Beispiel #1
/* ################################################################## */
static int find_next_kv(char *buf, int len, char **key, int *key_len, char **value, int *value_len, char **nbuf, int *nlen)
    char *p = buf, *p1, *p2, *pe, *pn = 0;
    int find;

    p = ignore_chs(p, len, ";\t \r\n", 4, 1);
    if (!p) {
        return -1;
    *nbuf = 0;
    *key = p;

    pe = memchr(p, '=', len - (p - buf));
    if (!pe) {
        return -1;
    *pe = 0;

    p1 = find_delim(p, pe - p, "\t \r\n", 4);
    if (p1) {
        *p1 = 0;
    *key_len = strlen(p);

    p = pe + 1;
    p = ignore_chs(p, len - (p - buf), "\t \r\n", 4, 1);
    if (!p) {
        return -1;
    find = 0;
    if (*p == '"') {
        find = 1;
    *value = p;
    if (find) {
        p2 = find_delim(p, len - (p - buf), "\"\r\n", 3);
    } else {
        p2 = find_delim(p, len - (p - buf), "\t ;\r\n", 5);
    if (p2) {
        *value_len = p2 - p;
        pn = p2 + 1;
    } else {
        *value_len = strlen(p);

    if (pn) {
        *nbuf = pn;
        *nlen = len - (pn - buf);

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
/* Documented in io.h */
lsi_io_read(sckhld sh, struct readctx *rctx, tokarr *tok, uint64_t to_us)
	uint64_t tend = to_us ? lsi_b_tstamp_us() + to_us : 0;
	uint64_t tnow, trem = 0;

	V("Wanna read with%s timeout (%"PRIu64"). %zu bytes in buffer: '%.*s'",
	    tend?"":" no", to_us, rctx->eptr - rctx->wptr,
	    (int)(rctx->eptr - rctx->wptr), rctx->wptr);

	while (rctx->wptr < rctx->eptr && ISDELIM(*rctx->wptr))
		rctx->wptr++; /* skip leading line delimiters */
	if (rctx->wptr == rctx->eptr) { /* empty buffer, use the opportunity.. */
		rctx->wptr = rctx->eptr = rctx->workbuf;
		V("Opportunistical buffer reset");

	size_t linelen;
	char *delim;
	char *linestart;
	do {
		while (!(delim = find_delim(rctx))) {
			if (tend) {
				tnow = lsi_b_tstamp_us();
				trem = tnow >= tend ? 1 : tend - tnow;

			int r = read_more(sh, rctx, trem);
			if (r <= 0)
				return r;

		linestart = rctx->wptr;
		linelen = delim - linestart;
		V("Delim found, linelen %zu", linelen);
	} while (linelen == 0);
	rctx->wptr += linelen;

	*delim = '\0';

	I("Read: '%s'", linestart);

	return lsi_ut_tokenize(linestart, tok) ? 1 : -1;
Beispiel #3
static int find_value(char *buf, int len, char **value, int *value_len, char **nbuf, int *nlen)
    char *p = buf, *p1;

    p = ignore_chs(p, len, "\t \"", 3, 1);
    if (!p) {
        return -1;
    *nbuf = 0;
    *value = p;
    p1 = find_delim(p, len - (p - buf), ";\t \"\r\n", 6);
    if (p1) {
        *value_len = p1 - p;
        *nbuf = p1 + 1;
        *nlen = len - (p1 + 1 - buf);
    } else {
        *value_len = len - (p - buf);

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned int major = 0, mid = 0, minor = 0;
	char vbuf[4096] = { 0 };
	char *version="0.0.0", *ncommits="0", *sha="0";
	FILE *po;
	int buflen;
	int outval;

	// Open output file
	char * filename = argv[1];
	if (!filename) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Bad output file name\n");
		return -5;

	FILE * f;
	errno_t err = fopen_s(&f, filename, "w+");
	if (err || !f)
		fprintf(stderr, "Could not oupen output file name (errno=%d)\n", err);
		return -6;

	fprintf(stderr, "Starting CreateVersion\n");
	if (argc != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <Outputfile>\n", argv[0]);
		outval = -1;
		goto FINAL;

	/** Get the output */
	po = popen("git describe --long --match  v*", "r");
	if (!po) {
		perror("git describe");
		outval = -2;
		goto FINAL;

	if (!fgets(vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), po)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "git describe closed stream\n");
		outval = -3;
		goto FINAL;
	buflen = (int)strlen(vbuf);
	vbuf[buflen - 2] = '\0';
	buflen -= 1;

	// SHA1	 (Remove the leading 'g')
	find_delim(vbuf, &sha, &buflen);

	// Commit #	 - Will be used as build number
	find_delim(vbuf, &ncommits, &buflen);
	// Version
	version = vbuf;

	// Break the version number into its components
	int nFields = sscanf_s(version, "v%u.%u.%u",&major, &mid, &minor) ;
	if (nFields != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Version string corrupt\n");
		outval = -4;
		goto FINAL;

	// Put data into file
	fprintf(f, "#pragma once\n");
	fprintf(f, "#define VER_H_ %u\n", major);
	fprintf(f, "#define VER_M_ %u\n", mid);
	fprintf(f, "#define VER_L_ %u\n", minor);
	fprintf(f, "#define BUILD %s\n", ncommits);
 	fprintf(f, "\n");
	fprintf(f, "#define FILEVER\t\t\t\t\"%u, %u, %u, %s\"\n", major, mid, minor, ncommits);
	fprintf(f, "#define PRODVER_TAG\t\t\t\"%s\"\n", version);
	fprintf(f, "#define PRODVER_SHA1\t\t\"%s\"\n", sha);
 	fprintf(f, "\n");

	return 0;
Beispiel #5
/* Parse an AMQP URL into its component parts. */
int amqp_parse_url(char *url, struct amqp_connection_info *parsed)
	int res = -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_URL;
	char delim;
	char *start;
	char *host;
	char *port = NULL;

	/* check the prefix */
	if (strncmp(url, "amqp://", 7))
		goto out;

	host = start = url += 7;
	delim = find_delim(&url, 1);

	if (delim == ':') {
		/* The colon could be introducing the port or the
		   password part of the userinfo.  We don't know yet,
		   so stash the preceding component. */
		port = start = url;
		delim = find_delim(&url, 1);

	if (delim == '@') {
		/* What might have been the host and port were in fact
		   the username and password */
		parsed->user = host;
		if (port)
			parsed->password = port;

		port = NULL;
		host = start = url;
		delim = find_delim(&url, 1);

	if (delim == '[') {
		/* IPv6 address.  The bracket should be the first
		   character in the host. */
		if (host != start || *host != 0)
			goto out;

		start = url;
		delim = find_delim(&url, 0);

		if (delim != ']')
			goto out;

		parsed->host = start;
		start = url;
		delim = find_delim(&url, 1);

		/* Closing bracket should be the last character in the
		   host. */
		if (*start != 0)
			goto out;
	else {
		/* If we haven't seen the host yet, this is it. */
		if (*host != 0)
			parsed->host = host;

	if (delim == ':') {
		port = start = url;
		delim = find_delim(&url, 1);

	if (port) {
		char *end;
		long portnum = strtol(port, &end, 10);

		if (port == end || *end != 0 || portnum < 0 || portnum > 65535)
			goto out;

		parsed->port = portnum;

	if (delim == '/') {
		start = url;
		delim = find_delim(&url, 1);

		if (delim != 0)
			goto out;

		parsed->vhost = start;
		res = 0;
	else if (delim == 0) {
		res = 0;

	/* Any other delimiter is bad, and we will return

	return res;