Beispiel #1
/*! This function finds the next synchronization point of the system (i.e. the
 *  earliest point of time any of the particles needs a force computation),
 *  and drifts the system to this point of time.  If the system drifts over
 *  the desired time of a snapshot file, the function will drift to this
 *  moment, generate an output, and then resume the drift.
void find_next_sync_point_and_drift(void)
  int n, flag, *temp, i, nskip=20;
  long long int min_glob, min;
  double timeold;
  double t0, t1;
  int task_max, loc_max, tot_loc_max, list_loc_max[NTask], n_check;
  double hubble_a, dt_raytrace=0, nh_local, nh_max, tot_nh_max, mass_max, tot_mass_max, ray_dist2, list_nh_max[NTask], list_mass_max[NTask];
  double nu_min_H = 3.3e15;
  double nu_min_He = 1.32e16;
  double c_s = 16.5967; //soundspeed of 20,000K gas in km/s

  if (All.ComovingIntegrationOn) { /* comoving variables */
    hubble_a = All.Omega0 / (All.Time * All.Time * All.Time)
	+ (1 - All.Omega0 - All.OmegaLambda) / (All.Time * All.Time) 
        + All.OmegaLambda;
    hubble_a = All.Hubble * All.HubbleParam * sqrt(hubble_a);
  else hubble_a = 1.0;

  t0 = second();

  timeold = All.Time;

  /*SINK - must skip any accreted particles at the beginning of the SPH particle list*/
  for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
      if(P[i].Type == 5 || P[i].ID >= 0)

  if(i == NumPart)
    min = INT_MAX;
      for(n = i+1, min = P[i].Ti_endstep; n < NumPart; n++)
	  if(P[n].Type == 0 && P[n].ID < 0) /*SINK*/

          if(min > P[n].Ti_endstep)
            min = P[n].Ti_endstep;

  MPI_Allreduce(&min, &min_glob, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* We check whether this is a full step where all particles are synchronized */
  flag = 1;
  for(n = 0; n < NumPart; n++)
      if(P[n].Type == 0 && P[n].ID < 0) /*SINK*/
      if(P[n].Ti_endstep > min_glob)
        flag = 0;

  MPI_Allreduce(&flag, &Flag_FullStep, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

#ifdef PMGRID
  if(min_glob >= All.PM_Ti_endstep)
      min_glob = All.PM_Ti_endstep;
      Flag_FullStep = 1;

  /* Determine 'NumForceUpdate', i.e. the number of particles on this processor that are going to be active */
  for(n = 0, NumForceUpdate = 0; n < NumPart; n++)
      if(P[n].Type == 0 && P[n].ID < 0) /*SINK*/
      if(P[n].Ti_endstep == min_glob)
        if(!((1 << P[n].Type) & (SELECTIVE_NO_GRAVITY)))

  /* note: NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp has type "long long" */
  temp = malloc(NTask * sizeof(int));
  MPI_Allgather(&NumForceUpdate, 1, MPI_INT, temp, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  for(n = 0; n < NTask; n++)
    All.NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp += temp[n];

  t1 = second();

  All.CPU_Predict += timediff(t0, t1);

  tot_nh_max = nh_max = nh_local = tot_mass_max = mass_max = tot_loc_max = loc_max = task_max = 0;

  for(n = 0; n < NTask; n++)
    list_nh_max[n] = list_mass_max[n] = list_loc_max[n] = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
    if(P[i].ID > 0 /*&& P[i].Mass / All.HubbleParam * 1.0e10 < All.RefinementMass*/)
        nh_local = SphP[i].Density*All.UnitDensity_in_cgs*All.HubbleParam*All.HubbleParam/All.Time/All.Time/All.Time*HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC/PROTONMASS;

        //if(nh_local > nh_max)
        if(P[i].ID == 2931027)
            nh_max = nh_local;
            mass_max = P[i].Mass;
            loc_max = i;

