Beispiel #1
int		find_color(t_img *img)
	int		sv;
	int		color;
	float	light;
	int		dist;

	dist = find_inter(img, &sv);
	if (sv != -1)
		light = find_light(&img->scene.ray, dist,
							img->scene.obj[sv].pos, img->scene.light);
		color = chg_color(img->scene.obj[sv].color, light);
		color = BGD_COLOR;
	return (color);
Beispiel #2
static int find_adjacency(int Proc, MESH_INFO_PTR mesh,
                          int **sur_elem, int *nsurnd, int max_nsur)
  /* Local declarations. */
  int     i, iblk, nsides, ielem, nscnt, inode, entry;
  int     side_cnt, nnodes, sid;
  int     side_nodes[MAX_SIDE_NODES], mirror_nodes[MAX_SIDE_NODES];
  int    *hold_elem, *pt_list, nhold, nelem;
  ELEM_INFO_PTR elements = mesh->elements;

  int *eb_etype;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/
   * Use face definition of adjacencies. So, one elements that are
   * connected by an entire face will be considered adjacent. This
   * is temporary, and will be expanded. This will make determining
   * off processor adjacencies much easier.
   * Adjacency info for an element's side i will be stored in the (i-1) entry 
   * of adj array for the element.  Sides without adjacencies will have -1
   * as the adj array entries for those sides.  This system allows easy
   * identification of side ids for recomputing element comm maps after
   * migration.

  eb_etype = mesh->eb_etypes;

  /* allocate space to hold info about surounding elements */
  pt_list = (int *) malloc(2 * max_nsur * sizeof(int));
  if(!pt_list) {
    Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
    return 0;
  hold_elem = pt_list + max_nsur;

  for (ielem = 0; ielem < mesh->num_elems; ielem++) {

    iblk = elements[ielem].elem_blk;

    /* exclude circle and sphere elements from graph */
    if (mesh->eb_nnodes[iblk] > 1) {

      if ((nsides = get_elem_info(NSIDES, (E_Type) (eb_etype[iblk]), 0)) < 0) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: could not get element information");
        return 0;

      elements[ielem].adj = (int *) malloc(nsides*sizeof(int));
      elements[ielem].adj_proc = (int *) malloc(nsides*sizeof(int));
      elements[ielem].edge_wgt = (float *) malloc(nsides*sizeof(float));
      if(!(elements[ielem].adj) || !(elements[ielem].edge_wgt) ||
         !(elements[ielem].adj_proc)) {
        Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
        return 0;
      /* NOTE: nadj set in read_elem_info in case graph not generated */
      elements[ielem].adj_len = nsides;

      /* Initialize adjacency entries to -1 for each side. */
      for (nscnt = 0; nscnt < nsides; nscnt++) {
        elements[ielem].adj[nscnt] = -1;
        elements[ielem].adj_proc[nscnt] = -1;
        elements[ielem].edge_wgt[nscnt] = 0;

      /* check each side of this element */
      for (nscnt = 0; nscnt < nsides; nscnt++) {

        /* get the list of nodes on this side set */
        side_cnt = ss_to_node_list((E_Type) (eb_etype[iblk]), 
                                   (nscnt+1), side_nodes);

         * now I need to determine how many side set nodes I
         * need to use to determine if there is an element
         * connected to this side.
         * 2-D - need two nodes, so find one intersection
         * 3-D - need three nodes, so find two intersections
         * NOTE: must check to make sure that this number is not
         *       larger than the number of nodes on the sides (ie - SHELL).
        nnodes = mesh->num_dims;
        if (side_cnt < nnodes)   nnodes = side_cnt;
        nnodes--;      /* decrement to find the number of intersections  */

        nelem = 0;     /* reset this in case no intersections are needed */

        /* copy the first array into temp storage */
        nhold = nsurnd[side_nodes[0]];
        for (i = 0; i < nhold; i++)
          hold_elem[i] = sur_elem[side_nodes[0]][i];

        for (inode = 0; inode < nnodes; inode++) {
          nelem = find_inter(hold_elem, sur_elem[side_nodes[(inode+1)]],
                             nhold, nsurnd[side_nodes[(inode+1)]], 2, pt_list);

          if (nelem < 2) break;
          else {
            nhold = nelem;
            for (i = 0; i < nelem; i++)
              hold_elem[i] = hold_elem[pt_list[i]];

         * if there is an element on this side of ielem, then there
         * will be at least two elements in the intersection (one
         * will be ielem)
        if (nelem > 1) {

           * now go through and check each element in the list
           * to see if it is different than ielem.
          for(i=0; i < nelem; i++) {

            entry = hold_elem[i];

            if(entry != ielem) {
               * get the side id of entry. Make sure that ielem is
               * trying to communicate to a valid side of elem
              side_cnt = get_ss_mirror((E_Type) (eb_etype[iblk]), 
                                       side_nodes, (nscnt+1),

               * in order to get the correct side order for elem,
               * get the mirror of the side of ielem
              sid = get_side_id((E_Type) (eb_etype[elements[entry].elem_blk]),
                                side_cnt, mirror_nodes);
              if (sid > 0) {

                 * store the adjacency info in the entry for this side.
                elements[ielem].adj[nscnt] = entry;
                elements[ielem].adj_proc[nscnt] = Proc;

                 * the edge weight is the number of nodes in the
                 * connecting face
                elements[ielem].edge_wgt[nscnt] = 
                  (float) get_elem_info(NSNODES, (E_Type) (eb_etype[iblk]),

              } /* End: "if (sid > 0)" */
              else if (sid < 0) {
                Gen_Error(0, "fatal: could not find side id");
                return 0;
            } /* End: "if(ielem != entry)" */
          } /* End: "for(i=0; i < nelem; i++)" */
        } /* End: "if (nelem > 1)" */
      } /* End: "for (nscnt = 0; ...)" */
    } /* End: "if (nnode > 1)" */
  } /* End: "for (ielem=0; ...)" */


  return 1;