struct netif * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR eagle_lwip_if_alloc(struct ieee80211_conn *conn, uint8 *macaddr, struct ip_info *info) { struct netif *myif = conn->myif; if (myif == NULL) { myif = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct netif)); // SDK 1.1.2 : pvPortZalloc(64) conn->myif = myif; } if(myif == NULL) return NULL; if (conn->dhcps_if == 0) { // +176 if(default_hostname) { wifi_station_set_default_hostname(macaddr); } myif->hostname = hostname; // +40 } else myif->hostname = NULL; // +40 myif->state = conn; // +28 myif->name[0] = 'e'; // + 54 myif->name[1] = 'w'; // + 55 myif->output = etharp_output; // +20 myif->linkoutput = ieee80211_output_pbuf; // +24 ets_memcpy(myif->hwaddr, macaddr, 6); // +47 ETSEvent *queue = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct ETSEventTag) * QUEUE_LEN); // pvPortZalloc(80) if(queue == NULL) return NULL; if (conn->dhcps_if != 0) { // +176 lwip_if_queues[1] = queue; netif_set_addr(myif, &info->ip, &info->netmask, &info->gw); ets_task(task_if1, LWIP_IF1_PRIO, (ETSEvent *)lwip_if_queues[1], QUEUE_LEN); netif_add(myif, &info->ip, &info->netmask, &info->gw, conn, init_fn, ethernet_input); if(dhcps_flag) { dhcps_start(info); os_printf("dhcp server start:(ip:" IPSTR ",mask:" IPSTR ",gw:" IPSTR ")\n", IP2STR(&info->ip), IP2STR(&info->netmask), IP2STR(&info->gw)); } } else { lwip_if_queues[0] = queue; ets_task(task_if0, LWIP_IF0_PRIO, (ETSEvent *)lwip_if_queues[0], QUEUE_LEN); struct ip_info ipn; if(wifi_station_dhcpc_status()) { ipn.ip.addr = 0; ipn.netmask.addr = 0; = 0; } else { ipn = *info; } netif_add(myif, &ipn.ip, &ipn.netmask, &, conn, init_fn, ethernet_input); } return myif; }
/****************************************************************************** * FunctionName : espconn_init * Description : used to init the function that should be used when * Parameters : none * Returns : none *******************************************************************************/ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espconn_init(void) { ets_task(espconn_Task, espconn_TaskPrio, espconn_TaskQueue, espconn_TaskQueueLen); ets_run(); // espcon_event_t even; // xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(&espconn_Task, "espconn_Task", 4096, &even, 5, NULL, 0); }
struct netif * eagle_lwip_if_alloc(struct myif_state *state, u8_t hw[6], ip_addr_t *ips) { struct ETSEventTag *queue; struct netif *myif; ip_addr_t ipaddr = ips[0]; ip_addr_t netmask = ips[1]; ip_addr_t gw = ips[2]; if (state->myif == NULL) { myif = (void *)os_zalloc(sizeof(struct netif)); } myif->state = state; myif->name[0] = 'e'; myif->name[1] = 'w'; myif->linkoutput = ieee80211_output_pbuf; myif->output = etharp_output; ets_memcpy(myif->hwaddr, hw, 6); queue = (void *) os_malloc(sizeof(struct ETSEventTag) * QUEUE_LEN); if (state->dhcps_if == 0) { #if LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME #ifdef LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME_PREFIX myif->hostname = os_malloc(sizeof(LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME_PREFIX)+10); os_sprintf(myif->hostname, "%s%02x%02x%02x", LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME_PREFIX, myif->hwaddr[3], myif->hwaddr[4], myif->hwaddr[5]); #endif #endif ets_task(task_if0, TASK_IF0_PRIO, queue, QUEUE_LEN); } else { netif_set_addr(myif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); if (dhcps_flag != 0) { dhcps_start((struct ip_info *)ips); os_printf("dhcp server start:(ip:%08x,mask:%08x,gw:%08x)\n", ipaddr.addr, netmask.addr, gw.addr); } ets_task(task_if1, TASK_IF1_PRIO, queue, QUEUE_LEN); } netif_add(myif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, state, init_fn, ethernet_input); return myif; }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR wdt_init(void) { // RTC_MEM(0) = 0; ets_task(wdt_task, WDT_TASK_PRIO, &wdt_eventq, 1); ets_isr_attach(ETS_WDT_INUM , wdt_feed, NULL); INTC_EDGE_EN |= 1; // 0x3ff00004 |= 1 ets_wdt_enable(2,3,3); // mode 2 (wdt isr), step 1680403 us }
// Timer init func is in ROM, and calls ets_task by relative addr directly in ROM // so, we have to re-init task using our handler void ets_timer_init() { printf("ets_timer_init\n"); // _ets_timer_init(); ets_isr_attach(10, my_timer_isr, NULL); SET_PERI_REG_MASK(0x3FF00004, 4); ETS_INTR_ENABLE(10); ets_task((os_task_t)0x40002E3C, 0x1f, (os_event_t*)0x3FFFDDC0, 4); WRITE_PERI_REG(PERIPHS_TIMER_BASEDDR + 0x30, 0); WRITE_PERI_REG(PERIPHS_TIMER_BASEDDR + 0x28, 0x88); WRITE_PERI_REG(PERIPHS_TIMER_BASEDDR + 0x30, 0); printf("Installed timer ISR\n"); }
