Beispiel #1
void LinkCells::buildCellLists( const std::vector<Vector>& pos, const std::vector<unsigned>& indices, const Pbc& pbc ){
  plumed_assert( cutoffwasset && pos.size()==indices.size() );

  // Must be able to check that pbcs are not nonsensical in some way?? -- GAT

  // Setup the pbc object by copying it from action
  mypbc.setBox( pbc.getBox() );

  // Setup the lists
  if( pos.size()!=allcells.size() ){ 
    allcells.resize( pos.size() ); lcell_lists.resize( pos.size() ); 

// This is the reciprocal lattice
// notice that reciprocal.getRow(0) is a vector that is orthogonal to b and c
// This allows to use linked cells in non orthorhomic boxes
     Tensor reciprocal(transpose(mypbc.getInvBox()));
     ncells[0] = std::floor( 1.0/ reciprocal.getRow(0).modulo() / link_cutoff );
     if( ncells[0]==0 ) ncells[0]=1;
     ncells[1] = std::floor( 1.0/ reciprocal.getRow(1).modulo() / link_cutoff );
     if( ncells[1]==0 ) ncells[1]=1;
     ncells[2] = std::floor( 1.0/ reciprocal.getRow(2).modulo() / link_cutoff );
     if( ncells[2]==0 ) ncells[2]=1;
  // Setup the strides
  nstride[0]=1; nstride[1]=ncells[0]; nstride[2]=ncells[0]*ncells[1];

  // Setup the storage for link cells
  unsigned ncellstot=ncells[0]*ncells[1]*ncells[2];
  if( lcell_tots.size()!=ncellstot ){
      lcell_tots.resize( ncellstot ); lcell_starts.resize( ncellstot );
  // Clear nlcells
  for(unsigned i=0;i<ncellstot;++i) lcell_tots[i]=0;
  // Clear allcells
  allcells.assign( allcells.size(), 0 );

  // Find out what cell everyone is in
  unsigned rank=comm.Get_rank(), size=comm.Get_size();
  for(unsigned i=rank;i<pos.size();i+=size){
      allcells[i]=findCell( pos[i] );
  // And gather all this information on every node
  comm.Sum( allcells ); comm.Sum( lcell_tots );

  // Now prepare the link cell lists
  unsigned tot=0;
  for(unsigned i=0;i<lcell_tots.size();++i){ lcell_starts[i]=tot; tot+=lcell_tots[i]; lcell_tots[i]=0; }
  plumed_assert( tot==pos.size() );

  // And setup the link cells properly
  for(unsigned j=0;j<pos.size();++j){
      unsigned myind = lcell_starts[ allcells[j] ] + lcell_tots[ allcells[j] ];
      lcell_lists[ myind ] = indices[j];
Beispiel #2
 * this function makes a random maze with exactly one path between
 * any two points in the maze
 * If you're curious about the algorithm, come talk to me.  It's not very
 * complicated (although the code might be confusing)
void makeMaze() {
	int num_visited = 1;
	int first;
	int finish_col;
	markCell(0, 0);  // mark the first cell as visited
	/* add the first cell (row 0, col 0) to the linked list of visited cells */
	first = cellID(0, 0);
	annotateCell(0, 0, 0);
	while(num_visited < MAZE_SIZE * MAZE_SIZE) {
		int visit = rand() % num_visited;
		int cell = first; 
		int row, col;
		int d;
		int nrow, ncol;

