Beispiel #1
int main(){

float x,y;
//calculates polar coordinates given x and y
//ask for x and y values
printf("This program converts cartesian coordinates into polar coordinates.\nPlease enter values for x and y.");
printf("\nX: ");
scanf("%f", &x);
printf("Y: ");
scanf("%f", &y);

float radius=findRadius(x,y);
float angle=findAngle(x,y);
int quadrant=findQuadrant(radius,angle);

printf("\nThe radius is %.2f and the angle is %.2f degrees counterclockwise from the positive x axis.\n", radius, angle);
	case 0:
		printf("The point is on the origin.");
	case 1:
		printf("The point is in the first quadrant.");
	case 2:
                printf("The point is in	the second quadrant.");
 	case 3:
                printf("The point is in	the third quadrant.");
 	case 4:
                printf("The point is in	the fourth quadrant.");
 	case 5:
                printf("The point is on	the positive x axis.");
 	case 6:
                printf("The point is on the negative x axis.");
	case 7:
                printf("The point is on the positive y axis.");
 	case 8:
                printf("The point is on	the negative y axis.");

Beispiel #2
 * @brief View-volume culling
 * View-volume culling: axis-aligned bounding box against view volume,
 * given as Model/View/Projection matrix.
 * Inputs:
 *    MVP:       Matrix from object to NDC space
 *                 (model/view/projection)
 * Inputs/Outputs:
 *    cullBits:  Keeps track of which planes we need to test against.
 *               Has three bits, for X, Y and Z.  If cullBits is 0,
 *               then the bounding box is completely inside the view
 *               and no further cull tests need be done for things
 *               inside the bounding box.  Zero bits in cullBits mean
 *               the bounding box is completely between the
 *               left/right, top/bottom, or near/far clipping planes.
 * Outputs:
 *    bool:    TRUE if bbox is completely outside view volume
 *               defined by MVP.
 * How:
 * An axis-aligned bounding box is the set of all points P,
 * Pmin < P < Pmax.  We're interested in finding out whether or not
 * any of those points P are clipped after being transformed through
 * MVP (transformed into clip space).
 * A transformed point P'[x,y,z,w] is inside the view if [x,y,z] are
 * all between -w and w.  Otherwise the point is outside the view.
 * Instead of testing individual points, we want to treat the range of
 * points P.  We want to know if:  All points P are clipped (in which
 * case the cull test succeeds), all points P are NOT clipped (in
 * which case they are completely inside the view volume and no more
 * cull tests need be done for objects inside P), or some points are
 * clipped and some aren't.
 * P transformed into clip space is a 4-dimensional solid, P'.  To
 * speed things up, this algorithm finds the 4-dimensional,
 * axis-aligned bounding box of that solid and figures out whether or
 * not that bounding box intersects any of the sides of the view
 * volume.  In the 4D space with axes x,y,z,w, the view volume planes
 * are the planes x=w, x=-w, y=w, y=-w, z=w, z=-w.
 * This is all easier to think about if we think about each of the X,
 * Y, Z axes in clip space independently; worrying only about the X
 * axis for a moment:
 * The idea is to find the minimum and maximum possible X,W
 * coordinates of P'.  If all of the points in the
 * [(Xmin,Xmax),(Wmin,Wmax)] range satisfy -|W| < X < |W| (|W| is
 * absolute value of W), then the original bounding box P is
 * completely inside the X-axis (left/right) clipping planes of the
 * view volume.  In (x,w) space, a point (x,w) is clipped depending on
 * which quadrant it is in:
 *    x=-w       x=w
 *      \   Q0   /
 *       \  IN  /
 *        \    /
 *         \  /
 * Q1       \/  Q2
 *         /  \ 
 *        /    \ 
 *       /  Q3  \ 
 *      / CLIPPED\ 
 * If the axis-aligned box [(Xmin,Xmax),(Wmin,Wmax)] lies entirely in
 * Q0, then it is entirely inside the X-axis clipping planes (IN
 * case).  If it is not in Q0 at all, then it is clipped (OUT).  If it
 * straddles Q0 and some other quadrant, the bounding box intersects
 * the clipping planes (STRADDLE).  The 4 corners of the bounding box
 * are tested first using bitwise tests on their quadrant numbers; if
 * they determine the case is STRADDLE then a more refined test is
 * done on the 8 points of the original bounding box.
 * The test isn't perfect-- a bounding box that straddles both Q1 and
 * Q2 may be incorrectly classified as STRADDLE; however, those cases
 * are rare and the cases that are incorrectly classified will likely
 * be culled when testing against the other clipping planes (these
 * cases are cases where the bounding box is near the eye).
 * Finding [(Xmin,Xmax),(Wmin,Wmax)] is easy.  Consider Xmin.  It is
 * the smallest X coordinate when all of the points in the range
 * Pmin,Pmax are transformed by MVP; written out:
 *     X = P[0]*M[0][0] + P[1]*M[1][0] + P[2]*M[2][0] + M[3][0]
 * X will be minimized when each of the terms is minimized.  If the
 * matrix entry for the term is positive, then the term is minimized
 * by choosing Pmin; if the matrix entry is negative, the term is
 * minimized by choosing Pmax.  Three 'if' test will let us calculate
 * the transformed Xmin.  Xmax can be calculated similarly.
 * Testing for IN/OUT/STRADDLE for the Y and Z coordinates is done
 * exactly the same way.
bool Box3f::outside(const MatrixR& MVP, int32& cullBits) const
	float Wmax = minExtreme(m_max, m_min, MVP, 3);
	if (Wmax < 0) return true;

