Beispiel #1
void slowPoll( void )
Beispiel #2
void slowPoll( void )
	static BOOLEAN addedFixedItems = FALSE;
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	int taskID, value, status;

	status = initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )

	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process (and in fact 
	   for the BSP as a whole) so we only add them once */
	if( !addedFixedItems )
		const char *string;
		int value;

		/* Add the model name of the CPU board and the BSP version and 
		   revision number */
		string = sysModel();
		if( string != NULL )
			addRandomData( randomState, string, strlen( string ) );
		string = sysBspRev();
		if( string != NULL )
			addRandomData( randomState, string, strlen( string ) );
		value = sysProcNumGet();	/* Usually 0 */
		addRandomLong( randomState, value );

	/* Add the current task ID and task options.  The task options are 
	   relatively fixed but the task ID seems quite random and over the full 
	   32-bit range */
	taskID = taskIdSelf();
	addRandomLong( randomState, taskID );
	status = taskOptionsGet( taskID, &value );
	if( status == OK )
		addRandomLong( randomState, value );

	endRandomData( randomState, 3 );

Beispiel #3
static void slowPollWinCE( void )
	HEAPLIST32 hl32;
	HANDLE hSnapshot;
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	int iterationCount;

	/* Initialize the Toolhelp32 function pointers if necessary.  The
	   Toolhelp DLL isn't always present (some OEMs omit it) so we have to
	   link it dynamically */
	if( hToolHelp32 == NULL )
		/* Obtain the module handle of the kernel to retrieve the addresses
		   of the ToolHelp32 functions */
		if( ( hToolHelp32 = LoadLibrary( TEXT( "Toolhelp.dll" ) ) ) == NULL )
			/* There's no ToolHelp32 available, now we're in a bit of a
			   bind.  Try for at least a fast poll */

		/* Now get pointers to the functions */
		pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = ( CREATESNAPSHOT ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" ) );
		pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot = ( CLOSESNAPSHOT ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "CloseToolhelp32Snapshot" ) );
		pModule32First = ( MODULEWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Module32First" ) );
		pModule32Next = ( MODULEWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Module32Next" ) );
		pProcess32First = ( PROCESSWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Process32First" ) );
		pProcess32Next = ( PROCESSWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Process32Next" ) );
		pThread32First = ( THREADWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Thread32First" ) );
		pThread32Next = ( THREADWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Thread32Next" ) );
		pHeap32ListFirst = ( HEAPLISTWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32ListFirst" ) );
		pHeap32ListNext = ( HEAPLISTWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32ListNext" ) );
		pHeap32First = ( HEAPFIRST ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32First" ) );
		pHeap32Next = ( HEAPNEXT ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32Next" ) );

		/* Make sure we got valid pointers for every Toolhelp32 function */
		if( pModule32First == NULL || pModule32Next == NULL || \
			pProcess32First == NULL || pProcess32Next == NULL || \
			pThread32First == NULL || pThread32Next == NULL || \
			pHeap32ListFirst == NULL || pHeap32ListNext == NULL || \
			pHeap32First == NULL || pHeap32Next == NULL || \
			pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot == NULL )
			/* Mark the main function as unavailable in case for future
			   reference */
			pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL;
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, BIG_RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Take snapshots what's currently in the system.  In theory we could
	   do a TH32CS_SNAPALL to get everything at once, but this can lead
	   to out-of-memory errors on some memory-limited systems, so we only
	   snapshot the individual resource that we're interested in.

	   First we walk through the local heap.  We have to be careful to not
	   spend excessive amounts of time on this if we're linked into a large
	   application with a great many heaps and/or heap blocks, since the
	   heap-traversal functions are rather slow.  Fortunately this is
	   quite rare under WinCE since it implies a large/long-running server
	   app, which we're unlikely to run into.

	   Ideally in order to prevent excessive delays we'd count the number
	   of heaps and ensure that no_heaps * no_heap_blocks doesn't exceed
	   some maximum value, however this requires two passes of (slow) heap
	   traversal rather than one, which doesn't help the situation much.
	   To provide at least some protection, we limit the total number of
	   heaps and heap entries traversed, although this leads to slightly
	   suboptimal performance if we have a small number of deep heaps
	   rather than the current large number of shallow heaps.

	   There is however a second consideration that needs to be taken into
	   account when doing this, which is that the heap-management functions
	   aren't completely thread-safe, so that under (very rare) conditions
	   of heavy allocation/deallocation this can cause problems when calling
	   HeapNext().  By limiting the amount of time that we spend in each
	   heap, we can reduce our exposure somewhat */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		assert( DEBUG_WARN );	/* Make sure that we get some feedback */
	hl32.dwSize = sizeof( HEAPLIST32 );
	if( pHeap32ListFirst( hSnapshot, &hl32 ) )
		int listCount = 0;

			HEAPENTRY32 he32;

			/* First add the information from the basic Heaplist32
			   structure */
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &hl32, sizeof( HEAPLIST32 ) );

			/* Now walk through the heap blocks getting information
			   on each of them */
			he32.dwSize = sizeof( HEAPENTRY32 );
			if( pHeap32First( hSnapshot, &he32, hl32.th32ProcessID, hl32.th32HeapID ) )
				int entryCount = 0;

					if( krnlIsExiting() )
						pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
					addRandomData( randomState, &he32,
								   sizeof( HEAPENTRY32 ) );
				while( entryCount++ < 20 && pHeap32Next( hSnapshot, &he32 ) );
		while( listCount++ < 20 && pHeap32ListNext( hSnapshot, &hl32 ) );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Now walk through all processes */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		endRandomData( randomState, 40 );
	pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
	iterationCount = 0;
	if( pProcess32First( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) )
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &pe32, sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ) );
		while( pProcess32Next( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_LARGE );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Then walk through all threads */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		endRandomData( randomState, 60 );
	te32.dwSize = sizeof( THREADENTRY32 );
	iterationCount = 0;
	if( pThread32First( hSnapshot, &te32 ) )
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &te32, sizeof( THREADENTRY32 ) );
		while( pThread32Next( hSnapshot, &te32 ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_LARGE  );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Finally, walk through all modules associated with the process */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		endRandomData( randomState, 80 );
	me32.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 );
	iterationCount = 0;
	if( pModule32First( hSnapshot, &me32 ) )
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &me32, sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 ) );
		while( pModule32Next( hSnapshot, &me32 ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_LARGE  );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );