Beispiel #1
static void
parse_headers (Call *c, char **bufp, size_t *buf_lenp)
  char *hdr, *buf_start = *bufp;
  Conn *s = c->conn;
  size_t hdr_len;
  Any_Type arg;

  while (get_line (c, bufp, buf_lenp) > 0)
      hdr = s->line.iov_base;
      hdr_len = s->line.iov_len;

      if (!hdr_len)
	  /* empty header implies end of headers */
	  if (s->has_body)
	    if (s->is_chunked)
		s->content_length = 0;
		s->state = S_REPLY_CHUNKED;
	      s->state = S_REPLY_DATA;
	  else if (s->state == S_REPLY_CONTINUE)
	    s->state = S_REPLY_HEADER;
	    s->state = S_REPLY_DONE;

      /* process line as a regular header: */
      switch (tolower (*hdr))
	case 'c':
	  if (strncasecmp (hdr, "content-length:", 15) == 0)
	      hdr += 15;
	      s->content_length = strtoul (hdr, 0, 10);
	      if (!s->content_length)
	    s->has_body = 0;

	case 't':
	  if (strncasecmp (hdr, "transfer-encoding:", 18) == 0)
	      hdr += 18;
	      while (isspace (*hdr))
	      if (strcasecmp (hdr, "chunked") == 0)
		s->is_chunked = 1;
		fprintf (stderr, "%s.parse_headers: unknown transfer "
			 "encoding `%s'\n", prog_name, hdr);
      arg.vp = &s->line;
      event_signal (EV_CALL_RECV_HDR, (Object *) c, arg);
      if (s->state >= S_CLOSING)
      s->line.iov_len = 0;		
  c->reply.header_bytes += *bufp - buf_start;
Beispiel #2
 * Output a message to the top line of the screen.
 * Break long messages into multiple pieces (40-72 chars).
 * Allow multiple short messages to "share" the top line.
 * Prompt the user to make sure he has a chance to read them.
 * These messages are memorized for later reference (see above).
 * We could do a "Term_fresh()" to provide "flicker" if needed.
 * The global "msg_flag" variable can be cleared to tell us to "erase" any
 * "pending" messages still on the screen, instead of using "msg_flush()".
 * This should only be done when the user is known to have read the message.
 * We must be very careful about using the "msg("%s", )" functions without
 * explicitly calling the special "msg("%s", NULL)" function, since this may
 * result in the loss of information if the screen is cleared, or if anything
 * is displayed on the top line.
 * Hack -- Note that "msg("%s", NULL)" will clear the top line even if no
 * messages are pending.
static void msg_print_aux(u16b type, const char *msg)
	int n;
	char *t;
	char buf[1024];
	byte color;
	int w, h;

	if (!Term)

	/* Obtain the size */
	(void)Term_get_size(&w, &h);

	/* Hack -- Reset */
	if (!msg_flag) message_column = 0;

	/* Message Length */
	n = (msg ? strlen(msg) : 0);

	/* Hack -- flush when requested or needed */
	if (message_column && (!msg || ((message_column + n) > (w - 8))))
		/* Flush */

		/* Forget it */
		msg_flag = FALSE;

		/* Reset */
		message_column = 0;

	/* No message */
	if (!msg) return;

	/* Paranoia */
	if (n > 1000) return;

	/* Memorize the message (if legal) */
	if (character_generated && !(p_ptr->is_dead))
		message_add(msg, type);

	/* Window stuff */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MESSAGE);

	/* Copy it */
	my_strcpy(buf, msg, sizeof(buf));

	/* Analyze the buffer */
	t = buf;

	/* Get the color of the message */
	color = message_type_color(type);

	/* Split message */
	while (n > w - 1)
		char oops;

		int check, split;

		/* Default split */
		split = w - 8;

		/* Find the rightmost split point */
		for (check = (w / 2); check < w - 8; check++)
			if (t[check] == ' ') split = check;

		/* Save the split character */
		oops = t[split];

		/* Split the message */
		t[split] = '\0';

		/* Display part of the message */
		Term_putstr(0, 0, split, color, t);

		/* Flush it */
		msg_flush(split + 1);

		/* Restore the split character */
		t[split] = oops;

		/* Insert a space */
		t[--split] = ' ';

		/* Prepare to recurse on the rest of "buf" */
		t += split; n -= split;

	/* Display the tail of the message */
	Term_putstr(message_column, 0, n, color, t);

	/* Remember the message */
	msg_flag = TRUE;

	/* Remember the position */
	message_column += n + 1;

	/* Send refresh event */
Beispiel #3
 * Examine a grid, return a keypress.
 * The "mode" argument contains the "TARGET_LOOK" bit flag, which
 * indicates that the "space" key should scan through the contents
 * of the grid, instead of simply returning immediately.  This lets
 * the "look" command get complete information, without making the
 * "target" command annoying.
 * The "info" argument contains the "commands" which should be shown
 * inside the "[xxx]" text.  This string must never be empty, or grids
 * containing monsters will be displayed with an extra comma.
 * Note that if a monster is in the grid, we update both the monster
 * recall info and the health bar info to track that monster.
 * This function correctly handles multiple objects per grid, and objects
 * and terrain features in the same grid, though the latter never happens.
 * This function must handle blindness/hallucination.
static ui_event_data target_set_interactive_aux(int y, int x, int mode, cptr info, bool list_floor_objects)
	s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0;
	s16b this_x_idx, next_x_idx = 0;

	cptr s1, s2, s3;

	bool floored;

	u16b feat;

	ui_event_data query;

	char out_val[256];

	char coords[20];

	/* Describe the square location */
	coords_desc(coords, sizeof(coords), y, x);

	/* Repeat forever */
	while (1)
		int i;

		char feat_name[80];
		/* Terrain suffix for monsters and objects */
		char terrain_suffix[200];

		/* Temporary array of visible effects */
		s16b x_seen[50];
		u16b size_x_seen = 0;

		/* Paranoia */
		query.key = ' ';

		/* Default */
		s1 = "You see ";
		s2 = "";
		s3 = "on ";

		/* The player */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] < 0)
			/* Description */
			s1 = "You are ";

			/* Preposition */
			s2 = "on ";

		/* Feature (apply "mimic") */
		feat = f_info[cave_feat[y][x]].f_mimic;

		/* Require knowledge about grid, or ability to see grid */
		if (!(cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) && !player_can_see_bold(y,x))
			/* Forget feature */
			feat = FEAT_NONE;

			/* Hack -- track the current feature */

			/* Window stuff */
			p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_FEATURE);

		/* Pick a prefix */
		if (*s2 && (!feat_ff1_match(feat, FF1_MOVE) ||
			!feat_ff1_match(feat, FF1_LOS) ||
			feat_ff1_match(feat, FF1_SHOP | FF1_DOOR) ||
			feat_ff2_match(feat, FF2_SHALLOW | FF2_DEEP) ||
			feat_ff3_match(feat, FF3_NEED_TREE)))
			s3 = "in ";

		/* Get a default name */
		if (feat <= FEAT_NONE)
			my_strcpy(feat_name, "an unknown grid", sizeof(feat_name));
		/* Get the real name */
			feature_desc(feat_name, sizeof (feat_name), feat, TRUE, FALSE);

		/* List all effects in the grid */
		for (this_x_idx = cave_x_idx[y][x]; this_x_idx; this_x_idx = next_x_idx)
			effect_type *x_ptr;

			/* Get the effect */
			x_ptr = &x_list[this_x_idx];

			/* Get the next effect */
			next_x_idx = x_ptr->next_x_idx;

			/* Describe it, if not hidden */
			if (!(x_ptr->x_flags & (EF1_HIDDEN)) && x_ptr->x_f_idx)
				/* Check for available space */
				if (size_x_seen < N_ELEMENTS(x_seen))
					x_seen[size_x_seen++] = x_ptr->x_f_idx;

		/* Prepare the terrain suffix for monsters and objects */
		my_strcpy(terrain_suffix, format(" %s%s", s3, feat_name), sizeof(terrain_suffix));

		/* Concat the collected effect names */
		for (i = 0; i < size_x_seen; i++)
			char x_name[80];

			/* Obtain an object description */
			feature_desc(x_name, sizeof(x_name), x_seen[i], TRUE, TRUE);

			/* First effect */
			if (i == 0)
				if ((feat == FEAT_NONE) || !feat_ff1_match(feat, FF1_MOVE) ||
					cave_any_trap_bold(y, x))
					/* Basic info */
					my_strcat(terrain_suffix, format(" with %s", x_name),
					/* Basic info */
					my_strcat(terrain_suffix, format(" beneath %s", x_name),

			/* Basic info */
			else if (i < (size_x_seen - 1))
				my_strcat(terrain_suffix, format(", %s", x_name), sizeof(terrain_suffix));