	float Wmin = minExtreme(m_min, m_max, MVP, 3);

	// Do each coordinate:
	for (int32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
		if (cullBits & (1<<i))
		{  // STRADDLES:
			float Cmin = minExtreme(m_min, m_max, MVP, i);
			// The and_bits and or_bits are used to keep track of
			// which quadrants point lie in.  The cases are:
			// All in Q0:  IN
			//    (or_bits == 0)  --> and_bits MUST also be 0
			// Some/all in Q1, some/all in Q3: CULLED
			// Some/all in Q2, some/none in Q3: CULLED
			//    (and_bits != 0, or_bits != 0)
			// Some in Q1, some in Q2, some/none in Q3: STRADDLE
			//    (and_bits == 0, or_bits !=0)
			int32 and_bits;
			int32 or_bits;
			and_bits = or_bits = quadrant(Cmin, Wmin);

			int32 q0 = quadrant(Cmin, Wmax);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			// Hit the STRADDLE case as soon as and_bits == 0 and
			// or_bits != 0:
			if (!(and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0)) 
				float Cmax = minExtreme(m_max, m_min, MVP, i);
				q0 = quadrant(Cmax, Wmin);
				and_bits &= q0;
				or_bits |= q0;
				if (!(and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0)) 
					q0 = quadrant(Cmax, Wmax);
					and_bits &= q0;
					or_bits |= q0;
					// Either completely IN or completely OUT:
					if (or_bits == 0) 
					{ // IN
						cullBits &= ~(1<<i); // Clear bit
						continue; // Continue for loop
					else if (and_bits != 0) 
						return true;  // CULLED

			// Before we give up and just claim it straddles, do a
			// more refined test-- check the 8 corners of the
			// bounding box:
			// Test to see if all 8 corner points of the bounding box
			// are in the same quadrant.  If so, the object is either
			// completely in or out of the view.  Otherwise, it straddles
			// at least one of the view boundaries.
			and_bits = or_bits = findQuadrant(m_min[0], m_min[1], m_min[2], i, MVP);
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;
			q0 = findQuadrant(m_max[0], m_max[1], m_max[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;

			q0 = findQuadrant(m_max[0], m_min[1], m_min[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;

			q0 = findQuadrant(m_min[0], m_max[1], m_max[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;
			q0 = findQuadrant(m_min[0], m_max[1], m_min[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;

			q0 = findQuadrant(m_max[0], m_min[1], m_max[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;
			q0 = findQuadrant(m_max[0], m_max[1], m_min[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;
			if (and_bits == 0 && or_bits != 0) continue;

			q0 = findQuadrant(m_min[0], m_min[1], m_max[2], i, MVP);
			and_bits &= q0;
			or_bits |= q0;

