Beispiel #1
void PrintFile2(
  FILE	*OutFile
  Line_Control *line;

  if ( !OutFile ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "Unable to open (%s) for output\n", "stdout" );
    exit_application( 1 );
  assert( OutFile );

  for ( line = (Line_Control *) Lines.first ;
        !_Chain_Is_last( &line->Node ) ;
        line = (Line_Control *) line-> ) {
    fprintf( OutFile, "%s\n", line->Contents );
static void
init_application( int *argc, char **argv[] )
     DFBResult             ret;
     DFBSurfaceDescription desc;

     /* Initialize DirectFB including command line parsing. */
     ret = DirectFBInit( argc, argv );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "DirectFBInit() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 1 );

     /* Create the super interface. */
     ret = DirectFBCreate( &dfb );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "DirectFBCreate() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 2 );

     /* Request fullscreen mode. */
     dfb->SetCooperativeLevel( dfb, DFSCL_FULLSCREEN );

     /* Fill the surface description. */
     desc.flags       = DSDESC_CAPS | DSDESC_PIXELFORMAT;
     desc.caps        = DSCAPS_PRIMARY | DSCAPS_DOUBLE;
     desc.pixelformat = DSPF_ARGB;
     /* Create an 8 bit palette surface. */
     ret = dfb->CreateSurface( dfb, &desc, &primary );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFB::CreateSurface() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 3 );
     /* Create an event buffer with key capable devices attached. */
     ret = dfb->CreateInputEventBuffer( dfb, DICAPS_KEYS, DFB_FALSE, &events );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFB::CreateEventBuffer() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 4 );
     /* Clear with black. */
     primary->Clear( primary, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff );
     primary->Flip( primary, NULL, 0 );
Beispiel #3
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

	 /*	checking for valid argument count and value	*/

	//we should only have 1 argument!
	//note that the './executable' also counts as an argument itself!
    if (argc != 2 ){
 		return exit_application(ERROR_INVALID_ARG_COUNT);

 	//check for validty of argument (should be 0 t0 255)
 	//TODO this can not tell if the given argument was integer or string(char)
 	//c's atoi() function will case almost anything to integer!!! bad bad bad!
	int value = atoi(argv[1]); //convert argument 1 to integer
	if((value > 255 || value < 0)) {
		return exit_application(ERROR_INVALID_ARG_RANGE);

    //correct argument...doing what we supposed to do :) pfffffff......
    printf("%d\n", value ^= 0xFF); //XOR with 255 to reverse the bits

    return 0; //alles klaaaaaaaaar
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char	buffer[2048];		/* string buffer for self-control list */

	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

	vrConfigure(&argc, argv, NULL);

	signal(SIGINT, exit_application);

	/* TODO: it would be nice to put these above vrStart(), since */
	/*   it will block until all input devices are open, and this */
	/*   way we could be rendering something while waiting.       */
	/* TODO: actually, we almost *need* to have the init_gfx stuff*/
	/*   set before vrStart, so the window opening function will  */
	/*   have something to call (other than vrDoNothing()).       */
	/*   In fact, I have no idea how init_gfx() gets called at    */
	/*   all given the current setup.                             */
	vrFunctionSetCallback(VRFUNC_ALL_DISPLAY_INIT, vrCallbackCreate(init_gfx, 0));
	vrFunctionSetCallback(VRFUNC_ALL_DISPLAY, vrCallbackCreate(draw_server_world, 0));
	vrFunctionSetCallback(VRFUNC_HANDLE_USR2, vrCallbackCreate(vrDbgInfo, 0));

	if (vrContext->input->num_input_devices > 0) {
		vrDbgPrintfN(SELDOM_DBGLVL+1, "input viewer: input device[0] version = '%s'\n",
	} else {
		vrDbgPrintfN(SELDOM_DBGLVL+1, "input viewer: No input devices defined.\n");

	vrSystemSetName("inputs -- FreeVR inputs display application");
	vrSystemSetAuthors("Bill Sherman");
	list_self_controls(buffer, vrContext->input, sizeof(buffer), verbose);

	vrDbgPrintf("input viewer: looping\n");
	while(vrFrame()) {


int	main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int run = 300;

	width = atoi(argv[1]);
	height = atoi(argv[2]);
	fps = atoi(argv[3]);


	/* Main loop */

//		events->WaitForEventWithTimeout(events, 0, 100);



	return 0;
Beispiel #6
static void
init_application( int *argc, char **argv[] )
     DFBResult             ret;
     DFBWindowDescription  desc;
     DFBDisplayLayerConfig config;

     /* Initialize DirectFB including command line parsing. */
     ret = DirectFBInit( argc, argv );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "DirectFBInit() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 1 );

     /* Create the super interface. */
     ret = DirectFBCreate( &dfb );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "DirectFBCreate() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 2 );

