Beispiel #1
scalar cnoidalFirst::ddxPd
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time,
	const vector & unitVector
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg(argument(x,time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar ddxPd(0);

    ddxPd  =   rhoWater_ * Foam::mag(g_)
             * (
                 eta_x(snn, cnn, dnn) + 1.0 / 2.0 * Foam::pow(h_, 2.0) * (1 - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0)) * eta_xxx(snn, cnn, dnn)
    ddxPd *= factor(time);

//     Info << "ddxPd still isn't implemented. Need to think about the gradient on arbitrary directed mesh with arbitrary wave number vector! and arbitrary g-direction!!!" << endl;
    return ddxPd;
Beispiel #2
vector cnoidalFirst::U
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg(argument(x, time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar etaVal = eta(x,time);

    scalar Uhorz =   celerity_ 
                   * (
                         etaVal / h_ 
                       - Foam::pow(etaVal / h_, 2.0) 
                       + 1.0 / 2.0 * 
                            1.0 / 3.0 
                          - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0)
                       * h_ * eta_xx(snn, cnn, dnn)

    Uhorz       *= factor(time);

    scalar Uvert = - celerity_ * (Z + h_)
                   * (
                        eta_x(snn, cnn, dnn) / h_ * (1 - 2.0 * etaVal / h_)
                      + 1.0 / 6.0 * h_ * eta_xxx(snn, cnn, dnn)
                      * (1 - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0))

    Uvert       *= factor(time);

    return Uhorz * propagationDirection_ - Uvert * direction_; // Note "-" because of "g" working in the opposite direction

Beispiel #3
PetscCompGridVTO::createOpStencil(IntVect a_iv, int a_ilev,const DataIndex &a_di, StencilTensor &a_sten)
  Real dx=m_dxs[a_ilev][0],idx2=1./(dx*dx);
  Real eta_x0,eta_x1,lam_x0,lam_x1,eta_y0,eta_y1,lam_y0,lam_y1;
  IntVect ivwst=IntVect::Zero,ivest=IntVect::Zero,ivsth=IntVect::Zero,ivnth=IntVect::Zero;
  //IntVect ivSW(-1,-1),ivSE(1,-1),ivNE(1,1),ivNW(-1,1);
  IntVect ivSW(IntVect::Unit),ivSE(IntVect::Unit),ivNE(IntVect::Unit),ivNW(IntVect::Unit);
  ivSW[1] = ivSW[0] = -1; // >= 2D
  ivSE[1] = -1; // >= 2D
  ivNW[0] = -1;

  ivwst[0] = -1; ivest[0] = 1; ivsth[1] = -1; ivnth[1] = 1;
  {    // get stencil coeficients
    Real beta_hinv2=m_beta*idx2;
    const FluxBox &etaFab = (*m_eta[a_ilev])[a_di];
    const FArrayBox &eta_x = etaFab[0];
    const FArrayBox &eta_y = etaFab[1];
    const FluxBox &lamFab = (*m_lamb[a_ilev])[a_di];
    const FArrayBox &lam_x = lamFab[0];
    const FArrayBox &lam_y = lamFab[1];
    eta_x0 = beta_hinv2*eta_x(a_iv,0);           eta_y0 = beta_hinv2*eta_y(a_iv,0);
    eta_x1 = beta_hinv2*eta_x(ivest+a_iv,0);     eta_y1 = beta_hinv2*eta_y(ivnth+a_iv,0);
    lam_x0 = beta_hinv2*lam_x(a_iv,0);           lam_y0 = beta_hinv2*lam_y(a_iv,0);
    lam_x1 = beta_hinv2*lam_x(ivest+a_iv,0);     lam_y1 = beta_hinv2*lam_y(ivnth+a_iv,0);

  // loop over two equations, should probably just hard wire this
  for (int kk=0,vv=1;kk<2;kk++,vv--)
      Real vd;
      // add one eta everywhere -- same for u and v
      vd = eta_x0;
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivwst+a_iv,a_ilev)];  v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      vd = eta_x1;
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivest+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      vd = eta_y0;
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivsth+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      vd = eta_y1;
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivnth+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      vd = -(eta_x0 + eta_y0 + eta_x1 + eta_y1);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);

      // add extra eta and the lambda for each direction
      if (kk==0)
          vd = eta_x0 + lam_x0;
            StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivwst+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
          vd = eta_x1 + lam_x1;
            StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivest+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
          vd = -(eta_x0 + eta_x1 + lam_x0 + lam_x1);
            StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      else {
        vd = eta_y0 + lam_y0;
          StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivsth+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
        vd = eta_y1 + lam_y1;
          StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivnth+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
        vd = -(eta_y0 + eta_y1 + lam_y0 + lam_y1);
          StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);

      // u -- v coupling terms -- 8 point stencil
      // S
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(-lam_x1 + lam_x0);
      else vd = 0.25*(-eta_x1 + eta_x0);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivsth+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // S.W.
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(eta_y0 + lam_x0);
      else vd = 0.25*(eta_x0 + lam_y0);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivSW+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // S.E.
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(-lam_x1 - eta_y0);
      else vd = 0.25*(-lam_y0 - eta_x1);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivSE+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // W
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(-eta_y1 + eta_y0);
      else vd = 0.25*(-lam_y1 + lam_y0);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivwst+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // E
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(eta_y1 - eta_y0);
      else vd = 0.25*(lam_y1 - lam_y0);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivest+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // N.W.
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(-lam_x0 - eta_y1);
      else vd = 0.25*(-lam_y1 - eta_x0);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivNW+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // N
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(lam_x1 - lam_x0);
      else vd = 0.25*(eta_x1 - eta_x0);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivnth+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // N.E.
      if (kk==0) vd = 0.25*(eta_y1 + lam_x1);
      else vd = 0.25*(eta_x1 + lam_y1);
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(ivNE+a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
      // diagonal alpha term
      vd = m_alpha * (!(m_a[a_ilev]) ? 1. : (*m_a[a_ilev])[a_di](a_iv,0));
        StencilTensorValue &v1 = a_sten[IndexML(a_iv,a_ilev)]; v1.define(CH_SPACEDIM);
    } // kk=1:2 loop
  if (0)
      Real summ=0.;
      StencilTensor::const_iterator end = a_sten.end(); 
      for ( StencilTensor::const_iterator it = a_sten.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
        for (int i=0; i<CH_SPACEDIM; ++i) 
            for (int j=0; j<CH_SPACEDIM; ++j) 
                summ += it->second.value(i,j);
      if (abs(summ>1.e-10))
          for (StencilTensor::const_iterator it = a_sten.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            pout() << it->first << "  ERROR: \n";
            for (int i=0; i<CH_SPACEDIM; ++i) 
                pout() << "\t\t";
                for (int j=0; j<CH_SPACEDIM; ++j) 
                    pout() << it->second.value(i,j) << ", ";
                pout() << endl;
          pout() << "\t ERROR summ: " << summ << endl; 