Beispiel #1
 * Allocate memory for a block in an inode whose inode number is 'no'.
void ext2_disk_inode_alloc_block(ext2_inodetable_t *inode, uint32_t no, uint32_t block) {
	uint32_t block_no = 0, block_offset = 0, group = 0;
	char *bg_buffer = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BGDS; ++i) {
		if (BGD[i].free_blocks_count > 0) {
			ext2_disk_read_block(BGD[i].block_bitmap, (uint8_t *)bg_buffer);
			while (BLOCKBIT(block_offset))
			block_no = block_offset + SB->blocks_per_group * i + 1;
			group = i;
	if (!block_no) {
		kprintf("[kernel/ext2] No available blocks!\n");

	// Found a block (block_no), we need to mark it as in-use
	uint8_t b = BLOCKBYTE(block_offset);
	b |= SETBIT(block_offset);
	BLOCKBYTE(block_offset) = b;
	ext2_disk_write_block(BGD[group].block_bitmap, (uint8_t *)bg_buffer);

	ext2_set_real_block(inode, block, block_no);

	// Now update available blocks count
	BGD[group].free_blocks_count -= 1;
	ext2_disk_write_block(2, (uint8_t *)BGD);

	ext2_disk_write_inode(inode, no);
Beispiel #2
uint32_t write_ext2_disk(fs_node_t *node, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer) {
	ext2_inodetable_t *inode = ext2_disk_inode(node->inode);
	uint32_t end = offset + size;
	uint32_t start_block 	= offset / BLOCKSIZE;
	uint32_t end_block		= end / BLOCKSIZE;
	uint32_t end_size		= end - end_block * BLOCKSIZE;
	uint32_t size_to_write  = end - offset;
	kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Write at node 0x%x, offset %d, size %d, buffer=0x%x\n", node, offset, size, buffer);
	if (end_size == 0) {
	// need to update if size has increased.
	if (inode->size < end) {
		inode->size = end;
		ext2_disk_write_inode(inode, node->inode);
	if (start_block == end_block) {
		void *buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
		ext2_disk_inode_read_block(inode, node->inode, start_block, buf);
		memcpy((uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)buf + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), buffer, size_to_write);
		kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Single-block write.\n");
		ext2_disk_inode_write_block(inode, node->inode, start_block, buf);
		return size_to_write;
	} else {
		uint32_t block_offset;
		uint32_t blocks_read = 0;
		for (block_offset = start_block; block_offset < end_block; block_offset++, blocks_read++) {
			if (block_offset == start_block) {
				void *buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
				ext2_disk_inode_read_block(inode, node->inode, block_offset, buf);
				memcpy((uint8_t *)((uint32_t)buf + (offset % BLOCKSIZE)), buffer, BLOCKSIZE - (offset % BLOCKSIZE));
				kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Writing block [loop...]...\n");
				ext2_disk_inode_write_block(inode, node->inode, start_block, buf);
			} else {
				kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Writing block [buffer...?]...\n");
				ext2_disk_inode_write_block(inode, node->inode, block_offset, 
						buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (block_offset % BLOCKSIZE));
		void *buf = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
		ext2_disk_inode_read_block(inode, node->inode, end_block, buf);
		memcpy(buf, buffer + BLOCKSIZE * blocks_read - (block_offset % BLOCKSIZE), end_size);
		kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Writing block [tail]...\n");
		ext2_disk_inode_write_block(inode, node->inode, end_block, buf);
	return size_to_write;
Beispiel #3
 * Insert an entry named 'name' with type 'type' into a directory 'p_node' 
 * at the end.
 * This function assumes that parent directory 'p_node' does not contain
 * any entry with same name as 'name'. Caller should ensure this.
void insertdir_ext2_disk(ext2_inodetable_t *p_node, uint32_t no, uint32_t inode, char *name, uint8_t type) {
	/* XXX HACK This needs to be seriously fixed up. */
	kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Request to insert new directory entry at 0x%x#%d->%d '%s' type %d\n", p_node, no, inode, name, type);
	assert(p_node->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR);
	void *block = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
	uint32_t block_nr = 0;
	ext2_disk_inode_read_block(p_node, no, block_nr, block);
	uint32_t dir_offset = 0;
	uint32_t total_offset = 0;

