Beispiel #1
    void SimpleFilter<Scalar>::precalculate(int order, int mask)
      if(mask & (H2D_FN_DX | H2D_FN_DY | H2D_FN_DXX | H2D_FN_DYY | H2D_FN_DXY))
        throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("Filter not defined for derivatives.");

      Quad2D* quad = this->quads[this->cur_quad];
      int np = quad->get_num_points(order, this->element->get_mode());
      struct Function<Scalar>::Node* node = this->new_node(H2D_FN_VAL, np);

      // precalculate all solutions
      for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
        this->sln[i]->set_quad_order(order, item[i]);

      for (int j = 0; j < this->num_components; j++)
        // obtain corresponding tables
        Scalar* tab[H2D_MAX_COMPONENTS];
        for (int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
          int a = 0, b = 0, mask = item[i];
          if(mask >= 0x40) { a = 1; mask >>= 6; }
          while (!(mask & 1)) { mask >>= 1; b++; }
          tab[i] = this->sln[i]->get_values(this->num_components == 1 ? a : j, b);
          if(tab[i] == nullptr) throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("Value of 'item%d' is incorrect in filter definition.", i + 1);

        Hermes::vector<Scalar*> values;
        for(int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)

        // apply the filter
        filter_fn(np, values, node->values[j][0]);
Beispiel #2
void SimpleFilter::precalculate(int order, int mask)
  if (mask & (H2D_FN_DX | H2D_FN_DY | H2D_FN_DXX | H2D_FN_DYY | H2D_FN_DXY))
    error("Filter not defined for derivatives.");

  Quad2D* quad = quads[cur_quad];
  int np = quad->get_num_points(order);
  Node* node = new_node(H2D_FN_VAL, np);

  // precalculate all solutions
  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
    sln[i]->set_quad_order(order, item[i]);

  for (int j = 0; j < num_components; j++)
    // obtain corresponding tables
    scalar* tab[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      int a = 0, b = 0, mask = item[i];
      if (mask >= 0x40) { a = 1; mask >>= 6; }
      while (!(mask & 1)) { mask >>= 1; b++; }
      tab[i] = sln[i]->get_values(num_components == 1 ? a : j, b);
      if (tab[i] == NULL) error("Value of 'item%d' is incorrect in filter definition.", i+1);

		Tuple<scalar*> values;
		for(int i = 0; i < this->num; i++)

    // apply the filter
		filter_fn(np, values, node->values[j][0]);
Beispiel #3
DArray DArray_find(DArray array, DArray_find_fn *filter_fn, void* args)
  if (DArray_is_empty(array)) return NULL;

  DArray filtered = DArray_create(array->element_size, array->size);

  for (int i = 0; i < DArray_count(array); i++) {
    void *item = DArray_get(array, i);

    if (filter_fn(item, args))
      DArray_push(filtered, item);

  return filtered;
Beispiel #4
 * Selectively remove pose channels.
void BKE_pose_channels_remove(
        Object *ob,
        bool (*filter_fn)(const char *bone_name, void *user_data), void *user_data)
	/* Erase any associated pose channel, along with any references to them */
	if (ob->pose) {
		bPoseChannel *pchan, *pchan_next;
		bConstraint *con;

		for (pchan = ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan = pchan_next) {
			pchan_next = pchan->next;

			if (filter_fn(pchan->name, user_data)) {
				/* Bone itself is being removed */
				if (ob->pose->chanhash) {
					BLI_ghash_remove(ob->pose->chanhash, pchan->name, NULL, NULL);
				BLI_freelinkN(&ob->pose->chanbase, pchan);
			else {
				/* Maybe something the bone references is being removed instead? */
				for (con = pchan->constraints.first; con; con = con->next) {
					const bConstraintTypeInfo *cti = BKE_constraint_typeinfo_get(con);
					ListBase targets = {NULL, NULL};
					bConstraintTarget *ct;

					if (cti && cti->get_constraint_targets) {
						cti->get_constraint_targets(con, &targets);

						for (ct = targets.first; ct; ct = ct->next) {
							if (ct->tar == ob) {
								if (ct->subtarget[0]) {
									if (filter_fn(ct->subtarget, user_data)) {
										con->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE;
										ct->subtarget[0] = 0;

						if (cti->flush_constraint_targets)
							cti->flush_constraint_targets(con, &targets, 0);
				if (pchan->bbone_prev) {
					if (filter_fn(pchan->bbone_prev->name, user_data))
						pchan->bbone_prev = NULL;
				if (pchan->bbone_next) {
					if (filter_fn(pchan->bbone_next->name, user_data))
						pchan->bbone_next = NULL;
				if (pchan->custom_tx) {
					if (filter_fn(pchan->custom_tx->name, user_data))
						pchan->custom_tx = NULL;