extern "C" void user_init(void) { struct rst_info *rtc_info_ptr = system_get_rst_info(); memcpy((void *) &resetInfo, (void *) rtc_info_ptr, sizeof(resetInfo)); uart_div_modify(0, UART_CLK_FREQ / (115200)); init(); initVariant(); cont_init(g_pcont); ets_task(loop_task, LOOP_TASK_PRIORITY, s_loop_queue, LOOP_QUEUE_SIZE); system_init_done_cb(&init_done); }
void twi_init(unsigned char sda, unsigned char scl) { // set timer function ets_timer_setfn(&timer, onTimer, NULL); // create event task ets_task(eventTask, EVENTTASK_QUEUE_PRIO, eventTaskQueue, EVENTTASK_QUEUE_SIZE); twi_sda = sda; twi_scl = scl; pinMode(twi_sda, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(twi_scl, INPUT_PULLUP); twi_setClock(preferred_si2c_clock); twi_setClockStretchLimit(230); // default value is 230 uS if (twi_addr != 0) { attachInterrupt(scl, onSclChange, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(sda, onSdaChange, CHANGE); } }
struct netif * ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR eagle_lwip_if_alloc(struct myif_state *state, u8_t hw[6], struct ip_info * ips) { #if 1 // optimize ... struct netif *myif = state->myif; if (myif == NULL) { myif = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct netif)); // pvPortZalloc(60) state->myif = myif; } myif->state = state; // +28 myif->name[0] = 'e'; // +50 myif->name[1] = 'w'; // +51 myif->linkoutput = ieee80211_output_pbuf; // +24 myif->output = etharp_output; // +20 ets_memcpy(myif->hwaddr, hw, 6); // +43 ETSEvent *queue = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct ETSEventTag) * QUEUE_LEN); // pvPortZalloc(80) if (state->dhcps_if != 0) { // +176 lwip_if_queues[1] = queue; netif_set_addr(myif, &ips->ip, &ips->netmask, &ips->gw); ets_task(task_if1, TASK_IF1_PRIO, (ETSEvent *)lwip_if_queues[1], QUEUE_LEN); netif_add(myif, &ips->ip, &ips->netmask, &ips->gw, state, init_fn, ethernet_input); if(dhcps_flag) { dhcps_start(ips); // os_printf("dhcp server start:(ip:%08x,mask:%08x,gw:%08x)\n", ips->ip.addr, ips->netmask.addr, ips->gw.addr); } } else { lwip_if_queues[0] = queue; ets_task(task_if0, TASK_IF0_PRIO, (ETSEvent *)lwip_if_queues[0], QUEUE_LEN); struct ip_info ipn; if(wifi_station_dhcpc_status()) { ipn = *ips; } else { ipn.ip.addr = 0; ipn.netmask.addr = 0; = 0; } netif_add(myif, &ipn.ip, &ipn.netmask, &, state, init_fn, ethernet_input); } return myif; #else // source ETSEvent *queue; ip_addr_t ipaddr; ip_addr_t netmask; ip_addr_t gw; struct netif *myif = state->myif; if (myif == NULL) { myif = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct netif)); // pvPortZalloc(60) state->myif = myif; } myif->state = state; // +28 myif->name[0] = 'e'; // +50 myif->name[1] = 'w'; // +51 myif->linkoutput = ieee80211_output_pbuf; // +24 myif->output = etharp_output; // +20 ets_memcpy(myif->hwaddr, hw, 6); // +43 if (state->dhcps_if != 0) { // +176 ipaddr = ips->ip; netmask = ips->netmask; gw = ips->gw; netif_set_addr(myif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw); queue = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct ETSEventTag) * QUEUE_LEN); // pvPortZalloc(80) lwip_if_queues[1] = queue; ets_task(task_if1, TASK_IF1_PRIO, (ETSEvent *)queue, QUEUE_LEN); netif_add(myif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, state, init_fn, ethernet_input); if(dhcps_flag) { dhcps_start(ips); // os_printf("dhcp server start:(ip:%08x,mask:%08x,gw:%08x)\n", ipaddr.addr, netmask.addr, gw.addr); } } else { if(wifi_station_dhcpc_status()) { ipaddr = ips->ip; netmask = ips->netmask; gw = ips->gw; } else { ipaddr.addr = 0; netmask.addr = 0; gw.addr = 0; } queue = (void *) pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct ETSEventTag) * QUEUE_LEN); // pvPortZalloc(80) lwip_if_queues[0] = queue; ets_task(task_if0, TASK_IF0_PRIO, (ETSEvent *)queue, QUEUE_LEN); netif_add(myif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, state, init_fn, ethernet_input); } return myif; #endif }
/****************************************************************************** * FunctionName : espconn_init * Description : used to init the function that should be used when * Parameters : none * Returns : none *******************************************************************************/ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR espconn_init(void) { ets_task(espconn_Task, espconn_TaskPrio, espconn_TaskQueue, espconn_TaskQueueLen); }