Beispiel #1
void mixMarkov(vector< vector<int> >& X, int trainingNum, int numOfState, 
        int K, vector<double>& pi, vector< vector<double> >& thetaInit,
        vector< vector< vector<double> > >& thetaTrans) {
    vector < vector< map<int, int> > > sigma;
    vector<double> ll_variables(3);
    vector< vector<double> > condProb(trainingNum);
    initVariable(pi, thetaInit, thetaTrans);
    setSigma(X, sigma, trainingNum);

    estep(X, pi, thetaInit, thetaTrans, condProb);
    ll_variables = computeLL(X, thetaInit, thetaTrans);
    for (iter = 1; iter<= MAX_ITER; ++iter) {
        mstep(pi, thetaInit, thetaTrans, condProb);
        estep(X, pi, thetaInit, thetaTrans, condProb);
        vector<double> new_ll_variables(3);
        new_ll_variables = computeLL(X, thetaInit, thetaTrans);
        //check for convergence
        if (new_ll_variables[0] + new_ll_variables[1] + new_ll_variables[2] - (ll_variables[0] + ll_variables[1] + ll_variables[2]) >TOL ) {
            ll_variables = new_ll_variables; 
        } else {
Beispiel #2
int shortemcluster_org(int n,int p,int k,double *pi,double **X,double **Mu,  
		   double **LTSigma,int maxiter,double eps,double *llhdval)
  int iter;
  double **gamm,llhd,oldllhd,llh0;
  /*same as emcluster, only difference being in how convergence is handled,
   done as per Biernacki et al*/
  do  {
  } while (((oldllhd-llhd)/(llh0-llhd) > eps) && (iter<maxiter));
/* Marked by Wei-Chen Chen on 2009/01/21.
   This value, (oldllhd-llhd)/(llhd-llh0), is always negative.

  } while ((((oldllhd-llhd)/(llhd-llh0)) > eps) && (iter<maxiter));
  return iter;
bool GaussianMixtureModels::train_(MatrixFloat &data){
    trained = false;
    //Clear any previous training results
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = 0;
    if( data.getNumRows() == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Training Failed! Training data is empty!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Resize the variables
    numTrainingSamples = data.getNumRows();
    numInputDimensions = data.getNumCols();
    //Resize mu and resp
    //Resize sigma
    for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
    //Resize frac and lndets
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = scale(data[i][j],ranges[j].minValue,ranges[j].maxValue,0,1);
    //Pick K random starting points for the inital guesses of Mu
    Random random;
    Vector< UINT > randomIndexs(numTrainingSamples);
    for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++) randomIndexs[i] = i;
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        SWAP(randomIndexs[ i ],randomIndexs[ random.getRandomNumberInt(0,numTrainingSamples) ]);
    for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
        for(UINT n=0; n<numInputDimensions; n++){
            mu[k][n] = data[ randomIndexs[k] ][n];
    //Setup sigma and the uniform prior on P(k)
    for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++){
        frac[k] = 1.0/Float(numClusters);
        for(UINT i=0; i<numInputDimensions; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++) sigma[k][i][j] = 0;
            sigma[k][i][i] = 1.0e-2;   //Set the diagonal to a small number
    loglike = 0;
    bool keepGoing = true;
    Float change = 99.9e99;
    UINT numIterationsNoChange = 0;
    VectorFloat u(numInputDimensions);
	VectorFloat v(numInputDimensions);
    while( keepGoing ){
        //Run the estep
        if( estep( data, u, v, change ) ){
            //Run the mstep
            mstep( data );
            //Check for convergance
            if( fabs( change ) < minChange ){
                if( ++numIterationsNoChange >= minNumEpochs ){
                    keepGoing = false;
            }else numIterationsNoChange = 0;
            if( ++numTrainingIterationsToConverge >= maxNumEpochs ) keepGoing = false;
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Estep failed at iteration " << numTrainingIterationsToConverge << std::endl;
            return false;
    //Compute the inverse of sigma and the determinants for prediction
    if( !computeInvAndDet() ){
        errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to compute inverse and determinat!" << std::endl;
        return false;
    //Flag that the model was trained
    trained = true;
    //Setup the cluster labels
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        clusterLabels[i] = i+1;
    return true;
Beispiel #4
/* Model-based initializer. */
void mb_init(double **X, int n, int p, int nclass, double *pi, double **Mu,
    double **LTSigma){
  int i, min_n = p + 1, n_nclass = (int) ceil((double) n / (double) nclass);
  int G, nc[nclass], i2, i3, j = 1;
  int tmp_G, tmp_class, class[n];
  double lambda, max_prob, prob[n], **gamm;
  double tmp_prob, tmp_n, tmp_pi, tmp_gamm;
  double class_prob[n], tmp_class_prob;
  PARAM param;
  void *pt_param;

