Beispiel #1
**  VALOF -- compute value of expression
**	This is the real expression processor.  It handles sequencing
**	and precedence.
**	Parameters:
**		terminator -- the symbol which should terminate
**			the expression.
**	Returns:
**		The value of the expression.
**	Side Effects:
**		Gobbles input.
**	Requires:
**		exprfind -- to read operands.
**		opfind -- to read operators.
**		exp_op -- to perform operations.
**	Called By:
**		expr
**	Diagnostics:
**		Extra Parenthesis found: assumed typo
**			An unmatched right parenthesis was read.
**			It was thrown away.
**		Insufficient parenthesis found: assumed zero.
**			An unmatched left parenthesis was left
**			in the operator stack at the end of the
**			expression.  The value zero was taken
**			for the expression.
**	Syserrs:
**		none
valof(int terminator)
	register int	number;
	register int	operator;

	pushop(SEPERATOR);		/* initialize the stack */
	for(;;) {
		number = exprfind();
		if (ExprError) 
		operator = opfind();
		if (ExprError)

		if (operator == RIGHTP || operator == END)

		/* Do all previous operations with a higher precedence */
		while (ExprPrec[operator] <= ExprPrec[ExprOptr[-1]])	
			number = exp_op(popop(), popnum(), number);
	if (operator != terminator)		/* ExprError in operators */
		if (operator == RIGHTP)
			printf("Extra parenthesis found: assumed typo.\n");
		else {
			ExprError = TRUE;
			printf("Insufficient parenthesis found: Assumed zero.\n");
	/* Empty stack for this call of valof */
	while ((operator = popop()) != SEPERATOR)
		number = exp_op(operator, popnum(), number);

Beispiel #2
bool forward_dir(void)
{	bool ok = true;
	ok     &= abs_op();
	ok     &= acos_op();
	ok     &= acosh_op();
	ok     &= asin_op();
	ok     &= asinh_op();
	ok     &= atan_op();
	ok     &= atanh_op();
	ok     &= addpv_op();
	ok     &= addvv_op();
	ok     &= cexp_op();
	ok     &= cosh_op();
	ok     &= cos_op();
	ok     &= csum_op();
	ok     &= dis_op();
	ok     &= divpv_op();
	ok     &= divvp_op();
	ok     &= divvv_op();
	ok     &= exp_op();
	ok     &= load_op();
	ok     &= log_op();
	ok     &= mulpv_op();
	ok     &= par_op();
	ok     &= powpv_op();
	ok     &= powvp_op();
	ok     &= powvv_op();
	ok     &= sign_op();
	ok     &= sin_op();
	ok     &= sinh_op();
	ok     &= subpv_op();
	ok     &= subvp_op();
	ok     &= subvv_op();
	ok     &= sqrt_op();
	ok     &= tan_op();
	ok     &= tanh_op();
	ok     &= usr_op();
	return ok;
Beispiel #3
static sql_rel *
psm_analyze(mvc *sql, dlist *qname, dlist *columns, symbol *sample )
	exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, FALSE};
	sql_exp *sample_exp = NULL, *call;
	char *sname = NULL, *tname = NULL;
	list *tl = sa_list(sql->sa);
	list *exps = sa_list(sql->sa), *analyze_calls = sa_list(sql->sa);
	sql_subfunc *f = NULL;

	if (sample) {
		sql_subtype *tpe = sql_bind_localtype("lng");

       		sample_exp = rel_value_exp( sql, NULL, sample, 0, ek);
		if (sample_exp)
			sample_exp = rel_check_type(sql, tpe, sample_exp, type_cast); 
	if (qname) {
		if (qname->h->next)
			sname = qname_schema(qname);
			sname = qname_table(qname);
		if (!sname)
			sname = cur_schema(sql)->;
		if (qname->h->next)
			tname = qname_table(qname);
	/* call analyze( [schema, [ table ]], opt_sample_size ) */
	if (sname) {
		sql_exp *sname_exp = exp_atom_clob(sql->sa, sname);