     /* Get the primary display layer. */
     ret = dfb->GetDisplayLayer( dfb, DLID_PRIMARY, &layer );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFB::GetDisplayLayer() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 3 );

     /* Get the screen size etc. */
     layer->GetConfiguration( layer, &config );

     /* Fill the window description. */
     desc.flags  = DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY |
     desc.posx   = config.width - 288;
     desc.posy   = 8;
     desc.width  = 64;
     desc.height = 64;

     /* Create the window. */
     ret = layer->CreateWindow( layer, &desc, &window );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFBDisplayLayer::CreateWindow() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 4 );

     /* Get the window's surface. */
     ret = window->GetSurface( window, &surface );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFBWindow::GetSurface() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 5 );

     /* Create an event buffer for all keyboard events. */
     ret = window->CreateEventBuffer( window, &events );
     if (ret) {
          DirectFBError( "IDirectFBWindow::CreateEventBuffer() failed", ret );
          exit_application( 6 );

     /* Add ghost option (behave like an overlay). */
     window->SetOptions( window, DWOP_ALPHACHANNEL | DWOP_GHOST );

     /* Move window to upper stacking class. */
     window->SetStackingClass( window, DWSC_UPPER );

     /* Make it the top most window. */
     window->RaiseToTop( window );
Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

	/* TODO: do I want to ignore interrupts for all of this?  or */
	/*   just during vrStart()?                                  */
	//signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);

	vrShmemInit(30 * 1024 * 1024);
	vrConfigure(&argc, argv, NULL);

	/* TODO: it would be nice to put these above vrStart(), since */
	/*   it will block until all input devices are open, and this */
	/*   way we could be rendering something while waiting.       */
	/* TODO: actually, we almost *need* to have the init_gfx stuff*/
	/*   set before vrStart, so the window opening function will  */
	/*   have something to call (other than vrDoNothing()).       */
	/*   In fact, I have no idea how init_gfx() gets called at    */
	/*   all given the current setup.                             */
	/* [5/30/00: I have now moved the function setting routines to*/
	/*   come before vrStart().  The library needs to be changed  */
	/*   such that the incoming callbacks are stored in a holding */
	/*   bin, until the render/input/whatever loop is ready to    */
	/*   update them.                                             */
#if 1
	/* TODO: unfortunately this shorthand doesn't work when there are extra */
	/*   arguments but these work okay.                                     */
	vrCallbackSet(VRFUNC_DISPLAY_INIT, "init_gfx", init_gfx, 0);
	vrCallbackSet(VRFUNC_DISPLAY_FRAME, "gfx_frame", gfx_frame, 0);
	vrCallbackSet(VRFUNC_DISPLAY, "draw_world", draw_world, 0);
	vrCallbackSet(VRFUNC_DISPLAY_SIM, "my_sim", my_sim, 0);
	vrCallbackSet(VRFUNC_HANDLE_USR2, "travel:vrDbgInfo", vrDbgInfo, 0);
#  if 1 /* 1/4/2003: test of possible startup race condition */
	vrSetFunc(VRFUNC_DISPLAY_INIT, vrCreateNamedCallback("init_gfx", init_gfx, 0));
#  endif
	vrSetFunc(VRFUNC_DISPLAY, vrCreateNamedCallback("draw_world", draw_world, 0));
	vrSetFunc(VRFUNC_DISPLAY_SIM, vrCreateNamedCallback("my_sim", my_sim, 0));
#  endif
	vrSetFunc(VRFUNC_HANDLE_USR2, vrCreateNamedCallback("travel:vrDbgInfo", vrDbgInfo, 0));


	signal(SIGINT, exit_application);

	if (vrContext->input->num_input_devices > 0) {
		vrDbgPrintfN(SELDOM_DBGLVL+1, "TRAVEL: input device[0] version = '%s'\n",
	} else {
		vrDbgPrintfN(SELDOM_DBGLVL+1, "TRAVEL: No input devices defined.\n");

#if 0
	if (vrDbgDo(AALWAYS_DBGLVL+1)) {
		vrFprintContext(stdout, vrContext, verbose);
		vrFprintConfig(stdout, vrContext->config, verbose);
		vrFprintInput(stdout, vrContext->input, verbose);

        if(vrContext->input->num_input_devices > 0)
	    vrDbgPrintf("TRAVEL: input device[0] version = '%s'\n",