  /* Find lambda, the expected size of neighbor. */
  if(n_nclass < min_n){
    //WCC printf("n is too small, or p or k is too large.\n"); 
    //WCC exit(1);
    error("n is too small, or p or k is too large.\n"); 
  param.n_nclass = (double) (n_nclass - min_n);
  param.lower_bound = 1e-6;
  param.upper_bound = param.n_nclass;
  param.tol = 1e-6;
  param.maxit = 1000;
  pt_param = &param;
  lambda = find_lambda(pt_param);

  tmp_n = (double) n;
  MAKE_MATRIX(gamm, n, nclass);
  tmp_prob = 1.0 / (double) n;

    /* Initial prob. */
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) prob[i] = tmp_prob;

    /* Note: cut_sub() will overwrite prob. */
    cut_sub(X, n, p, 1, min_n, lambda, prob, Mu, LTSigma);
    pi[0] = 1.0;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) class[i] = 0;
    nc[0] = n;

    for(G = 2; G <= nclass; G++){
      max_prob = 0.0;
      tmp_G = G - 1;

      for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
        prob[i] = mixllhd(p, tmp_G, X[i], pi, Mu, LTSigma);
        if(prob[i] > max_prob) max_prob = prob[i];
      for(i = 0; i < n; i++) prob[i] = max_prob - prob[i];

      /* Drop the 75% points around cluster centers. */
      for(i = 0; i < G; i++){
        i3 = 0;
        for(i2 = 0; i2 < n; i2++){
          if(class[i2] == i) class_prob[i3++] = prob[i2];
        tmp_class_prob = mb_quantile(i3, class_prob, 0.75);
        for(i2 = 0; i2 < n; i2++){
          if(class[i2] == i && prob[i2] < tmp_class_prob) prob[i2] = 0.0; 

      /* Note: cut_sub() will overwrite prob. */
      cut_sub(X, n, p, G, min_n, lambda, prob, Mu, LTSigma);

      /* Assume uniform for pi, do one estep, and reassign new pi. */
      tmp_pi = 1.0 / (double) G;
      for(i = 0; i < G; i++) pi[i] = tmp_pi;

      /* Run one estep to update pi. */
      estep(n, p, G, X, gamm, pi, Mu, LTSigma);
      for(i = 0; i < G; i++) nc[i] = 0;
      for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
        tmp_gamm = 0.0;
        tmp_class = 0;
        for(i2 = 0; i2 < G; i2++){
          if(tmp_gamm < gamm[i][i2]){
            tmp_gamm = gamm[i][i2];
            tmp_class = i2;
        class[i] = tmp_class;
        nc[tmp_class] = nc[tmp_class] + 1;

      j = 1;
      for(i = 0; i < G; i++){
        if(nc[i] < min_n){
          j = 0;
      if(j == 0) break;

      for(i = 0; i < G; i++) pi[i] = (double) nc[i] / tmp_n;
  } while(j == 0);

} /* End of mb_init(). */
bool GaussianMixtureModels::train(const MatrixDouble &data,const UINT K){

	modelTrained = false;
    failed = false;

	//Clear any previous training results

    if( data.getNumRows() == 0 ){
        errorLog << "train(const MatrixDouble &trainingData,const unsigned int K) - Training Failed! Training data is empty!" << endl;
        return false;

