Beispiel #1
static FcBool
cache_print_set (FcFontSet *set, FcStrSet *dirs, const FcChar8 *base_name, FcBool verbose)
    FcChar8	    *dir;
    const FcChar8   *base;
    int		    n;
    int		    ndir = 0;
    FcStrList	    *list;

    list = FcStrListCreate (dirs);
    if (!list)
	goto bail2;
    while ((dir = FcStrListNext (list)))
	base = file_base_name (base_name, dir);
	if (!write_string (stdout, base))
	    goto bail3;
	if (PUTC (' ', stdout) == EOF)
	    goto bail3;
	if (!write_int (stdout, 0))
	    goto bail3;
        if (PUTC (' ', stdout) == EOF)
	    goto bail3;
	if (!write_string (stdout, FC_FONT_FILE_DIR))
	    goto bail3;
	if (PUTC ('\n', stdout) == EOF)
	    goto bail3;
    for (n = 0; n < set->nfont; n++)
	FcPattern   *font = set->fonts[n];
	FcChar8 *s;

	s = FcPatternFormat (font, (const FcChar8 *) "%{=fccat}\n");
	if (s)
	    printf ("%s", s);
	    FcStrFree (s);
    if (verbose && !set->nfont && !ndir)
	printf ("<empty>\n");

    FcStrListDone (list);

    return FcTrue;

    FcStrListDone (list);
    return FcFalse;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc < 5) {
		std::cout << "Program " << argv[0]
						<< " converts a vertical surface described by a polyline embedded in a mesh to a polygon"
						<< std::endl;
		std::cout << "For this reason the polyline is projected to the bottom surface and top surface "
						"of the mesh. The resulting two polylines are linked to a closed polyline, i.e., a polygon." << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0]
						<< " --mesh ogs_meshfile --geometry ogs_geometry_as_gli_file [--polyline-id-lower ply_id_lower --polyline-id-upper ply_id_upper]" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// *** read mesh
	std::string tmp(argv[1]);
	if (tmp.find("--mesh") == std::string::npos) {
		std::cout << "could not extract mesh file name" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	tmp = argv[2];
	std::string file_base_name(tmp);
	if (tmp.find(".msh") != std::string::npos)
		file_base_name = tmp.substr(0, tmp.size() - 4);

	std::vector<MeshLib::CFEMesh*> mesh_vec;
	FEMRead(file_base_name, mesh_vec);
	if (mesh_vec.empty()) {
		std::cerr << "could not read mesh from file " << std::endl;
		return -1;
	MeshLib::CFEMesh * mesh(mesh_vec[mesh_vec.size() - 1]);

	// *** read geometry
	tmp = argv[3];
	if (tmp.find("--geometry") == std::string::npos) {
		std::cout << "could not extract geometry file name" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	GEOLIB::GEOObjects* geo(new GEOLIB::GEOObjects);
	tmp = argv[4];
	std::string unique_name;
	std::vector<std::string> error_strings;
	FileIO::readGLIFileV4(tmp, geo, unique_name, error_strings);

	// *** get Polygon
	const std::vector<GEOLIB::Polyline*>* plys(geo->getPolylineVec(unique_name));
	std::cout << "fetched polylines: " << std::flush << plys->size() << std::endl;
	if (!plys) {
		std::cout << "could not get vector of polylines" << std::endl;
		delete mesh;
		delete geo;
		return -1;

	//*** extract surface out of mesh
	MeshLib::ExtractMeshNodes extract_mesh_nodes(mesh);

	// *** generate a polygon from polyline
	size_t ply_id_upper(plys->size());
	size_t ply_id_lower(0);
	if (argc == 9) {
		ply_id_lower = str2number<size_t>(argv[6]);
		ply_id_upper = std::min(str2number<size_t>(argv[8]), ply_id_upper);

	for (size_t k(ply_id_lower); k < ply_id_upper; k++) {
		bool closed((*plys)[k]->isClosed());
		if (!closed) {
			std::cout << "converting polyline " << k << " to polygon (closed polyline) "
							<< std::endl;
			GEOLIB::Polygon* polygon(NULL);
			extract_mesh_nodes.getPolygonFromPolyline(*((*plys)[k]), geo, unique_name, polygon);
			std::string *polygon_name(new std::string);
			geo->getPolylineVecObj(unique_name)->getNameOfElementByID(k, *polygon_name);
			(*polygon_name) += "-Polygon";
			geo->getPolylineVecObj(unique_name)->push_back(polygon, polygon_name);

	std::string path;
	BaseLib::extractPath(argv[4], path);
	std::string const fname_of_new_file(path + "New.gli");
	FileIO::writeGLIFileV4(fname_of_new_file, unique_name, *geo);

	delete mesh;
	delete geo;

	return 0;
Beispiel #3
static int boot_mips_write(FILE *outfile)
	struct directory_entry	*boot_file;	/* Boot file we need to search for */
    unsigned long length = 0;
    unsigned long extent = 0;
	int i;
	struct volume_header vh;
    unsigned long long iso_size = 0;
    char *filename = NULL;

	memset(&vh, 0, sizeof(vh));

    iso_size = last_extent * 2048;

    write_be32(VHMAGIC, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_magic);

