Beispiel #1
 *  call-seq:
 *    Coolio::StatWatcher.initialize(path, interval = 0) -> Coolio::StatWatcher
 * Create a new Coolio::StatWatcher for the given path.  This will monitor the
 * given path for changes at the filesystem level.  The interval argument
 * specified how often in seconds the path should be polled for changes.
 * Setting interval to zero uses an "automatic" value (typically around 5
 * seconds) which optimizes performance.  Otherwise, values less than
 * 0.1 are not particularly meaningful.  Where available (at present, on Linux)
 * high performance file monitoring interfaces will be used instead of polling.
static VALUE Coolio_StatWatcher_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
	VALUE path, interval;
  struct Coolio_Watcher *watcher_data;

  rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &path, &interval);
  if(interval != Qnil)
    interval = rb_convert_type(interval, T_FLOAT, "Float", "to_f");

  path = rb_String(path);
  rb_iv_set(self, "@path", path);

  Data_Get_Struct(self, struct Coolio_Watcher, watcher_data);

  watcher_data->dispatch_callback = Coolio_StatWatcher_dispatch_callback;
      interval == Qnil ? 0 : NUM2DBL(interval)
  watcher_data-> = (void *)self;

  return Qnil;
Beispiel #2
int main()
  struct ev_loop *l = ev_default_loop(0);
  ev_stat est;

  ev_stat_init(&est, stat_cb, ".", 0.);
  ev_stat_start(l, &est);

  ev_loop(l, 0);
Beispiel #3
flux_watcher_t *flux_stat_watcher_create (flux_reactor_t *r,
                                          const char *path, double interval,
                                          flux_watcher_f cb, void *arg)
    struct watcher_ops ops = {
        .start = stat_start,
        .stop = stat_stop,
        .destroy = stat_destroy,
    flux_watcher_t *w;
    ev_stat *sw = xzmalloc (sizeof (*sw));
    ev_stat_init (sw, stat_cb, path, interval);
    w = flux_watcher_create (r, sw, ops, STAT_SIG, cb, arg);
    sw->data = w;

    return w;
Beispiel #4
static ev_item_t *
ev_item_new_stat(const char *path, UNUSED int event)
    ev_item_t *res;
    ev_stat *p;

    if ((res = malloc(sizeof(ev_item_t))) == NULL) {
    p = &res->ev.stat;
    res->stat_path = bytes_new_from_str(path);
                 BCDATA(res->stat_path), 0.0);
    res-> = NULL;
    res->hash = 0;
    res->ty = EV_TYPE_STAT;

    return res;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // read options

  char *dir = NULL;
  short badarg = 0;

  int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:")) != -1)
    if (opt == 'd') dir = optarg;
    else badarg = 1;

  if (badarg) { print_usage(); return 1; }

  // change dir

  dir = flon_path(argv[0], dir);

  if (chdir(dir) != 0)
    fgaj_r("couldn't chdir to %s", dir);
    return 1;

  fgaj_i("-d %s", dir);

  // load configuration

  if (flon_configure(".") != 0)
    fgaj_r("couldn't read %s/etc/flon.json, cannot start", dir);
    return 1;


  // set up logging


  // scan once


  // load timers


  // then, ev...

  struct ev_loop *l = ev_default_loop(0);

  // watch var/spool/dis/

  ev_stat est;
  ev_stat_init(&est, spool_cb, "var/spool/dis/", 0.);
  ev_stat_start(l, &est);

  // check from time to time too

  ev_periodic epe;
  ev_periodic_init(&epe, trigger_cb, 0., .35, trigger_reschedule_cb);
  ev_periodic_start(l, &epe);

  //ev_timer eti;
  //ev_timer_init(&eti, do_something_when_loop_ready_cb, 0., 0.);
  //ev_timer_start(l, &eti);

  ev_signal esi;
  ev_signal_init(&esi, sighup_cb, SIGHUP);
  ev_signal_start(l, &esi);

  // loop

  //fgaj_i("about to ev_loop...");

  ev_loop(l, 0);

  fgaj_r("something went wrong");
Beispiel #6
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct hostent *server_host;
    char *server_host_str = "localhost";
    char *certificate_file = NULL;
    char *key_file = NULL;
    char *password_file = NULL;
    char *token_file = NULL;
    char *username = "******";
    int port = 64738;
    int ret;
    int development_mode = 0;

    int socket_fd;
    struct sockaddr_in server_addr;

    SSLRead socket_watcher;
    ev_io user_thread_watcher;
    ev_timer ping_watcher;
    ev_signal signal_watcher;
    ev_loop_main = EV_DEFAULT;

     * Lua initialization
    lua = luaL_newstate();
    if (lua == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not initialize Lua\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;
    if (luaL_loadbuffer(lua, (const char *)src_piepan_impl_luac,
            src_piepan_impl_luac_len, "piepan_impl") != LUA_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not load piepan implementation\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;
    lua_call(lua, 0, 0);

    lua_getglobal(lua, "piepan");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "internal");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "api");
    lua_pushcfunction(lua, api_init);
    lua_setfield(lua, -2, "apiInit");
    lua_settop(lua, 0);

     * Argument parsing
        int opt;
        int i;
        int show_help = 0;
        int show_version = 0;
        lua_getglobal(lua, "piepan");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "internal");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "events");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "onArgument");
        opterr = 0;
        while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "u:c:k:s:t:p:-:dhv")) != -1) {
            switch (opt) {
                case 'u':
                    username = optarg;
                case 'c':
                    certificate_file = optarg;
                    if (key_file == NULL) {
                        key_file = certificate_file;
                case 'k':
                    key_file = optarg;
                case 's': {
                    char *port_str;
                    server_host_str = optarg;
                    port_str = strrchr(server_host_str, ':');
                    if (port_str != NULL) {
                        *port_str = '\0';
                        port = atoi(++port_str);
                case 't':
                    token_file = optarg;
                case 'p':
                    password_file = optarg;
                case '-': {
                    char *key = optarg;
                    char *value = strchr(key, '=');
                    if (key == value) {
                    if (value != NULL) {
                        *value++ = 0;
                    lua_pushvalue(lua, -1);
                    lua_pushstring(lua, key);
                    lua_pushstring(lua, value);
                    lua_call(lua, 2, 0);
                case 'd':
                    development_mode = 1;
                case 'h':
                    return 0;
                case 'v':
                    printf("%s %s (compiled on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")\n",
                           PIEPAN_NAME, PIEPAN_VERSION);
                    return 0;
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown or incomplete option '%c'\n",
                            PIEPAN_NAME, optopt);
                    return 1;
        lua_settop(lua, 0);

     * Load user scripts
        int i;
        lua_getglobal(lua, "piepan");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "internal");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "events");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "onLoadScript");
        for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
            lua_pushvalue(lua, -1);
            lua_pushstring(lua, argv[i]);
            if (development_mode) {
                lua_newuserdata(lua, sizeof(ScriptStat));
            } else {
            lua_call(lua, 2, 3);
            if (lua_toboolean(lua, -3)) {
                if (development_mode) {
                    ScriptStat *item = lua_touserdata(lua, -1);
                    item->lua = lua;
                    item->id = lua_tointeger(lua, -2);
                    item->filename = argv[i];
                    ev_stat_init(&item->ev, script_stat_event, item->filename, 0);
                    ev_stat_start(ev_loop_main, &item->ev);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", PIEPAN_NAME, lua_tostring(lua, -2));
            lua_pop(lua, 3);
        lua_settop(lua, 0);

     * Initialize Opus
        OpusEncoder *encoder;
        int error;

        lua_getglobal(lua, "piepan");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "internal");
        lua_getfield(lua, -1, "opus");
        encoder = lua_newuserdata(lua, opus_encoder_get_size(1));
        lua_setfield(lua, -2, "encoder");

        error = opus_encoder_init(encoder, 48000, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO);
        if (error != OPUS_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not initialize the Opus encoder: %s\n",
                    PIEPAN_NAME, opus_strerror(error));
            return 1;
        opus_encoder_ctl(encoder, OPUS_SET_VBR(0));
        /* TODO: set this to the server's max bitrate */
        opus_encoder_ctl(encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(40000));

        lua_settop(lua, 0);

