Beispiel #1
// step receiver mixer, matched filter, decimator
//  _q      :   frame synchronizer
//  _x      :   input sample
//  _y      :   output symbol
int flexframesync_step(flexframesync   _q,
                       float complex   _x,
                       float complex * _y)
    // mix sample down
    float complex v;
    nco_crcf_mix_down(_q->mixer, _x, &v);
    nco_crcf_step    (_q->mixer);
    // push sample into filterbank
    firpfb_crcf_push   (_q->mf, v);
    firpfb_crcf_execute(_q->mf, _q->pfb_index, &v);

    // push sample through equalizer
    eqlms_cccf_push(_q->equalizer, v);

    // increment counter to determine if sample is available
    int sample_available = (_q->mf_counter >= 1) ? 1 : 0;
    // set output sample if available
    if (sample_available) {
        // compute equalizer output
        eqlms_cccf_execute(_q->equalizer, &v);

        // set output
        *_y = v;

        // decrement counter by k=2 samples/symbol
        _q->mf_counter -= 2;

    // return flag
    return sample_available;
Beispiel #2
// update symbol synchronizer internal state (filtered error, index, etc.)
//  _q      :   frame synchronizer
//  _x      :   input sample
//  _y      :   output symbol
int flexframesync_update_symsync(flexframesync   _q,
                                 float complex   _x,
                                 float complex * _y)
    // push sample into filterbanks
    firpfb_crcf_push(_q->mf,  _x);
    firpfb_crcf_push(_q->dmf, _x);

    float complex mf_out  = 0.0f;    // matched-filter output
    float complex dmf_out = 0.0f;    // derivatived matched-filter output

    int sample_available = 0;

    // compute output if timeout
    if (_q->pfb_timer <= 0) {
        sample_available = 1;

        // reset timer
        _q->pfb_timer = 2;  // k samples/symbol

        firpfb_crcf_execute(_q->mf,  _q->pfb_index, &mf_out);
        firpfb_crcf_execute(_q->dmf, _q->pfb_index, &dmf_out);

        // update filtered timing error
        // hi  bandwidth parameters: {0.92, 1.20}, about 100 symbols settling time
        // med bandwidth parameters: {0.98, 0.20}, about 200 symbols settling time
        // lo  bandwidth parameters: {0.99, 0.05}, about 500 symbols settling time
        _q->pfb_q = 0.99f*_q->pfb_q + 0.05f*crealf( conjf(mf_out)*dmf_out );

        // accumulate error into soft filterbank value
        _q->pfb_soft += _q->pfb_q;

        // compute actual filterbank index
        _q->pfb_index = roundf(_q->pfb_soft);

        // contrain index to be in [0, npfb-1]
        while (_q->pfb_index < 0) {
            _q->pfb_index += _q->npfb;
            _q->pfb_soft  += _q->npfb;

            // adjust pfb output timer
        while (_q->pfb_index > _q->npfb-1) {
            _q->pfb_index -= _q->npfb;
            _q->pfb_soft  -= _q->npfb;

            // adjust pfb output timer

    // decrement symbol timer

    // set output and return
    *_y = mf_out;
    return sample_available;