		findCell(cell, &row, &col);
		while (visit > 0) {
			cell = annotation(row, col);
			findCell(cell, &row, &col);
			visit -= 1;
		d = rand() % 4;
		nrow = row; // row of neighbor cell
		ncol = col; // col of neighbor cell
		interpretDir(&nrow, &ncol, d);
		if (nrow >= 0 && nrow < MAZE_SIZE
			&& ncol >= 0 && ncol < MAZE_SIZE
			&& !isMarked(nrow, ncol)) {
			clearWall(row, col, d);
			num_visited += 1;
			markCell(nrow, ncol);
			annotateCell(nrow, ncol, first);
			first = cellID(nrow, ncol);	
	start_col = rand() % MAZE_SIZE;
	start_col = 2 * start_col + 1;
	maze[0][start_col] &= ~WALL;
	finish_col = rand() % MAZE_SIZE;
	maze[MATRIX_SIZE - 1][2 * finish_col + 1] &= ~WALL;
	//maze[MATRIX_SIZE - 1][0] &= ~WALL;
Beispiel #3
void MVList::dirtyCell(int i,int j)
* Function:     MVList::dirtyCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of the cell to dirty
* Description:  Sets the dirty bit for the specified cell.
    findCell(i,j).flags |= lsDirty;
Beispiel #4
void MVList::refreshCell(int i,int j)
* Function:     MVList::refreshCell
* Parameters:   i,j - Index of the cell to refresh
* Description:  Refreshes the indexed cell if it is dirty.
    if (findCell(i,j).flags & lsDirty || (cursor.x == i && cursor.y == j))
void HashMap<KeyType,ValueType>::remove(KeyType key) {
   int bucket = hashCode(key) % nBuckets;
   Cell *parent;
   Cell *cp = findCell(bucket, key, parent);
   if (cp != NULL) {
      if (parent == NULL) {
         buckets[bucket] = cp->next;
      } else {
         parent->next = cp->next;
      delete cp;
Beispiel #6
* Initiates loop to run spreadsheet program until user quits
* @param response    Pointer to store the value entered by user at command prompt
* @param spreadsheet The spreadsheet of cells
* @param value       Pointer that stores the value to be entered into a cell within the spreadsheet
* @param address     Pointer that stores the address of cell to store value
* @param formula     Pointer that stores formula
* @param fType       Pointer that stores the FormulaType to perform calculations
void run(char *response, Cell spreadsheet[], char *value, size_t *address, char *formula, FormulaType *fType, int socket) {
   size_t addr;
   char val[IN_BUF_LIMIT];
   char cacheAddr[CELL_ADDRESS];
   char formatStr[80];
   if (!recoveredSpreadSheet)
   displaySpreadSheetToClient(spreadsheet, socket);

   while (true) {
      if (!prompt(response, value, socket))
      // cell guaranteed to be valid, no need for if statement.
      findCell(spreadsheet, response, address);
      addr = *address;
      printf("Address is: %lu\n", addr);
      printf("Value has %lu chars and is %s\n", strlen(value), value);
      sprintf(formatStr, "Old value: %s. New value: %s.\n", spreadsheet[addr].value, value);
      // fflush(st)
      printf("%s\n", value);
      // SOCKET_WRITE(socket, formatStr, MSG_DONTWAIT);
      SOCKET_WRITE(socket, "Return to reload spreadsheet", 0);

      if (isFormula(value, formula, fType)) {
         strcpy(cacheAddr, response);
         spreadsheet[addr].type = FORMULA;
         sprintf(val, "%f", calculateFormula(value, fType, spreadsheet, address));
         printf("Val is %s\n", val);
         strcpy(spreadsheet[addr].value, val);

         spreadsheet[addr].address[0] = cacheAddr[0];
         spreadsheet[addr].address[1] = cacheAddr[1];
         spreadsheet[addr].address[2] = '\0';
     } else if (cellAlNum(value) == true) {
         spreadsheet[addr].type = ALNUM;
         strcpy(spreadsheet[addr].value, value);
     } else {
         spreadsheet[addr].type = NUM;
         strcpy(spreadsheet[addr].value, value); // SEG-FAULTS HERE!
     displaySpreadSheetToClient(spreadsheet, socket);
     saveWorkSheet(spreadsheet, socket);
   SOCKET_WRITE(socket, "U got served bitch!", MSG_DONTWAIT);
Beispiel #7
void MVList::toggleCell(int i,int j)
* Function:     MVList::toggleCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of cell to toggle
* Description:  Toggles the selection flags for the specified cell.
    CellItem& cell = findCell(i,j);;

