Beispiel #1
void placepads()
    if( padspacingG == EXACT_PADS ){
	return ;
    find_core();  /* GET THE UPDATED CORE'S DIMENSION */

    D( "placepads/initially",
	print_pads( "pads initially\n", padarrayG, totalpadsG ) ;
    ) ;
Beispiel #2
void cpu_manager::register_lp(const prl::affinity_mask& affinity_mask, const apic& apic) {
    // register processor package
    topology_package* pkg = find_pkg(apic.pkg);
    if (pkg == NULL)  m_pkgs.push_back(pkg = mp_allocator->make_new<topology_package>(affinity_mask, apic.pkg, m_pkgs.size()));

    // register processor core
    topology_core* core = find_core(apic.core);
    if (core == NULL) m_cores.push_back(core = mp_allocator->make_new<topology_core>(affinity_mask, apic.core, m_cores.size()));

    // register logical processor
    topology_smt* smt = find_smt(apic.smt);
    if (smt == NULL)  m_smts.push_back(smt = mp_allocator->make_new<topology_smt>(affinity_mask, apic.smt, m_smts.size()));

    // propagate affinity mask through layers

    // construct hierarchy
    //TODO: add
Beispiel #3
ERRORPTR buildYGraph()
    int i ;                    /* counter */
    int overlapx ;             /* overlap conditions in x direction */
    int overlapy ;             /* overlap conditions in y direction */
    int sortbyYX() ;           /* sort the tiles Y then X */
    int left, right ;          /* coordinates of tiles */
    int bottom, top ;          /* coordinates of tiles */
    BOOL firstPick ;           /* TRUE if first picket which matches */
    BOOL possibleEdgetoSource; /* TRUE if this could be edge to source */
    BOOL *yancestorB ;         /* TRUE for a cell if cell has B ancestors */
    BOOL *yancestorF ;         /* TRUE for a cell if cell has F ancestors */
    COMPACTPTR candidate ;     /* this is the tile in question */
    COMPACTPTR t ;             /* this is the current picket */
    PICKETPTR freepick ;       /* used to free the pickets at the end */
    PICKETPTR curPick ;        /* traverse the pickets */
    PICKETPTR lowerLimit ;     /* first picket tile overlaps/touches */
    PICKETPTR upperLimit ;     /* last picket tile overlaps or touches */
    ERRORPTR errorPtr ;        /* form a list of errors to be processed*/
    ERRORPTR lasterror ;       /* last error in list */
    ERRORPTR violations ;      /* head of the error list */

    /* initialize error list */
    lasterror = NULL ;
    violations = NULL ;

    yancestorB = (BOOL *) Ysafe_calloc( last_cellG+1,sizeof(BOOL) ) ;
    yancestorF = (BOOL *) Ysafe_calloc( last_cellG+1,sizeof(BOOL) ) ;

    inityPicket() ;
    /* yGraphG is now initialized */

    /* sort by ymin xmin of the bounding box */
    /* we give it two chances - second time we expand core if necessary */
    for( i=0; i <= 1 ; i++ ){
	Yquicksort((char *)yGraphG,numtilesG+2,sizeof(COMPACTPTR),sortbyYX);
	if( yGraphG[SOURCE]->cell == YSOURCEC && 
	    yGraphG[SINK]->cell == YSINKC ){
	    break ;
	} else {
	    find_core( &left, &right, &bottom, &top ) ;
	    /* expand core region */
	    t = tileNodeG[YSOURCE] ;
	    t->b = bottom ;
	    t->t = t->b ;
	    t = tileNodeG[YSINK] ;
	    t->b = top ;
	    t->t = t->b ;
    if( yGraphG[SOURCE]->cell != YSOURCEC || yGraphG[SINK]->cell != YSINKC ){
	M( ERRMSG, "ycompact", "Fatal error in configuration\n" ) ;
	if( graphicsG ){
	    G( TWcloseGraphics() ) ;
	YexitPgm( PGMFAIL ) ;

    for( i=1 ; i<= numtilesG ; i++ ){
	firstPick = TRUE ;
	lowerLimit = NULL ;
	upperLimit = NULL ;
	possibleEdgetoSource = FALSE ;
	candidate = yGraphG[i] ;

