Beispiel #1
// Checks if devices are available, prints name of device being detected for slow init devices
void populateDeviceAvailability() {
	DrawMessageBox(D_INFO, "Detecting devices ...\nThis can be skipped by holding B next time");
	if(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0) & PAD_BUTTON_B) {
	const DISC_INTERFACE* carda = &__io_gcsda;
	const DISC_INTERFACE* cardb = &__io_gcsdb;
	// DVD
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(DVD_DISC, swissSettings.hasDVDDrive);
	// SD Gecko
	DrawMessageBox(D_INFO, "Detecting devices [SD] ...\nThis can be skipped by holding B next time");
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(SD_CARD, carda->isInserted() || cardb->isInserted());
	DrawMessageBox(D_INFO, "Detecting devices [IDE-EXI] ...\nThis can be skipped by holding B next time");
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(IDEEXI, ide_exi_inserted(0) || ide_exi_inserted(1));
	// Qoob
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(QOOB_FLASH, 0);	// Hidden by default, add auto detect at some point
	// WODE
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(WODE, 0);	// Hidden by default, add auto detect at some point
	// Memory card
	DrawMessageBox(D_INFO, "Detecting devices [Memory Card] ...\nThis can be skipped by holding B next time");
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(MEMCARD, (initialize_card(0)==CARD_ERROR_READY) || (initialize_card(1)==CARD_ERROR_READY));
	DrawMessageBox(D_INFO, "Detecting devices [WKF/WASP] ...\nThis can be skipped by holding B next time");
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(WKF, swissSettings.hasDVDDrive && (__wkfSpiReadId() != 0 && __wkfSpiReadId() != 0xFFFFFFFF));
	// USB Gecko
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(USBGECKO, usb_isgeckoalive(1));
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(SAMBA, exi_bba_exists());
	// System, always there
	deviceHandler_setDeviceAvailable(SYS, 1);
Beispiel #2
void info_draw_page(int page_num) {
	DrawEmptyBox(20,60, vmode->fbWidth-20, 420, COLOR_BLACK);
	syssram* sram = __SYS_LockSram();
	// System Info (Page 1/3)
	if(!page_num) {
		WriteFont(30, 65, "System Info (1/3):");
		// Model
		if(is_gamecube()) {
			if(*(u32*)&driveVersion[0] == 0x20010831) {
				sprintf(topStr, "Panasonic Q SL-GC10-S");
			else if(IPLInfo[0x55]=='M') {							// MPAL 1.1 (Brazil)
				sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo GameCube DOL-002 (BRA)");
			else if((!IPLInfo[0x55])									// NTSC 1.0 
					|| (IPLInfo[0x55] == 'P' && IPLInfo[0x65]=='0')		// PAL 1.0 
					|| (IPLInfo[0x55] != 'P' && IPLInfo[0x65]=='1')) {	// NTSC 1.1
				sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo GameCube DOL-001");
			else if((IPLInfo[0x55] == 'P' && IPLInfo[0x65]=='0')	// PAL 1.1
					|| IPLInfo[0x65]=='2') {						// NTSC 1.2
				sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo GameCube DOL-101");
		else {
			sprintf(topStr, "Nintendo Wii");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 110, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		// IPL version string
		if(is_gamecube()) {
			if(!IPLInfo[0x55]) {
				sprintf(topStr, "NTSC Revision 1.0");
			else {
				sprintf(topStr, "%s", &IPLInfo[0x55]);
		else {
			sprintf(topStr, "Wii IPL");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 140, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		if(swissSettings.hasDVDDrive) {
			if((!__wkfSpiReadId() || (__wkfSpiReadId() == 0xFFFFFFFF))) {
				sprintf(topStr, "DVD Drive %02X %02X%02X/%02X (%02X)",driveVersion[2],driveVersion[0],driveVersion[1],driveVersion[3],driveVersion[4]);
			} else {
				sprintf(topStr, "WKF Serial %s",wkfGetSerial());
			sprintf(topStr, "No DVD Drive present");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 170, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(topStr, "%s",videoStr);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 200, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(topStr,"%s / %s",getSramLang(sram->lang), sram->flags&4 ? "Stereo":"Mono");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 230, topStr, 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(topStr,"PVR %08X ECID %08X:%08X:%08X",mfpvr(),mfspr(0x39C),mfspr(0x39D),mfspr(0x39E));
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 260, topStr, 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
	else if(page_num == 1) {
		WriteFont(30, 65, "Device Info (2/3):");
		sprintf(topStr,"BBA: %s", bba_exists ? "Installed":"Not Present");
		WriteFont(30, 110, topStr);
		if(exi_bba_exists()) {
			sprintf(topStr,"IP: %s", net_initialized ? bba_ip:"Not Available");
		else {
			sprintf(topStr,"IP: Not Available");
		WriteFont(270, 110, topStr);
		sprintf(topStr,"Component Cable Plugged in: %s",VIDEO_HaveComponentCable()?"Yes":"No");
		WriteFont(30, 140, topStr);
		if(usb_isgeckoalive(0)||usb_isgeckoalive(1)) {
			sprintf(topStr,"USB Gecko: Installed in %s",usb_isgeckoalive(0)?"Slot A":"Slot B");
		else {
			sprintf(topStr,"USB Gecko: Not Present");
		WriteFont(30, 170, topStr);
		if (!deviceHandler_initial) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: No Device Selected");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_SD0 || deviceHandler_initial == &initial_SD1) {
			int slot = (deviceHandler_initial->name[2] == 'b');
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: %s Card in %s @ %s",!SDHCCard?"SDHC":"SD",!slot?"Slot A":"Slot B",!swissSettings.exiSpeed?"16Mhz":"32Mhz");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_DVD) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: %s DVD Disc",dvdDiscTypeStr);
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_IDE0 || deviceHandler_initial == &initial_IDE1) {
			int slot = (deviceHandler_initial->name[3] == 'b');
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: %d GB HDD in %s",ataDriveInfo.sizeInGigaBytes,!slot?"Slot A":"Slot B");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_Qoob) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Qoob IPL Replacement");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_WODE) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Wode Jukebox");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_CARDA || deviceHandler_initial == &initial_CARDB) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Memory Card in %s",!deviceHandler_initial->fileBase?"Slot A":"Slot B");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_USBGecko) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: USB Gecko");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_WKF) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: Wiikey Fusion");
		else if(deviceHandler_initial == &initial_SYS) {
			sprintf(topStr, "Current Device: System");
		WriteFont(30, 200, topStr);
	else if(page_num == 2) {
		WriteFont(30, 65, "Credits (3/3):");
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 115, "Swiss ver 0.4", 1.0f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 140, "by emu_kidid 2015", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		sprintf(txtbuffer, "Commit %s Revision %s SD Gecko Slot B Cheats Mod", GITREVISION, GITVERSION);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 165, txtbuffer, 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 210, "Thanks to", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 228, "Testers & libOGC/dkPPC authors", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 246, "sepp256 for GX / FIX94 for Audio Streaming", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 264, "Extrems for video patches / Megalomaniac for builds", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
        WriteFontStyled(640/2, 282, "Fishaman P for cheats support with all devices", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 318, "Web/Support", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 336, "Source at", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
		WriteFontStyled(640/2, 354, "Visit us at #gc-forever on EFNet", 0.75f, true, defaultColor);
	if(page_num != 2) {
		WriteFont(520, 390, "->");
	if(page_num != 0) {
		WriteFont(100, 390, "<-");
	WriteFontStyled(640/2, 400, "Press A to return", 1.0f, true, defaultColor);