    cell.flags ^= lsSelected;
    cell.flags |= lsDirty;
ValueType & HashMap<KeyType,ValueType>::operator[](KeyType key) {
   int bucket = hashCode(key) % nBuckets;
   Cell *cp = findCell(bucket, key);
   if (cp == NULL) {
      if (numEntries > MAX_LOAD_PERCENTAGE * nBuckets / 100.0) {
      cp = new Cell;
      cp->key = key;
      cp->value = ValueType();
      cp->next = buckets[bucket];
      buckets[bucket] = cp;
   return cp->value;
Beispiel #9
void MVList::deselectCell(int i,int j)
* Function:     MVList::deselectCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of the cell to de-select
* Description:  Clears the selected flags for the item. If the cell was
*               already selected, we set the dirty bit for the cell.
    CellItem& cell = findCell(i,j);

    if (cell.flags & lsSelected)
        cell.flags |= lsDirty;
    cell.flags &= ~lsSelected;
Beispiel #10
void MVList::drawCell(int i,int j,const MVRect& bounds)
* Function:     MVList::drawCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of the cell to draw
*               bounds  - Bounding box to draw the item in
* Description:  Draws the cell item within the specified bounds. Note that
*               the appropriate clipping rectangle will already have been
*               set up before this routine is called.
    CellItem&   cell = findCell(i,j);

    if (cell.text) {
        // If the items is selected and this is the focused view, highlight
        // the item, otherwise clear the background for the item.
            cell.flags & lsSelected ? scListHighlightCell : scListInterior));

        // Draw the text for the item
            cell.flags & lsSelected ? scListSelectedCell : scListCell));
        dc.drawStr(bounds.left() + INDENTLEFT,
          + INDENTTOP,cell.text);

        // If the cursor is on the item, and view is focused then draw
        // a dotted outline around the cell.
        if ((state & sfFocused) && cursor.x == i && cursor.y == j) {
            attributes_t attr;

                cell.flags & lsSelected ? scListCursor : scListCell));
    cell.flags &= ~lsDirty;
Beispiel #11
void MVList::setCell(int i,int j,const char *text)
* Function:     MVList::setCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of the cell whose text to set
*               text    - Pointer to the text for the cell
* Description:  Sets the text for the cell. If this is NULL, nothing is
*               drawn in the cell.
    CellItem& cell = findCell(i,j);

    cell.text = text;
    cell.flags |= lsDirty;
Beispiel #12
void MVList::selectCell(int i,int j)
* Function:     MVList::selectCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of the cell to select
* Description:  Sets the selected flag for the item. If the cell was not
*               already selected, we set the dirty bit for the cell.
    CellItem& cell = findCell(i,j);

    if (!(cell.flags & lsSelected))
        cell.flags |= lsDirty;
    cell.flags |= lsSelected;
Beispiel #13
ibool MVList::getCell(int i,int j,const char*& text)
* Function:     MVList::getCell
* Parameters:   i,j     - Index of the cell whose text to set
*               text    - Place to store the text for the cell
* Returns:      True if the cell is selected, false if not.
* Description:  Finds the text of a cell, returning true if the cell is
*               selected.
    CellItem& cell = findCell(i,j);

    text = cell.text;
    return (cell.flags & lsSelected);
Beispiel #14
CMagic120Cell::calcViewTwist( int clickedCell, bool leftClick, STwist & twist )
	CSettings & settings = getSettings();

	int newCellIndex = clickedCell;
	int oldCellIndex = settings.m_centerCell;
	Cell & newCell = m_cellsUnprojected[newCellIndex];
	Cell & oldCell = m_cellsUnprojected[oldCellIndex];

	twist.m_leftClick = leftClick;
	if( setupViewRotation( twist, newCell, oldCell ) )
		if( leftClick )
			settings.m_centerCell = newCellIndex;
			// We have to search for the new center.
			// This was so difficult to figure out!!!  God, it sucked.
			// I would have thought the oldCell would always be at 0,0,0,-1 after
			// the current view rotations, and that for this reason we wouldn't
			// have to apply the current view rotations below, but that wasn't true.
			CVector4D newCenter = m_cellsUnprojected[oldCellIndex].getCenter();
			CMatrix4D tempRot;
			twist.getViewRotationMatrix( twist.m_viewRotationMagnitude*-1, tempRot );
			CMatrix4D R = m_currentViewRotation * tempRot;
			newCenter.rotateFromMatrix( R.m );

			settings.m_centerCell = findCell( newCenter );
		return true;

