Beispiel #1
 * GetNextThread -
 * NB - callers must continue to call this function until it returns FALSE
BOOL GetNextThread( ThreadList *info, ThreadPlace *place,
                    DWORD pid, BOOL first )

    DWORD                       curpid;
    BOOL                        error;

    error = FALSE;
    if( first ) {
        beginRead( FALSE );
        initObj( &regData, &threadObject, N_THREAD );
        if( threadObject == NULL ) error = TRUE;
        if( !error ) {
            place->index = 0;
            place->obj = threadObject;
            place->pid = pid;
            place->inst = getFirstInstance( threadObject );
    } else {
        place->index ++;
        if( place->index < place->obj->NumInstances ) {
            place->inst = getNextInstance( place->inst );
    if( !error ) {
        counter = findCounter( place->obj, N_PROCID );
        if( counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        for( ; place->index < place->obj->NumInstances; place->index ++ ) {
            if( place->inst == NULL ) {
                error = TRUE;
            curpid = getCounterDWORD( place->inst, counter );
            if( curpid == place->pid ) break;
            place->inst = getNextInstance( place->inst );
    if( !error && place->index >= place->obj->NumInstances ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        counter = findCounter( place->obj, N_THREADID );
        if( counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        info->tid = getCounterDWORD( place->inst, counter );
        counter = findCounter( place->obj, N_BASE_PRIORITY );
        if( counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        info->priority = getCounterDWORD( place->inst, counter );
    } else {
        endRead( FALSE );
    return( !error );
Beispiel #2
/**Copy NAND Cypto to our region.*/
void FSNandInitCrypto(void) {
	uint8_t *ctrStart = findCounter();
	uint8_t *ctrStore = NANDCTR;
	uint8_t i = 16; //CTR length
	if (!ctrStart) { return; } //Avoid copying from NULL
	ctrStart = ctrStart + 15;
	//The CTR is stored backwards in memory.
	while (i --) { *(ctrStore++) = *(ctrStart--); }
Beispiel #3
void Hwmon::setupCounter(Counter &counter) {
	HwmonCounter *const hwmonCounter = findCounter(counter);
	if (hwmonCounter == NULL) {
Beispiel #4
TR::DebugCounter *TR::DebugCounterGroup::createCounter(const char *name, int8_t fidelity, TR_PersistentMemory *persistentMemory)
   // Get the denominator counter, if any, by looking for the rightmost separator character.
   TR::DebugCounter *denominator = NULL;
   const char *separator = NULL;
   int verbatimDepth = 0;
   for (const char *c = name; c[0]; c++)
      if (c[0] == VERBATIM_START)
      else if (c[0] == VERBATIM_STOP)

      if (verbatimDepth == 0)
         if (c[0] == FRACTION_SEPARATOR || c[0] == RATIO_SEPARATOR)
            separator = c;
   if (separator) // There is a denominator counter
      denominator = findCounter(name, separator-name);
      if (!denominator)
         // Can't be lazy anymore; we really need to make a copy of part of the name string
         char *denominatorName = (char*)persistentMemory->allocatePersistentMemory(separator-name+1);
         TR_ASSERT(denominatorName, "char *denominatorName must not be null. Ensure availability of persistent memory");
         sprintf(denominatorName, "%.*s", (int)(separator-name), name);

         // Counter has negligible cost, assuming it's only used as a denominator
         denominator = createCounter(denominatorName, TR::DebugCounter::Free, persistentMemory);

   // Create the desired counter
   int8_t flags = 0;
   if (separator && separator[0] == FRACTION_SEPARATOR)
      TR_ASSERT(denominator, "Debug counter with a fraction separator character must have a denominator");
      flags |= TR::DebugCounter::ContributesToDenominator;
   TR::DebugCounter *result = new (persistentMemory) TR::DebugCounter(name, fidelity, denominator, flags);
   TR_ASSERT(result, "DebugCounter *result must not be null. Ensure availability of persistent memory");
   // There's a race here if we do parallel compilation

   OMR::CriticalSection createCounterLock(_countersMutex);

   _countersHashTable.Add(result->getName(), result);

   return result;
Beispiel #5
 * GetProcessInfo
BOOL GetProcessInfo( DWORD pid, ProcStats *info ) {

    DWORD                       i;
    DWORD                       curpid;
    BOOL                        error;

    beginRead( FALSE );
    error = FALSE;
    initObj( &regData, &processObject, N_PROCESS );
    if( processObject == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        counter = findCounter( processObject, N_PROCID );
        if( counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        inst = getFirstInstance( processObject );
        for( i=0; i < processObject->NumInstances; i++ ) {
            if( inst == NULL ) {
                error = TRUE;
            curpid = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
            if( curpid == pid ) break;
            inst = getNextInstance( inst );
    if( !error && curpid == pid && info != NULL ) {
        info->pid = curpid;
        counter = findCounter( processObject, N_BASE_PRIORITY );
        if( counter == NULL ) {
            error = TRUE;
        } else {
            info->priority = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
            wsprintf( info->name, "%ls",
                      (char *)inst + inst->NameOffset );
    endRead( FALSE );
    return( !error && curpid == pid );
Beispiel #6
 * GetNextProcess
 * NB - callers must continue to call this function until it returns FALSE
BOOL GetNextProcess( ProcList *info, ProcPlace *place, BOOL first ) {