  MPI_Allgather(&nh_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, &list_nh_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  MPI_Allgather(&mass_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, &list_mass_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  MPI_Allgather(&loc_max, 1, MPI_INT, &list_loc_max, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  for(n = 0; n < NTask; n++)
    if(list_nh_max[n] > tot_nh_max)
        tot_nh_max = list_nh_max[n];
        tot_mass_max = list_mass_max[n];
        tot_loc_max = list_loc_max[n];
        task_max = n;

    dt_raytrace = fmax(fmax((min_glob - All.Time_last) * All.Timebase_interval, All.MinSizeTimestep), All.Timebase_interval) / hubble_a * All.UnitTime_in_s;
    All.t_s = All.t_s + dt_raytrace;   //time in seconds
    All.r_s = All.x_s * c_s * All.t_s / 3.08568025e16 / All.Time * All.HubbleParam;     //shock radius in km (converted to comoving kpc)
    All.n_s = All.alpha0/(4.0*3.14159*6.67e-8*pow(All.t_s,2))*HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC/PROTONMASS;
    All.n_sink =  All.alpha0/(4.0*3.14159*6.67e-8*pow((All.tacc - 300.*3.e7),2))*HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC/PROTONMASS;
    //All.n_sink = 1.e-1;

    All.Time_last = min_glob;

  if(ThisTask == task_max)
    ray_dist2 = (P[tot_loc_max].Pos[0] - All.BoxSize / 2.0) * (P[tot_loc_max].Pos[0] - All.BoxSize / 2.0) + (P[tot_loc_max].Pos[1] - All.BoxSize / 2.0) * (P[tot_loc_max].Pos[1] - All.BoxSize / 2.0) + (P[tot_loc_max].Pos[2] - All.BoxSize / 2.0) * (P[tot_loc_max].Pos[2] - All.BoxSize / 2.0);

  MPI_Bcast(&ray_dist2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  if(ThisTask == task_max)
    if(All.NumCurrentTiStep % 100 == 0) 
      printf("Densest particle (ID %d) with nh = %g at x = %g, y = %g, z = %g and mass %g\n", P[tot_loc_max].ID, tot_nh_max, P[tot_loc_max].Pos[0], P[tot_loc_max].Pos[1], P[tot_loc_max].Pos[2], P[tot_loc_max].Mass / All.HubbleParam * 1.0e10);
    for(n = 0; n < N_gas; n++)
      if(P[n].ID == P[tot_loc_max].ID)          //center ray at most dense particle
           All.star_mass = P[n].Mass/All.HubbleParam/1.e-10;           //sink mass in solar masses
           printf("star_mass =%lg\n", All.star_mass);
           //All.star_mass = 1.e-5;
           //All.star_mass = 0;
           //All.star_mass = 2.e1;
     n_check = 140740; 
     if(All.NumCurrentTiStep == 0)
       //All.mdot= 0.095*pow(All.star_mass, -0.814);
       All.numtot = 155639;
       All.alpha = alpha_calc(n_check);
       All.mdot = mdot_calc(All.numtot);
       //All.mdot = 1.e-7;
       //All.mdot = 1.e6;

     All.flag_sink = 0;
     if(All.NumCurrentTiStep == 10 || All.NumCurrentTiStep == 1000 || All.t_s - All.t_s0 > 3.e7)
       All.alpha = alpha_calc(n_check);
       All.mdot = mdot_calc(All.numtot);
       //All.mdot= 1.e-7;
       //All.mdot= 1.e6;
       All.numtot = All.numtot + All.sink_number_global;
       All.t_s0 = All.t_s;
       All.flag_sink = 1;
       printf("All.numtot = %d, All.t_s0_sink = %lg, All.t_s0 = %lg\n", All.numtot, All.t_s0_sink, All.t_s0);

     if(All.NumCurrentTiStep < 1)
       All.lum_tot = lum_calc(1, All.star_mass, All.mdot, nu_min_H, 1.e-5);

     if(All.NumCurrentTiStep % 100 == 0) 
       printf("run lum_tot = %lg, Teff = %lg, mdot = %lg\n", All.lum_tot, All.Teff, All.mdot);

     if(All.ray_flag_sun == 3)
        for(i=0; i<=6; i++)
           All.heat_ion[i] = heat_ion_rates(i, All.lum_tot, All.Teff);
           COOLR.heat_ion[i] = All.heat_ion[i];
           if(All.NumCurrentTiStep % 10000 == 0)
             printf("heat_ion %d = %lg\n", i, COOLR.heat_ion[i]);

      MPI_Bcast(&All.star_mass, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.star_rad, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.alpha, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.numtot, 1, MPI_INT, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.mdot, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.t_s0, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.flag_sink, 1, MPI_INT, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.tacc, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&COOLR.heat_ion, 7, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//make sure ray doesn't go outside of box (?)