	return false;
Beispiel #15
 * @brief Finds the next Cell for a LocalCoords object along a trajectory
 *        defined by some angle (in radians from 0 to pi).
 * @details The method will update the LocalCoords passed in as an argument
 *          to be the one at the boundary of the next Cell crossed along the
 *          given trajectory. It will do this by recursively building a linked
 *          list of LocalCoords from the LocalCoords passed in as an argument
 *          down to the lowest level Cell found. In the process it will set
 *          the local coordinates for each LocalCoords in the linked list for
 *          the Lattice or Universe that it is in. If the LocalCoords is
 *          outside the bounds of the Lattice or on the boundaries this method
 *          will return NULL; otherwise it will return a pointer to the Cell
 *          that the LocalCoords will reach next along its trajectory.
 * @param coords pointer to a LocalCoords object
 * @param angle the angle of the trajectory
 * @param universes a map of all of the Universes passed in by the Geometry
 * @return a pointer to a Cell if found, NULL if no cell found
Cell* Lattice::findNextLatticeCell(LocalCoords* coords, double angle,
                                   std::map<int, Universe*> universes) {

  /* Tests the upper, lower, left and right Lattice Cells adjacent to
   * the LocalCoord and uses the one with the shortest distance from
   * the current location of the LocalCoord */

  /* Initial distance is infinity */
  double distance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  /* Current minimum distance */
  double d;

  /* Properties of the current LocalCoords */
  double x0 = coords->getX();
  double y0 = coords->getY();
  int lattice_x = coords->getLatticeX();
  int lattice_y = coords->getLatticeY();

  /* Slope of trajectory */
  double m = sin(angle) / cos(angle);

  /* Properties of the new location for LocalCoords */
  /* Current point of minimum distance */
  double x_curr, y_curr;

  /* x-coordinate on new Lattice cell */
  double x_new = x0;

  /* y-coordinate on new Lattice cell */
  double y_new = x0;

  /* New x Lattice cell index */
  int new_lattice_x;

  /* New y Lattice cell index */
  int new_lattice_y;

  /* Test Point for computing distance */
  Point test;

  /* Check lower Lattice cell */
  if (lattice_y >= 0 && angle >= M_PI) {
    y_curr = (lattice_y - _num_y/2.0) * _width_y;
    x_curr = x0 + (y_curr - y0) / m;
    test.setCoords(x_curr, y_curr);

    /* Check if the test Point is within the bounds of the Lattice */
    if (withinBounds(&test)) {
      d = test.distanceToPoint(coords->getPoint());

      /* Check if distance to test Point is current minimum */
      if (d < distance) {
        distance = d;
        x_new = x_curr;
        y_new = y_curr;

  /* Upper Lattice cell */
  if (lattice_y <= _num_y-1 && angle <= M_PI) {
    y_curr = (lattice_y - _num_y/2.0 + 1) * _width_y;
    x_curr = x0 + (y_curr - y0) / m;
    test.setCoords(x_curr, y_curr);

    /* Check if the test Point is within the bounds of the Lattice */
    if (withinBounds(&test)) {
      d = test.distanceToPoint(coords->getPoint());

      /* Check if distance to test Point is current minimum */
      if (d < distance) {
        distance = d;
        x_new = x_curr;
        y_new = y_curr;

  /* Left Lattice cell */
  if (lattice_x >= 0 && (angle >= M_PI/2 && angle <= 3*M_PI/2)) {
    x_curr = (lattice_x - _num_x/2.0) * _width_x;
    y_curr = y0 + m * (x_curr - x0);
    test.setCoords(x_curr, y_curr);

    /* Check if the test Point is within the bounds of the Lattice */
    if (withinBounds(&test)) {
      d = test.distanceToPoint(coords->getPoint());

      /* Check if distance to test Point is current minimum */
      if (d < distance) {
        distance = d;
        x_new = x_curr;
        y_new = y_curr;

  /* Right Lattice cell */
  if (lattice_x <= _num_x-1 && (angle <= M_PI/2 || angle >= 3*M_PI/2)) {
    x_curr = (lattice_x - _num_x/2.0 + 1) * _width_x;
    y_curr = y0 + m * (x_curr - x0);
    test.setCoords(x_curr, y_curr);