    BOOL                        error;

    error = FALSE;
    if( first ) {
        beginRead( FALSE );
        initObj( &regData, &processObject, N_PROCESS );
        if( processObject == NULL ) error = TRUE;
        if( !error ) {
            place->index = 0;
            place->obj = processObject;
            place->inst = getFirstInstance( processObject );
    } else {
        place->index ++;
        if( place->index >= processObject->NumInstances ) {
            endRead( FALSE );
            return( FALSE );
        place->inst = getNextInstance( place->inst );
    if( place->inst == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        counter = findCounter( place->obj, N_PROCID );
        if( counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        info->pid = getCounterDWORD( place->inst, counter );
        counter = findCounter( place->obj, N_BASE_PRIORITY );
        if( counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        info->priority = getCounterDWORD( place->inst, counter );
        wsprintf( info->name, "%ls",
                  (char *)( place->inst ) + place->inst->NameOffset );
    } else {
        endRead( FALSE );
    return( !error );
Beispiel #7
const char *TR::DebugCounterGroup::counterName(TR::Compilation *comp, const char *format, va_list args)
   const char *name = comp->getDebug()->formattedString(NULL, 0, format, args, persistentAlloc);
   TR::DebugCounter *matchingCounter = findCounter(name, strlen(name));
   if (matchingCounter)
      name = matchingCounter->getName();
   return name;
Beispiel #8
TR::DebugCounter *TR::DebugCounterGroup::getCounter(TR::Compilation *comp, const char *name, int8_t fidelity)
   // Note: we assume the name string passed in is safe to keep persistently.
   // If this is not the case, the caller must make a copy of it into
   // persistent memory.

   TR::DebugCounter *result = findCounter(name, strlen(name));
   if (!result)
      result = createCounter(name, fidelity, comp->trPersistentMemory());

   TR_ASSERT(result->getFidelity() >= fidelity, "Request for counter at fidelity %d is too high; counter only has fidelity %d: %s\n", fidelity, result->getFidelity(), name);
   result->_fidelity = fidelity;

   return result;
Beispiel #9
void PerfDriver::setupCounter(Counter &counter) {
	PerfCounter *const perfCounter = findCounter(counter);
	if (perfCounter == NULL) {

	// Don't use the config from counters XML if it's not set, ex: software counters
	if (counter.getEvent() != -1) {
Beispiel #10
 * GetThreadInfo
BOOL GetThreadInfo( DWORD pid, DWORD tid, ThreadStats *info ) {

    PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION     *pid_counter;
    PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION     *tid_counter;
    DWORD                       curid;
    DWORD                       i;
    BOOL                        error;

    error = FALSE;
    beginRead( FALSE );
    initObj( &regData, &threadObject, N_THREAD );
    if( threadObject == NULL ) {
        error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        pid_counter = findCounter( threadObject, N_PROCID );
        tid_counter = findCounter( threadObject, N_THREADID );
        if( pid_counter == NULL || tid_counter == NULL ) error = TRUE;
    if( !error ) {
        inst = getFirstInstance( threadObject );
        for( i=0; i < threadObject->NumInstances; i++ ) {
            if( inst == NULL ) {
                error = TRUE;
            curid = getCounterDWORD( inst, tid_counter );
            if( curid == tid ) {
                curid = getCounterDWORD( inst, pid_counter );
                if( curid == pid ) break;
            inst = getNextInstance( inst );
    if( !error && i == threadObject->NumInstances ) {
         error = TRUE;
    } else {
        info->tid = tid;
        info->pid = pid;
        counter = findCounter( threadObject, N_BASE_PRIORITY );
        info->base_pri = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
        counter = findCounter( threadObject, N_CUR_PRIORITY );
        info->cur_pri = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
        counter = findCounter( threadObject, N_THREAD_STATE );
        info->state = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
        counter = findCounter( threadObject, N_WAIT_REASON );
        info->wait_reason = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
    endRead( FALSE );
    return( !error );
Beispiel #11
 * getProcessIndex
static BOOL getProcessIndex( DWORD pid, DWORD *indexout ) {

    DWORD                       curpid;
    DWORD                       index;

    counter = findCounter( processObject, N_PROCID );
    if( counter == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    inst = getFirstInstance( processObject );
    if( inst == NULL ) return( FALSE );
    for( index=0; index < processObject->NumInstances; index++ ) {
        if( inst == NULL ) break;
        curpid = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
        if( curpid == pid ) {
            *indexout = index;
            return( TRUE );
        inst = getNextInstance( inst );
    return( FALSE );
Beispiel #12
void Stats::addToCounter( const QString& name, float value )
    int index = findCounter(name);  
    if (index == -1)
        index = _records[COUNTER].size();
        Record newcounter; = name;
        newcounter.category = COUNTER;
        newcounter.value = value;
        newcounter.parent = &_headers[COUNTER];