//ARS adding condition that the LW radiation actually needs to be significant before computation time will be spent on the ray-tracing)

  if(tot_nh_max >= 0.99*All.ray_crit_dens && ray.flag_continue == 0 && ray_dist2 < All.ray_r_max_sink * All.ray_r_max_sink)
      ray.flag_start = 1;

      if(ThisTask == task_max)
        All.ray_center_ID = P[tot_loc_max].ID;

      MPI_Bcast(&All.ray_center_ID, 1, MPI_INT, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

      if(ThisTask == task_max && All.NumCurrentTiStep % 1000 == 0)
        printf("Found starp (ID %d) at x = %g, y = %g, z = %g with mass %g\n", P[tot_loc_max].ID, P[tot_loc_max].Pos[0], P[tot_loc_max].Pos[1], P[tot_loc_max].Pos[2], P[tot_loc_max].Mass / All.HubbleParam * 1.0e10);


  // ARS asks why we cannot have a SINK be a star particle (starp)?
  if(tot_nh_max >  0.99*All.SinkCriticalDens && ray_dist2 < All.ray_r_max_sink * All.ray_r_max_sink)
      if(ThisTask == task_max && All.NumCurrentTiStep % 100 == 0)
        printf("Problem! A sink instead of a starp will form (ID %d) at x = %g, y = %g, z = %g with mass %g! Aborting...\n", P[tot_loc_max].ID, P[tot_loc_max].Pos[0], P[tot_loc_max].Pos[1], P[tot_loc_max].Pos[2], P[tot_loc_max].Mass / All.HubbleParam * 1.0e10);


  if(All.lum_tot < 1.e36 || All.star_mass < 1.0)
    nskip = 100;
    if(ThisTask == 0 && All.NumCurrentTiStep % 100 == 0)
     printf("Let's not ray trace quite so often\n");

  if(ray.flag_start == 1 && ray.flag_continue == 0 || (ray.flag_start == 1 && All.NumCurrentTiStep % nskip == 0) || (ray.flag_start == 1 && All.t_s - All.t_s0_acc > 3.e5) || All.NumCurrentTiStep < 2)  //ARS asks: Where should the parentheses go?
      All.t_s0_acc = All.t_s;
      if(ThisTask == 0)
        printf("Imma gonna ray trace so there.\n");
      if(ray.flag_start == 1 && ray.flag_continue == 0)
          All.Time_last_raytrace = All.Time;

          dt_raytrace = fmax(All.Timebase_interval, All.MinSizeTimestep) / hubble_a * All.UnitTime_in_s;
        dt_raytrace = fmax(fmax((min_glob - All.Time_last_raytrace) * All.Timebase_interval, All.MinSizeTimestep), All.Timebase_interval) / hubble_a * All.UnitTime_in_s;

      if(ThisTask == task_max)
        ray.Q_H_ion =  lum_calc(0, All.star_mass, All.mdot, nu_min_H, dt_raytrace);
        ray.Q_He_ion = lum_calc(0, All.star_mass, All.mdot, nu_min_He, dt_raytrace);
        All.Q_LW =     lum_calc(4, All.star_mass, All.mdot, nu_min_H, dt_raytrace); 
        All.lum_tot =  lum_calc(1, All.star_mass, All.mdot, nu_min_H, dt_raytrace);

      MPI_Bcast(&ray.Q_H_ion, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&ray.Q_He_ion, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.lum_tot, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Bcast(&All.Teff, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, task_max, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

