Beispiel #1
/* \file lrt.c 
Calculates likelihood ratio tests
#include "migration.h"
#include "sighandler.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "broyden.h"
#include "combroyden.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "aic.h"
#include "migrate_mpi.h"
#include "pretty.h"

#ifndef LAGUERRE
//#include "derivatives2.h"
#include "sort.h"

//#ifdef UEP
//#include "uep.h"
#include <dmalloc.h>

void print_lratio_test (world_fmt * world, long *Gmax);
void test_loci_like (nr_fmt * nr, MYREAL *param0,
                     MYREAL *param1, long df, long zeros,
                     long loci, world_fmt * world,
                     long *maxwhich, long maxnum,
                     boolean withhead, char *this_string1);
long set_test_param (MYREAL *param, lr_data_fmt  *lrtdata, world_fmt * world,
                     long lrline, long locus, long *maxwhich,
                     long *maxnum, long *zeros);
void print_lrt_box(world_fmt *world, MYREAL *param0, MYREAL *param1,  long zeros, long elem,
                   char * this_string1, MYREAL like0, MYREAL like1, long df);

long parse_h0(char ***box, long *size, char *thisString, MYREAL *param0, MYREAL *param1 , long elem, world_fmt *world);
void parse_h0part(char ***box, long *size, long *tempsize,
                MYREAL *param, long elem, char head[], world_fmt *world);
void parse_h0string(char ***box, long *size, long *tempsize,
                    char *thisString);

void print_box(world_fmt* world,char **box,long size,
               MYREAL like0, MYREAL like1,MYREAL lrt, MYREAL chiprob, MYREAL chiprob2, MYREAL aic, long df, long aicparamnum);

long simplify_lrtvalues(char * in, char** out);

mywhitespace (char ch)
    if (!(ch == ',' || ch == '\0' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == ';'))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

print_lratio_test (world_fmt * world, long *Gmax)
    long c;
    long r, locus;
    long df;
    long zeros;
    int header;
    nr_fmt *nr;
    MYREAL *param0;
    MYREAL *param1;
    long *maxwhich;
    long nparam;
    long maxnum = 0;
    long rep = !world->options->replicate ? 0 :
               (world->options->replicatenum == 0 ?
                world->options->lchains : world->options->replicatenum);
    long repstop = world->repstop;
    param0 = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * (world->numpop2 + 1));
    param1 = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * (world->numpop2 + 1));
    maxwhich = (long *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (long) * (world->numpop2 + 1));

    if (world->options->progress)
        FPRINTF (stdout, "           Printing likelihood ratio tests\n");

    nr = (nr_fmt *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (nr_fmt));
    create_nr (nr, world, *Gmax, 0, world->loci, world->repkind, world->rep);
    for (locus = 0; locus < world->loci; locus++)
        if (world->options->replicate)
            for (r = 0; r < repstop; r++)
                create_multiapg0 (nr->apg0[r][locus], nr, r, locus);
            create_apg0 (nr->apg0[0][locus], nr, &world->atl[0][locus], locus);
    if (world->loci > 1)
        locus = world->loci;
        rep = 0;
        locus = 0;
    nparam = world->options->gamma ? world->numpop2 + 1 : world->numpop2;
    for (c = 0; c < world->options->lratio->counter; c++)
        header = (c == 0) ? HEADER : NOHEADER;
        if (world->options->lratio->data[c].type == MLE)
            memcpy (param1, world->atl[rep][locus].param,
                    sizeof (MYREAL) * nparam);
            df = set_test_param (param0,
                                 world, 0, -1, maxwhich, &maxnum, &zeros);
            test_loci_like (nr, param0, param1,
                            df, zeros, world->loci, world, maxwhich,
                            maxnum, header,
    fflush (world->outfile);
    destroy_nr (nr, world);

//remember: param0 is the parameterset to test and
// NOT the parameterset from migrate.
#define BOXSIZE 50 /*defines the print width of the left box containing the H0*/
#define BOXSIZE2 40 /*defines the print width of the left box with the legend*/
test_loci_like (nr_fmt * nr, MYREAL *param0, MYREAL *param1, long df,
                long zeros, long loci, world_fmt * world, long *maxwhich,
                long maxnum, boolean withhead, char *this_string1)
 //   char *teststat, temp[LRATIO_STRINGS];
    MYREAL like1, like0;//, testval, chiprob, chiprob2;
 //   int length;
    long numparam;
    long i, j, g = 0;
    long elem;
    //long zi;
    long z = 0, w = 0;
    // long pop;
    //MYREAL normd = 0.0;
    long *which;
    MYREAL **hess;
    MYREAL /**values,*/ *saveparam0;
    //MYREAL tparam;
//    long spaces = 0;
    char temp[100];
    helper_fmt helper;
    MYREAL *lparam0;
    MYREAL *lparam1;
    MYREAL aicfull;
    long aicfullparamnum;
//    char *message;
    numparam = world->numpop2 + 1;
    doublevec2d(&hess,numparam, numparam);
    lparam0 = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (numparam, sizeof (MYREAL));
    lparam1 = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (numparam, sizeof (MYREAL));
    which = (long *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (long) * numparam);
//    message = (char *) mycalloc (20, sizeof (char));
    //  values = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * (world->numpop2 + 1));
    saveparam0 = (MYREAL *) mymalloc (sizeof (MYREAL) * numparam);
    memcpy (saveparam0, param0, sizeof (MYREAL) * numparam);
    for (i = 0; i < loci; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < world->repstop; j++)
            if (g < world->atl[j][i].T)
                g = world->atl[j][i].T;
    elem = world->options->gamma ? numparam : nr->numpop2;
    nr->skiploci = world->data->skiploci;
    helper.multilocus = world->loci == 1 ? FALSE : TRUE;
    if (maxnum > 0)
        for (i = 0; i < elem; i++)
            if (i != maxwhich[z])
                which[w] = i;
                nr->values[w++] = param0[i];
                if (maxnum > z + 1)
        nr->profilenum = w;
        maximize (&param0, world, nr, hess, PROFILE, world->repkind);
        like0 = nr->llike;
        //xcode normd = nr->normd;
        memcpy (param0, world->param0, sizeof (MYREAL) * nr->partsize);
        set_logparam (lparam0, param0, elem);
        fill_helper (&helper, param0, lparam0, world, nr);
        like0 = CALCLIKE (&helper, param0, lparam0);
    set_logparam (lparam1, param1, elem);
    fill_helper (&helper, param1, lparam1, world, nr);
    like1 = CALCLIKE (&helper, param1, lparam1);
//    sprintf (message, " %f ", chiprob2);

