeArray<IN_BSTR> aBstrNames; com::SafeArray<IN_BSTR> aBstrValues; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--cpu", 'c', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, }; int rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, pArgs->argc, pArgs->argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 2, RTGETOPTINIT_FLAGS_OPTS_FIRST); AssertRCReturn(rc, RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { switch (rc) { case 'c': idCpu = ValueUnion.u32; break; case VINF_GETOPT_NOT_OPTION: { const char *pszEqual = strchr(ValueUnion.psz, '='); if (!pszEqual) return errorSyntax("setregisters expects input on the form 'register=value' got '%s'", ValueUnion.psz); try { com::Bstr bstrName(ValueUnion.psz, pszEqual - ValueUnion.psz); com::Bstr bstrValue(pszEqual + 1); if ( !aBstrNames.push_back(bstrName.raw()) || !aBstrValues.push_back(bstrValue.raw())) throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (std::bad_alloc) { RTMsgError("Out of memory\n"); return RTEXITCODE_FAILURE; } break; } default: return errorGetOpt(rc, &ValueUnion); } } if (!aBstrNames.size()) return errorSyntax("The setregisters sub-command takes at least one register name"); /* * If it is only one register, use the single register method just so * we expose it and can test it from the command line. */ if (aBstrNames.size() == 1) { CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pDebugger, SetRegister(idCpu, aBstrNames[0], aBstrValues[0]), RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); RTPrintf("Successfully set %ls\n", aBstrNames[0]); } else { CHECK_ERROR2I_RET(pDebugger, SetRegisters(idCpu, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aBstrNames), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aBstrValues)), RTEXITCODE_FAILURE); RTPrintf("Successfully set %u registers\n", aBstrNames.size()); } return RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS; }