bool QgsRasterProjector::destExtentSize( const QgsRectangle &srcExtent, int srcXSize, int srcYSize,
    QgsRectangle &destExtent, int &destXSize, int &destYSize )
  if ( srcExtent.isEmpty() || srcXSize <= 0 || srcYSize <= 0 )
    return false;
  QgsCoordinateTransform ct( mSrcCRS, mDestCRS, mSrcDatumTransform, mDestDatumTransform );

  return extentSize( ct, srcExtent, srcXSize, srcYSize, destExtent, destXSize, destYSize );
bool QgsRasterProjector::destExtentSize( const QgsRectangle& theSrcExtent, int theSrcXSize, int theSrcYSize,
    QgsRectangle& theDestExtent, int& theDestXSize, int& theDestYSize )
  if ( theSrcExtent.isEmpty() || theSrcXSize <= 0 || theSrcYSize <= 0 )
    return false;
  const QgsCoordinateTransform* ct = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( mSrcCRS.authid(), mDestCRS.authid(), mSrcDatumTransform, mDestDatumTransform );

  return extentSize( ct, theSrcExtent, theSrcXSize, theSrcYSize, theDestExtent, theDestXSize, theDestYSize );
void QgsRasterProjector::calcSrcRowsCols()
  // Wee need to calculate minimum cell size in the source
  // TODO: Think it over better, what is the right source resolution?
  //       Taking distances between cell centers projected to source along source
  //       axis would result in very high resolution
  // TODO: different resolution for rows and cols ?

  double myMinSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();

  if ( mApproximate )
    // For now, we take cell sizes projected to source but not to source axes
    double myDestColsPerMatrixCell = ( double )mDestCols / mCPCols;
    double myDestRowsPerMatrixCell = ( double )mDestRows / mCPRows;
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "myDestColsPerMatrixCell = %1 myDestRowsPerMatrixCell = %2" ).arg( myDestColsPerMatrixCell ).arg( myDestRowsPerMatrixCell ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < mCPRows - 1; i++ )
      for ( int j = 0; j < mCPCols - 1; j++ )
        QgsPoint myPointA = mCPMatrix[i][j];
        QgsPoint myPointB = mCPMatrix[i][j+1];
        QgsPoint myPointC = mCPMatrix[i+1][j];
        if ( mCPLegalMatrix[i][j] && mCPLegalMatrix[i][j+1] && mCPLegalMatrix[i+1][j] )
          double mySize = sqrt( myPointA.sqrDist( myPointB ) ) / myDestColsPerMatrixCell;
          if ( mySize < myMinSize )
            myMinSize = mySize;

          mySize = sqrt( myPointA.sqrDist( myPointC ) ) / myDestRowsPerMatrixCell;
          if ( mySize < myMinSize )
            myMinSize = mySize;
    // take highest from corners, points in in the middle of corners and center (3 x 3 )
    const QgsCoordinateTransform* inverseCt = QgsCoordinateTransformCache::instance()->transform( mDestCRS.authid(), mSrcCRS.authid(), mDestDatumTransform, mSrcDatumTransform );
    QgsRectangle srcExtent;
    int srcXSize, srcYSize;
    if ( extentSize( inverseCt, mDestExtent, mDestCols, mDestRows, srcExtent, srcXSize, srcYSize ) )
      double srcXRes = srcExtent.width() / srcXSize;
      double srcYRes = srcExtent.height() / srcYSize;
      myMinSize = std::min( srcXRes, srcYRes );
      QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot get src extent/size" );

  // Make it a bit higher resolution
  // TODO: find the best coefficient, attention, increasing resolution for WMS
  // is changing WMS content
  myMinSize *= 0.75;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mMaxSrcXRes = %1 mMaxSrcYRes = %2" ).arg( mMaxSrcXRes ).arg( mMaxSrcYRes ) );
  // mMaxSrcXRes, mMaxSrcYRes may be 0 - no limit (WMS)
  double myMinXSize = mMaxSrcXRes > myMinSize ? mMaxSrcXRes : myMinSize;
  double myMinYSize = mMaxSrcYRes > myMinSize ? mMaxSrcYRes : myMinSize;
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "myMinXSize = %1 myMinYSize = %2" ).arg( myMinXSize ).arg( myMinYSize ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mSrcExtent.width = %1 mSrcExtent.height = %2" ).arg( mSrcExtent.width() ).arg( mSrcExtent.height() ) );

  // we have to round to keep alignment set in calcSrcExtent
  mSrcRows = ( int ) qRound( mSrcExtent.height() / myMinYSize );
  mSrcCols = ( int ) qRound( mSrcExtent.width() / myMinXSize );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "mSrcRows = %1 mSrcCols = %2" ).arg( mSrcRows ).arg( mSrcCols ) );