     * SSL initialization

    ssl_context = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
    if (ssl_context == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not create SSL context\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

    if (certificate_file != NULL) {
        if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ssl_context, certificate_file) ||
                !SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ssl_context, key_file,
                                                SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) ||
                !SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ssl_context)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not load certificate and/or key file\n",
            return 1;

     * Socket initialization and connection
    socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (socket_fd < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not create socket\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

    memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr));
    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server_addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    server_host = gethostbyname(server_host_str);
    if (server_host == NULL || server_host->h_addr_list[0] == NULL ||
            server_host->h_addrtype != AF_INET) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not parse server address\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;
    memmove(&server_addr.sin_addr, server_host->h_addr_list[0],

    ret = connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &server_addr,
    if (ret != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not connect to server\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

    ssl = SSL_new(ssl_context);
    if (ssl == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not create SSL object\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

    if (SSL_set_fd(ssl, socket_fd) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not set SSL file descriptor\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

    if (SSL_connect(ssl) != 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not create secure connection\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

     * User thread pipe
    if (pipe(user_thread_pipe) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not create user thread pipe\n", PIEPAN_NAME);
        return 1;

     * Trigger initial event
    lua_getglobal(lua, "piepan");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "internal");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "initialize");
    lua_pushstring(lua, username);
    lua_setfield(lua, -2, "username");
    if (password_file != NULL) {
        lua_pushstring(lua, password_file);
        lua_setfield(lua, -2, "passwordFile");
    if (token_file != NULL) {
        lua_pushstring(lua, token_file);
        lua_setfield(lua, -2, "tokenFile");
    lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, lua);
    lua_setfield(lua, -2, "state");
    lua_call(lua, 1, 0);
    lua_settop(lua, 0);

     * Event loop
    ev_signal_init(&signal_watcher, signal_event, SIGINT);
    ev_signal_start(ev_loop_main, &signal_watcher);

    ev_io_init(&socket_watcher.ev, socket_read_event, socket_fd, EV_READ);
    socket_watcher.lua = lua;
    socket_watcher.ssl = ssl;
    ev_io_start(ev_loop_main, &socket_watcher.ev);

    ev_io_init(&user_thread_watcher, user_thread_event, user_thread_pipe[0],
    ev_io_start(ev_loop_main, &user_thread_watcher);

    ev_timer_init(&ping_watcher, ping_event, PING_TIMEOUT, PING_TIMEOUT);
    ev_timer_start(ev_loop_main, &ping_watcher);

    ev_run(ev_loop_main, 0);

     * Cleanup
    lua_getglobal(lua, "piepan");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "internal");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "events");
    lua_getfield(lua, -1, "onDisconnect");
    if (lua_isfunction(lua, -1)) {
        lua_call(lua, 1, 0);

    SSL_shutdown(ssl); /* TODO:  sigpipe is triggered here if connection breaks */

    return 0;
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ev_stat cfg;
    if (argc == 1) {
        printf("no cfg\n");
        return 0;
    if (argc == 2) {
        daemon(0, 0);
    cfg_path = strdup(argv[1]);
    ev_stat_init (&cfg, cfg_cb, cfg_path, 2.);
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
    struct ev_loop *loop = ev_default_loop (0);
    work_loop = ev_loop_new(0);
    int listen_fd;
    struct sockaddr_in listen_addr; 
    int reuseaddr_on = 1;
    pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL);
    thread_create(work, NULL);
    listen_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); 
    if (listen_fd < 0) {
        perror("listen failed");
        return -1;
    if (setsockopt(listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr_on,
            sizeof(reuseaddr_on)) == -1)
        perror("setsockopt failed");
        return -1;
    memset(&listen_addr, 0, sizeof(listen_addr));
    listen_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    listen_addr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT);
    if (bind(listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&listen_addr,
            sizeof(listen_addr)) < 0)
        perror("bind failed");
        return -1;
    if (listen(listen_fd, 128) < 0)
        perror("listen failed");
        return -1;
    if (setnonblock(listen_fd) < 0)
        perror("failed to set server socket to non-blocking");
        return -1;
    ev_io ev_accept;
    ev_io_init(&ev_accept, accept_cb, listen_fd, EV_READ);
    ev_io_start(loop, &ev_accept);
    if (cfg_path != NULL)
        ev_stat_start (loop, &cfg);
    ev_loop (loop, 0);
    return 0;