    /* Check if the test Point is within the bounds of the Lattice */
    if (withinBounds(&test)) {
      d = test.distanceToPoint(coords->getPoint());

      /* Check if distance to test Point is current minimum */
      if (d < distance) {
        distance = d;
        x_new = x_curr;
        y_new = y_curr;

  /* If no Point was found on the Lattice cell, then the LocalCoords was
   * already on the boundary of the Lattice */
  if (distance == INFINITY)
    return NULL;

  /* Otherwise a Point was found inside a new Lattice cell */
  else {
    /* Update the Localcoords location to the Point on the new Lattice cell
     * plus a small bit to ensure that its coordinates are inside cell */
    double delta_x = (x_new - coords->getX()) + cos(angle) * TINY_MOVE;
    double delta_y = (y_new - coords->getY()) + sin(angle) * TINY_MOVE;
    coords->adjustCoords(delta_x, delta_y);

    /* Compute the x and y indices for the new Lattice cell */
    new_lattice_x = (int)floor((coords->getX() - _origin.getX())/_width_x);
    new_lattice_y = (int)floor((coords->getY() - _origin.getY())/_width_y);

    /* Check if the LocalCoord is on the lattice boundaries and if so adjust
     * x or y Lattice cell indices i */
    if (fabs(fabs(coords->getX()) - _num_x*_width_x*0.5) <

      if (coords->getX() > 0)
        new_lattice_x = _num_x - 1;
        new_lattice_x = 0;
    if (fabs(fabs(coords->getY()) - _num_y*_width_y*0.5) <

      if (coords->getY() > 0)
        new_lattice_y = _num_y - 1;
        new_lattice_y = 0;

    /* Check if new Lattice cell indices are within the bounds, if not,
     * new LocalCoords is now on the boundary of the Lattice */
    if (new_lattice_x >= _num_x || new_lattice_x < 0)
      return NULL;
    else if (new_lattice_y >= _num_y || new_lattice_y < 0)
      return NULL;

    /* New LocalCoords is still within the interior of the Lattice */
    else {
      /* Update the LocalCoords Lattice cell indices */

      /* Move to next lowest level Universe */
      Universe* univ =;
      LocalCoords* next_coords;

      /* Compute local position of Point in next level Universe */
      double nextX = coords->getX() - (_origin.getX()
                     + (new_lattice_x + 0.5) * _width_x);
      double nextY = coords->getY() - (_origin.getY()
                     + (new_lattice_y + 0.5) * _width_y);

      /* Set the coordinates at the next level LocalCoord */
      next_coords = new LocalCoords(nextX, nextY);


      /* Search lower level Universe */
      return findCell(coords, universes);
void ThreeByThreeBoard::Apply(int input, string owner)
    Cell * cell = findCell(input);
    cell->Owner = owner;
bool HashMap<KeyType,ValueType>::containsKey(KeyType key) const {
   return findCell(hashCode(key) % nBuckets, key) != NULL;
ValueType HashMap<KeyType,ValueType>::get(KeyType key) const {
   Cell *cp = findCell(hashCode(key) % nBuckets, key);
   if (cp == NULL) error("get: no value for key");
   return cp->value;
Cell ThreeByThreeBoard::FindCell(int value)
    return * findCell(value);
Beispiel #20
LineCombiner::add( QPointF p1, QPointF p2 )
    bool ok;

    qDebug() << "add" << p1 << p2;

    // find closest points within the threshold distance of p1 and p2
    IndexPt * ip1 = _findClosestPt( p1 );
    IndexPt * ip2 = _findClosestPt( p2 );

    // normalize the cases
    if ( ! ip1 ) {
        std::swap( ip1, ip2 );
        std::swap( p1, p2 );

    if ( ip1 ) {
        CARTA_ASSERT( ip1-> poly );
    if ( ip2 ) {
        CARTA_ASSERT( ip2-> poly );

    // case1: this line segment is not near anything else
    if ( ip1 == nullptr && ip2 == nullptr ) {
        qDebug() << "case null null";

        // we insert a new polyline and update spacial index

        // make a new polyline from p1 and p2
        Poly * poly = new Poly;
        poly->append( p1 );
        poly->append( p2 );

