Beispiel #1
char * get_input()
    unsigned int bufferSize = BUFFER_START, bufferUsed = 0; // Buffer tracking.
    char * buffer = calloc(bufferSize, sizeof(char)); // Hi, could I get a 00000000000000000000?

    while(1) {
        char currentChar = getchar(); // Dear user, Please press a button. Kthxbye.

        if(currentChar == '\n') // User be done.
            break; // gtfo

        buffer[bufferUsed] = currentChar;

        if(bufferUsed == bufferSize - 1) { // A little big there, champ?
            bufferSize *= 2; // Double the size.
            // Bigger buffer, please! :D
            buffer = (char *) realloc(buffer, bufferSize);

            if(buffer == NULL) // Aw, por que no?
                fail_with_error("Could not get memory space for buffer.");


    buffer[bufferUsed] = '\0'; // Zero string.

    return buffer;
Beispiel #2
* Method: main
* Purpose: Handles primary functionality.
* Parameters:
* int argc: The count of arguments.
* char *argv[]: The array of arguments.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Settings settings; // The passed settings.
    int * filenameIndices; // Will hold indices of filename locations in argv.
    int filenameIndicesCount = 0; // The count of indices.

    // Grabs settings.
    handle_arguments(argc, argv, &settings, &filenameIndices, &filenameIndicesCount);

        signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); // Ignore signals if asked of us.

    FILE *openFiles[filenameIndicesCount]; // The set of open file descriptors.

    // Open files.
    int index;
    for(index = 0; index < filenameIndicesCount; index++)
        int argIndex = filenameIndices[index];

        char * mode = (settings.append) ? "a" : "w"; // Chose write mode based on flags.
        openFiles[index] = fopen(argv[argIndex], mode); // Open the file with mode.

            fail_with_error("Could not open file.");

        free(filenameIndices); // Free calloced data.

    char inputBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

    while(fgets(inputBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin)) // Receive input.
        for(index = 0; index < filenameIndicesCount; index++)
            // Print input to each file.
            fwrite(inputBuffer, sizeof(char), strlen(inputBuffer), openFiles[index]);

        printf("%s", inputBuffer); // Print out the input.

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
void execute(char ** args)
    pid_t pid;
    int background = 0;

    char ** argsInd = args;
    while(*argsInd != '\0')
            background = 0;

        if(strcmp(*argsInd, "&") == 0)
            background = 1;


        *(argsInd - 1) = '\0';

    if((pid = fork()) < 0)
        fail_with_error("Could not fork new process.");
    else if(pid == 0)
        if(execvp(*args, args) < 0) // Check execution success.
            display_error("Execution failed.");
    else if(!background)
        if(wait(NULL) == -1)
            display_error("Process did not return on wait.");
Beispiel #4
* Method: handle_arguments
* Purpose: Handles passed args.
* Parameters:
* int argc: The count of arguments.
* char *argv[]: The array of arguments.
* PSettings pSettings: Pointer to settings struct.
void handle_arguments(int argc, char *argv[], PSettings pSettings, int **filenameIndices, int *filenameIndicesCount)
    int index; // The index.
    int foundFilename = FALSE; // Whether we found a filename.

    int filenameArraySize = 5;
    *filenameIndicesCount = 0;

    *filenameIndices = (int *) calloc(filenameArraySize, sizeof(int));

    for(index = 1; index < argc; index++)
        char * currentArgument = argv[index];

        if(currentArgument[0] == '-') // Is a flag.
            if(strcmp(currentArgument, "-a") == 0)
                pSettings->append = TRUE;
            else if(strcmp(currentArgument, "-i") == 0)
                pSettings->ignoreInterrupts = TRUE;
            { // Invalid flag.
                fail_with_error("The passed flag was invalid.");
        else // Should be a filename.
            if(*filenameIndicesCount >= filenameArraySize)
            { // Double the size of the array.
                *filenameIndices = (int *) realloc(*filenameIndices, sizeof(int) * filenameArraySize * 2);
                filenameArraySize *= 2;

            (*filenameIndices)[*filenameIndicesCount] = index;
