int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", "/tmp/luna-session", 0); QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("luna-recorder"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion("0.2"); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("Luna Screencast recorder"); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption fileOpt(QStringList() << "f" << "file", "Output filename", "file"); parser.addOption(fileOpt); QCommandLineOption numberOfFramesOpt(QStringList() << "n" << "number-of-frames", "Number of frames to record", "number-of-frames"); parser.addOption(numberOfFramesOpt); parser.process(app); if (!parser.isSet(fileOpt)) { qCritical() << "File name for output needs to be set"; exit(1); } const QString fileName = parser.value(fileOpt); QFile file(fileName); if (! { qCritical() << "Failed to open output file"; exit(1); } unsigned int numberOfFrames = 0; if (parser.isSet(numberOfFramesOpt)) numberOfFrames = parser.value(numberOfFramesOpt).toInt(); Recorder recorder(&file, numberOfFrames); return app.exec(); }
void ModelsimGenerator::parseFileSets( QSharedPointer<Component> component, const QStringList& fileSetNames ) { Q_ASSERT_X(component, "ModelsimGenerator::parseFileSets", "Null component-pointer given as parameter"); QString basePath = handler_->getPath(*component->getVlnv()); if (basePath.isEmpty()) { emit errorMessage(tr("Component %1:%2:%3:%4 was not found within " "library, stopping generation").arg( component->getVlnv()->getVendor()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getLibrary()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getName()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getVersion())); return; } // check each file set foreach (QString fileSetName, fileSetNames) { // if the specified file set was not found within component if (!component->hasFileSet(fileSetName)) { emit errorMessage(tr("Fileset %1 was not found within component " "%2:%3:%4:%5").arg(fileSetName).arg( component->getVlnv()->getVendor()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getLibrary()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getName()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getVersion())); continue; } // get the files in the file set QSharedPointer<FileSet> fileSet = component->getFileSet(fileSetName); QList<QSharedPointer<File> > fileList = fileSet->getFiles(); // handle each file foreach (QSharedPointer<File> file, fileList) { // get the absolute path to the file QString absolutePath = General::getAbsolutePath(basePath, file->getName()); // make sure the file exists in the file system QFileInfo fileInfo(absolutePath); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { emit errorMessage(tr("The file %1 needed by component %2:%3:%4:%5" " was not found in the file system.").arg( absolutePath).arg( component->getVlnv()->getVendor()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getLibrary()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getName()).arg( component->getVlnv()->getVersion())); // move on to next file continue; } // create the file settings ModelsimGenerator::FileOptions fileOpt(absolutePath); // set the options for the file fileOpt.libraryName_ = file->getLogicalName(); fileOpt.buildCommand_ = file->getCommand(); fileOpt.flags_ = file->getFlags(); fileOpt.sourceComponent_ = component->getVlnv()->toString(); fileOpt.sourceFileSet_ = file->fileSetName(); // if the file with options is not yet on the list, add it if (!sourceFiles_.contains(fileOpt)) sourceFiles_.append(fileOpt); } }