			/* Basic info */
				my_strcat(terrain_suffix, format(" and %s", x_name), sizeof(terrain_suffix));

		/* Ignore the terrain suffix if certain things happen */
		if ((size_x_seen == 0) && (feat <= FEAT_FLOOR))
			terrain_suffix[0] = '\0';

		/* Hack -- hallucination */
		if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE])
			cptr name = "something strange";

			/* Display a message */
			if (p_ptr->wizard)
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%s%s, [%s] %s (%d:%d).", s1, s2, name, info, coords, y, x);
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%s%s [%s], %s.", s1, s2, name, info, coords);

			prt(out_val, 0, 0);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			query = inkey_ex();

			/* Stop on everything but "return" */
			if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r')) break;

			/* Repeat forever */

		/* Actual monsters */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
			monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

			/* Visible */
			if (m_ptr->ml)
				bool recall = FALSE;

				char m_name[80];

				if (m_ptr->mimic_k_idx)
					/*get the description*/
					mimic_desc_object(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr->mimic_k_idx);

					/* Get the monster name ("a kobold") */
					monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0x08);

					/* Hack -- track this monster race */

					/* Hack -- health bar for this monster */

					/*Track the feature*/

					/* Window stuff */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_FEATURE);

					/* Hack -- handle stuff */

				/* Interact */
				while (1)
					if (recall)	button_add("[CLEAR_RECALL]", 'r');
					else 		button_add("[RECALL]", 'r');
					if (cave_o_idx[y][x] > 0)button_add("[VIEW_FLOOR]", 'f');

					/* Recall, but not mimics */
					if ((recall) && (!(m_ptr->mimic_k_idx)))
						/* Save screen */

						/* Recall on screen */

						/* Hack -- Complete the prompt (again) */
						Term_addstr(-1, TERM_WHITE, format(" [r,%s]", info));

						/* Command */
						query = inkey_ex();

						/* Load screen */

					/* Normal */

						/* Basic info */
						strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
							"%s%s%s", s1, s2, m_name);

						/* Describe the monster, unless a mimic */
						if (!(m_ptr->mimic_k_idx))
							char buf[80];

							look_mon_desc(buf, sizeof(buf), cave_m_idx[y][x]);

							/* Monster state, terrain suffix, options  */
							my_strcat(out_val, format(" (%s)%s [r,%s]",
								buf, terrain_suffix, info),

						/* Mimics */
							/* Terrain suffix, options */
								format("%s [I,%s]", terrain_suffix,
								info), sizeof(out_val));

						/* Wizards want coordinates */
						if (p_ptr->wizard)
							my_strcat(out_val, format(" (%d:%d)", y, x),

						prt(out_val, 0, 0);

						/* Place cursor */
						move_cursor_relative(y, x);

						/* Command */
						query = inkey_ex();


					/* Handle fake object recall */
					if (m_ptr->mimic_k_idx)
						object_type body;
						object_type *o_ptr = &body;

						/* Validate input first */
						if (query.key != 'I') break;

						/* Paranoia */

						/* Prepare */
						object_prep(o_ptr, m_ptr->mimic_k_idx);

						/* Fake history */
						object_history(o_ptr, ORIGIN_FLOOR, 0);

						/* Clear prompt. Place cursor */
						prt("", 0, 0);

						/* Show the fake info - EXPERIMENTAL */
					/* Regular monsters */
						/* Normal commands */
						if (query.key != 'r') break;

						/* Toggle recall */
						recall = !recall;

				/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space", or floor */
				if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r') &&
					(query.key != ' ') && (query.key != 'f')) break;

				/* continue with 'f' only if there are floor items....*/
				if ((query.key == 'f') && (!cave_o_idx[y][x])) break;

				/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
				if ((query.key == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

				/* Change the intro */
				s1 = "It is ";

				/* Hack -- take account of gender */
				if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_FEMALE)) s1 = "She is ";
				else if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_MALE)) s1 = "He is ";

				/* Use a preposition */
				s2 = "carrying ";

				/* Scan all objects being carried */
				for (this_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
					char o_name[80];

					object_type *o_ptr;

					/* Get the object */
					o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

					/* Get the next object */
					next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

					/*Don't let the player see certain objects (used for vault treasure)*/
					if ((o_ptr->ident & (IDENT_HIDE_CARRY)) && (!p_ptr->wizard) &&
						(!cheat_peek))	 continue;

					/* Obtain an object description */
					object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

					/* Describe the object */
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%s%s [%s]", s1, s2, o_name, info);

					/* Wizards want coordinates */
					if (p_ptr->wizard)
						my_strcat(out_val, format(" (%d:%d)", y, x), sizeof(out_val));

					prt(out_val, 0, 0);
					move_cursor_relative(y, x);
					query = inkey_ex();

					/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
					if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r') && (query.key != ' ')) break;

					/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
					if ((query.key == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

					/* Change the intro */
					s2 = "also carrying ";

				/* Double break */
				if (this_o_idx) break;

				/* Use a preposition */
				s2 = "on ";

		/* Assume not floored */
		floored = FALSE;

		/* Scan all objects in the grid */
		if (TRUE)
			int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
			int floor_num;


			/* Scan for floor objects */
			floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, MAX_FLOOR_STACK, y, x, 0x02);

			/* Actual pile */
			if (floor_num > 1)
				/* Floored */
				floored = TRUE;

				/* Describe */
				while (1)
					/* Basic info */
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%sa pile of %d objects%s [r,%s]", s1, s2,
						floor_num, terrain_suffix, info);

					/* Wizards want coordinates */
					if (p_ptr->wizard)
						my_strcat(out_val, format(" (%d:%d)", y, x), sizeof(out_val));

					prt(out_val, 0, 0);

					if (list_floor_objects)
						/* Save screen */

						/* Display */
						show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, (OLIST_WEIGHT | OLIST_GOLD));
					move_cursor_relative(y, x);
					query = inkey_ex();

					if (list_floor_objects)

					/* Display objects */
					if (query.key == 'r')
						int pos;

						pos = query.key - 'a';
						if (0 <= pos && pos < floor_num)

					/* Done */

				/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
				if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r') && (query.key != ' ')) break;

				/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
				if ((query.key == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

				/* Change the intro */
				s1 = "It is ";

				/* Preposition */
				s2 = "on ";

		/* Scan all objects in the grid */
		for (this_o_idx = cave_o_idx[y][x]; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
			object_type *o_ptr;

			/* Get the object */
			o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx];

			/* Get the next object */
			next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

			/* Skip objects if floored */
			if (floored) continue;

			/* Describe it */
			if (o_ptr->marked)
				char o_name[80];

				/* Obtain an object description */
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

				/* Basic info */
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "%s%s%s%s [I,%s]",
					s1, s2, o_name, terrain_suffix, info);

				/* Wizards want coordinates */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					my_strcat(out_val, format(" (%d:%d)", y, x),

				/* Show object. Handle object recall */
				while (TRUE)
					/* Print the prompt */
					prt(out_val, 0, 0);

					/* Move cursor to that location */
					move_cursor_relative(y, x);

					/* Read input key */
					query = inkey_ex();

					/* No object recall */
					if (query.key != 'I') break;

					/* Object recall. Clear the first line */
					prt("", 0, 0);

					/* Do it */

				/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
				if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r') && (query.key != ' ')) break;

				/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
				if ((query.key == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

				/* Change the intro */
				s1 = "It is ";

				/* Plurals */
				if (o_ptr->number != 1) s1 = "They are ";

				/* Preposition */
				s2 = "on ";

		/* Double break */
		if (this_o_idx) break;

		/* Display terrain */
		if (TRUE)
			u16b temp_feat;
			bool enable_recall;
			bool show_recall = FALSE;
			char temp_name[80];

			 * Display terrain and effects
			for (i = 0; i <= size_x_seen; i++)
				/* Hack - This is the mark for the feature stored in cave_feat */
				if (i == size_x_seen)
				       	temp_feat = feat;

					/* Just copy the feature name */
					my_strcpy(temp_name, feat_name, sizeof(temp_name));
				/* Any other value is an effect stored x_list */
					temp_feat = x_seen[i];

					/* Get the effect's name */
					feature_desc(temp_name, sizeof(temp_name), temp_feat, TRUE, TRUE);

				/* Don't display feature recall if the grid is unknown */
				enable_recall = (temp_feat != FEAT_NONE);

				/* Handle recall */
				while (TRUE)

					/* Handle recall mode */
					if (show_recall && enable_recall)
						/* Save screen */

						/* Recall feature on screen */

					/* Display a message */
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%s%s [%s%s]%s", s1, s2, temp_name,
						(enable_recall ? "r,": ""), info,
						(i < size_x_seen) ? " (more)": "");

