Beispiel #1
/* Load a GtkTreeModel after re-scanning directories. */
void rombrowser_refresh(unsigned int roms, unsigned short clear)
    int arrayroms;
    GtkTreeModel* model;

    /* If clear flag is set, clear the models. */
        model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romFullList));
        GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romFullList));

        model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romDisplay));
        selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romDisplay));

    model =  gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romFullList));
    arrayroms = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children(model, NULL); 

    /* If there are currently more ROMs in cache than in the rombrowser, add them. */
        gboolean fullpaths;

        GtkTreeIter* iter = (GtkTreeIter*)malloc(sizeof(GtkTreeIter));
        char *country, *goodname, *usercomments, *md5hash, *crc1, *crc2, *internalname, *savetype, *players, *size, *compressiontype, *imagetype, *cicchip, *rumble;
        char* filename = NULL; /* Needs to be NULLed if fullpaths and zero roms are updated, for free. */
        GdkPixbuf* flag;
        GdkPixbuf* status[5];
        unsigned int romcounter;
        int counter;

        country = (char*)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
        md5hash = (char*)calloc(33, sizeof(char));
        crc1 = (char*)calloc(9, sizeof(char));
        crc2 = (char*)calloc(9, sizeof(char));
        savetype = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
        players = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
        size = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
        compressiontype = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
        imagetype = (char*)calloc(32, sizeof(char));
        cicchip = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
        rumble = (char*)calloc(8, sizeof(char));

            fprintf(stderr, "%s, %d: Out of memory!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); 

        fullpaths = config_get_bool("RomBrowserShowFullPaths", FALSE);
        cache_entry* entry;
        entry =;

        /* Advance cache pointer. */
        for(romcounter=0; romcounter < arrayroms; ++romcounter)
            entry = entry->next;

        for(romcounter=0; (romcounter < roms) && (entry != NULL); ++romcounter)
          countrycodestring(entry->countrycode, country);
          countrycodeflag(entry->countrycode, &flag);
          goodname = entry->inientry->goodname;

          for(counter = 0; counter < 5; ++counter)
                    status[counter] = star;
                    status[counter] = staroff;
            usercomments = entry->usercomments;
                filename = entry->filename;
                filename = filefrompath(entry->filename);

            for(counter = 0; counter < 16; ++counter) 
                sprintf(md5hash+counter*2, "%02X", entry->md5[counter]);
            sprintf(crc1, "%08X", entry->crc1);
            sprintf(crc2, "%08X", entry->crc2);
            savestring(entry->inientry->savetype, savetype);
            playersstring(entry->inientry->players, players);
            sprintf(size, "%.1f MBits", (float)(entry->romsize / (float)0x20000));
            compressionstring(entry->compressiontype, compressiontype);
            imagestring(entry->imagetype, imagetype);
            cicstring(entry->cic, cicchip);
            rumblestring(entry->inientry->rumble, rumble);

            /* Actually add entries to models. */
            model =  gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romFullList));
            gtk_list_store_append(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), iter);

            gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), iter, 0, country, 1, goodname, 2, NULL, 3, usercomments, 4, filename, 5, md5hash, 6, crc1, 7, crc2, 8, internalname, 9, savetype, 10, players, 11, size, 12, compressiontype, 13, imagetype, 14, cicchip, 15, rumble, 16, status[0], 17, status[1], 18, status[2], 19, status[3], 20, status[4], 21, flag, 22, entry, -1);

            model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romDisplay));
            gtk_list_store_append(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), iter);
            gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), iter, 0, country, 1, goodname, 2, NULL, 3, usercomments, 4, filename, 5, md5hash, 6, crc1, 7, crc2, 8, internalname, 9, savetype, 10, players, 11, size, 12, compressiontype, 13, imagetype, 14, cicchip, 15, rumble, 16, status[0], 17, status[1], 18, status[2], 19, status[3], 20, status[4], 21, flag, 22, entry, -1);

            /*printf("Added: %s\n", goodname);*/
            entry = entry->next;