      All.r_s = All.x_s * c_s * All.t_s / 3.08568025e16 / All.Time * All.HubbleParam;     //shock radius in km (converted to comoving kpc)
      All.n_s = All.alpha0/(4.0*3.14159*6.67e-8*pow(All.t_s,2))*HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC/PROTONMASS;
      All.n_sink =  All.alpha0/(4.0*3.14159*6.67e-8*pow((All.tacc - 300.*3.e7),2))*HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC/PROTONMASS;
      All.n_hii = All.alpha0/(4.0*3.14159*6.67e-8*pow((All.tacc - 1600.*3.e7),2))*HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC/PROTONMASS;
      if(All.n_hii < 2.35e6) All.n_hii = 2.35e6;
      //All.n_hii = 1.e3;

      if(ThisTask == 0)
        printf("t_s = %lg, tacc = %lg, r_s = %lg, n_s = %lg n_sink = %lg, n_hii = %lg\n", All.t_s, All.tacc, All.r_s, All.n_s, All.n_sink, All.n_hii);

      //if(All.lum_tot > 0.0)

      All.Time_last_raytrace = min_glob;

  while(min_glob >= All.Ti_nextoutput && All.Ti_nextoutput >= 0)
      All.NeedAbundancesForOutput = 1;
      move_particles(All.Ti_Current, All.Ti_nextoutput);

      All.Ti_Current = All.Ti_nextoutput;

	All.Time = All.TimeBegin * exp(All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval);
	All.Time = All.TimeBegin + All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval;

      All.NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp = 1 + All.TotNumPart * All.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency;
      if(All.NumCurrentTiStep > 20)
        savepositions(All.SnapshotFileCount++);	/* write snapshot file */
      All.NeedAbundancesForOutput = 0;

      All.Ti_nextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_nextoutput + 1);
      All.Ti_nextnextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_nextoutput + 1);

  move_particles(All.Ti_Current, min_glob);

  All.Ti_Current = min_glob;

    All.Time = All.TimeBegin * exp(All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval);
    All.Time = All.TimeBegin + All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval;

  All.TimeStep = All.Time - timeold;
Beispiel #2
/*! This function performs the initial set-up of the simulation. First, the
 *  parameterfile is set, then routines for setting units, reading
 *  ICs/restart-files are called, auxialiary memory is allocated, etc.
void begrun(void)
  struct global_data_all_processes all;

  if(ThisTask == 0)
      printf("\nThis is Gadget, version `%s'.\n", GADGETVERSION);
      printf("\nRunning on %d processors.\n", NTask);

  read_parameter_file(ParameterFile);	/* ... read in parameters for this run */

  allocate_commbuffers();	/* ... allocate buffer-memory for particle 
				   exchange during force computation */

#if defined(PERIODIC) && (!defined(PMGRID) || defined(FORCETEST))


  random_generator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxd1);
  gsl_rng_set(random_generator, 42);	/* start-up seed */

#ifdef PMGRID

  All.TimeLastRestartFile = CPUThisRun;

  if(RestartFlag == 0 || RestartFlag == 2)

      init();			/* ... read in initial model */
      all = All;		/* save global variables. (will be read from restart file) */

      restart(RestartFlag);	/* ... read restart file. Note: This also resets 
				   all variables in the struct `All'. 
				   However, during the run, some variables in the parameter
				   file are allowed to be changed, if desired. These need to 
				   copied in the way below.
				   Note:  All.PartAllocFactor is treated in restart() separately.  

      All.MinSizeTimestep = all.MinSizeTimestep;
      All.MaxSizeTimestep = all.MaxSizeTimestep;
      All.BufferSize = all.BufferSize;
      All.BunchSizeForce = all.BunchSizeForce;
      All.BunchSizeDensity = all.BunchSizeDensity;
      All.BunchSizeHydro = all.BunchSizeHydro;
      All.BunchSizeDomain = all.BunchSizeDomain;

      All.TimeLimitCPU = all.TimeLimitCPU;
      All.ResubmitOn = all.ResubmitOn;
      All.TimeBetSnapshot = all.TimeBetSnapshot;
      All.TimeBetStatistics = all.TimeBetStatistics;
      All.CpuTimeBetRestartFile = all.CpuTimeBetRestartFile;
      All.ErrTolIntAccuracy = all.ErrTolIntAccuracy;
      All.MaxRMSDisplacementFac = all.MaxRMSDisplacementFac;

      All.ErrTolForceAcc = all.ErrTolForceAcc;