					/* Wizards want coordinates */
					if (p_ptr->wizard)
						my_strcat(out_val, format(" (%d:%d)", y, x), sizeof(out_val));

					/*Track this feature*/

					/* Hack -- handle stuff */

					prt(out_val, 0, 0);
					move_cursor_relative(y, x);
					query = inkey_ex();

					/* Load screen if necessary */
					if (show_recall && enable_recall)

					/* Stop on everything but the recall command, if enabled */
					if (!enable_recall || (query.key != 'r')) break;

					/* Toggle recall */
					show_recall = !show_recall;

				/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
				if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r') && (query.key != ' ')) break;

		/* Hack -- handle stuff */

		/* Stop on everything but "return" */
		if ((query.key != '\n') && (query.key != '\r')) break;

	/* Keep going */
	return (query);
Beispiel #4
 * Drop (some of) a non-cursed inventory/equipment item "near" the current
 * location
 * There are two cases here - a single object or entire stack is being dropped,
 * or part of a stack is being split off and dropped
void inven_drop(struct object *obj, int amt)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;
	struct object *dropped;
	bool none_left = false;
	bool quiver = false;

	char name[80];
	char label;

	/* Error check */
	if (amt <= 0)

	/* Check it is still held, in case there were two drop commands queued
	 * for this item.  This is in theory not ideal, but in practice should
	 * be safe. */
	if (!object_is_carried(player, obj))

	/* Get where the object is now */
	label = gear_to_label(obj);

	/* Is it in the quiver? */
	if (object_is_in_quiver(player, obj))
		quiver = true;

	/* Not too many */
	if (amt > obj->number) amt = obj->number;

	/* Take off equipment, don't combine */
	if (object_is_equipped(player->body, obj))

	/* Get the object */
	dropped = gear_object_for_use(obj, amt, false, &none_left);

	/* Describe the dropped object */
	object_desc(name, sizeof(name), dropped, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	/* Message */
	msg("You drop %s (%c).", name, label);

	/* Describe what's left */
	if (dropped->artifact) {
		object_desc(name, sizeof(name), dropped,
		msg("You no longer have the %s (%c).", name, label);
	} else if (none_left) {
		/* Play silly games to get the right description */
		int number = dropped->number;
		dropped->number = 0;
		object_desc(name, sizeof(name), dropped, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);
		msg("You have %s (%c).", name, label);
		dropped->number = number;
	} else {
		object_desc(name, sizeof(name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);
		msg("You have %s (%c).", name, label);

	/* Drop it near the player */
	drop_near(cave, &dropped, 0, py, px, false);

	/* Sound for quiver objects */
	if (quiver)

 * Destroy the scheduler subsystem. All waitable threads at signaled to terminate.
 * this function blocks untill all waitable threads have terminated.
DWORD scheduler_destroy(VOID)
	DWORD index = 0;
	DWORD count = 0;
	LIST * jlist = list_create();
	THREAD * thread = NULL;
	WaitableEntry * entry = NULL;

	dprintf("[SCHEDULER] entering scheduler_destroy.");

	if (schedulerThreadList == NULL)


	count = list_count(schedulerThreadList);

	for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
		thread = (THREAD *)list_get(schedulerThreadList, index);
		if (thread == NULL)

		list_push(jlist, thread);

		entry = (WaitableEntry *)thread->parameter1;

		if (!entry->running)



	dprintf("[SCHEDULER] scheduler_destroy, joining all waitable threads...");

	while (TRUE)
		dprintf("[SCHEDULER] scheduler_destroy, popping off another item from thread list...");

		thread = (THREAD *)list_pop(jlist);
		if (thread == NULL)

		dprintf("[SCHEDULER] scheduler_destroy, joining thread 0x%08X...", thread);


	dprintf("[SCHEDULER] scheduler_destroy, destroying lists...");



	schedulerThreadList = NULL;

	dprintf("[SCHEDULER] leaving scheduler_destroy.");

	return result;
 * Save a simple text screendump.
static void do_cmd_save_screen_text(void)
	int y, x;
	int a = 0;
	wchar_t c = L' ';
	ang_file *fff;
	char buf[1024];
	char *p;

	/* Build the filename */
	path_build(buf, 1024, ANGBAND_DIR_USER, "dump.txt");
	fff = file_open(buf, MODE_WRITE, FTYPE_TEXT);
	if (!fff) return;

	/* Save screen */

	/* Dump the screen */
	for (y = 0; y < 24; y++) {
		p = buf;
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 79; x++) {
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			p += wctomb(p, c);

		/* Terminate */
		*p = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		file_putf(fff, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip a line */
	file_putf(fff, "\n");

	/* Dump the screen */
	for (y = 0; y < 24; y++) {
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 79; x++) {
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			buf[x] = hack[a & 0x0F];

		/* Terminate */
		buf[x] = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		file_putf(fff, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip a line */
	file_putf(fff, "\n");

	/* Close it */

	/* Message */
	msg("Screen dump saved.");

	/* Load screen */
Beispiel #7
static void fastboot_notify(struct udc_gadget *gadget, unsigned event)
	if (event == UDC_EVENT_ONLINE) {
		event_signal(&usb_online, 0);
Beispiel #8
 * The main game loop.
 * This function will run until the player needs to enter a command, or closes
 * the game, or the character dies.
void run_game_loop(void)
	/* Tidy up after the player's command */

	/* Keep processing the player until they use some energy or
	 * another command is needed */
	while (player->upkeep->playing) {
		if (player->upkeep->energy_use)

	/* The player may still have enough energy to move, so we run another
	 * player turn before processing the rest of the world */
	while (player->energy >= z_info->move_energy) {
		/* Do any necessary animations */
		/* Process monster with even more energy first */
		process_monsters(cave, player->energy + 1);
		if (player->is_dead || !player->upkeep->playing ||

		/* Process the player until they use some energy */
		while (player->upkeep->playing) {
			if (player->upkeep->energy_use)

	/* Now that the player's turn is fully complete, we run the main loop 
	 * until player input is needed again */
	while (true) {

		/* Process the rest of the world, give the player energy and 
		 * increment the turn counter unless we need to stop playing or
		 * generate a new level */
		if (player->is_dead || !player->upkeep->playing)
		else if (!player->upkeep->generate_level) {
			/* Process the rest of the monsters */
			process_monsters(cave, 0);

			/* Mark all monsters as ready to act when they have the energy */

			/* Refresh */
			if (player->is_dead || !player->upkeep->playing)

			/* Process the world every ten turns */
			if (!(turn % 10) && !player->upkeep->generate_level) {

				/* Refresh */
				if (player->is_dead || !player->upkeep->playing)

			/* Give the player some energy */
			player->energy += turn_energy(player->state.speed);

			/* Count game turns */

		/* Make a new level if requested */
		if (player->upkeep->generate_level) {
			if (character_dungeon)

			cave_generate(&cave, player);

			player->upkeep->generate_level = false;

		/* If the player has enough energy to move they now do so, after
		 * any monsters with more energy take their turns */
		while (player->energy >= z_info->move_energy) {
			/* Do any necessary animations */

			/* Process monster with even more energy first */
			process_monsters(cave, player->energy + 1);
			if (player->is_dead || !player->upkeep->playing ||

			/* Process the player until they use some energy */
			while (player->upkeep->playing) {
				if (player->upkeep->energy_use)
Beispiel #9
void display_server_unpause(void) {
	event_signal(&e_continue, true);
Beispiel #10
void test_event_loop_enter()
  scheduler_t* scheduler;
  scheduler = scheduler_init(testdb, NULL);

  event_loop_t* vl = event_loop_get();
  int retval = 0;

  call_num = 0;
  samp_num = 0;
  event_signal(NULL, NULL);
  event_signal(terminate_event, NULL);

  retval = event_loop_enter(scheduler, sample_callback, NULL);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(retval, 0x0);

  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(terminate_event, NULL);

  retval = event_loop_enter(scheduler, sample_callback, NULL);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(retval, 0x0);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(samp_num, 1);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(call_num, 3);

  vl->occupied = 0;
  vl->terminated = 0;
  event_signal(terminate_event, NULL);

  retval = event_loop_enter(scheduler, sample_callback, NULL);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(retval, 0x0);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(samp_num, 1);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(call_num, 4);

  vl->occupied = 0;
  vl->terminated = 0;
  samp_num = 0;
  call_num = 0;

  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(other_event, NULL);
  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(other_event, NULL);
  event_signal(terminate_event, NULL);

  retval = event_loop_enter(scheduler, sample_callback, NULL);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(retval, 0x0);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(samp_num, 2);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(call_num, 7);

  vl->occupied = 0;
  vl->terminated = 1;
  samp_num = 0;
  call_num = 0;

