void GraphicalUintTest::initTestCase() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false); QVERIFY( is_not_null( findSpinBox(value) ) ); delete value; }
void GraphicalIntTest::test_setValue() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false); QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value); QVERIFY( is_not_null(spinBox) ); // // 1. check with ints // QVERIFY( value->setValue(-1456) ); QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), -1456 ); QVERIFY( value->setValue(215468548) ); QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 215468548 ); // // 2. check with other types // QVERIFY( !value->setValue(3.141592) ); QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 215468548 ); QVERIFY( !value->setValue(true) ); QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 215468548 ); QVERIFY( !value->setValue("789654123") ); QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 215468548 ); delete value; }
void GraphicalIntTest::test_constructor() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false); QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value); QVERIFY( is_not_null(spinBox) ); // 1. check the range QCOMPARE( spinBox->minimum(), Consts::int_min() ); QCOMPARE( spinBox->maximum(), Consts::int_max() ); // 2. value is empty, the line edit should be empty as well QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 0 ); delete value; value = new GraphicalInt(false, 1456); spinBox = findSpinBox(value); // 3. value is not empty QVERIFY( is_not_null(spinBox) ); QCOMPARE( int(spinBox->value()), 1456 ); delete value; }
void GraphicalUintTest::test_value() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(true); QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value); QVariant theValue; theValue = value->value(); QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::UInt ); QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 0 ); spinBox->setValue(412654); theValue = value->value(); QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::UInt ); QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 412654 ); delete value; }
void GraphicalIntTest::test_value() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false); QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value); QVariant theValue; // get value when the line edit is empty theValue = value->value(); QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::Int ); QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 0 ); // get value when the line edit has a string spinBox->setValue(488654); theValue = value->value(); QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::Int ); QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 488654 ); delete value; }
void GraphicalIntTest::test_signalEmmitting() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false); QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value); QSignalSpy spy(value, SIGNAL(valueChanged())); // // 1. through setValue() // value->setValue(125464); value->setValue(-876541); // 2 signals should have been emitted QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 2 ); spy.clear(); // // 2. by simulating keyboard events // spinBox->clear(); value->show(); // make the value visible (it ignores keyboard events if not) QTest::keyClicks(spinBox, "-2014" ); QTest::keyClicks(spinBox, "357" ); QTest::keyClicks(spinBox, "aq45s2" ); // 10 signals should have been emitted (one per character) // (13 chars entered but 'a', 'q' and 's' were ignored) QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 10 ); spy.clear(); // // 3. when committing // value->commit(); // 1 signal should have been emitted QCOMPARE( spy.count(), 1 ); delete value; }
void GraphicalIntTest::test_isModified() { GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false); QDoubleSpinBox* spinBox = findSpinBox(value); // 1. initially, it's not modified QVERIFY( !value->isModified() ); // 2. change the value spinBox->setValue(123464); QVERIFY( value->isModified() ); // 3. change the value and commit spinBox->setValue(65454354); QVERIFY( value->isModified() ); value->commit(); QVERIFY( !value->isModified() ); // 4. put the same value spinBox->setValue(65454354); QVERIFY( !value->isModified() ); delete value; }