		append(exps, sname_exp);
		append(tl, exp_subtype(sname_exp));
	if (tname) {
		sql_exp *tname_exp = exp_atom_clob(sql->sa, tname);

		append(exps, tname_exp);
		append(tl, exp_subtype(tname_exp));

		if (columns)
			append(tl, exp_subtype(tname_exp));
	if (!columns) {
		if (sample_exp) {
			append(exps, sample_exp);
			append(tl, exp_subtype(sample_exp));
		f = sql_bind_func_(sql->sa, mvc_bind_schema(sql, "sys"), "analyze", tl, F_PROC);
		if (!f)
			return sql_error(sql, 01, "Analyze procedure missing");
		call = exp_op(sql->sa, exps, f);
		append(analyze_calls, call);
	} else {
		dnode *n;

		if (sample_exp)
			append(tl, exp_subtype(sample_exp));
		f = sql_bind_func_(sql->sa, mvc_bind_schema(sql, "sys"), "analyze", tl, F_PROC);

		if (!f)
			return sql_error(sql, 01, "Analyze procedure missing");
		for( n = columns->h; n; n = n->next) {
			char *cname = n->data.sval;
			list *nexps = list_dup(exps, NULL);
			sql_exp *cname_exp = exp_atom_clob(sql->sa, cname);

			append(nexps, cname_exp);
			if (sample_exp)
				append(nexps, sample_exp);
			/* call analyze( sname, tname, cname, opt_sample_size ) */
			call = exp_op(sql->sa, nexps, f);
			append(analyze_calls, call);
	return rel_psm_block(sql->sa, analyze_calls);
Beispiel #4
sql_exp *
exp_copy( sql_allocator *sa, sql_exp * e)
	sql_exp *l, *r, *r2, *ne = NULL;

	case e_column:
		ne = exp_column(sa, e->l, e->r, exp_subtype(e), e->card, has_nil(e), is_intern(e));
		ne->flag = e->flag;
	case e_cmp:
		if (e->flag == cmp_or) {
			list *l = exps_copy(sa, e->l);
			list *r = exps_copy(sa, e->r);
			if (l && r)
				ne = exp_or(sa, l,r);
		} else if (e->flag == cmp_in || e->flag == cmp_notin || get_cmp(e) == cmp_filter) {
			sql_exp *l = exp_copy(sa, e->l);
			list *r = exps_copy(sa, e->r);

			if (l && r) {
				if (get_cmp(e) == cmp_filter)
					ne = exp_filter(sa, l, r, e->f, is_anti(e));
					ne = exp_in(sa, l, r, e->flag);
		} else {
			l = exp_copy(sa, e->l);
			r = exp_copy(sa, e->r);

			if (e->f) {
				r2 = exp_copy(sa, e->f);
				if (l && r && r2)
					ne = exp_compare2(sa, l, r, r2, e->flag);
			} else if (l && r) {
				ne = exp_compare(sa, l, r, e->flag);
	case e_convert:
		l = exp_copy(sa, e->l);
		if (l)
			ne = exp_convert(sa, l, exp_fromtype(e), exp_totype(e));
	case e_aggr:
	case e_func: {
		list *l = e->l, *nl = NULL;

		if (!l) {
			return e;
		} else {
			nl = exps_copy(sa, l);
			if (!nl)
				return NULL;
		if (e->type == e_func)
			ne = exp_op(sa, nl, e->f);
			ne = exp_aggr(sa, nl, e->f, need_distinct(e), need_no_nil(e), e->card, has_nil(e));
	case e_atom:
		if (e->l)
			ne = exp_atom(sa, e->l);
		else if (!e->r)
			ne = exp_atom_ref(sa, e->flag, &e->tpe);
			ne = exp_param(sa, e->r, &e->tpe, e->flag);
	case e_psm:
		if (e->flag == PSM_SET) 
			ne = exp_set(sa, e->name, exp_copy(sa, e->l), GET_PSM_LEVEL(e->flag));
	if (ne && e->p)
		ne->p = prop_copy(sa, e->p);
	if (e->name)
		exp_setname(sa, ne, exp_find_rel_name(e), exp_name(e));
	return ne;