Beispiel #1
      /* Method to fetch (as boolean) the first value of a given
       * variable list.
       * In this context, a variable list is the same as a variable but
       * it is composed of several parts (words), separated by spaces.
       * @param variableList   Variable list name.
       * @param section        Section the variable list belongs to.
       * \warning This method will MODIFY the original content of
       * 'variableList'.
   bool ConfDataReader::fetchListValueAsBoolean( string variableList,
                                                 string section,
                                                 bool   defaultVal )


            // Let's make sure that section and variable names are uppercase
         section      = StringUtils::upperCase(section);
         variableList = StringUtils::upperCase(variableList);

            // Get first value in 'variableList' and make it uppercase
         string result( fetchListValue(variableList,section) );

         result = StringUtils::upperCase(result);

            // Test if it is "TRUE" or "FALSE"
         if( result == "TRUE" )

            return true;


            if( (result == "FALSE") ||
                (result == "") )    // If list is empty returns false

               return defaultVal;


                  // Throw an exception if value is neither TRUE nor FALSE
               ConfigurationException e(
                                    "Variable list '" +
                                    variableList + "' in configuration file '" +
                                    filename +
                                    "' have a value that is neither TRUE " +
                                    "nor FALSE.");


            }  // End of 'if( result == "FALSE" )'

         }  // End of 'if( result == "TRUE" )'

      }  // End of 'try' block
      catch (ConfigurationException& e)

   }  // End of method 'ConfDataReader::fetchListValueAsBoolean()'
Beispiel #2
    /** Method to fetch (as integer) the first value of a given
     *  variable list.
     * In this context, a variable list is the same as a variable but
     * it is composed of several parts (words), separated by spaces.
     * @param variableList   Variable list name.
     * @param section        Section the variable list belongs to.
     * \warning This method will MODIFY the original content of
     * 'variableList'.
 virtual int fetchListValueAsInt( std::string variableList,
                                  std::string section = "DEFAULT",
                                  int    defaultVal = 0 )
    return StringUtils::asInt( 
Beispiel #3
    /** Method to fetch (as double) the first value of a given
     *  variable list.
     * In this context, a variable list is the same as a variable but
     * it is composed of several parts (words), separated by spaces.
     * @param variableList   Variable list name.
     * @param section        Section the variable list belongs to.
     * \warning This method will MODIFY the original content of
     * 'variableList'.
 virtual double fetchListValueAsDouble( std::string variableList,
                                        std::string section = "DEFAULT",
                                        double defaultVal = 0.0 )
    return StringUtils::asDouble( 