			// Either completely IN or completely OUT:
			if (or_bits == 0) 
			{ // IN
				cullBits &= ~(1<<i); // Clear bit
				continue; // Continue for loop
			else if (and_bits != 0) 
				return true;  // CULLED
	return false;// Not culled
Beispiel #3
void GestureDetector::detect(NUI_SKELETON_FRAME &SkeletonFrame, NUI_SKELETON_FRAME &prevFrame)
	NUI_SKELETON_DATA SkeletonData = SkeletonFrame.SkeletonData[id];
	NUI_SKELETON_DATA prevSkeletonData = prevFrame.SkeletonData[id];
	/*** The compiler does not like initializing variables within case statements ***/
	// Temporary variables for actual body part points
	Vector4 headPoint;
	Vector4 rightHandPoint;
	Vector4 leftHandPoint;
	Vector4 handPoint;
	Vector4 spinePoint;
	// Vector4 rightShoulderPoint;
	// Vector4 leftShoulderPoint;
	// These are derived points used for magnification and movement
	Vector4 upPoint;
	Vector4 downPoint;
	Vector4 leftPoint;
	Vector4 rightPoint;
	Vector4 centerPoint;
	FLOAT displacement_x = 0;
	FLOAT displacement_y = 0;
	long long curTime = 0;
	Quadrant curQuadrant;

	// Do as much as we can before entering the state machine, because long states are confusing

	// If they make the "stop" gesture, turn off gesture recognition and magnification period

	// // In this case the "stop" gesture is hands _crossed_ and touching the shoulders
	// rightHandPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
	// leftHandPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
	// rightShoulderPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SHOULDER_RIGHT];
	// leftShoulderPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SHOULDER_LEFT];
	// if (areClose(leftShoulderPoint, rightHandPoint, detectRange) && areClose(rightShoulderPoint, leftHandPoint, detectRange))

	// Stop gesture is hands on head
	rightHandPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
	leftHandPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
	headPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HEAD];
	if (id == activeSkeleton) // Only if we're the active skeleton - nobody else should be able to kill it
		if (
			areClose3D(headPoint, rightHandPoint, detectRange) 
			&& areClose3D(headPoint, leftHandPoint, detectRange)
			moveAmount_y = 0;
			moveAmount_x = 0;
			// Stop us from immediately re-enabling after disabling (cycling)
			if (! hideWindowOn)
				hideWindowOn = TRUE;
				// Reset magnification value
				magnificationFloor = 0;
			hideWindowOn = FALSE;

	// If the magnifier is off now, don't bother detecting gestures, just stop.
	if (id == activeSkeleton && (! IsWindowVisible(hwndMag)))

	// Most states are only applicable if we're the active skeleton
	if (id != activeSkeleton)
		// Setting an already OFF state to OFF won't cause issues.
		if (state->state != SALUTE1)
			// Adding a 'return' here will prevent anyone from stealing focus while a gesture is happening

	// Timeout any state other than OFF
	curTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
	if ( (curTime - startTime) > timeout )
		if (id == activeSkeleton)
			moveAmount_y = 0;
			moveAmount_x = 0;

	// Same thing if they make the "cancel" gesture
	// The cancel gesture is to start the salute again
	static BOOL cancelling = FALSE;
	if (cancelling || (id == activeSkeleton && state->state != SALUTE1 && state->state != OFF && state->state != SALUTE2))
		// Headpoint already initialized above for the stop gesture
		// headPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HEAD];
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
		if (areClose3D(headPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			if (! cancelling)
				cancelling = TRUE;
				moveAmount_y = 0;
				moveAmount_x = 0;
			cancelling = FALSE;

	// If they make the "cancel" gesture, stop recognizing gestures
	// Cancel gesture here is both hands touching.
	// static BOOL cancelling = FALSE;
	// if (id == activeSkeleton
	// 	&& areClose3D(leftHandPoint, rightHandPoint, handsTogether))
	// {
	// 	if ( ! cancelling)
	// 	{
	// 		cancelling = TRUE;
	// 		killGesturesStartTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
	// 	}
	// 	else
	// 	{
	// 		if ( (curTime - killGesturesStartTime) > killGesturesTime)
	// 		{
	// 			moveAmount_y = 0;
	// 			moveAmount_x = 0;
	// 			clearAndHideOverlay();
	// 			state->set(OFF);
	// 		}
	// 	}
	// }
	// else
	// {
	// 	cancelling = FALSE;
	// }