  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(other_event, NULL);
  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(sample_event, NULL);
  event_signal(other_event, NULL);
  event_signal(terminate_event, NULL);

  retval = event_loop_enter(scheduler, sample_callback, NULL);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(retval, 0x0);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(samp_num, 2);
  FO_ASSERT_EQUAL(call_num, 7);

Beispiel #11
 * Process player commands from the command queue, finishing when there is a
 * command using energy (any regular game command), or we run out of commands
 * and need another from the user, or the character changes level or dies, or
 * the game is stopped.
 * Notice the annoying code to handle "pack overflow", which
 * must come first just in case somebody manages to corrupt
 * the savefiles by clever use of menu commands or something. (Can go? NRM)
 * Notice the annoying code to handle "monster memory" changes,
 * which allows us to avoid having to update the window flags
 * every time we change any internal monster memory field, and
 * also reduces the number of times that the recall window must
 * be redrawn.
void process_player(void)
	/* Check for interrupts */

	/* Repeat until energy is reduced */
	do {
		/* Refresh */

		/* Hack -- Pack Overflow */

		/* Assume free turn */
		player->upkeep->energy_use = 0;

		/* Dwarves detect treasure */
		if (player_has(player, PF_SEE_ORE)) {
			/* Only if they are in good shape */
			if (!player->timed[TMD_IMAGE] &&
				!player->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] &&
				!player->timed[TMD_AMNESIA] &&
				!player->timed[TMD_STUN] &&
				!player->timed[TMD_PARALYZED] &&
				!player->timed[TMD_TERROR] &&
				effect_simple(EF_DETECT_GOLD, "3d3", 1, 0, 0, NULL);

		/* Paralyzed or Knocked Out player gets no turn */
		if ((player->timed[TMD_PARALYZED]) || (player->timed[TMD_STUN] >= 100))

		/* Prepare for the next command */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() > 0)
		else {
			/* Check monster recall */
			if (player->upkeep->monster_race)
				player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_MONSTER);

			/* Place cursor on player/target */

		/* Get a command from the queue if there is one */
		if (!cmdq_pop(CMD_GAME))

		if (!player->upkeep->playing)

	} while (!player->upkeep->energy_use &&
			 !player->is_dead &&

	/* Notice stuff (if needed) */
Beispiel #12
static void colors_browse_hook(int oid, void *db, const region *loc)
Beispiel #13
 * Pick up objects and treasure on the floor.  -LM-
 * Scan the list of objects in that floor grid. Pick up gold automatically.
 * Pick up objects automatically until backpack space is full if
 * auto-pickup option is on, otherwise, store objects on
 * floor in an array, and tally both how many there are and can be picked up.
 * If not picking up anything, indicate objects on the floor.  Do the same
 * thing if we don't have room for anything.
 * Pick up multiple objects using Tim Baker's menu system.   Recursively
 * call this function (forcing menus for any number of objects) until
 * objects are gone, backpack is full, or player is satisfied.
 * We keep track of number of objects picked up to calculate time spent.
 * This tally is incremented even for automatic pickup, so we are careful
 * (in "dungeon.c" and elsewhere) to handle pickup as either a separate
 * automated move or a no-cost part of the stay still or 'g'et command.
 * Note the lack of chance for the character to be disturbed by unmarked
 * objects.  They are truly "unknown".
 * \param obj is the object to pick up.
 * \param menu is whether to present a menu to the player
static byte player_pickup_item(struct object *obj, bool menu)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;

	struct object *current = NULL;

	int floor_max = z_info->floor_size + 1;
	struct object **floor_list = mem_zalloc(floor_max * sizeof(*floor_list));
	int floor_num = 0;

	int i;
	int can_pickup = 0;
	bool call_function_again = FALSE;

	bool domsg = TRUE;

	/* Objects picked up.  Used to determine time cost of command. */
	byte objs_picked_up = 0;

	/* Always pickup gold, effortlessly */

	/* Nothing else to pick up -- return */
	if (!square_object(cave, py, px)) {
		return objs_picked_up;

	/* Tally objects that can be picked up.*/
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, floor_max, py, px, 0x08, NULL);
	for (i = 0; i < floor_num; i++)
	    if (inven_carry_okay(floor_list[i]))
	if (!can_pickup) {
	    /* Can't pick up, but probably want to know what's there. */
	    return objs_picked_up;

	/* Use the item that we are given, if it is on the floor. */
	if (square_holds_object(cave, py, px, obj))
		current = obj;

	/* Use a menu interface for multiple objects, or pickup single objects */
	if (!menu && !current) {
		if (floor_num > 1)
			menu = TRUE;
			current = floor_list[0];

	/* Display a list if requested. */
	if (menu && !current) {
		const char *q, *s;
		struct object *obj1;

		/* Get an object or exit. */
		q = "Get which item?";
		s = "You see nothing there.";
		if (!get_item(&obj1, q, s, CMD_PICKUP, inven_carry_okay, USE_FLOOR)) {
			return (objs_picked_up);

		current = obj1;
		call_function_again = TRUE;

		/* With a list, we do not need explicit pickup messages */
		domsg = FALSE;

	/* Pick up object, if legal */
	if (current) {
		/* Pick up the object */
		player_pickup_aux(current, domsg);

		/* Indicate an object picked up. */
		objs_picked_up = 1;

	 * If requested, call this function recursively.  Count objects picked
	 * up.  Force the display of a menu in all cases.
	if (call_function_again)
		objs_picked_up += player_pickup_item(NULL, TRUE);


	/* Indicate how many objects have been picked up. */
	return (objs_picked_up);
Beispiel #14
status_t accelerometer_request_data(void)
	status_t result = event_signal(&accelerometer_event, true);
	return result;
Beispiel #15
 * @brief Update function called after every event
 * The heart of the scheduler, the actual scheduling algorithm. This will be
 * passed to the event loop as a call back and will be called every time an event
 * is executed. Therefore the code should be light weight since it will be run
 * very frequently.
 * @TODO:
 *   currently this will only grab a job and create a single agent to execute
 *   the job.
 *   @TODO: allow for runonpfile jobs to have multiple agents based on size
 *   @TODO: allow for job preemption. The scheduler can pause jobs, allow it
 *   @TODO: allow for specific hosts to be chosen.
void scheduler_update(scheduler_t* scheduler)
  /* queue used to hold jobs if an exclusive job enters the system */
  static job_t*  job  = NULL;
  static host_t* host = NULL;
  static int lockout = 0;

  /* locals */
  int n_agents = g_tree_nnodes(scheduler->agents);
  int n_jobs   = active_jobs(scheduler->job_list);

  /* check to see if we are in and can exit the startup state */
  if(scheduler->s_startup && n_agents == 0)
    event_signal(database_update_event, NULL);
    scheduler->s_startup = 0;

  /* check if we are able to close the scheduler */
  if(closing && n_agents == 0 && n_jobs == 0)

  if(lockout && n_agents == 0 && n_jobs == 0)
    lockout = 0;

  if(job == NULL && !lockout)
    while((job = peek_job(scheduler->job_queue)) != NULL)
      // check if the agent is required to run on local host
          g_tree_lookup(scheduler->meta_agents, job->agent_type), SAG_LOCAL))
        host = g_tree_lookup(scheduler->host_list, LOCAL_HOST);
        if(!(host->running < host->max))
          job = NULL;
      // check if the job is required to run on a specific machine
      else if((job->required_host != NULL))
        host = g_tree_lookup(scheduler->host_list, job->required_host);
        if(host != NULL)
          if(!(host->running < host->max))
          job = NULL;
       } else {
         //log_printf("ERROR %s.%d: jq_pk %d jq_host '%s' not in the agent list!\n",
         //  __FILE__, __LINE__, job->id, job->required_host);
         job->message = "ERROR: jq_host not in the agent list!";
         job_fail_event(scheduler, job);
         job = NULL;
      // the generic case, this can run anywhere, find a place
      else if((host = get_host(&(scheduler->host_queue), 1)) == NULL)
        job = NULL;

          g_tree_lookup(scheduler->meta_agents, job->agent_type), SAG_EXCLUSIVE))
        V_SCHED("JOB_INIT: exclusive, postponing initialization\n");

      V_SCHED("Starting JOB[%d].%s\n", job->id, job->agent_type);
      agent_init(scheduler, host, job);
      job = NULL;

  if(job != NULL && n_agents == 0 && n_jobs == 0)
    agent_init(scheduler, host, job);
    lockout = 1;
    job  = NULL;
    host = NULL;

    scheduler->s_startup = 1;
    scheduler->s_pause = 0;
 * Attempt to open the given chest at the given location
 * Assume there is no monster blocking the destination
 * Returns TRUE if repeated commands may continue
bool do_cmd_open_chest(int y, int x, struct object *obj)
	int i, j;

	bool flag = TRUE;

	bool more = FALSE;

	/* Attempt to unlock it */
	if (obj->pval > 0) {
		/* Assume locked, and thus not open */
		flag = FALSE;

