Beispiel #1
void sendEeprom( uint16_t address )
	uint8_t data[34] ;
	uint8_t count ;
	data[0] = address ;
	data[1] = address >> 8 ;

  eeprom_read_block( &data[2], (const void*)address, 32 ) ;
	count = fillTxBuffer( data, 0x81, 34 ) ;
	startTx( count ) ;
Beispiel #2
void sendControls()
	uint8_t count ;
	uint16_t analog ;
	uint8_t controls[20] ;

	getADC_osmp() ;
	count = ~PINB & 0x7E ;
	if ( keyState( (EnumKeys)(SW_Trainer) ) )
		count |= 1 ;
	controls[0] = count ;	// Buttons + Trainer switch
	controls[1] = ~PIND ;	// Trims
	controls[2] = getCurrentSwitchStates() ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[0] ;
	controls[3] = analog ;
	controls[4] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[1] ;
	controls[5] = analog ;
	controls[6] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[2] ;
	controls[7] = analog ;
	controls[8] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[3] ;
	controls[9] = analog ;
	controls[10] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[4] ;
	controls[11] = analog ;
	controls[12] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[5] ;
	controls[13] = analog ;
	controls[14] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[6] ;
	controls[15] = analog ;
	controls[16] = analog >> 8 ;
	analog = s_anaFilt[7] ;
	controls[17] = analog ;
	controls[18] = analog >> 8 ;

	count = fillTxBuffer( controls, 0x80, 19 ) ;
	startTx( count ) ;
Beispiel #3
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void checkM64()
	uint8_t count ;
//	int16_t byte ;

	poll_mega64() ;
	if ( M64SetContrast )
		if ( TxBusy == 0 )
			uint8_t buf[2] ;
			buf[0] = M64Contrast ;
			buf[1] = 50 ;	// Brightness - unused
			count = fillTxBuffer( buf, 0x13, 2 ) ;
			txPdcUsart( TxBuffer, count ) ;
			M64SetContrast = 0 ;
	if ( SendDisplay )
		if ( TxBusy == 0 )
			count = fillTxBuffer( M64Display, 0, 64 ) ;
			DisplaySequence = 0x81 ;
			txPdcUsart( TxBuffer, count ) ;
			SendDisplay = 0 ;

//	if ( ReadingEeprom == 1 )
//	{
//		if ( StartDelay )
//		{
//			if ( EepromAddress < 4096 )
//			{
//				if ( TxBusy == 0 )
//				{
//					uint8_t temp[2] ;
//					temp[0] = EepromAddress ;
//					temp[0] = EepromAddress >> 8 ;
//					// 0x01, 0x12, 16 bit address, 0x01  - send 32 bytes EEPROM data @ address
//					count = fillTxBuffer( temp, 0x12, 2 ) ;
//					ReadingEeprom = 2 ;
//					txPdcUsart( TxBuffer, count ) ;
//				}
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				ReadingEeprom = 0 ;	// Done
//			}
//		}
//	}
	if ( DisplaySequence )
		if ( TxBusy == 0 )
			count = fillTxBuffer( &M64Display[64*(DisplaySequence & 0x0F)], DisplaySequence & 0x0F, 64 ) ;
			txPdcUsart( TxBuffer, count ) ;
			DisplaySequence += 1 ;
			if ( DisplaySequence > 0x8F)
				DisplaySequence = 0 ;
				if ( ResendDisplay )
					memcpy( M64Display, DisplayBuf, sizeof(M64Display) ) ;
					ResendDisplay = 0 ;
					SendDisplay = 1 ;

//	while ( ( byte = get_fifo64( &mega64_fifo ) ) != -1 )
//	{
//		processSlaveByte( byte ) ;
//		if (SlaveActionRequired)
//		{
//			SlaveActionRequired = 0 ;
//			if ( SlaveType == 0x80 )
//			{
//				byte = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[0] ;
//				Buttons = byte & 0x7E ;
//				Trims = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[1] ;
//				Switches = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[2] | ( ( byte & 1 ) << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[0] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[3] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[4] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[1] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[5] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[6] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[2] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[7] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[8] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[3] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[9] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[10] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[4] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[11] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[12] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[5] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[13] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[14] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[6] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[15] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[16] << 8 ) ;
//				Analog[7] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[17] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[18] << 8 ) ;
//			}
//			else if ( SlaveType == 0x81 )	// EEPROM data
//			{
//				uint16_t address ;
//				uint32_t i ;
//				address = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[0] | ( SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[1] << 8 ) ;
//				for ( i = 2 ; i < 34 ; i += 1 )
//				{
//					EepromImage[address++] = SlaveTempReceiveBuffer[i] ;
//				}
//				EepromAddress += 32 ;
//				ReadingEeprom = 1 ;
//			}
//		}
//	}
//  wdt_reset() ;