string CEntityInfo::getRenameCommand(symbolPtr* pSym,string newname) { string command; string selectTag = prepareQuery(etag(pSym)); string permissionCode = "1"; if(IsPublic(pSym)) permissionCode = "0"; else if(IsProtected(pSym)) permissionCode = "2"; else if(IsPrivate(pSym)) permissionCode = "3"; switch(pSym->get_kind()) { case DD_MODULE: command="Impact:ChangeFilename " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_INTERFACE: case DD_CLASS: command = "Impact:ChangeClassname " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_ENUM: case DD_UNION: command = "Impact:ChangeUnionEnumStructName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_FIELD: command = "Impact:ChangeFieldName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "} " + permissionCode; break; case DD_FUNC_DECL: command = "Impact:ChangeFunctionName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_TYPEDEF: command = "Impact:ChangeTypedefName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_MACRO: command = "Impact:ChangeMacroName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_TEMPLATE: command = "Impact:ChangeTemplateName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_VAR_DECL: command = "Impact:ChangeVariableName " + selectTag + " {" + newname + "}"; break; case DD_PACKAGE: command ="Impact:RenamePackage " + selectTag + " { " + newname + "}"; } return command; }
string CEntityInfo::getChangeBodyCommand(symbolPtr* pSym) { string command; string selectTag = prepareQuery(etag(pSym)); switch(pSym->get_kind()) { case DD_FUNC_DECL: command = "Impact:ChangeFunctionBody " + selectTag; break; case DD_MACRO: command = "Impact:ChangeMacroBody " + selectTag; break; case DD_TEMPLATE: command = "Impact:ChangeTemplateBody " + selectTag; break; } return command; }
InstVersion *MinecraftVersion::copyVersion(InstVersionList *newParent) const { if (isMeta()) { MinecraftVersion *version = new MinecraftVersion((MinecraftVersion *)m_linkedVersion); return version; } else { MinecraftVersion *version = new MinecraftVersion( descriptor(), name(), timestamp(), downloadURL(), etag(), newParent); version->setVersionType(versionType()); version->setIsForNewLauncher(isForNewLauncher()); return version; } }
bool SyncJournalDb::setFileRecord( const SyncJournalFileRecord& record ) { QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex); qlonglong phash = getPHash(record._path); if( checkConnect() ) { QByteArray arr = record._path.toUtf8(); int plen = arr.length(); // _setFileRecordQuery->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata " // "(phash, pathlen, path, inode, uid, gid, mode, modtime, type, md5, fileid) " // "VALUES ( ? , ?, ? , ? , ? , ? , ?, ? , ? , ?, ? )" ); QString etag( record._etag ); if( etag.isEmpty() ) etag = ""; QString fileId( record._fileId); if( fileId.isEmpty() ) fileId = ""; _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(0, QString::number(phash)); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(1, plen); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(2, record._path ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(3, record._inode ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(4, record._uid ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(5, record._gid ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(6, record._mode ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(7, QString::number(record._modtime.toTime_t())); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(8, QString::number(record._type) ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(9, etag ); _setFileRecordQuery->bindValue(10, fileId ); if( !_setFileRecordQuery->exec() ) { qWarning() << "Error SQL statement setFileRecord: " << _setFileRecordQuery->lastQuery() << " :" << _setFileRecordQuery->lastError().text(); return false; } qDebug() << _setFileRecordQuery->lastQuery() << phash << plen << record._path << record._inode << record._uid << record._gid << record._mode << QString::number(record._modtime.toTime_t()) << QString::number(record._type) << record._etag << record._fileId; _setFileRecordQuery->finish(); return true; } else { qDebug() << "Failed to connect database."; return false; // checkConnect failed. } }
void DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob::lsJobFinishedWithoutErrorSlot() { if (!_ignoredFirst) { // This is a sanity check, if we haven't _ignoredFirst then it means we never received any directoryListingIteratedSlot // which means somehow the server XML was bogus emit finishedWithError(ERRNO_WRONG_CONTENT, QLatin1String("Server error: PROPFIND reply is not XML formatted!")); deleteLater(); return; } else if (!_error.isEmpty()) { emit finishedWithError(ERRNO_WRONG_CONTENT, _error); deleteLater(); return; } emit etag(_firstEtag); emit etagConcatenation(_etagConcatenation); emit finishedWithResult(); deleteLater(); }
/*! * Универсальный метод для отдачи тела фида. */ bool FeedHandler::serveFeed(ChatChannel channel, const QString &feedName) { if (!ifMethodAllowed()) return true; if (!channel || !channel->feeds().all().contains(feedName)) { setNoStore(); m_response->writeHead(Tufao::HttpServerResponse::NOT_FOUND); m_response->end(); return true; } FeedPtr feed = channel->feed(feedName); qint64 date = feed->head().date(); RestReplyCache &cache = m_cache[channel->id() + feedName.toUtf8()]; if ( != date) { = date; cache.etag = etag(date, m_path.toUtf8()); cache.body = JSON::generate(feed->feed()); } setLastModified(date); setETag(cache.etag); setNoCache(); if (!ifModified(cache.etag)) { m_response->writeHead(Tufao::HttpServerResponse::NOT_MODIFIED); m_response->end(); return true; } m_response->writeHead(Tufao::HttpServerResponse::OK); if (m_request->method() != "HEAD") { setContentLength(cache.body.size()); m_response->end(cache.body); } else m_response->end(); return true; }
string CEntityInfo::getChangeTypeCommand(symbolPtr* pSym,string newtype) { string command; string selectTag = prepareQuery(etag(pSym)); switch(pSym->get_kind()) { case DD_FIELD: command = "Impact:ChangeVariableType " + selectTag + " " + "{" + newtype + "}"; break; case DD_FUNC_DECL: command = "Impact:ChangeFunctionType " + selectTag + " " + "{" + newtype + "}"; break; case DD_VAR_DECL: command = "Impact:ChangeVariableType " + selectTag + " " + "{" + newtype + "}"; break; } return command; }
void SyncEngine::startSync() { if (_journal->exists()) { QVector< SyncJournalDb::PollInfo > pollInfos = _journal->getPollInfos(); if (!pollInfos.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Finish Poll jobs before starting a sync"; CleanupPollsJob *job = new CleanupPollsJob(pollInfos, _account, _journal, _localPath, this); connect(job, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(startSync())); connect(job, SIGNAL(aborted(QString)), this, SLOT(slotCleanPollsJobAborted(QString))); job->start(); return; } } Q_ASSERT(!_syncRunning); _syncRunning = true; Q_ASSERT(_csync_ctx); if (!QDir(_localPath).exists()) { // No _tr, it should only occur in non-mirall emit csyncError("Unable to find local sync folder."); finalize(false); return; } // Check free size on disk first. const qint64 minFree = criticalFreeSpaceLimit(); const qint64 freeBytes = Utility::freeDiskSpace(_localPath); if (freeBytes >= 0) { qDebug() << "There are" << freeBytes << "bytes available at" << _localPath << "and at least" << minFree << "are required"; if (freeBytes < minFree) { emit csyncError(tr("Only %1 are available, need at least %2 to start").arg( Utility::octetsToString(freeBytes), Utility::octetsToString(minFree))); finalize(false); return; } } else { qDebug() << "Could not determine free space available at" << _localPath; } _syncedItems.clear(); _syncItemMap.clear(); _needsUpdate = false; csync_resume(_csync_ctx); int fileRecordCount = -1; if (!_journal->exists()) { qDebug() << "=====sync looks new (no DB exists)"; } else { qDebug() << "=====sync with existing DB"; } qDebug() << "=====Using Qt" << qVersion(); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) qDebug() << "=====Using SSL library version" << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString().toUtf8().data(); #endif fileRecordCount = _journal->getFileRecordCount(); // this creates the DB if it does not exist yet if( fileRecordCount == -1 ) { qDebug() << "No way to create a sync journal!"; emit csyncError(tr("Unable to initialize a sync journal.")); finalize(false); return; // database creation error! } _csync_ctx->read_remote_from_db = true; // This tells csync to never read from the DB if it is empty // thereby speeding up the initial discovery significantly. _csync_ctx->db_is_empty = (fileRecordCount == 0); auto selectiveSyncBlackList = _journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncBlackList); bool