	// Click gesture
	spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
	static BOOL amClicking = FALSE;
	if (id == activeSkeleton && state->state == MOVECENTER
		((spinePoint.z - rightHandPoint.z) > clickDistance)
		|| ((spinePoint.z - leftHandPoint.z) > clickDistance)
		if (showOverlays)
			int ulx_small;
			int ulx_ss;
			int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
			int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
			if (hand == RIGHT)
				ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
				ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
				ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
			// Make the center swirls go red
			drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 0);
		if (! amClicking)
			// It'd be nice if the screen could flash at this
			// point or something, but that doesn't seem entirely
			// trivial with our current concept of overlays
			amClicking = TRUE;
		amClicking = FALSE;

	switch (state->state)
	case OFF:
		if (id == activeSkeleton)
			moveAmount_y = 0;
			moveAmount_x = 0;
		// Check if a hand is close to the head
		headPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HEAD];
		rightHandPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
		leftHandPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];

		if (areClose(headPoint, rightHandPoint, detectRange))
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
			hand = RIGHT;
		if (areClose(headPoint, leftHandPoint, detectRange))
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
			hand = LEFT;
	case SALUTE1:
		// Check for saluting action (box up and away)
		headPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HEAD];
		headPoint.y += saluteUp;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			headPoint.x += saluteOver;
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			headPoint.x -= saluteOver;

		if (areClose(headPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			if (showOverlays)
				if (allowMagnifyGestures)
					if (hand == RIGHT)
						drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
						drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
					drawRectangle ((xRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
					if (hand == RIGHT)
						drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
						drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
			// Right now, an alert to let me know gesture tracking is working
			//MessageBox(NULL, "Salute detected", "Gesture Detection", NULL);
			// Change the active user
			// This is a race condition, but what it's doing is also inherently one
			if (activeSkeleton != id)
				activeSkeleton = id;
				moveAmount_x = 0;
				moveAmount_y = 0;
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
	case SALUTE2:
		spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		centerPoint = spinePoint;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;

		// Only allow user magnification if it's turned on
		if (allowMagnifyGestures)
			if (areClose(spinePoint, handPoint, detectRange))
				// Lock-on
				if (! lockingOn_magnify)
					lockingOn_magnify = TRUE;
					lockonStartTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
					if (showOverlays)
						drawLockOn(xRes/2, yRes/2);
						drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Locking on to Magnification Mode", 56);
				else // We're locking on already
					curTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
					if ((curTime - lockonStartTime) > lockonTime)
						startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
						if (showOverlays)
							drawRectangle ((xRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 1);
							drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Magnification Gesture Mode", 56);
			else if (areClose(centerPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
				// Don't do anything during the dead time
				if (! lockingOn_move)
					lockingOn_move = TRUE;
					lockonStartTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
					if (showOverlays)
						if (hand == RIGHT)
							drawLockOn(xRes*3/4, yRes/2);
							drawLockOn(xRes/4, yRes/2);
						drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Locking on to Movement Mode", 56);
					curTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
					if ((curTime - lockonStartTime) > lockonTime)
						startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
						if (showOverlays)

							int ulx;
							int ulx_small;
							int ulx_ss;
							int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
							int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
							int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
							if (hand == RIGHT)
								ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
								ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
								ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
								ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
								ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
								ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
							drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 0);
							drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 0);
							// drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 0);
							// drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 0);
							drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 1);
							drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
							drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 1);
							drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			// Nothing hit, so we're not locking on
			lockingOn_move = FALSE;
			lockingOn_magnify = FALSE;
			if (showOverlays)
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
					drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
				drawRectangle ((xRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
		else 		// Only movement gestures
			if (areClose(centerPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
				if (! lockingOn_move)
					lockingOn_move = TRUE;
					lockonStartTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
					if (showOverlays)
						if (hand == RIGHT)
							drawLockOn(xRes*3/4, yRes/2);
							drawLockOn(xRes/4, yRes/2);
						drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Locking on to Movement Mode", 56);
				{ // We're locking on
					curTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
					if ((curTime - lockonStartTime) > lockonTime)
						startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
						if (showOverlays)