	//Resize the variables
	M = data.getNumRows();
	N = data.getNumCols();
	this->K = K;
	//Resize mu and resp
	//Resize sigma
	for(UINT k=0; k<K; k++){
	//Resize frac and lndets

	//Pick K random starting points for the inital guesses of Mu
	Random random;
	vector< UINT > randomIndexs(M);
	for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++) randomIndexs[i] = i;
	for(UINT i=0; i<M; i++){
		SWAP(randomIndexs[ random.getRandomNumberInt(0,M) ],randomIndexs[ random.getRandomNumberInt(0,M) ]);
	for(UINT k=0; k<K; k++){
		for(UINT n=0; n<N; n++){
			mu[k][n] = data[ randomIndexs[k] ][n];

	//Setup sigma and the uniform prior on P(k)
	for(UINT k=0; k<K; k++){
		frac[k] = 1.0/double(K);
		for(UINT i=0; i<N; i++){
			for(UINT j=0; j<N; j++) sigma[k][i][j] = 0;
			sigma[k][i][i] = 1.0e-10;   //Set the diagonal to a small number

	loglike = 0;
	UINT iterCounter = 0;
	bool keepGoing = true;
	double change = 99.9e99;
	while( keepGoing ){
		change = estep( data );
		mstep( data );

		if( fabs( change ) < minChange ) keepGoing = false;
		if( ++iterCounter >= maxIter ) keepGoing = false;
		if( failed ) keepGoing = false;

	if( failed ){
		errorLog << "train(UnlabelledClassificationData &trainingData,unsigned int K) - Training failed!" << endl;
		return modelTrained;

	//Compute the inverse of sigma and the determinants for prediction
	if( !computeInvAndDet() ){
        errorLog << "train(UnlabelledClassificationData &trainingData,unsigned int K) - Failed to compute inverse and determinat!" << endl;
        return false;

    //Flag that the model was trained
	modelTrained = true;

	return true;
Beispiel #6
bool KMeans::trainModel(MatrixFloat &data){
    if( numClusters == 0 ){
        errorLog << "trainModel(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. NumClusters is zero!" << std::endl;
		return false;
    if( clusters.getNumRows() != numClusters ){
        errorLog << "trainModel(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. The number of rows in the cluster matrix does not match the number of clusters! You should need to initalize the clusters matrix first before calling this function!" << std::endl;
		return false;
    if( clusters.getNumCols() != numInputDimensions ){
        errorLog << "trainModel(MatrixFloat &data) - Failed to train model. The number of columns in the cluster matrix does not match the number of input dimensions! You should need to initalize the clusters matrix first before calling this function!" << std::endl;
		return false;

    Timer timer;
	UINT currentIter = 0;
    UINT numChanged = 0;
	bool keepTraining = true;
    Float theta = 0;
    Float lastTheta = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float startTime = 0;
    finalTheta = 0;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = 0;
    trained = false;
    converged = false;
    //Scale the data if needed
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){

    //Init the assign and count Vectors
    //Assign is set to K+1 so that the nChanged values in the eStep at the first iteration will be updated correctly
    for(UINT m=0; m<numTrainingSamples; m++) assign[m] = numClusters+1;
	for(UINT k=0; k<numClusters; k++) count[k] = 0;

    //Run the training loop
	while( keepTraining ){
        startTime = timer.getMilliSeconds();

		//Compute the E step
		numChanged = estep( data );

        //Compute the M step
        mstep( data );

        //Update the iteration counter

		//Compute theta if needed
		if( computeTheta ){
            theta = calculateTheta(data);
            delta = lastTheta - theta;
            lastTheta = theta;
        }else theta = delta = 0;
        //Check convergance
		if( numChanged == 0 && currentIter > minNumEpochs ){ converged = true; keepTraining = false; }
		if( currentIter >= maxNumEpochs ){ keepTraining = false; }
		if( fabs( delta ) < minChange && computeTheta && currentIter > minNumEpochs ){ converged = true; keepTraining = false; }
        if( computeTheta )  thetaTracker.push_back( theta );
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << currentIter << "/" << maxNumEpochs;
        trainingLog << " Epoch time: " << (timer.getMilliSeconds()-startTime)/1000.0 << " seconds";
        trainingLog << " Theta: " << theta << " Delta: " << delta << std::endl;
    trainingLog << "Model Trained at epoch: " << currentIter << " with a theta value of: " << theta << std::endl;