        _layout_changed = true;
        _records[COUNTER][index].value += value;
        _data_changed = true;
Beispiel #13
bool Hwmon::claimCounter(const Counter &counter) const {
	return findCounter(counter) != NULL;
Beispiel #14
 * GetMemInfo
BOOL GetMemInfo( DWORD procid, MemInfo *info ) {

    DWORD                       curpid;
    DWORD                       i;

    beginRead( TRUE );
    initObj( &costlyData, &procAddrObject, N_PROCESS_ADDR_SPACE );
    if( procAddrObject == NULL ) {
        info->modlist = NULL;
        info->modcnt = 0;
        goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;

    info->modlist = GetModuleList( procid, &info->modcnt );
    if( info->modlist == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_PROCID );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;

    inst = getFirstInstance( procAddrObject );
    for( i=0; ; i++ ) {
        if( i >= procAddrObject->NumInstances || inst == NULL ) {
            goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
        curpid = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );
        if( curpid == procid ) break;
        inst = getNextInstance( inst );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_NO_ACC );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.noaccess = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_READ );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info-> = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_WRITE );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.write = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_COPY );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.copy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_EXEC );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.exec = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_EXECREAD );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.execread = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_EXECWRITE );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.execwrite = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_MAP_SPACE_EXECCOPY );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->mapped.execcopy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    info->mapped.tot = info->mapped.noaccess + info->
                        + info->mapped.write + info->mapped.copy
                        + info->mapped.exec + info->mapped.execread
                        + info->mapped.execwrite + info->mapped.execcopy;

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_NO_ACC );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.noaccess = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_READ );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info-> = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_WRITE );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.write = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_COPY );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.copy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_EXEC );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.exec = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_EXECREAD );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.execread = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_EXECWRITE );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.execwrite = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_RES_SPACE_EXECCOPY );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->res.execcopy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    info->res.tot = info->res.noaccess + info->
                    + info->res.write + info->res.copy
                    + info->res.exec + info->res.execread
                    + info->res.execwrite + info->res.execcopy;

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_NO_ACC );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.noaccess = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_READ );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info-> = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_WRITE );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.write = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_COPY );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.copy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_EXEC );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.exec = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_EXECREAD );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.execread = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_EXECWRITE );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.execwrite = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    counter = findCounter( procAddrObject, N_IMAGE_SPACE_EXECCOPY );
    if( counter == NULL ) goto GETMEMINFO_ERROR;
    info->image.execcopy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

    info->image.tot = info->image.noaccess + info->
                    + info->image.write + info->image.copy
                    + info->image.exec + info->image.execread
                    + info->image.execwrite + info->image.execcopy;

    endRead( TRUE );
    return( TRUE );

    FreeModuleList( info->modlist, info->modcnt );
    endRead( TRUE );
    return( FALSE );
Beispiel #15
 * GetImageMemInfo
BOOL GetImageMemInfo( DWORD procid, char *imagename, MemByType *imageinfo ) {

    DWORD                       index;
    DWORD                       i;
    BOOL                        ret;
    char                        buf[ _MAX_PATH ];

    ret = FALSE;
    beginRead( FALSE );
    beginRead( TRUE );

    initObj( &costlyData, &imageObject, N_IMAGE );
    initObj( &regData, &processObject, N_PROCESS );
    if( imageObject == NULL || processObject == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;

    inst = getFirstInstance( imageObject );
    if( !getProcessIndex( procid, &index ) ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;

    for( i=0; i < imageObject->NumInstances; i += 1 ) {
        if( inst == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;

        if( inst->ParentObjectInstance == index ) {
            wsprintf( buf, "%ls", (char *)inst + inst->NameOffset );
            if( !strcmp( buf, imagename ) ) {
                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_NO_ACCESS );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->noaccess = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_READ_ONLY );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->read = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_READ_WRITE );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->write = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_WRITE_COPY );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->copy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_EXEC );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->exec = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_EXEC_READ );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->execread = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_EXEC_WRITE );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->execwrite = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                counter = findCounter( imageObject, N_EXEC_COPY );
                if( counter == NULL ) goto GETIMAGEMEM_ERROR;
                imageinfo->execcopy = getCounterDWORD( inst, counter );

                imageinfo->tot = imageinfo->noaccess + imageinfo->read
                            + imageinfo->write + imageinfo->copy
                            + imageinfo->exec + imageinfo->execread
                            + imageinfo->execwrite + imageinfo->execcopy;
                ret = TRUE;
        inst = getNextInstance( inst );
    endRead( TRUE );
    endRead( FALSE );
    return( ret);

    endRead( TRUE );
    endRead( FALSE );
    return( FALSE );
Beispiel #16
bool PerfDriver::claimCounter(const Counter &counter) const {
	return findCounter(counter) != NULL;