							int ulx;
							int ulx_small;
							int ulx_ss;
							int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
							int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
							int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
							if (hand == RIGHT)
								ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
								ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
								ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
								ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
								ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
								ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
							drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 0);
							drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 0);
							// drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 0);
							// drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 0);
							drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 1);
							drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
							drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 1);
							drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			// We're not close to anything, so turn off the lockon
			lockingOn_move = FALSE;
			if (showOverlays)
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
					drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2), (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2), boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
	// case BODYCENTER:
	// 	spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
	// 	centerPoint = spinePoint;
	// 	if (hand == RIGHT)
	// 	{
	// 		handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
	// 		centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
	// 	}
	// 	else
	// 	{
	// 		handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
	// 		centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
	// 	}
	// 	if (areClose(centerPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
	// 	{
	// 		if (hand == RIGHT)
	// 		{
	// 			// Center
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
	// 			// Vert
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2) - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2) + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 			// Horiz
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2) - overlayCircleRadius, (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2) + overlayCircleRadius, (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 		}
	// 		else
	// 		{
	// 			// Center
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
	// 			// Vert
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2) - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2) + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 			// Horiz
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2) - overlayCircleRadius, (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 			drawRectangle ((xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2) + overlayCircleRadius, (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 		}
	// 		state->set(MOVECENTER);
	// 		startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
	// 		return;
	// 	}
	// 	// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
	// 	break;
	case MOVEUP:
		spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		centerPoint = spinePoint;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
		// Specific direction
		curQuadrant = findQuadrant(centerPoint, handPoint);

		// Place the direction arrows
		if (curQuadrant == Q_TOP)
			if (showOverlays)
				int ulx;
				int ulx_small;
				int ulx_ss;
				int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
				int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
				int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
					ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				// Overwrite old center stuff
				drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 2);
				drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 2);

				drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 0);
				/*drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 0);*/
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 1);				
				drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Velocity_Style)
				if (displacement_y < 0)
					moveAmount_y += 500*displacement_y;
			else if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Constant_Style)
				moveAmount_x = 0;
				moveAmount_y = -constantMovement;
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		else if (curQuadrant == Q_BOTTOM)
			if (showOverlays)
				int ulx;
				int ulx_small;
				int ulx_ss;
				int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
				int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
				int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
					ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				// Overwrite old center stuff
				drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 2);
				drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 2);

				drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 0);
				/*drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 0);*/
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 1);				
				drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Velocity_Style)
				if (displacement_y > 0)
					moveAmount_y += 500*displacement_y;
			else if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Constant_Style)
				moveAmount_x = 0;
				moveAmount_y = constantMovement;
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		else if (curQuadrant == Q_RIGHT)
			if (showOverlays)
				int ulx;
				int ulx_small;
				int ulx_ss;
				int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
				int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
				int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
					ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				// Overwrite old center stuff
				drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 2);
				drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 2);
				drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
				/*drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 0);*/
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 1);				
				drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Velocity_Style)
				if (displacement_x > 0)
					moveAmount_x += 500*displacement_x;
			else if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Constant_Style)
				moveAmount_y = 0;
				moveAmount_x = constantMovement;
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		else if (curQuadrant == Q_LEFT)
			if (showOverlays)
				int ulx;
				int ulx_small;
				int ulx_ss;
				int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
				int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
				int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
					ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				// Overwrite old center stuff
				drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 2);
				drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 2);
				drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 0);
				/*drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 0);*/
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 1);
				drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Velocity_Style)
				if (displacement_x < 0)
					moveAmount_x += 500*displacement_x;
			else if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Constant_Style)
				moveAmount_y = 0;
				moveAmount_x = -constantMovement;
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// Back to MOVECENTER
		else if (curQuadrant == Q_CENTER)
			if (MOVEMENT_STYLE == Constant_Style)
				moveAmount_y = 0;
				moveAmount_x = 0;
			if (showOverlays)
				int ulx;
				int ulx_small;
				int ulx_ss;
				int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxLarge/2);
				int uly_small = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
				int uly_ss = (yRes/2) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				if (hand == RIGHT)
					ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
					ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxLarge/2);
					ulx_small = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
					ulx_ss = (xRes/4) - (boxSuperSmall/2);
				if (! amClicking)
					drawRectangle(ulx_small, uly_small, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
					drawRectangle(ulx_ss, uly_ss, boxSuperSmall, boxSuperSmall, 1);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_TOP, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_BOTTOM, 0);
				/*drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_RIGHT, 0);
				drawTrapezoid(ulx, uly, Q_LEFT, 0);*/
				drawRectangle(ulx, uly, boxLarge, boxLarge, 1);
				drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Movement Gesture Mode", 56);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
		// case MOVE:
		// 	spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		// 	centerPoint = spinePoint;
		// 	if (hand == RIGHT)
		// 	{
		// 		handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
		// 		centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
		// 	}
		// 	else
		// 	{
		// 		handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
		// 		centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
		// 	}
		// 	// Back to MOVECENTER
		// 	if (areClose(centerPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// 	{
		// 		state->set(MOVECENTER);
		// 		startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 		return;
		// 	}
		// 	// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
		// 	break;
	// 	spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
	// 	centerPoint = spinePoint;
	// 	if (hand == RIGHT)
	// 	{
	// 		handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
	// 		centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
	// 	}
	// 	else
	// 	{
	// 		handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
	// 		centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
	// 	}
	// 	// Place the direction arrows
	// 	upPoint = centerPoint;
	// 	upPoint.y += directionRadius;
	// 	if (areClose(upPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
	// 	{
	// 		state->set(MAGNIFYUP);
	// 		return;
	// 	}
	// 	downPoint = centerPoint;
	// 	downPoint.y -= directionRadius;
	// 	if (areClose(downPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
	// 	{
	// 		state->set(MAGNIFYDOWN);
	// 		startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
	// 		return;
	// 	}
	// 	rightPoint = centerPoint;
	// 	rightPoint.x += directionRadius;
	// 	if (areClose(rightPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
	// 	{
	// 		state->set(MAGNIFYRIGHT);
	// 		startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
	// 		return;
	// 	}
	// 	leftPoint = centerPoint;
	// 	leftPoint.x -= directionRadius;
	// 	if (areClose(leftPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
	// 	{
	// 		state->set(MAGNIFYLEFT);
	// 		startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
	// 		return;
	// 	}
	// 	if (showOverlays)
	// 	{
	// 		clearOverlay();
	// 		drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Rotate clockwise to decrease magnification and vice-versa to increase", 56);
	// 		// Center
	// 		drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 		// Vert
	// 		drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2) - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 		drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2), (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2) + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 		// Horiz
	// 		drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2) - overlayCircleRadius, (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 		drawRectangle ((xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2) + overlayCircleRadius, (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2), boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
	// 	}
	// 	// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
	// 	break;
		spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		centerPoint = spinePoint;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
		// Place the direction arrows
		// upPoint = centerPoint;
		// upPoint.y += directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(upPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYUP);
		// 	return;
		// }
		// downPoint = centerPoint;
		// downPoint.y -= directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(downPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYDOWN);
		// 	startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 	return;
		// }
		rightPoint = centerPoint;
		rightPoint.x += directionRadius;