	// first, iterate pass the last entry in the parent directory.
	while (total_offset < p_node->size) {
		ext2_dir_t *d_ent = (ext2_dir_t *)((uintptr_t)block + dir_offset);
		if (d_ent->rec_len + total_offset == p_node->size) {
			d_ent->rec_len = d_ent->name_len + sizeof(ext2_dir_t);
			while (d_ent->rec_len % 4 > 0) {
			dir_offset   += d_ent->rec_len;
			total_offset += d_ent->rec_len;

		dir_offset += d_ent->rec_len;
		total_offset += d_ent->rec_len;

		// move on to the next block of this directory if needed.
		if (dir_offset >= BLOCKSIZE) {
			dir_offset -= BLOCKSIZE;
			ext2_disk_inode_read_block(p_node, no, block_nr, block);
			kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Advancing to next block...\n");

	kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Total Offset = %d; block = %d; offset within block = %d\n", total_offset, block_nr, dir_offset);

	// Put the new directory entry at 'dir_offset' in block 'block_nr'.
	uint32_t size = p_node->size - total_offset;
	if (dir_offset + size > BLOCKSIZE) {
		kprintf("\033[1;31m[kernel/ext2] Just a warning: You probably just f****d everything.\033[0m\n");
	ext2_dir_t *new_entry = malloc(size);

	// Initialize the new entry.
	new_entry->inode = inode;
	new_entry->rec_len = size;
	new_entry->name_len = (uint8_t)strlen(name);
	new_entry->file_type = type;
	memcpy(&new_entry->name, name, strlen(name));

	// Write back to block.
	memcpy(((uint8_t *)block) + dir_offset, new_entry, size);
	memset(((uint8_t *)block) + dir_offset + new_entry->rec_len, 0x00, 4);
	ext2_disk_inode_write_block(p_node, no, block_nr, block);

	// Update parent node size
	//p_node->size += size;
	ext2_disk_write_inode(p_node, no);

Beispiel #4
 * Allocate a new inode with parent as the parent directory node and name as the filename
 * within that parent directory. Returns a pointer to a memory-copy of the node which
 * the client can (and should) free.
 * 'ftype' is file type, used when adding the entry to the parent dir. 1 for regular file,
 * 2 for directory, etc... 'no' is the inode number of 'parent'.
 * Upon return, the inode number of the newly allocated inode will be stored in 'inode_no'.
 * This function assumes that parent directory 'parent' does not contain any entry with 
 * same name as 'name'. Caller shuold ensure this.
 * Note that inode just created using this function has size of 0, which means no data 
 * blocks have been allocated to the inode.
ext2_inodetable_t *ext2_disk_alloc_inode
	ext2_inodetable_t *parent, 
	uint32_t no,
	char *name, 
	uint16_t mode, 
    uint32_t *inode_no	
) {
	if ((parent->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR) == 0 || name == NULL) {
		kprintf("[kernel/ext2] No name or bad parent.\n");
		return NULL;
	ext2_inodetable_t *inode;

	uint32_t node_no = 0, node_offset = 0, group = 0;
	char *bg_buffer = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
	/* Locate a block with an available inode. Will probably be the first block group. */
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BGDS; ++i) {
		if (BGD[i].free_inodes_count > 0) {
			kprintf("Group %d has %d free inodes!\n", i, BGD[i].free_inodes_count);
			ext2_disk_read_block(BGD[i].inode_bitmap, (uint8_t *)bg_buffer);
			while (BLOCKBIT(node_offset))
			node_no = node_offset + ext2_disk_inodes_per_group * i + 1;
			group = i;
	if (!node_no) {
		kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Failure: No free inodes in block descriptors!\n");
		return NULL;
	/* Alright, we found an inode (node_no), we need to mark it as in-use... */
	uint8_t b = BLOCKBYTE(node_offset);
	kprintf("Located an inode at #%d (%d), the byte for this block is currently set to %x\n", node_no, node_offset, (uint32_t)b);
	b |= SETBIT(node_offset);
	kprintf("We would want to set it to %x\n", (uint32_t)b);
	kprintf("Setting it in our temporary buffer...\n");
	BLOCKBYTE(node_offset) = b;
	kprintf("\nWriting back out.\n");
	ext2_disk_write_block(BGD[group].inode_bitmap, (uint8_t *)bg_buffer);
	kprintf("Okay, now we need to update the available inodes count...\n");
	kprintf("it is %d, it should be %d\n", BGD[group].free_inodes_count, BGD[group].free_inodes_count - 1);
	kprintf("%d\n", BGD[group].free_inodes_count);
	BGD[group].free_inodes_count -= 1;
	kprintf("%d\n", BGD[group].free_inodes_count);
	kprintf("\nOkay, writing the block descriptors back to disk.\n");
	ext2_disk_write_block(2, (uint8_t *)BGD);
	kprintf("Alright, we have an inode (%d), time to write it out to disk and make the file in the directory.\n", node_no);