		/* Get the "disarm" factor */
		i = player->state.skills[SKILL_DISARM];

		/* Penalize some conditions */
		if (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] || no_light()) i = i / 10;
		if (player->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] || player->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) i = i / 10;

		/* Extract the difficulty */
		j = i - obj->pval;

		/* Always have a small chance of success */
		if (j < 2) j = 2;

		/* Success -- May still have traps */
		if (randint0(100) < j) {
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK, "You have picked the lock.");
			player_exp_gain(player, 1);
			flag = TRUE;
		} else {
			/* We may continue repeating */
			more = TRUE;
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK_FAIL, "You failed to pick the lock.");

	/* Allowed to open */
	if (flag) {
		/* Apply chest traps, if any */
		chest_trap(y, x, obj);

		/* Let the Chest drop items */
		chest_death(y, x, obj);

		/* Ignore chest if autoignore calls for it */
		player->upkeep->notice |= PN_IGNORE;

	/* Empty chests were always ignored in ignore_item_okay so we
	 * might as well ignore it here
	if (obj->pval == 0)
		obj->ignore = TRUE;

	/* Redraw chest, to be on the safe side (it may have been ignored) */
	square_light_spot(cave, y, x);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
 * Hack -- load a screen dump from a file
 * ToDo: Add support for loading/saving screen-dumps with graphics
 * and pseudo-graphics.  Allow the player to specify the filename
 * of the dump.
void do_cmd_load_screen(void)
	int i, y, x;
	int a = 0;
	wchar_t c = L' ';
	bool okay = TRUE;
	ang_file *fp;
	char buf[1024];

	/* Build the filename */
	path_build(buf, 1024, ANGBAND_DIR_USER, "dump.txt");
	fp = file_open(buf, MODE_READ, FTYPE_TEXT);
	if (!fp) return;

	/* Save screen */

	/* Clear the screen */

	/* Load the screen */
	for (y = 0; okay && (y < 24); y++) {
		/* Get a line of data */
		if (!file_getl(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) okay = FALSE;

		/* Show each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 79; x++) {
			text_mbstowcs(&c, &buf[x], 1);
			/* Put the attr/char */
			Term_draw(x, y, COLOUR_WHITE, c);

	/* Get the blank line */
	if (!file_getl(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) okay = FALSE;

	/* Dump the screen */
	for (y = 0; okay && (y < 24); y++) {
		/* Get a line of data */
		if (!file_getl(fp, buf, sizeof(buf))) okay = FALSE;

		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 79; x++) {
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Look up the attr */
			for (i = 0; i < BASIC_COLORS; i++)
				/* Use attr matches */
				if (hack[i] == buf[x]) a = i;

			/* Put the attr/char */
			Term_draw(x, y, a, c);

	/* Close it */

	/* Message */
	msg("Screen dump loaded.");

	/* Load screen */
int write_storage_proc(void *arg)
	u8* data = 0;
	u32 data_len = 0;
	char msg[128];
	u64 image_offset = 0;
    u32 round = 0;

	//dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "   --[%d] Enter write_storage_proc \n", TIME_STAMP);
	for (;;)
		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "   --[%d]Wait ID:%d  cache to read, \n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxR);
		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "   --[%d]Obtain ID:%d  cache to read, \n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxR);
			sprintf(msg, "\nError USB?\n");
			goto error;
		//if has something to write
		if(ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].content_length !=0  || ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].padding_length !=0)
			data = (u8*)(ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].cache_buf);
			data_len = ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].content_length;

			if(!security_check(&data, &data_len, image_offset, NULL))
				//security error.
				sprintf(msg, "\nSecurity deny - Err:0x%x \n", sec_error());
				goto error;
			image_offset += ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].content_length;

			data -=  ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].padding_length;
			data_len += ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].padding_length;
			//if data_len==0, secure img tail met.

			dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "   --[%d]Write ID:%d  to EMMC \n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxR);
        #ifdef MTK_SECURITY_SW_SUPPORT    			
			if(!write_data(data, data_len, sec_lib_security_get_img_total_size()))
            if(!write_data(data, data_len, 0))
				sprintf(msg, "\nWrite data error. \n");
				goto error;

		//last package, should return;
		if (ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].content_length == 0)
			dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "  --[%d]Write EMMC Fin\n", TIME_STAMP);

			data_len = 0;
            security_check(&data, &data_len, image_offset, NULL); //notify security check that is the end.

				//boot image need download_size to flash.
				download_size = sto_info.to_write_data_len;
				//cache using is over, so copy boot image to download_base
				memcpy(download_base, ctx.boot_like_info.boot_like_image_address, download_size);

			event_signal(&ctx.dual_cache[0].cache_available, SIGNAL_RESCHEDULE);//prevent from dead lock.
			event_signal(&ctx.dual_cache[1].cache_available, SIGNAL_RESCHEDULE);
			event_signal(&ctx.thr_end_ev, SIGNAL_RESCHEDULE);
			return 0;

		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "   --[%d]Notify ID:%d cache writeable\n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxR);
		event_signal(&ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxR].cache_available, SIGNAL_RESCHEDULE); //make this cache writeable again.

		ctx.flipIdxR = cache_shift(ctx.flipIdxR); //change next buffer.
	return 0;
	dprintf(DBG_LV, msg);
	return (-1);
Beispiel #19
 * Hack -- change name
void do_cmd_change_name(void)
	ui_event ke;
	int mode = 0;

	const char *p;

	bool more = true;

	/* Prompt */
	p = "['c' to change name, 'f' to file, 'h' to change mode, or ESC]";

	/* Save screen */

	/* Forever */
	while (more) {
		/* Display the player */

		/* Prompt */
		Term_putstr(2, 23, -1, COLOUR_WHITE, p);

		/* Query */
		ke = inkey_ex();

		if ((ke.type == EVT_KBRD)||(ke.type == EVT_BUTTON)) {
			switch (ke.key.code) {
				case ESCAPE: more = false; break;
				case 'c': {
						msg("You are not allowed to change your name!");
					else {
					char namebuf[32] = "";

					/* Set player name */
					if (get_character_name(namebuf, sizeof namebuf))
						my_strcpy(player->full_name, namebuf,


				case 'f': {
					char buf[1024];
					char fname[80];

					/* Get the filesystem-safe name and append .txt */
					player_safe_name(fname, sizeof(fname), player->full_name, false);
					my_strcat(fname, ".txt", sizeof(fname));

					if (get_file(fname, buf, sizeof buf)) {
						if (dump_save(buf))
							msg("Character dump successful.");
							msg("Character dump failed!");
				case 'h':
				case ARROW_LEFT:
				case ' ':
					mode = (mode + 1) % INFO_SCREENS;

				case 'l':
				case ARROW_RIGHT:
					mode = (mode - 1) % INFO_SCREENS;
		} else if (ke.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
			if (ke.mouse.button == 1) {
				/* Flip through the screens */			
				mode = (mode + 1) % INFO_SCREENS;
			} else if (ke.mouse.button == 2) {
				/* exit the screen */
				more = false;
			} else {
				/* Flip backwards through the screens */			
				mode = (mode - 1) % INFO_SCREENS;

		/* Flush messages */

	/* Load screen */
BOOL read_usb_proc(void *arg)
	char msg[128];
	u32 bytes_already_read = 0;
	u32 data_length = *((u32*)arg);
	u32 bytes_read = 0;
	int bytes_read_once = 0;
	u32 bytes_left = 0;

	dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "++[%d]Enter read_usb_proc\n", TIME_STAMP);

	while (bytes_already_read  < data_length)
		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "++[%d]Wait ID:%d  cache to write\n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxW);
		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "++[%d]Obtain ID:%d  cache to write, \n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxW);
			sprintf(msg, "\nError Write?\n");
			goto error;

		bytes_read = 0;
		bytes_left = data_length - bytes_already_read;
		bytes_left = bytes_left >= CACHE_PAGE_SIZE ? CACHE_PAGE_SIZE : bytes_left;

		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "++[%d]READ USB to ID:%d\n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxW);
		while(bytes_left > 0)
			bytes_read_once = usb_read(ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxW].cache_buf + bytes_read,  bytes_left);

			if (bytes_read_once < 0)
				dprintf(DBG_LV, "Read USB error.\n");
				display_info("\nRead USB error\n");
				fastboot_state = STATE_ERROR;
				return FALSE;
			bytes_left -= bytes_read_once;
			bytes_read += bytes_read_once;

		ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxW].content_length = bytes_read;
		bytes_already_read += bytes_read;

		dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "++[%d]Notify ID:%d cache readable\n", TIME_STAMP, ctx.flipIdxW);
		event_signal(&ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxW].content_available, SIGNAL_RESCHEDULE);

		ctx.flipIdxW = cache_shift(ctx.flipIdxW); //change next buffer.