	/* Values from an IRIX cd */
    write_be16(BYTES_PER_SECTOR, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_dp.dp_secbytes);
    write_be16(SECTORS_PER_TRACK, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_dp.dp_secs);
    write_be32(DP_RESEEK|DP_IGNOREERRORS|DP_TRKFWD, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_dp.dp_flags);
    write_be16(1, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_dp.dp_trks0);

    write_be16((iso_size + BYTES_PER_SECTOR - 1) / (SECTORS_PER_TRACK * BYTES_PER_SECTOR),
               (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_dp.dp_cyls);

	for(i = 0; i < boot_mips_num_files; i++)
        boot_file = search_tree_file(root, boot_mips_filename[i]);
        if (!boot_file) {
            comerrno(EX_BAD, "Uh oh, I cant find the MIPS boot file '%s'!\n",
            fprintf(stderr, "Uh oh, I cant find the MIPS boot file '%s'!\n",

        extent = get_733(boot_file->isorec.extent) * 4;
        length = ((get_733(boot_file->isorec.size) + 2047) / 2048) * 2048;
        filename = file_base_name(boot_mips_filename[i]);

        strncpy((char *)vh.vh_vd[i].vd_name, filename, MIN(VDNAMESIZE, strlen(filename)));
        write_be32(extent, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_vd[i].vd_lbn);
        write_be32(length, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_vd[i].vd_nbytes);
        fprintf(stderr, "Found mips boot image %s, using extent %lu (0x%lX), #blocks %lu (0x%lX)\n",
                filename, extent, extent, length, length);

	/* Create volume partition on whole cd iso */
    write_be32((iso_size + (BYTES_PER_SECTOR - 1))/ BYTES_PER_SECTOR, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_pt[10].pt_nblks);
    write_be32(0, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_pt[10].pt_firstlbn);
    write_be32(PTYPE_VOLUME, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_pt[10].pt_type);

	/* Create volume header partition, also on WHOLE cd iso */
    write_be32((iso_size + (BYTES_PER_SECTOR - 1))/ BYTES_PER_SECTOR, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_pt[8].pt_nblks);
    write_be32(0, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_pt[8].pt_firstlbn);
    write_be32(PTYPE_VOLHDR, (unsigned char *)&vh.vh_pt[8].pt_type);

	/* Create checksum */

    jtwrite(&vh, sizeof(vh), 1, 0, FALSE);
    xfwrite(&vh, sizeof(vh), 1, outfile, 0, FALSE);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	if (argc < 5)
		std::cout << "program " << argv[0] << " takes a *layered* mesh file and closed polylines from a geometry and "
		                                      "computes the surface mesh nodes within the closed polyline"
		          << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Usage: " << std::endl
		          << argv[0] << "\n\t--mesh ogs_meshfile\n\t--geometry ogs_geometry_as_gli_file" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// *** read mesh
	std::string tmp(argv[1]);
	if (tmp.find("--mesh") == std::string::npos)
		std::cout << "could not extract mesh file name" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	tmp = argv[2];
	std::string file_base_name(tmp);
	if (tmp.find(".msh") != std::string::npos)
		file_base_name = tmp.substr(0, tmp.size() - 4);

	std::vector<MeshLib::CFEMesh*> mesh_vec;
	FEMRead(file_base_name, mesh_vec);
	if (mesh_vec.empty())
		std::cerr << "could not read mesh from file " << std::endl;
		return -1;
	MeshLib::CFEMesh* mesh(mesh_vec[mesh_vec.size() - 1]);

	// extract path
	std::string path;
	BaseLib::extractPath(argv[2], path);

	// *** read geometry
	tmp = argv[3];
	if (tmp.find("--geometry") == std::string::npos)
		std::cout << "could not extract geometry file name" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	GEOLIB::GEOObjects* geo(new GEOLIB::GEOObjects);
	tmp = argv[4];
	std::string unique_name;
	std::vector<std::string> error_strings;
	FileIO::readGLIFileV4(tmp, geo, unique_name, error_strings);