		if (areClose(rightPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Clockwise is increase magnification
			magnifyAmount += abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		leftPoint = centerPoint;
		leftPoint.x -= directionRadius;
		if (areClose(leftPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Counterclockwise is decrease magnification
			magnifyAmount -= abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		if (showOverlays)
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Clockwise = zoom in", 56);
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes*9/10), L"Counter-Clockwise = zoom out", 56);
			int ulx;
			int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
			if (hand == RIGHT)
				ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
				ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
			// Vert
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			// Horiz
			drawRectangle (ulx - overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle (ulx + overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
		// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
		spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		centerPoint = spinePoint;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
		// Place the direction arrows
		// upPoint = centerPoint;
		// upPoint.y += directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(upPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYUP);
		// 	return;
		// }
		// downPoint = centerPoint;
		// downPoint.y -= directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(downPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYDOWN);
		// 	startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 	return;
		// }
		rightPoint = centerPoint;
		rightPoint.x += directionRadius;
		if (areClose(rightPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Counterclockwise is increase magnification
			magnifyAmount -= abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		leftPoint = centerPoint;
		leftPoint.x -= directionRadius;
		if (areClose(leftPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Clockwise is decrease magnification
			magnifyAmount += abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		if (showOverlays)
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Clockwise = zoom in", 56);
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes*9/10), L"Counter-Clockwise = zoom out", 56);
			int ulx;
			int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
			if (hand == RIGHT)
				ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
				ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
			// Vert
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
			// Horiz
			drawRectangle (ulx - overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle (ulx + overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
		// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
		spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		centerPoint = spinePoint;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
		// Place the direction arrows
		upPoint = centerPoint;
		upPoint.y += directionRadius;
		if (areClose(upPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Clockwise is increase magnification
			magnifyAmount += abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
		downPoint = centerPoint;
		downPoint.y -= directionRadius;
		if (areClose(downPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Counterclockwise is decrease magnification
			magnifyAmount -= abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// rightPoint = centerPoint;
		// rightPoint.x += directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(rightPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYRIGHT);
		// 	// Clockwise is increase magnification
		// 	magnifyAmount += abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
		// 	startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 	return;
		// }
		// leftPoint = centerPoint;
		// leftPoint.x -= directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(leftPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYLEFT);
		// 	// Counterclockwise is decrease magnification
		// 	magnifyAmount -= abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
		// 	startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 	return;
		// }
		if (showOverlays)
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Clockwise = zoom in", 56);
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes*9/10), L"Counter-Clockwise = zoom out", 56);
			int ulx;
			int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
			if (hand == RIGHT)
				ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
				ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
			// Vert
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			// Horiz
			drawRectangle (ulx - overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
			drawRectangle (ulx + overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
		// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)
		spinePoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_SPINE];
		centerPoint = spinePoint;
		if (hand == RIGHT)
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT];
			centerPoint.x += centerRightOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_RIGHT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
			handPoint = SkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT];
			centerPoint.x -= centerLeftOver;
			// Add velocity
			getDifference(handPoint, prevSkeletonData.SkeletonPositions[NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_HAND_LEFT], displacement_x, displacement_y);
		// Place the direction arrows
		upPoint = centerPoint;
		upPoint.y += directionRadius;
		if (areClose(upPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Counterclockwise is decrease magnification
			magnifyAmount -= abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
		downPoint = centerPoint;
		downPoint.y -= directionRadius;
		if (areClose(downPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
			// Clockwise is increase magnification
			magnifyAmount += abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
			startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// rightPoint = centerPoint;
		// rightPoint.x += directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(rightPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYRIGHT);
		// 	// Clockwise is increase magnification
		// 	magnifyAmount += abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
		// 	startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 	return;
		// }
		// leftPoint = centerPoint;
		// leftPoint.x -= directionRadius;
		// if (areClose(leftPoint, handPoint, detectRange))
		// {
		// 	state->set(MAGNIFYLEFT);
		// 	// Counterclockwise is decrease magnification
		// 	magnifyAmount -= abs(displacement_x + displacement_y);
		// 	startTime = getTimeIn100NSIntervals();
		// 	return;
		// }
		if (showOverlays)
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes/10), L"Clockwise = zoom in", 56);
			drawText ((xRes/3), (yRes*9/10), L"Counter-Clockwise = zoom out", 56);
			int ulx;
			int uly = (yRes/2) - (boxSmall/2);
			if (hand == RIGHT)
				ulx = (xRes*3/4) - (boxSmall/2);
				ulx = (xRes/4) - (boxSmall/2);
			// Vert
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly - overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle (ulx, uly + overlayCircleRadius, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			// Horiz
			drawRectangle (ulx - overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 0);
			drawRectangle (ulx + overlayCircleRadius, uly, boxSmall, boxSmall, 1);
		// Otherwise, keep looking (until the timeout)