        /* Do an initial sort. */
        gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_func(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(model), g_MainWindow.romSortColumn, rombrowser_compare, (gpointer)NULL, (gpointer)NULL);
        gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(model), g_MainWindow.romSortColumn, g_MainWindow.romSortType);
        gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(g_MainWindow.romDisplay), model);
Beispiel #2
boolean pathtofilespec ( bigstring bspath, ptrfilespec fs ) {

    // 2010-01-24 creedon: fix for relative paths not working on mac,
    //                     bsfullpath was ending up with :: in it as well as
    //                     the full path to the application, see initfsdefault
    //                     function
	// 2009-08-30 aradke: refactored mac version to make it easier to understand.
	//			fixed bug where a bspath containing a non-existing volume name was accepted as valid,
	//			e.g. filespec("foobar:"), thus deviating from previous behaviour.
	// 2006-10-16 creedon: for Mac, FSRef-ized
	// 5.0d8 dmb: clear fs first thing
	// 2.1b2 dmb: use new fsdefault for building filespec. note that if bspath
    //            isn't a partial path, the vref and dirid will be ignored.
	// 2.1b2 dmb: added special case for empty string.  also, added drive
    //            number interpretation here.
	// 1993-06-11 dmb: if FSMakeFSSpec returns fnfErr, the spec is cool (but
    //                 file doesn't exist)
	// 1991-012-17 dmb: dont append path to default directory if it's a full
    //                  path
	// 1991-07-05 dmb: use FSMakeFSSpec if it's available.  since it only
    //                 returns noErr if the file exists, and we want to handle
	//                 non-existant files, we don't give up right away.
		FSRef fsr;
		bigstring bspathtmp, bsfullpath, bsfile, bsfolder;
		short ix = 1;
		boolean flvolume = false;

	#ifdef WIN95VERSION
		bigstring bsfolder;

	clearbytes ( fs, sizeof ( *fs ) );

	if ( isemptystring ( bspath ) )
		return ( true );

		// create cleaned-up full path representation of our input suitable for pathtosref
		copystring ( bspath, bspathtmp );

		cleanendoffilename ( bspathtmp );
		if ( scanstring ( ':', bspath, &ix ) && ( ix > 1 ) ) {
			// contains a colon but doesn't start with one, so it must be a full path
			if ( ix == stringlength ( bspath ) )	// the colon we found is the last char, so bspath is a volume name
				flvolume = true;
			copystring ( bspathtmp, bsfullpath );
		else {
			// it's a partial path, prefix with default directory (see initfsdefault)
			if ( ! filespectopath ( &fsdefault, bsfullpath ) )	// get path of default directory
				return ( false );
           // delete first path separator if partial path begins with one because bsfullpath always ends with one
			if ( bspathtmp [ 1 ] == chpathseparator )
				deletefirstchar ( bspathtmp );
			pushstring ( bspathtmp, bsfullpath );	// append partial path
		// now see if the full path resolves 
		if ( pathtofsref ( bsfullpath, &fsr ) == noErr ) {

			return ( macmakefilespec ( &fsr, fs ) == noErr );
		// full path did not resolve but we actually only require the parent folder to exist
		if ( ! flvolume ) {		// volumes don't have a parent folder
			filefrompath ( bsfullpath, bsfile );
			folderfrompath ( bsfullpath, bsfolder );

			if ( pathtofsref ( bsfolder, &fsr ) == noErr ) {
				clearfilespec ( fs );
				fs->ref = fsr;
				bigstringtofsname ( bsfile, &fs->name );
				return ( true );
		return ( false );

	#ifdef WIN95VERSION
		copystring (bspath, fsname (fs));

		folderfrompath (bspath, bsfolder);

		if ((isemptystring (bsfolder)) && (! fileisvolume(fs))) {

			filegetdefaultpath (fs);

			pushstring (bspath, fsname (fs));
		nullterminate (fsname (fs));
		return (true);


	} // pathtofilespec