		display_progress("\rTransfer Data", bytes_already_read, data_length);

	if(bytes_already_read  != data_length)
		dprintf(DBG_LV, "ASSERT error.  bytes_already_read  != data_length\n");
		//cause assert.
		*((int*)0x00) = 0;

	dprintf(DBG_DCACHE, "++[%d]USB read Fin\n", TIME_STAMP);
	//last package.
         //must wait for this can write again.
	ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxW].content_length = 0;
	event_signal(&ctx.dual_cache[ctx.flipIdxW].content_available, SIGNAL_RESCHEDULE);

	return TRUE;
	dprintf(DBG_LV, msg);
	return FALSE;
Beispiel #21
static void req_complete(struct udc_request *req, unsigned actual, int status)
	txn_status = status;
	req->length = actual;
	event_signal(&txn_done, 0);
Beispiel #22
 * Pick up objects and treasure on the floor.  -LM-
 * Called with pickup:
 * 0 to act according to the player's settings
 * 1 to quickly pickup single objects or present a menu for more
 * 2 to force a menu for any number of objects
 * Scan the list of objects in that floor grid. Pick up gold automatically.
 * Pick up objects automatically until backpack space is full if
 * auto-pickup option is on, Otherwise, store objects on
 * floor in an array, and tally both how many there are and can be picked up.
 * If not picking up anything, indicate objects on the floor.  Show more
 * details if the "OPT(pickup_detail)" option is set.  Do the same thing if we
 * don't have room for anything.
 * [This paragraph is not true, intentional?]
 * If we are picking up objects automatically, and have room for at least
 * one, allow the "OPT(pickup_detail)" option to display information about objects
 * and prompt the player.  Otherwise, automatically pick up a single object
 * or use a menu for more than one.
 * Pick up multiple objects using Tim Baker's menu system.   Recursively
 * call this function (forcing menus for any number of objects) until
 * objects are gone, backpack is full, or player is satisfied.
 * We keep track of number of objects picked up to calculate time spent.
 * This tally is incremented even for automatic pickup, so we are careful
 * (in "dungeon.c" and elsewhere) to handle pickup as either a separate
 * automated move or a no-cost part of the stay still or 'g'et command.
 * Note the lack of chance for the character to be disturbed by unmarked
 * objects.  They are truly "unknown".
byte py_pickup(int pickup)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	s16b this_o_idx = 0;

	size_t floor_num = 0;
	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK + 1];

	size_t i;
	int can_pickup = 0;
	bool call_function_again = FALSE;

	bool domsg = TRUE;

	/* Objects picked up.  Used to determine time cost of command. */
	byte objs_picked_up = 0;

	/* Nothing else to pick up -- return */
	if (!cave->o_idx[py][px]) return objs_picked_up;

	/* Tally objects that can be picked up.*/
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), py, px, 0x03);
	for (i = 0; i < floor_num; i++)
	    can_pickup += inven_carry_okay(object_byid(floor_list[i]));
	if (!can_pickup)
	    /* Can't pick up, but probably want to know what's there. */
	    return objs_picked_up;

	/* Use a menu interface for multiple objects, or pickup single objects */
	if (pickup == 1)
		if (floor_num > 1)
			pickup = 2;
			this_o_idx = floor_list[0];

	/* Display a list if requested. */
	if (pickup == 2)
		const char *q, *s;
		int item;

		/* Restrict the choices */
		item_tester_hook = inven_carry_okay;

		/* Get an object or exit. */
		q = "Get which item?";
		s = "You see nothing there.";
		if (!get_item(&item, q, s, CMD_PICKUP, USE_FLOOR))
			return (objs_picked_up);

		this_o_idx = 0 - item;
		call_function_again = TRUE;

		/* With a list, we do not need explicit pickup messages */
		domsg = FALSE;

	/* Pick up object, if legal */
	if (this_o_idx)
		/* Pick up the object */
		py_pickup_aux(this_o_idx, domsg);

		/* Indicate an object picked up. */
		objs_picked_up = 1;

	 * If requested, call this function recursively.  Count objects picked
	 * up.  Force the display of a menu in all cases.
	if (call_function_again) objs_picked_up += py_pickup(2);

	/* Indicate how many objects have been picked up. */
	return (objs_picked_up);
 * Signal a waitable object.
DWORD scheduler_signal_waitable( HANDLE waitable, SchedularSignal signal )
	DWORD index           = 0;
	DWORD count           = 0;
	THREAD * thread       = NULL;
	WaitableEntry * entry = NULL;
	DWORD result          = ERROR_NOT_FOUND;

	dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] entering scheduler_signal_waitable( 0x%08X )", waitable );

	if( schedulerThreadList == NULL || !waitable )

	lock_acquire( schedulerThreadList->lock );

	count = list_count( schedulerThreadList );

	for( index=0 ; index < count ; index++ )
		thread = (THREAD *)list_get( schedulerThreadList, index );
		if( thread == NULL )

		entry = (WaitableEntry *)thread->parameter1;
		if( entry == NULL )

		if( entry->waitable == waitable )
			dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] scheduler_signal_waitable: signaling waitable = 0x%08X, thread = 0x%08X", waitable, thread );
			if( signal == Pause )
				if( entry->running ) {
					dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] scheduler_signal_waitable: thread running, pausing. waitable = 0x%08X, thread = 0x%08X, handle = 0x%X", waitable, thread, entry->pause->handle );
					event_signal( entry->pause );
				} else {
					dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] scheduler_signal_waitable: thread already paused. waitable = 0x%08X, thread = 0x%08X", waitable, thread );
				if( !entry->running ) {
					dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] scheduler_signal_waitable: thread paused, resuming. waitable = 0x%08X, thread = 0x%08X, handle = 0x%X", waitable, thread, entry->resume->handle );
					event_signal( entry->resume );

				if( signal == Stop ) {
					dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] scheduler_signal_waitable: stopping thread. waitable = 0x%08X, thread = 0x%08X, handle = 0x%X", waitable, thread, thread->sigterm->handle );
					thread_sigterm( thread );
				} else {
					dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] scheduler_signal_waitable: thread already running. waitable = 0x%08X, thread = 0x%08X", waitable, thread );

			result = ERROR_SUCCESS;

	lock_release( schedulerThreadList->lock );

	dprintf( "[SCHEDULER] leaving scheduler_signal_waitable" );

	return result;
Beispiel #24
 * Perform the basic "open" command on doors
 * Assume there is no monster blocking the destination
 * Returns true if repeated commands may continue
static bool do_cmd_open_aux(int y, int x)
	int i, j;
	bool more = false;

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!do_cmd_open_test(y, x)) return (false);

	/* Locked door */
	if (square_islockeddoor(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Disarm factor */
		i = player->state.skills[SKILL_DISARM_PHYS];

		/* Penalize some conditions */
		if (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] || no_light())
			i = i / 10;
		if (player->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] || player->timed[TMD_IMAGE])
			i = i / 10;

		/* Extract the lock power */
		j = square_door_power(cave, y, x);

		/* Extract the difficulty XXX XXX XXX */
		j = i - (j * 4);

		/* Always have a small chance of success */
		if (j < 2) j = 2;

		if (randint0(100) < j) {
			/* Message */
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK, "You have picked the lock.");

			/* Open the door */
			square_open_door(cave, y, x);

			/* Update the visuals */
			square_memorize(cave, y, x);
			square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

			/* Experience */
			/* Removed to avoid exploit by repeatedly locking and unlocking */
			/* player_exp_gain(player, 1); */
		} else {

			/* Message */
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK_FAIL, "You failed to pick the lock.");

			/* We may keep trying */
			more = true;
	} else {
		/* Closed door */
		square_open_door(cave, y, x);
		square_memorize(cave, y, x);
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
void uart_a0_putchar_buffered(char c) {
	ring_buffer_put(_uart_a0_tx_ringbuffer_id, &c);
Beispiel #26
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	int x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	int m_idx = cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	bool alterable = (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
					  square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x));

	/* Attack monsters, alter traps/doors on movement, hit obstacles or move */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(mon)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (disarm && square_isknown(cave, y, x) && alterable) {
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

	} else if (player->upkeep->running && square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Stop running before known traps */
		disturb(player, 0);
	} else if (!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles, mention known obstacles */
		if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x)) {
					 "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		} else {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x))
					 "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");
	} else {
		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(player->py, player->px, y, x);

		/* Handle store doors, or notice objects */
		if (square_isshop(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
		} else {
			square_know_pile(cave, y, x);