      All.TypeOfTimestepCriterion = all.TypeOfTimestepCriterion;
      All.TypeOfOpeningCriterion = all.TypeOfOpeningCriterion;
      All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel = all.NumFilesWrittenInParallel;
      All.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency = all.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency;

      All.SnapFormat = all.SnapFormat;
      All.NumFilesPerSnapshot = all.NumFilesPerSnapshot;
      All.MaxNumNgbDeviation = all.MaxNumNgbDeviation;
      All.ArtBulkViscConst = all.ArtBulkViscConst;

      All.OutputListOn = all.OutputListOn;
      All.CourantFac = all.CourantFac;

      All.OutputListLength = all.OutputListLength;
      memcpy(All.OutputListTimes, all.OutputListTimes, sizeof(double) * All.OutputListLength);

      strcpy(All.ResubmitCommand, all.ResubmitCommand);
      strcpy(All.OutputListFilename, all.OutputListFilename);
      strcpy(All.OutputDir, all.OutputDir);
      strcpy(All.RestartFile, all.RestartFile);
      strcpy(All.EnergyFile, all.EnergyFile);
      strcpy(All.InfoFile, all.InfoFile);
      strcpy(All.CpuFile, all.CpuFile);
      strcpy(All.TimingsFile, all.TimingsFile);
      strcpy(All.SnapshotFileBase, all.SnapshotFileBase);

      if(All.TimeMax != all.TimeMax)
	readjust_timebase(All.TimeMax, all.TimeMax);

#ifdef PMGRID


  if(RestartFlag == 2)
    All.Ti_nextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_Current + 1);
    All.Ti_nextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_Current);

  All.TimeLastRestartFile = CPUThisRun;
Beispiel #3
/*! This function finds the next synchronization point of the system (i.e. the
 *  earliest point of time any of the particles needs a force computation),
 *  and drifts the system to this point of time.  If the system drifts over
 *  the desired time of a snapshot file, the function will drift to this
 *  moment, generate an output, and then resume the drift.
void find_next_sync_point_and_drift(void)
  int n, min, min_glob, flag, *temp;
  double timeold;
  double t0, t1;

  t0 = second();

  timeold = All.Time;

  for(n = 1, min = P[0].Ti_endstep; n < NumPart; n++)
    if(min > P[n].Ti_endstep)
      min = P[n].Ti_endstep;

  MPI_Allreduce(&min, &min_glob, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* We check whether this is a full step where all particles are synchronized */
  flag = 1;
  for(n = 0; n < NumPart; n++)
    if(P[n].Ti_endstep > min_glob)
      flag = 0;

  MPI_Allreduce(&flag, &Flag_FullStep, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

#ifdef PMGRID
  if(min_glob >= All.PM_Ti_endstep)
      min_glob = All.PM_Ti_endstep;
      Flag_FullStep = 1;

  /* Determine 'NumForceUpdate', i.e. the number of particles on this processor that are going to be active */
  for(n = 0, NumForceUpdate = 0; n < NumPart; n++)
      if(P[n].Ti_endstep == min_glob)
        if(!((1 << P[n].Type) & (SELECTIVE_NO_GRAVITY)))

  /* note: NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp has type "long long" */
  temp = malloc(NTask * sizeof(int));
  MPI_Allgather(&NumForceUpdate, 1, MPI_INT, temp, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  for(n = 0; n < NTask; n++)
    All.NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp += temp[n];

  t1 = second();

  All.CPU_Predict += timediff(t0, t1);

  while(min_glob >= All.Ti_nextoutput && All.Ti_nextoutput >= 0)
      move_particles(All.Ti_Current, All.Ti_nextoutput);

      All.Ti_Current = All.Ti_nextoutput;

	All.Time = All.TimeBegin * exp(All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval);
	All.Time = All.TimeBegin + All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval;

      All.NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp = 1 + All.TotNumPart * All.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency;
      savepositions(All.SnapshotFileCount++);	/* write snapshot file */

      All.Ti_nextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_nextoutput + 1);

  move_particles(All.Ti_Current, min_glob);

  All.Ti_Current = min_glob;

    All.Time = All.TimeBegin * exp(All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval);
    All.Time = All.TimeBegin + All.Ti_Current * All.Timebase_interval;

  All.TimeStep = All.Time - timeold;