    finalTheta = theta;
    numTrainingIterationsToConverge = currentIter;
	trained = true;
    //Setup the cluster labels
    for(UINT i=0; i<numClusters; i++){
        clusterLabels[i] = i+1;
	return true;
Beispiel #7
/* This function calls estep() in "src/emcluster.c" and is called by
   e.step() using .Call() in "R/fcn_e_step.r".
     R_x: SEXP[R_n * R_p], data matrix of R_n*R_p.
     R_n: SEXP[1], number of observations.
     R_p: SEXP[1], number of dimersions.
     R_nclass: SEXP[1], number of classes.		# k
     R_p_LTSigma: SEXP[1], dimersion of LTSigma, p * (p + 1) / 2.
     R_pi: SEXP[R_nclass], proportions of classes.
     R_Mu: SEXP[R_nclass, R_p], means of MVNs.
     R_LTSigma: SEXP[R_nclass, R_p * (R_p + 1) / 2], lower triangular sigma
     R_norm: SEXP[1], normalized.
     ret: a list contains
       Gamma: SEXP[R_n, R_p], posterios matrix of R_n*R_p. 
SEXP R_estep(SEXP R_x, SEXP R_n, SEXP R_p, SEXP R_nclass, SEXP R_p_LTSigma,
    SEXP R_pi, SEXP R_Mu, SEXP R_LTSigma, SEXP R_norm){
  /* Declare variables for calling C. */
  double **C_Gamma, **C_x, *C_pi, **C_Mu, **C_LTSigma;
  int *C_n, *C_p, *C_nclass, *C_p_LTSigma, *C_norm;

  /* Declare variables for R's returning. */
  SEXP Gamma, ret, ret_names;

  /* Declare variables for processing. */
  double *tmp_1, *tmp_2;
  int i;
  char *names[1] = {"Gamma"};

  /* Set initial values. */
  C_n = INTEGER(R_n);
  C_p = INTEGER(R_p);
  C_nclass = INTEGER(R_nclass);
  C_p_LTSigma = INTEGER(R_p_LTSigma);

  /* Allocate and protate storages. */
  PROTECT(Gamma = allocVector(REALSXP, *C_n * *C_nclass));
  PROTECT(ret = allocVector(VECSXP, 1));
  PROTECT(ret_names = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));

  SET_VECTOR_ELT(ret, 0, Gamma);
  SET_STRING_ELT(ret_names, 0, mkChar(names[0])); 
  setAttrib(ret, R_NamesSymbol, ret_names);

  /* Assign data. */
  C_Gamma = allocate_double_array(*C_n);
  C_x = allocate_double_array(*C_n);
  C_Mu = allocate_double_array(*C_nclass);
  C_LTSigma = allocate_double_array(*C_nclass);

  tmp_1 = REAL(Gamma);
  tmp_2 = REAL(R_x);
  for(i = 0; i < *C_n; i++){
    C_Gamma[i] = tmp_1;
    C_x[i] = tmp_2;
    tmp_1 += *C_nclass;
    tmp_2 += *C_p;

  tmp_1 = REAL(R_Mu);
  tmp_2 = REAL(R_LTSigma);
  for(i = 0; i < *C_nclass; i++){
    C_Mu[i] = tmp_1;
    C_LTSigma[i] = tmp_2;
    tmp_1 += *C_p;
    tmp_2 += *C_p_LTSigma;

  C_pi = REAL(R_pi);
  C_norm = INTEGER(R_norm);

  /* Compute. */
  if(*C_norm == 1){
    estep(*C_n, *C_p, *C_nclass, C_x, C_Gamma, C_pi, C_Mu, C_LTSigma);
  } else{
    estep_unnorm_dlmvn(*C_n, *C_p, *C_nclass, C_x, C_Gamma, C_pi, C_Mu,

  /* Free memory and release protectation. */

} /* End of R_estep(). */