    if (withhead)
        FPRINTF (world->outfile,
        FPRINTF (world->outfile, "Likelihood ratio tests\n");
        FPRINTF (world->outfile,
        FPRINTF (world->outfile, "Over all loci\n");
        FPRINTF (world->outfile, "Legend for the LRT tables\n");
        sprintf (temp,"Null-Hypothesis: your test model");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Log(likelihood) of test model\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2,temp);
        sprintf (temp,"=same=");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Log(likelihood) of full model\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2, temp);
        sprintf (temp,"full model (the model under which the");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Likelihood ratio test value\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2, temp);
        sprintf (temp,"genealogies were sampled)");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Degrees of freedom of test\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2,temp);
        sprintf (temp,"[Theta values are on the diagonal of the ");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Probability*\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2,temp);
        sprintf (temp,"Migration matrix, migration rates are ");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Probability**\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2,temp);
        sprintf (temp,"specified as %s]", world->options->usem ? "M" : "Theta * M");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Akaike's Information Criterion***\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2,temp);
        sprintf (temp," ");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"%-*.*s | Number of parameters used\n",BOXSIZE2,BOXSIZE2,temp);
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"  *) Probability under the assumption that parameters have range -Inf to Inf\n");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile," **) Probability under the assumption that parameters have range 0 to Inf\n");
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"***) AIC: the smaller the value the better the model\n");
        aicfullparamnum = find_paramnum(world,NULL);
        aicfull = -2. * like1 + 2. * aicfullparamnum;
        FPRINTF(world->outfile,"          [the full model has AIC=%f, num(param)=%li]\n\n",aicfull,aicfullparamnum);

	pdf_print_lrt_header(aicfull,aicfullparamnum, &world->page_width, &world->page_height);
    print_lrt_box(world,param0, param1, zeros, elem, this_string1, like0, like1, df);
Beispiel #2
 inline void fill() {
     fill_helper(this->begin(), this->end());
     cur = this->begin();
Beispiel #3
 * axfs_do_fill_super
 * Description:
 *      Uses the data collected by axfs_get_sb() and populates the superblock
 * Parameters:
 *    (OUT) sb - pointer to the super block
 *    (IN) fsi - pointer to the axfs_fill_super_info struct
 * Returns:
 *    0 or error number
static int axfs_do_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, struct axfs_fill_super_info *fsi) {
	struct axfs_super_incore *sbi;
	struct axfs_super_onmedia *sbo;

#if 0
	u32 * pointer; /* REMOVEME */
	int i;
	sbo = fsi->onmedia_super_block;

	sbi = AXFS_SB(sb);

#if 0
	printk("AXFS super block dump\n");
	pointer = (u32 *)sbo;
	for (i=0; i<128; i+=4)
		printk("0x%06X: %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", (4*i), pointer[i], pointer[i+1], pointer[i+2], pointer[i+3]);

	/* Do sanity checks on the superblock */
	if (be32_to_cpu(sbo->magic) != AXFS_MAGIC) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "axfs: wrong magic\n");
		goto out;

	/* verify the signiture is correct */
	if (strncmp(sbo->signature, AXFS_SIGNATURE, sizeof(AXFS_SIGNATURE))) {
		printk(KERN_ERR "axfs: wrong axfs signature, read %s, expected %s\n", sbo->signature, AXFS_SIGNATURE);
		goto out;

	sbi->magic = be32_to_cpu(sbo->magic);
	sbi->version_major = sbo->version_major;
	sbi->version_minor = sbo->version_minor;
	sbi->version_sub = sbo->version_sub;
	sbi->files = be64_to_cpu(sbo->files);
	sbi->size = be64_to_cpu(sbo->size);
	sbi->blocks = be64_to_cpu(sbo->blocks);
	sbi->mmap_size = be64_to_cpu(sbo->mmap_size);
	sbi->cblock_size = be32_to_cpu(sbo->cblock_size);

	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->strings, sbi->strings, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->xip, sbi->xip, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->compressed, sbi->compressed, FALSE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->byte_aligned, sbi->byte_aligned, FALSE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->node_type, sbi->node_type, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->node_index, sbi->node_index, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->cnode_offset, sbi->cnode_offset, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->cnode_index, sbi->cnode_index, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->banode_offset, sbi->banode_offset, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->cblock_offset, sbi->cblock_offset, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->inode_file_size, sbi->inode_file_size, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->inode_name_offset, sbi->inode_name_offset, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->inode_num_entries, sbi->inode_num_entries, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->inode_mode_index, sbi->inode_mode_index, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->inode_array_index, sbi->inode_array_index, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->modes, sbi->modes, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->uids, sbi->uids, TRUE))
		goto out;
	if(fill_helper(sb, sbo->gids, sbi->gids, TRUE))
		goto out;


	init_rwsem(&sbi->lock); /* Semaphore for kernel premetion */

	return 0;

	return -EINVAL;