	// Get the inode struct from the disk and init it
	inode = ext2_disk_inode(node_no);
	inode->size = 0;
	inode->blocks = 0;
	inode->mode = mode;
	ext2_disk_write_inode(inode, node_no);
	*inode_no = node_no;

	// Create an entry in the parent directory
	uint8_t ftype = mode_to_filetype(mode);
	kprintf("[kernel/ext2] Allocated inode, inserting directory entry [%d]...\n", node_no);
	insertdir_ext2_disk(parent, no, node_no, name, ftype);

	return inode;
Beispiel #5
 * Insert an entry named 'name' with type 'type' into a directory 'p_node' 
 * at the end.
 * This function assumes that parent directory 'p_node' does not contain
 * any entry with same name as 'name'. Caller should ensure this.
void insertdir_ext2_disk(ext2_inodetable_t *p_node, uint32_t no, uint32_t inode, char *name, uint8_t type) {
	/* XXX HACK This needs to be seriously fixed up. */
	debug_print(NOTICE, "Request to insert new directory entry at 0x%x#%d->%d '%s' type %d", p_node, no, inode, name, type);
	assert(p_node->mode & EXT2_S_IFDIR);
	void *block = malloc(BLOCKSIZE);
	uint32_t block_nr = 0;
	ext2_disk_inode_read_block(p_node, no, block_nr, block);
	uint32_t dir_offset = 0;
	uint32_t total_offset = 0;

	// first, iterate pass the last entry in the parent directory.
	while (total_offset < p_node->size) {
		ext2_dir_t *d_ent = (ext2_dir_t *)((uintptr_t)block + dir_offset);
		if (d_ent->rec_len + total_offset == p_node->size) {
			d_ent->rec_len = d_ent->name_len + sizeof(ext2_dir_t);
			while (d_ent->rec_len % 4 > 0) {
			dir_offset   += d_ent->rec_len;
			total_offset += d_ent->rec_len;

		dir_offset += d_ent->rec_len;
		total_offset += d_ent->rec_len;

		// move on to the next block of this directory if needed.
		if (dir_offset >= BLOCKSIZE) {
			dir_offset -= BLOCKSIZE;
			ext2_disk_inode_read_block(p_node, no, block_nr, block);
			debug_print(NOTICE, "Advancing to next block...");

	debug_print(NOTICE, "total offset = %d; block = %d; offset within block = %d", total_offset, block_nr, dir_offset);

	// Put the new directory entry at 'dir_offset' in block 'block_nr'.
	uint32_t size = p_node->size - total_offset;
	if (dir_offset + size > BLOCKSIZE) {
		debug_print(WARNING, "Directory entry is beyond first block of directory. This might be bad.");
	ext2_dir_t *new_entry = malloc(size);

	// Initialize the new entry.
	new_entry->inode = inode;
	new_entry->rec_len = size;
	new_entry->name_len = (uint8_t)strlen(name);
	new_entry->file_type = type;
	memcpy(&new_entry->name, name, strlen(name));

	// Write back to block.
	memcpy(((uint8_t *)block) + dir_offset, new_entry, size);
	memset(((uint8_t *)block) + dir_offset + new_entry->rec_len, 0x00, 4);
	ext2_disk_inode_write_block(p_node, no, block_nr, block);


	// Update parent node size
	//p_node->size += size;
	ext2_disk_write_inode(p_node, no);