	/* search thru picket list for adjacencies */
	for( curPick=leftPickS;curPick;curPick=curPick->next){
	    overlapx = projectX( curPick->pt2.lft, curPick->pt1.rght,
			candidate->l, candidate->r) ;
	    if( overlapx > 0 ){  /* allow touching */

		/* save span of overlap */
		if( firstPick ){
		    lowerLimit = curPick ;
		    firstPick = FALSE ;
		upperLimit = curPick ;

		t = tileNodeG[curPick->node] ;

		/* multiple tile case - no error possible */
		if( candidate->cell == t->cell ){
		    continue ;

		/* check for errors */
		overlapy = 
		    projectY( t->b, t->t, candidate->b, candidate->t ) ;
		if( overlapx > 0 && overlapy > 0 ){
		    /* save violations - add to violation list */
		    if( lasterror ){
			errorPtr = 
			    (ERRORPTR) Ysafe_malloc( sizeof(ERRORBOX) ) ;
			lasterror->next = errorPtr ;
			lasterror = errorPtr ;
		    } else {
			violations = errorPtr = lasterror = 
			    (ERRORPTR) Ysafe_malloc( sizeof(ERRORBOX) ) ;
		    errorPtr->next = NULL ;
		    errorPtr->nodeI = candidate->node ;
		    errorPtr->nodeJ = t->node ;
		    /*  for debug only :
			sprintf( YmsgG, 
			    Overlap detected: cell %d and cell %d\n",
			    candidate->cell, t->cell ) ;
			M( MSG, NULL, YmsgG ) ;
		ASSERT( t->node == curPick->node, "buildCGraph",
		    "tileNodeG != curPick. Problem \n" ) ;
		/* form edge on only first occurance of cell */
		if( t->node == numtilesG+2 ){ /* source node */
		    /* delay adding this edge */
		    possibleEdgetoSource = TRUE ;
		} else {
		    formyEdge( t->node, candidate->node ) ;
	    } else if( upperLimit ){
		/* we are past the upper limit so break & save time */
		break ;
	ASSERT( lowerLimit, "compact", "lowerLimit is NULL" ) ;
	ASSERT( upperLimit, "compact", "lowerLimit is NULL" ) ;

	if( possibleEdgetoSource && yancestorF[candidate->cell] == FALSE ){
	    /* no need to make an edge to source if we already */
	    /* have an ancestor.  Always make sure it is one of the lowest */
	    /* nodes of the multi-tiled cell */
	    formyEdge( numtilesG+2, cellarrayG[candidate->cell]->ylo ) ;
	    yancestorF[candidate->cell] = TRUE ;

	update_ypicket( i, lowerLimit, upperLimit ) ;

    } /* end for loop */

    /* process sink last */
    /* search thru picket list for adjacencies */
    for( curPick=leftPickS;curPick;curPick=curPick->next){

	/* remaining pickets must necessarily overlap sink */
	t = tileNodeG[curPick->node] ;
	ASSERT( t->node == curPick->node, "buildCGraph",
	    "tileNodeG != curPick. Problem \n" ) ;
	if( curPick->node != numtilesG+2 && /* avoid the source */
	    yancestorB[t->cell] == FALSE ){ /* no parents */
	    formyEdge( cellarrayG[t->cell]->yhi, yGraphG[last_tileG]->node ) ;
	    yancestorB[t->cell] = TRUE ;

    /* now add multiple tile edges to graph. Precomputed in multi.c */
    add_mtiles_to_ygraph() ;

    cleanupGraph( YFORWARD ) ;
    cleanupGraph( YBACKWARD ) ;
    Ysafe_free( yancestorB ) ;
    Ysafe_free( yancestorF ) ;

    /* delete all pickets */
    for( curPick = leftPickS; curPick ; ) {
	freepick = curPick ;
	curPick = curPick->next ;
	Ysafe_free( freepick ) ;

    return( violations ) ;

} /* end buildYGraph */