		/* Discover invisible traps, set off visible ones */
		if (square_issecrettrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);
		} else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Update view and search */
		update_view(cave, player);

	player->upkeep->running_firststep = false;
Beispiel #27
 * Handle "target" and "look".
 * Note that this code can be called from "get_aim_dir()".
 * Currently, when "flag" is true, that is, when
 * "interesting" grids are being used, and a directional key is used, we
 * only scroll by a single panel, in the direction requested, and check
 * for any interesting grids on that panel.  The "correct" solution would
 * actually involve scanning a larger set of grids, including ones in
 * panels which are adjacent to the one currently scanned, but this is
 * overkill for this function.  XXX XXX
 * Hack -- targetting/observing an "outer border grid" may induce
 * problems, so this is not currently allowed.
 * The player can use the direction keys to move among "interesting"
 * grids in a heuristic manner, or the "space", "+", and "-" keys to
 * move through the "interesting" grids in a sequential manner, or
 * can enter "location" mode, and use the direction keys to move one
 * grid at a time in any direction.  The "t" (set target) command will
 * only target a monster (as opposed to a location) if the monster is
 * target_able and the "interesting" mode is being used.
 * The current grid is described using the "look" method above, and
 * a new command may be entered at any time, but note that if the
 * "TARGET_LOOK" bit flag is set (or if we are in "location" mode,
 * where "space" has no obvious meaning) then "space" will scan
 * through the description of the current grid until done, instead
 * of immediately jumping to the next "interesting" grid.  This
 * allows the "target" command to retain its old semantics.
 * The "*", "+", and "-" keys may always be used to jump immediately
 * to the next (or previous) interesting grid, in the proper mode.
 * The "return" key may always be used to scan through a complete
 * grid description (forever).
 * This command will cancel any old target, even if used from
 * inside the "look" command.
 * 'mode' is one of TARGET_LOOK or TARGET_KILL.
 * 'x' and 'y' are the initial position of the target to be highlighted,
 * or -1 if no location is specified.
 * Returns TRUE if a target has been successfully set, FALSE otherwise.
bool target_set_interactive(int mode, int x, int y)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;

	int i, d, m, t, bd;
	int wid, hgt, help_prompt_loc;

	bool done = FALSE;
	bool flag = TRUE;
	bool help = FALSE;
	bool list_floor_objects = auto_display_lists;

	u16b path_n;
	u16b path_g[PATH_SIZE];
	u16b path_gx[PATH_SIZE];

	ui_event_data query;

	char info[80];

	/* These are used for displaying the path to the target */
	char path_char[MAX_RANGE];
	byte path_attr[MAX_RANGE];

	/* If we haven't been given an initial location, start on the
	   player. */
	if (x == -1 || y == -1)
		x = p_ptr->px;
		y = p_ptr->py;
    /* If we /have/ been given an initial location, make sure we
	   honour it by going into "free targeting" mode. */
		flag = FALSE;

	/* Cancel target */

	/* make some buttons */
	button_add("[ESCAPE]", ESCAPE);
	button_add("[NEXT]", '+');
	button_add("[PREV]", '-');
	button_add("[PLAYER]", 'p');
	button_add("[PATHFIND]", 'g');
	button_add("[TARGET]", 't');

	/* health_track(0); */

	  /* All grids are selectable */
	if (mode & (TARGET_GRID))
		/* Disable other modes */

		/* Disable interesting grids */
		flag = FALSE;

	/* Calculate the window location for the help prompt */
	Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
	help_prompt_loc = hgt - (mouse_buttons ? 2 : 1);

	/* Display the help prompt */
	prt("'?' - help", help_prompt_loc, 0);

	/* Prepare the "temp" array */

	/* Start near the player */
	m = 0;

	/* Interact */
	while (!done)
		if (list_floor_objects)
			button_add("[HIDE_OBJLIST]", 'l');
		else button_add("[SHOW_OBJLIST]", 'l');
		if (help)
			button_add("[HIDE_HELP]", '?');
		else button_add("[SHOW_HELP]",'?');

		/* Interesting grids */
		if (flag && temp_n)
			bool path_drawn = FALSE;
			int yy, xx;

			y = temp_y[m];
			x = temp_x[m];


			/* Update help */
			if (help)
				bool good_target = ((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave_m_idx[y][x]));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && temp_n));

			/* Dummy pointers to send to project_path */
			yy = y;
			xx = x;

			/* Allow targets for monsters....or traps, if applicable */
			if (((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave_m_idx[y][x])) ||
				((mode & (TARGET_TRAP)) && target_able_trap(y, x)))
				strcpy(info, "q,t,r,l,p,o,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Dis-allow target */
				strcpy(info, "q,p,l,o,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Adjust panel if needed */
			if (adjust_panel(y, x))
				/* Handle stuff */

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, path_gx, MAX_RANGE, py, px, &yy, &xx, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if ((mode & (TARGET_KILL)) && (cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_FIRE)))
				path_drawn = draw_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px, y, x);

			/* Describe and Prompt */
			query = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, mode, info, list_floor_objects);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn) load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no "direction" */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze */
			switch (query.key)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
					if (++m == temp_n) m = 0;

				case '-':
					if (m-- == 0)  m = temp_n - 1;

				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = py;
					x = px;

				case 'o':
					flag = FALSE;

				case 'm':

				/* If we click, move the target location to the click and
				   switch to "free targetting" mode by unsetting 'flag'.
				   This means we get some info about wherever we've picked. */
				case DEFINED_XFF:
					x = KEY_GRID_X(query);
					y = KEY_GRID_Y(query);
					flag = FALSE;

				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					int m_idx = cave_m_idx[y][x];

					if ((m_idx > 0) && target_able(m_idx))
						done = TRUE;
					else if ((mode & (TARGET_TRAP)) && target_able_trap(y, x))
 						target_set_location(y, x);
 						done = TRUE;
					else if (mode & (TARGET_PROBE))
					 	target_set_location(y, x);
					 	done = TRUE;
						bell("Illegal target!");

				case 'g':
					cmd_insert(CMD_PATHFIND, y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'l':
					list_floor_objects = (!list_floor_objects);

				case '?':
					help = !help;

					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("'?' - help", help_prompt_loc, 0);


					/* Extract direction */
					d = target_dir(query.key);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Hack -- move around */
			if (d)
				int old_y = temp_y[m];
				int old_x = temp_x[m];

				/* Find a new monster */
				i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

				/* Scroll to find interesting grid */
				if (i < 0)
					int old_wy = Term->offset_y;
					int old_wx = Term->offset_x;

					/* Change if legal */
					if (change_panel(d))
						/* Recalculate interesting grids */

						/* Find a new monster */
						i = target_pick(old_y, old_x, ddy[d], ddx[d]);

						/* Restore panel if needed */
						if ((i < 0) && modify_panel(Term, old_wy, old_wx))
							/* Recalculate interesting grids */

						/* Handle stuff */

				/* Use interesting grid if found */
				if (i >= 0) m = i;

		/* Arbitrary grids */
			bool path_drawn = FALSE;

			/* Dummy pointers to send to project_path */
			int yy = y;
			int xx = x;

			/* Don't need this button any more */

			/* Update help */
			if (help)
				bool good_target = ((cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0) && target_able(cave_m_idx[y][x]));
				target_display_help(good_target, !(flag && temp_n));

			/* Default prompt */
			if (!(mode & (TARGET_GRID)))
				strcpy(info, "q,t,l,p,m,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Disable monster selection */
				strcpy(info, "q,t,l.p,+,-,<dir>");

			/* Find the path. */
			path_n = project_path(path_g, path_gx, MAX_RANGE, py, px, &yy, &xx, PROJECT_THRU);

			/* Draw the path in "target" mode. If there is one */
			if ((mode & (TARGET_KILL)) && (cave_info[y][x] & (CAVE_FIRE)))
				/* Save target info */
				path_drawn = draw_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr, py, px, y, x);


			/* Describe and Prompt (enable "TARGET_LOOK") */
			query = target_set_interactive_aux(y, x, (mode | TARGET_LOOK), info, list_floor_objects);

			/* Remove the path */
			if (path_drawn)  load_path(path_n, path_g, path_char, path_attr);

			/* Cancel tracking */
			/* health_track(0); */

			/* Assume no direction */
			d = 0;

			/* Analyze the keypress */
			switch (query.key)
				case ESCAPE:
				case 'q':
					done = TRUE;

				case ' ':
				case '*':
				case '+':
				case '-':

				case 'p':
					/* Recenter around player */

					/* Handle stuff */

					y = py;
					x = px;

				case 'o':

				case 'm':
					/* Monster selection is disabled */
					if (mode & (TARGET_GRID)) break;

					flag = TRUE;

					m = 0;
					bd = 999;

					/* Pick a nearby monster */
					for (i = 0; i < temp_n; i++)
						t = distance(y, x, temp_y[i], temp_x[i]);

						/* Pick closest */
						if (t < bd)
							m = i;
							bd = t;