#if 0 /* NOTE: this isn't really necessary, so don't use for non-test applications */
	vrSystemSetName("travel -- FreeVR test program");
	vrSystemSetAuthors("Bill Sherman");
	vrSystemSetExtraInfo("A really good program for testing the FreeVR library");
	vrSystemSetStatusDescription("Application running fine");
	vrInputSet2switchDescription(0, "Terminate the application");
	vrInputSet2switchDescription(1, "Reset User Travel");
	vrInputSet2switchDescription(2, "Move User 0.1 to the right");
	vrInputSet2switchDescription(3, "Move User 0.1 to the left");
	vrInputSetValuatorDescription(0, "Rotate User");
	vrInputSetValuatorDescription(1, "Move User in direction of Wand");
#if 0 /* for testing */
	vrInputSetNswitchDescription(0, "Do something with a switch");
	vrInputSetNsensorDescription(0, "Do something with an N-sensor");
	vrInputSet6sensorDescription(0, "Move the Head");
	vrInputSet6sensorDescription(1, "Move the Wand");

	vrDbgPrintf("TRAVEL: looping\n");
#if 1
	while(vrFrame()) {
#else /* run for two frames and then quit */

	vrPrintf(BOLD_TEXT "TRAVEL: I guess we're all done now.\n" NORM_TEXT);

main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     int            i = 0;
     int            width, height;
     cairo_matrix_t matrix;

     /* Initialize application. */
     init_application( &argc, &argv );

     /* Query size of output surface. */
     primary->GetSize( primary, &width, &height );

     /* Transform coordinates to have 0,0 in the center. */
     cairo_matrix_init_translate( &matrix, width/2, height/2 );

     /* Enable coordinate transformation and anti-aliasing for all drawing/blitting, but not Clear(). */
     primary->SetRenderOptions( primary, DSRO_MATRIX | DSRO_ANTIALIAS );

     /* Main loop. */
     while (1) {
          DFBInputEvent event;

          /* Convert doubles to DirectFB's fixed point 16.16 and call IDirectFBSurface::SetMatrix(). */
          set_cairo_matrix( &matrix );

          /* Clear the frame. */
          primary->SetDrawingFlags( primary, DSDRAW_NOFX );
          primary->Clear( primary, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 );

          /* Enable alphablend. */
          primary->SetDrawingFlags( primary, DSDRAW_BLEND );
          /* Set the blend functions to (SRCALPHASAT, ONE) to
           * prevent antialiased edges within complex shapes
           * (e.g. transformed rectangles). */
          primary->SetSrcBlendFunction( primary, DSBF_SRCALPHASAT );
          primary->SetDstBlendFunction( primary, DSBF_ONE );

          /* Fill a small white rectangle in the middle. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff );
          primary->FillRectangle( primary, -20, -20, 40, 40 );

          /* Fill a small green rectangle on the left. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff );
          primary->FillRectangle( primary, -120, -20, 40, 40 );

          /* Fill a small blue rectangle at the top. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff );
          primary->FillRectangle( primary, -20, -120, 40, 40 );

          /* Fill a red rectangle down-right without AA. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff ); 
          primary->SetDrawingFlags( primary, DSDRAW_NOFX );
          primary->SetRenderOptions( primary, DSRO_MATRIX );
          primary->FillRectangle( primary, 100, 100, 100, 100 );
          primary->SetRenderOptions( primary, DSRO_MATRIX | DSRO_ANTIALIAS );
          primary->SetDrawingFlags( primary, DSDRAW_BLEND );

          /* For simpe shapes (lines & triangles) SRCALPHA is good. */
          primary->SetSrcBlendFunction( primary, DSBF_SRCALPHA );

          /* Draw a white outline around the red rectangle. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff );
          primary->DrawRectangle( primary, 100, 100, 100, 100 );

          /* Draw a line across the objects. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0xff );
          primary->DrawLine( primary, 0, 0, 300, 300 );

          primary->SetColor( primary, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff );
          primary->DrawLine( primary, -20, -20, -300, -300 );

          /* Fill a triangle. */
          primary->SetColor( primary, 0x80, 0x90, 0x70, 0xff );
          primary->FillTriangle( primary, 0, 0, 200, -210, -200, 190 );

          /* Flip the output surface. */
          primary->Flip( primary, NULL, DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC );

//          primary->Dump( primary, "/", "df_matrix" );

          /* Rotate scene slightly. */
          cairo_matrix_rotate( &matrix, 0.1 );

          cairo_matrix_scale( &matrix, 0.99, 0.99 );
          //cairo_matrix_scale( &matrix, 1.001, 1.001 );

          if (++i == 500) {
               i = 0;

               cairo_matrix_init_translate( &matrix, width/2, height/2 );

          /* Check for new events. */
          while (events->GetEvent( events, DFB_EVENT(&event) ) == DFB_OK) {

               /* Handle key press events. */
               if (event.type == DIET_KEYPRESS) {
                    switch (event.key_symbol) {
                         case DIKS_ESCAPE:
                         case DIKS_POWER:
                         case DIKS_BACK:
                         case DIKS_SMALL_Q:
                         case DIKS_CAPITAL_Q:
                              exit_application( 0 );


     /* Shouldn't reach this. */
     return 0;