Beispiel #1
// The function provides the path to the "database" in the default database folder.
// It does this in case "database" contains no path.
// If it has a path, then it returns the path as given.
string database_sqlite_file (string database)
  if (filter_url_dirname (database) == ".") {
    return filter_url_create_root_path ("databases", database + database_sqlite_suffix ());
  return database;
Beispiel #2
void Database_Config_Bible::setValue (string bible, const char * key, string value)
  if (bible.empty ()) return;
  string filename = file (bible, key);
  string dirname = filter_url_dirname (filename);
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (dirname)) filter_url_mkdir (dirname);
  filter_url_file_put_contents (filename, value);
Beispiel #3
// Wrapper for the mkdir function: make a directory.
// Creates parents where needed.
void filter_url_mkdir (string directory)
  int status;
  status = mkdir(directory.c_str(), 0777);
  if (status != 0) {
    vector <string> paths;
    paths.push_back (directory);
    directory = filter_url_dirname (directory);
    while (directory.length () > 2) {
      paths.push_back (directory);
      directory = filter_url_dirname (directory);
    reverse (paths.begin (), paths.end ());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paths.size (); i++) {
		  mkdir (paths[i].c_str (), 0777);
Beispiel #4
// Compresses a file identified by $filename into gzipped tar format.
// Returns the path to the compressed archive it created.
string filter_archive_tar_gzip_file (string filename)
  string tarball = filter_url_tempfile () + ".tar.gz";
  string dirname = filter_url_escape_shell_argument (filter_url_dirname (filename));
  string basename = filter_url_escape_shell_argument (filter_url_basename (filename));
  string logfile = filter_url_tempfile () + ".log";
  string command = "cd " + dirname + " && tar -czf " + tarball + " " + basename + " > " + logfile + " 2>&1";
  int return_var = system (command.c_str());
  if (return_var != 0) {
    filter_url_unlink (tarball);
    string errors = filter_url_file_get_contents (logfile);
    Database_Logs::log (errors);
  return tarball;
Beispiel #5
// Compresses a file identified by $filename into zip format.
// Returns the path to the zipfile it created.
string filter_archive_zip_file (string filename)
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (filename)) return "";
  string zippedfile = filter_url_tempfile () + ".zip";
  string logfile = filter_url_tempfile () + ".log";
  string dirname = filter_url_escape_shell_argument (filter_url_dirname (filename));
  string basename = filter_url_escape_shell_argument (filter_url_basename (filename));
  string command = "cd " + dirname + " && zip " + zippedfile + " " + basename + " > " + logfile + " 2>&1";
  int return_var = system (command.c_str());
  if (return_var != 0) {
    filter_url_unlink (zippedfile);
    string errors = filter_url_file_get_contents (logfile);
    Database_Logs::log (errors);
  return zippedfile;
void database_privileges_client_create (const string & user, bool force)
  // The path to the file with privileges for the $user.
  string path = database_privileges_client_path (user);
  // Without $force, if the file exists, we're done.
  if (!force) {
    if (file_or_dir_exists (path)) return;
  // If needed, create the folder.
  string folder = filter_url_dirname (path);
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (folder)) filter_url_mkdir (folder);
  // The bits of privileges in human-readable form.
  string privileges = Database_Privileges::save (user);
  // Write the privileges to disk.
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, privileges);
void database_privileges_client_remove (const string & user)
  string path = database_privileges_client_path (user);
  path = filter_url_dirname (path);
  filter_url_rmdir (path);
Beispiel #8
int main (int argc, char **argv) 
  if (argc) {};
  if (argv[0]) {};
  // Ctrl-C initiates a clean shutdown sequence, so there's no memory leak.
  signal (SIGINT, sigint_handler);
  // Handler for logging segmentation fault.
  signal (SIGSEGV, sigsegv_handler);

  // Get the executable path and base the document root on it.
  string webroot;
    // The following works on Linux but not on Mac OS X:
    char *linkname = (char *) malloc (256);
    memset (linkname, 0, 256); // valgrind uninitialized value(s)
    ssize_t r = readlink ("/proc/self/exe", linkname, 256);
    if (r) {};
    webroot = filter_url_dirname (linkname);
    free (linkname);
    // The following works on Linux plus on Mac OS X:
    int ret;
    pid_t pid;
    char pathbuf [2048];
    pid = getpid ();
    ret = proc_pidpath (pid, pathbuf, sizeof (pathbuf));
    if (ret > 0 ) {
      webroot = filter_url_dirname (pathbuf);
  bibledit_initialize_library (webroot.c_str(), webroot.c_str());
  // Start the Bibledit library.
  bibledit_start_library ();
  bibledit_log ("The server started");
  cout << "Listening on http://localhost:" << config_logic_http_network_port () <<
    " and https://localhost:" << config_logic_https_network_port () << endl;
  cout << "Press Ctrl-C to quit" << endl;

  // Log possible backtrace from a previous crash.
  string backtrace = filter_url_file_get_contents (backtrace_path ());
  filter_url_unlink (backtrace_path ());
  if (!backtrace.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log ("Backtrace of the last segmentation fault:");
    vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (backtrace, '\n');
    for (auto & line : lines) {
      Database_Logs::log (line);

  // Bibledit Cloud should restart itself at midnight.
  // This is to be sure that any memory leaks don't accumulate too much
  // in case Bibledit Cloud runs for months and years.
  bibledit_set_quit_at_midnight ();
  // Keep running till Bibledit stops or gets interrupted.
  while (bibledit_is_running ()) { };

  bibledit_shutdown_library ();

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;