        // insert beginning of this polyline into grid
        findCell( p1 )-> pts.append( IndexPt( poly, false ) );

        // insert end of this polyine into grid
        findCell( p2 )-> pts.append( IndexPt( poly, true ) );

        IndexPt ipt1( poly, true );
        CARTA_ASSERT( findCell( )->pts.contains( ipt1 ) );


    // catch a super-special case.... both points point to the same polyline, same end...
    // we'll treat this as if only one of the points pointed to a polyline)
    if( ip2 && ip1->poly == ip2->poly && ip1->flipped == ip2->flipped) {
        qDebug() << "super special";
        ip2 = nullptr;

    // only one point has a match (ip1, ip2 is null)
    if ( ip1 != nullptr && ip2 == nullptr ) {
        qDebug() << "case poly null";

        // make a copy of what ip1 points to, because it'll be destroyed
        IndexPt ip1copy = * ip1;

        // remove ip1 from it's corresponding cell (after this ip1 will point to
        // a destroyed memory!)
        ok = findCell( ip1-> pt() )-> pts.removeOne( * ip1 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

        // re-point ip1 to the copy
        ip1 = & ip1copy;

        // we extend the polyline that ip1 points to with p2
        if ( ip1-> flipped ) {
            ip1-> poly-> append( p2 );
        else {
            ip1-> poly-> prepend( p2 );

        // and add a new index point (for p2) to the respective cell
        findCell( p2 )-> pts.append( * ip1 );

    // both points have a match, and it's the same polyline, but different ends...
    if ( ip1-> poly == ip2-> poly ) {
        qDebug() << "case poly poly same";

        CARTA_ASSERT( ip1->flipped == ! ip2->flipped );

        // we need to remove both points from their cells
        Poly * poly = ip1->poly;
        ok = findCell( ip1->pt() )->pts.removeOne( * ip1 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
        ok = findCell( ip2->pt() )->pts.removeOne( * ip2 );
        CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

        // make it a closed polyline
        poly->append( poly->first() );

        QPolygonF polygon = poly2polygon( poly );
        m_polygons.push_back( polygon );
        delete poly;


    // last case is: both points have a match to 2 different polylines
    qDebug() << "case poly poly diff";

    // we need to merge these two polylines together
    IndexPt ip1c = * ip1;
    IndexPt ip2c = * ip2;

    // remove first polyline from the spatial index
    ok = findCell( ip1c.poly->front() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip1c.poly, false }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
    ok = findCell( ip1c.poly->back() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip1c.poly, true }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );

    // remove second polyline from the spatial index
    ok = findCell( ip2c.poly->front() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip2c.poly, false }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok );
    ok = findCell( ip2c.poly->back() )-> pts.removeAll( { ip2c.poly, true }
    CARTA_ASSERT( ok ); Q_UNUSED(ok);

    // we need to handle 4 cases for merging... in any case, we'll be re-using poly1 and
    // appending/prepending to it all elements from poly2
    // case1: append poly2 to the end of poly1, in forward order
    if ( ip1c.flipped && ! ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subcase1 - append forward";
        for ( auto & pt : * ip2c.poly ) {
            ip1c.poly->append( pt );
    else if ( ip1c.flipped && ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subcase2 - append reverse";
        QLinkedListIterator < QPointF > i( * ip2c.poly );
        while ( i.hasPrevious() ) {
            ip1c.poly-> append( i.previous() );
    else if ( ! ip1c.flipped && ! ip2c.flipped ) {
        qDebug() << "subase3 - prepend forward";
        for ( auto & pt : * ip2c.poly ) {
            ip1c.poly->prepend( pt );
    else {
        qDebug() << "subase4 - prepend reverse";
        QLinkedListIterator < QPointF > i( * ip2c.poly );
        while ( i.hasPrevious() ) {
            ip1c.poly-> prepend( i.previous() );

    // get rid of poly2
    delete ip2c.poly;

