Beispiel #1
static int _umount(vfs_mount_t *mountp)
    fatfs_desc_t *fs_desc = mountp->private_data;

    DEBUG("fatfs_vfs.c: _umount: private_data = %p\n", mountp->private_data);

    char volume_str[FATFS_MAX_VOL_STR_LEN];
    snprintf(volume_str, sizeof(volume_str), "%d:/", fs_desc->vol_idx);

    DEBUG("unmounting file system of volume '%s'\n", volume_str);
    FRESULT res = f_unmount(volume_str);

    if (res == FR_OK) {
        memset(&fs_desc->fat_fs, 0, sizeof(fs_desc->fat_fs));
    else {

    return fatfs_err_to_errno(res);
Beispiel #2
** Function name:           main
** Descriptions:            
** Input parameters:        
** Output parameters:       
** Returned value:          ==OS_OK : 操作成功
**                          !=OS_OK : 操作失败(包含出错信息)
** Created by:              Fengliang
** Created Date:            2011-5-16  13:23:42
** Test recorde:            
** Modified by:
** Modified date:
** Test recorde: 
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 
    char aWriteBuffer[] = "精诚服务,真诚永远!——源于China";              	/* 文件内容                             */
    char aReadBuffer[1024];

    FATFS   fs[1];                                                          /* Work area for logical drives         */
    FRESULT Status;                                                         /* 操作状态                             */
    FIL     SrcFile, DstFile;                                               /* file objects                         */
    UINT    ReadCounter, WriteCounter;                                      /* File read counter                    */

     * 1) Register work area for each volume (Always succeeds regardless of disk status)
    f_mount(0, &fs[0]);

#if 0
    f_mkfs(0, 1, 512);

     * 2) 创建目录.

     * 3) 打开文件 on the drive 0
    Status = f_open(&SrcFile, "0:hello.txt", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);
    if (OS_OK != Status)
        printf("Could not find the src file\n");

    Status = f_open(&DstFile, "0:ChinaOS中国操作系统.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
    if (OS_OK != Status)
        printf("Could not find the dest file\n");

     * 4) 复制文件数据.
    while (1)
        Status = f_read(&SrcFile, aReadBuffer, sizeof(aReadBuffer), &ReadCounter);
        if (OS_OK != Status || ReadCounter == 0)
            break;                                                          /* error or eof                         */

        /* Copy source to destination */
        Status = f_write(&DstFile, aReadBuffer, ReadCounter, &WriteCounter);
        if (OS_OK != Status || WriteCounter < ReadCounter) 
            break;                                                          /* error or disk full                   */

     * 5) Close open files
     * 6) Unregister work area prior to discard it.

    return 0; 