					/* Nothing interesting */
					if (bd == 999) flag = FALSE;


				case '\xff':
					/* We only target if we click somewhere where the cursor
					   is already (i.e. a double-click without a time limit) */
					if (KEY_GRID_X(query) == x && KEY_GRID_Y(query) == y)
						/* Make an attempt to target the monster on the given
						   square rather than the square itself (it seems this
						   is the more likely intention of clicking on a
						   monster). */
						int m_idx = cave_m_idx[y][x];

						if ((m_idx > 0) && target_able(m_idx))
							/* There is no monster, or it isn't targettable,
							   so target the location instead. */
							target_set_location(y, x);

						done = TRUE;
						/* Just move the cursor for now - another click will
						   target. */
						x = KEY_GRID_X(query);
						y = KEY_GRID_Y(query);

				case 't':
				case '5':
				case '0':
				case '.':
					target_set_location(y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'g':
					cmd_insert(CMD_PATHFIND, y, x);
					done = TRUE;

				case 'l':
					list_floor_objects = (!list_floor_objects);

				case '?':
					help = !help;

					/* Redraw main window */
					p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
					if (!help)
						prt("'?' - help.", help_prompt_loc, 0);


					/* Extract a direction */
					d = target_dir(query.key);

					/* Oops */
					if (!d) bell("Illegal command for target mode!");


			/* Handle "direction" */
			if (d)
				int dungeon_hgt = p_ptr->cur_map_hgt;
				int dungeon_wid = p_ptr->cur_map_wid;

				/* Move */
				x += ddx[d];
				y += ddy[d];

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (x >= dungeon_wid - 1) x--;
				else if (x <= 0) x++;

				/* Slide into legality */
				if (y >= dungeon_hgt - 1) y--;
				else if (y <= 0) y++;

				/* Adjust panel if needed */
				if (adjust_panel(y, x))
					/* Handle stuff */

					/* Recalculate interesting grids */


	/* Forget */
	temp_n = 0;

	/* Redraw as necessary */
	if (help)
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA | PR_MAP | PR_EQUIP);
		prt("", 0, 0);
		prt("", help_prompt_loc, 0);
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_DEPTH | PR_STATUS);

	/* Recenter around player */

	/* Restore buttons */

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Failure to set target */
	if (!p_ptr->target_set) return (FALSE);

	/* Success */
	return (TRUE);
Beispiel #28
 * @brief function that handles certain signals being delivered to the scheduler
 * This function is called every time the event loop attempts to take something
 * from the event queue. It will also get called once a second regardless of if
 * a new event has been queued.
 * This function checks the sigmask variable to check what signals have been
 * received since the last time it was called. The sigmask variable should
 * always be accessed atomically since it is accessed by the event loop thread
 * as well as the signal handlers.
void scheduler_signal(scheduler_t* scheduler)
  // the last time an update was run
  static time_t last_update = 0;

  // copy of the mask
  guint mask;

  /* this will get sigmask and set it to 0 */
#if __GNUC__
  mask = __sync_fetch_and_and(&sigmask, 0);
  mask = sigmask;
  sigmask = 0;

  /* initialize last_update */
  if(last_update == 0)
    last_update = time(NULL);

  /* signal: SIGCHLD
   * A SIGCHLD has been received since the last time signal_scheduler() was
   * called. Get all agents that have finished since last this happened and
   * create an event for each.
  if(mask & MASK_SIGCHLD)
    pid_t n;          // the next pid that has died
    pid_t* pass;
    int status;       // status returned by waitpit()

    /* get all of the dead children's pids */
    while((n = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0)
      V_SCHED("SIGNALS: received sigchld for pid %d\n", n);
      pass = g_new0(pid_t, 2);
      pass[0] = n;
      pass[1] = status;
      event_signal(agent_death_event, pass);

  /* signal: SIGTERM
   * A SIGTERM has been received. simply set the closing flag to 1 so that the
   * scheduler will gracefully shutdown as all the agents finish running.
  if(mask & MASK_SIGTERM)
    V_SCHED("SIGNALS: Scheduler received terminate signal, shutting down gracefully\n");
    event_signal(scheduler_close_event, (void*)0);

  /* signal: SIGQUIT
   * A SIGQUIT has been received. Queue a scheduler_close_event so that the
   * scheduler will imediately stop running. This will cause all the agents to
   * be forcefully killed.
  if(mask & MASK_SIGQUIT)
    V_SCHED("SIGNALS: Scheduler received quit signal, shutting down scheduler\n");
    event_signal(scheduler_close_event, (void*)1);

  /* signal: SIGHUP
   * A SIGHUP has been received. reload the configuration files for the
   * scheduler. This will run here instead of being queued as an event.
  if(mask & MASK_SIGHUP)
    V_SCHED("SIGNALS: Scheduler received SGIHUP, reloading configuration data\n");
    scheduler_config_event(scheduler, NULL);

  /* Finish by checking if an agent update needs to be performed.
   * Every CONF_agent_update_interval, the agents and database should be
   * updated. The agents need to be updated to check for dead and unresponsive
   * agents. The database is updated to make sure that a new job hasn't been
   * scheduled without the scheduler being informed.
  if((time(NULL) - last_update) > CONF_agent_update_interval )
    V_SPECIAL("SIGNALS: Performing agent and database update\n");
    event_signal(agent_update_event, NULL);
    event_signal(database_update_event, NULL);
    last_update = time(NULL);
Beispiel #29
 * Close up the current game (player may or may not be dead)
 * Note that the savefile is not saved until the tombstone is
 * actually displayed and the player has a chance to examine
 * the inventory and such.  This allows cheating if the game
 * is equipped with a "quit without save" method.  XXX XXX XXX
void close_game(void)
	/* Tell the UI we're done with the world */

	/* Handle stuff */

	/* Flush the messages */

	/* Flush the input */

	/* No suspending now */

	/* Hack -- Increase "icky" depth */

	/* Save monster memory to user directory */
	if (!lore_save("lore.txt")) {
		msg("lore save failed!");

	/* Handle death or life */
	if (player->is_dead) {

		/* Save dead player */
		if (!savefile_save(savefile)) {
			msg("death save failed!");
	} else {
		/* Save the game */

		if (Term->mapped_flag) {
			struct keypress ch;

			prt("Press Return (or Escape).", 0, 40);
			ch = inkey();
			if (ch.code != ESCAPE)

	/* Wipe the monster list */
	wipe_mon_list(cave, player);

	/* Hack -- Decrease "icky" depth */

	/* Tell the UI we're done with the game state */

	/* Allow suspending now */
Beispiel #30
static void
parse_status_line (Call *c, char **bufp, size_t *buf_lenp)
  char *buf, *buf_start = *bufp;
  u_int major, minor, status;
  Conn *s = c->conn;
  Any_Type arg;

  s->is_chunked = 0;

  /* default to "infinite" content length: */
  s->content_length = ~(size_t) 0;

  if (!get_line (c, bufp, buf_lenp))

  buf = c->conn->line.iov_base;
  if (sscanf (buf, "HTTP/%u.%u %u ", &major, &minor, &status) == 3)
      c->reply.version = 0x10000*major + minor;
      c->reply.status = status;
      c->reply.version = 0x10000;		/* default to 1.0 */
      c->reply.status = 599;
      if (c->reply.status == 599)
	fprintf (stderr, "%s.parse_status_line: invalid status line `%s'!!\n",
		 prog_name, buf);
  if (DBG > 0)
    fprintf (stderr,
	     "parse_status_line.%lu: reply is HTTP/%u.%u, status = %d\n",
	     c->id, c->reply.version / 0x10000, c->reply.version & 0xffff,

  /* Determine whether we should be expecting a message body.  HEAD
     never includes an entity.  For other methods, things depend on
     the status code.  */

  if (strcmp ((char *) c->req.iov[IE_METHOD].iov_base, "HEAD") == 0)
    s->has_body = 0;
      s->has_body = 1;
      switch (status / 100)
	case 1: /* informational */
	  s->has_body = 0;
	  if (status == 100)
	      arg.l = c->reply.status;
	      event_signal (EV_CALL_RECV_START, (Object *) c, arg);
	      s->state = S_REPLY_CONTINUE;
	      goto done;

	case 2: /* success */
	case 3: /* redirection */
	  switch (status)
	    case 204: /* No Content */
	    case 205: /* Reset Content */
	    case 304: /* Not Modified */
	      s->has_body = 0;

	case 4: /* client errors */
	case 5: /* server errors */

	  fprintf (stderr, "%s.parse_status_line: bad status %u\n",
		   prog_name, status);
  arg.l = c->reply.status;
  event_signal (EV_CALL_RECV_START, (Object *) c, arg);
  if (s->state >= S_CLOSING)
  s->state = S_REPLY_HEADER;

  c->reply.header_bytes += *bufp - buf_start;
  s->line.iov_len = 0;		