    // re-insert the endpoints of poly1 into spatial index
    ip1c = IndexPt( ip1c.poly, false );
    ip2c = IndexPt( ip1c.poly, true );
    findCell( ip1c.poly->first() )->pts.append( ip1c );
    findCell( ip1c.poly->last() )->pts.append( ip2c );
} // add
ValueType HashMap<KeyType,ValueType>::get(KeyType key) const {
   Cell *cp = findCell(hashCode(key) % nBuckets, key);
   if (cp == NULL) return ValueType();
   return cp->value;
Beispiel #22
CCM_FUNC static THD_FUNCTION(ThreadADC, arg)

  adcsample_t * sensorsDataPtr;
  size_t n;
  uint16_t i, pos;
  uint32_t an[3] = {0, 0, 0};
  median_t an1, an2, an3;
  uint8_t row, col;

  chVTSet(&vt_freqin, FREQIN_INTERVAL, freqinVTHandler, NULL);
  adcStartConversion(&ADCD1, &adcgrpcfg_sensors, samples_sensors, ADC_GRP1_BUF_DEPTH);

  median_init(&an1, 0 , an1_buffer, ADC_GRP1_BUF_DEPTH/2);
  median_init(&an2, 0 , an2_buffer, ADC_GRP1_BUF_DEPTH/2);
  median_init(&an3, 0 , an3_buffer, ADC_GRP1_BUF_DEPTH/2);

  while (TRUE)
    while (!recvFreeSamples(&sensorsMb, (void*)&sensorsDataPtr, &n))

    an[0]= 0;
    an[1]= 0;
    an[2]= 0;

    /* Filtering and adding */
    for (i = 0; i < (n/ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS); i++)
      pos = i * ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS;
      an[0] += median_filter(&an1, sensorsDataPtr[pos]);
      an[1] += median_filter(&an2, sensorsDataPtr[pos+1]);
      an[2] += median_filter(&an3, sensorsDataPtr[pos+2]);

    /* Averaging */
    an[0] /= (n/ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS);
    an[1] /= (n/ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS);
    an[2] /= (n/ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS);

    /* Convert to milliVolts */
    an[0] *= VBAT_RATIO;
    an[1] *= AN_RATIO;
    an[2] *= AN_RATIO;

    sensors_data.an1 = an[0];
    sensors_data.an2 = an[1];
    sensors_data.an3 = an[2];

    /* Analog/Digital Sensors */
    if (settings.sensorsInput == SENSORS_INPUT_DIRECT) {
        sensors_data.tps = calculateTpFromMillivolt(settings.tpsMinV, settings.tpsMaxV, sensors_data.an2);
        sensors_data.rpm = calculateFreqWithRatio(sensors_data.freq1, settings.rpmMult);
        sensors_data.spd = calculateFreqWithRatio(sensors_data.freq2, settings.spdMult);
    else if (settings.sensorsInput == SENSORS_INPUT_TEST) {
        sensors_data.tps = rand16(0, 200);
        sensors_data.rpm = rand16(10, 18000);
        sensors_data.spd = rand16(5, 10000);

    /* AFR */
    if (settings.afrInput == AFR_INPUT_AN) {
        sensors_data.afr = calculateAFRFromMillivolt(settings.AfrMinVal, settings.AfrMaxVal, sensors_data.an3);
    else if (settings.afrInput == AFR_INPUT_TEST) {
        sensors_data.afr = rand16(11000, 16000) / 100;

    if (dbg_sensors) {
        chprintf(DBG_STREAM,"->[SENSORS] TPS mV/PCT: %06u/%04u\r\n", sensors_data.an2, sensors_data.tps);
        chprintf(DBG_STREAM,"->[SENSORS] RMP Hz/Mult/Val: %06u/%.4f/%04u\r\n", sensors_data.freq1, settings.rpmMult, sensors_data.rpm);
        chprintf(DBG_STREAM,"->[SENSORS] SPD Hz/Mult/Val: %06u/%.4f/%04u\r\n", sensors_data.freq2, settings.spdMult, sensors_data.spd);

    if (findCell(sensors_data.tps/2, sensors_data.rpm, &row, &col))
      sensors_data.cell.row = row;
      sensors_data.cell.col = col;
      if (dbg_sensors) {
          chprintf(DBG_STREAM,"->[SENSORS] Row:Value/Col:Value: %02u:%05u/%02u:%05u\r\n", row, tableRows[row], col, tableColumns[col]*100);