usingSelectiveSync = (!selectiveSyncBlackList.isEmpty()); qDebug() << (usingSelectiveSync ? "====Using Selective Sync" : "====NOT Using Selective Sync"); csync_set_userdata(_csync_ctx, this); _stopWatch.start(); qDebug() << "#### Discovery start #################################################### >>"; _discoveryMainThread = new DiscoveryMainThread(account()); _discoveryMainThread->setParent(this); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(bool)), _discoveryMainThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); qDebug() << "=====Server" << account()->serverVersion() << QString("rootEtagChangesNotOnlySubFolderEtags=%1").arg(account()->rootEtagChangesNotOnlySubFolderEtags()); if (account()->rootEtagChangesNotOnlySubFolderEtags()) { connect(_discoveryMainThread, SIGNAL(etag(QString)), this, SLOT(slotRootEtagReceived(QString))); } else { connect(_discoveryMainThread, SIGNAL(etagConcatenation(QString)), this, SLOT(slotRootEtagReceived(QString))); } DiscoveryJob *discoveryJob = new DiscoveryJob(_csync_ctx); discoveryJob->_selectiveSyncBlackList = selectiveSyncBlackList; discoveryJob->_selectiveSyncWhiteList = _journal->getSelectiveSyncList(SyncJournalDb::SelectiveSyncWhiteList); discoveryJob->_newBigFolderSizeLimit = _newBigFolderSizeLimit; discoveryJob->moveToThread(&_thread); connect(discoveryJob, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(slotDiscoveryJobFinished(int))); connect(discoveryJob, SIGNAL(folderDiscovered(bool,QString)), this, SIGNAL(folderDiscovered(bool,QString))); connect(discoveryJob, SIGNAL(newBigFolder(QString)), this, SIGNAL(newBigFolder(QString))); // This is used for the DiscoveryJob to be able to request the main thread/ // to read in directory contents. qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << _remotePath << _remoteUrl; _discoveryMainThread->setupHooks( discoveryJob, _remotePath); // Starts the update in a seperate thread QMetaObject::invokeMethod(discoveryJob, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection); }
string CEntityInfo::entityName(symbolPtr* pSym) { string result; string command = "printformat \"%s\" name;name " + prepareQuery(etag(pSym)); exec(command,result); return result; }
static int record_select(int nfield, char const *field[], void* vxml) /* * Receive fields from domain selection query. These must be: * ip [0], count [1], dispo [2], d_dkim [3], d_spf [4], reason [5], domain [6], * spf [7], spf_result [8], spf_helo [9], spf_result [10], and * dkim [11], dkim_result [12] (repeated any number of times, NULL values skipped) */ { if (nfield < 10) { (*do_log)(LOG_ERR, "only %d record field(s)%s", nfield, bailout); return -1; } xml_tree *xml = vxml; stag(xml, "record"); stag(xml, "row"); xtag(xml, "source_ip", field[0]); xtag(xml, "count", field[1]); stag(xml, "policy_evaluated"); xtag(xml, "disposition", field[2]); xtag(xml, "dkim", field[3]); xtag(xml, "spf", field[4]); // reason, if given, is type + [space comment] if (field[5] && strcmp(field[5], "none") != 0) { stag(xml, "reason"); char const *c = field[5]; int ch; while (isalnum(ch = *(unsigned char*)c) || ch == '_') ++c; xtagn(xml, "type", field[5], c - field[5]); if (isspace(ch)) xtag(xml, "comment", c+1); etag(xml); // reason } etag(xml); // policy evaluated etag(xml); // row stag(xml, "identifiers"); xtag(xml, "header_from", field[6]); etag(xml); stag(xml, "auth_results"); for (int i = 11; i+1 < nfield; i += 2) if (field[i] && field[i+1]) { stag(xml, "dkim"); xtag(xml, "domain", field[i]); xtag(xml, "result", field[i+1]); etag(xml); // dkim } stag(xml, "spf"); if (field[7] && field[8] && field[9] && field[10]) { bool pass8 = strcmp(field[8], "pass") == 0, pass10 = strcmp(field[10], "pass") == 0; if (pass8 == pass10) { // if both or neither are pass, output helo only if // it is better aligned than mfrom if (field[6] && is_parent_domain_of(field[6], field[9]) && !is_parent_domain_of(field[6], field[7])) field[7] = NULL; } else if (pass10) field[7] = NULL; } if (field[7] && field[8]) { xtag(xml, "domain", field[7]); xtag(xml, "result", field[8]); xtag(xml, "scope", "mfrom"); } else if (field[9] && field[10]) { xtag(xml, "domain", field[9]); xtag(xml, "result", field[10]); xtag(xml, "scope", "helo"); } else { xtag(xml, "domain", ""); xtag(xml, "result", "none"); } etag(xml); // spf etag(xml); // auth_results etag(xml); // record return xml_flush(xml, 0); }