	//	{
	//		const std::vector<GEOLIB::Point*>* pnts (geo->getPointVec (tmp));
	//		if (pnts) {
	//			std::string fname ("MeshIDs.txt");
	//			std::ofstream out (fname.c_str());
	//			std::string fname_gli ("MeshNodesAsPnts.gli");
	//			std::ofstream pnt_out (fname_gli.c_str());
	//			pnt_out << "#POINTS" << std::endl;
	//			MeshLib::ExtractMeshNodes extract_mesh_nodes (mesh);
	//			const size_t n_pnts (pnts->size());
	//			for (size_t k(0); k<n_pnts; k++) {
	//				extract_mesh_nodes.writeNearestMeshNodeToPoint (out, pnt_out, *((*pnts)[k]));
	//			}
	//			pnt_out << "#STOP" << std::endl;
	//		}
	//		return 0;
	//	}

	// *** get Polygon
	const std::vector<GEOLIB::Polyline*>* plys(geo->getPolylineVec(unique_name));
	if (!plys)
		std::cout << "could not get vector of polylines" << std::endl;
		delete mesh;
		delete geo;
		return -1;

	std::vector<size_t> mesh_ids;
	//	size_t ply_id (0);
	//	size_t layer(1);
	//	getMeshNodesFromLayerAlongPolyline(mesh, geo, unique_name, ply_id, layer, mesh_ids);
	//	writeMeshNodes(mesh, mesh_ids, "MeshIDs.txt", "MeshNodesAsPoints.gli", true);

	//*** extract surface out of mesh
	MeshLib::ExtractMeshNodes extract_mesh_nodes(mesh);

	//	// *** generate a polygon from polyline
	////	std::vector<GEOLIB::Polyline*> polylines;
	//	const size_t n_plys (plys->size());
	//	for (size_t k(0); k < n_plys; k++)
	//	{
	//		bool closed ((*plys)[k]->isClosed());
	//		if (!closed)
	//		{
	//			std::cout << "converting polyline " << k << " to closed polyline" << std::endl;
	//			GEOLIB::Polygon* polygon(NULL);
	//			extract_mesh_nodes.getPolygonFromPolyline(*((*plys)[k]), geo, unique_name, polygon);
	////			polylines.push_back (polygon);
	////			geo->appendPolylineVec (polylines, unique_name);
	//			std::string *polygon_name(new std::string);
	//			geo->getPolylineVecObj(unique_name)->getNameOfElementByID(k, *polygon_name);
	//			(*polygon_name) += "-Polygon";
	//			geo->getPolylineVecObj(unique_name)->push_back(polygon, polygon_name);
	////			polylines.clear();
	//		}
	//	}
	//	FileIO::writeGLIFileV4 ("New.gli", unique_name, *geo);

	// *** search mesh nodes for direct assigning bc, st or ic
	const size_t n_plys(plys->size());
	for (size_t k(0); k < n_plys; k++)
		bool closed((*plys)[k]->isClosed());
		if (!closed)
			std::cout << "polyline " << k << " is not closed" << std::endl;
			std::string fname(path + "MeshIDs.txt");
			std::ofstream out(fname.c_str());
			std::string fname_gli(path + "MeshNodesAsPnts.gli");
			std::ofstream pnt_out(fname_gli.c_str());
			pnt_out << "#POINTS" << std::endl;
			GEOLIB::Polygon polygon(*((*plys)[k]));
			//			extract_mesh_nodes.writeMesh2DNodeIDAndArea (out, pnt_out, polygon);
			extract_mesh_nodes.writeTopSurfaceMeshNodeIDs(out, pnt_out, polygon);
			// write all nodes - not only the surface nodes
			//			extract_mesh_nodes.writeMeshNodeIDs (out, pnt_out, polygon);
			pnt_out << "#STOP" << std::endl;

	// *** for Model Pipiripau
	//	std::vector<GEOLIB::Polygon*> holes;
	//	size_t bounding_polygon_id(0);
	//	while (bounding_polygon_id < n_plys && ! (*plys)[bounding_polygon_id]->isClosed()) {
	//		bounding_polygon_id++;
	//	}
	//	for (size_t k(bounding_polygon_id+1); k<n_plys; k++) {
	//		bool closed ((*plys)[k]->isClosed());
	//		if (!closed) {
	//			std::cout << "polyline " << k << " is not closed" << std::endl;
	//		} else {
	//			holes.push_back (new GEOLIB::Polygon(*(((*plys)[k]))));
	//		}
	//	}
	//	extract_mesh_nodes.writeMesh2DNodeIDAndArea (out, pnt_out, GEOLIB::Polygon((*((*plys)[bounding_polygon_id]))),
	// holes);
	//	for (size_t k(0); k<holes.size(); k++) {
	//		delete holes[k];
	//	}

	//	out << "#STOP" << std::endl;
	//	out.close();
	//	pnt_out << "#STOP" << std::endl;
	//	pnt_out.close ();

	delete mesh;
	delete geo;

	return 0;