      if ((settings.functions & FUNC_RECORD)  && sensors_data.rpm != 0)
          /* Average */
          tableAFR[row][col] = tableAFR[row][col] == 0 ? sensors_data.afr : ((uint16_t)sensors_data.afr+(uint16_t)tableAFR[row][col])/2;
          /* Peaks */
          tableKnock[row][col] = sensors_data.knock_value > tableKnock[row][col] ? sensors_data.knock_value : tableKnock[row][col];
Beispiel #23
* Calculates the result of entered formula
* @param  value   The formula
* @param  ftype   Type of formula (SUM, RANGE, AVERAGE)
* @param  sheet   The spreadsheet
* @param  address Address of the cell to store result
* @return         Result of calculation
double calculateFormula(char *value, FormulaType *ftype, Cell sheet[], size_t *address) {
   char addr1[CELL_ADDRESS]; //stores the extracted value of the first address in formula
   char addr2[CELL_ADDRESS]; //stores the extracted value of the first address in formula
   double answer = 0.0;
   size_t i, start, end, temp, count;
   switch (*ftype) {
      case AVERAGE:
           addr1[0] = value[8];
           addr1[1] = value[9];
           addr1[2] = '\0';
           addr2[0] = value[11];
           addr2[1] = value[12];
           addr2[2] = '\0';
           findCell(sheet, addr1, address);
           start = *address;
           findCell(sheet, addr2, address);
           end = *address;

           // Swaps start and end if start address is greater than end address
           if (start > end) {
               temp = start;
               start = end;
               end = temp;

           // If addresses are in the same column then do calculations with values vertically
           if (addr1[0] == addr2[0]) {
               count = 0;
               for (i = start; i <= end;) {
                   if (sheet[i].type == NUM) {
                       answer += atof(sheet[i].value);
                   i += 9;
               answer = answer / count;
           // If addresses are in the same row then do calculations with values horizontally
           } else if (toupper(addr1[1]) == toupper(addr2[1])) {
               count = 0;
               for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
                   if (sheet[i].type == NUM) {
                       answer += atof(sheet[i].value);
               if (answer > 0)
                   answer = answer / count;
                   answer = 0;
      case SUM:
           addr1[0] = value[4];
           addr1[1] = value[5];
           addr1[2] = '\0';
           addr2[0] = value[7];
           addr2[1] = value[8];
           addr2[2] = '\0';
           findCell(sheet, addr1, address);
           start = *address;
           findCell(sheet, addr2, address);
           end = *address;

           // Swaps start and end if start address is greater than end address
           if (start > end) {
               temp = start;
               start = end;
               end = temp;

           // If addresses are in the same column then do calculations with values vertically
           if (addr1[0] == addr2[0]) {
               for (i = start; i <= end;) {
                   if (sheet[i].type == NUM)
                       answer += atof(sheet[i].value);
                   i += 9;

           // If addresses are in the same row then do calculations with values horizontally
           } else if (toupper(addr1[1]) == toupper(addr2[1])) {
               for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
                   if (sheet[i].type == NUM)
                       answer += atof(sheet[i].value);
      case RANGE:
           addr1[0] = value[6];
           addr1[1] = value[7];
           addr1[2] = '\0';
           addr2[0] = value[9];
           addr2[1] = value[10];
           addr2[2] = '\0';
           findCell(sheet, addr1, address);
           start = *address;
           findCell(sheet, addr2, address);
           end = *address;

           // Swaps start and end if start address is greater than end address
           if (start > end) {
               temp = start;
               start = end;
               end = temp;

           // If addresses are in the same column then do calculations with values vertically
           if (addr1[0] == addr2[0]) {
               answer = 0;
               for (i = start; i <= end;) {
                   if (sheet[i].type == NUM) {
                       if (atof(sheet[i].value) > answer)
                           answer = atof(sheet[i].value);
                   i += 9;

           // If addresses are in the same row then do calculations with values horizontally
           } else if (toupper(addr1[1]) == toupper(addr2[1])) {
               for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
                   if (sheet[i].type == NUM) {
                       if (atof(sheet[i].value) > answer)
                           answer = atof(sheet[i].value);
   return answer;