    Called before visibleDateChanged() is emitted.

    This function is called even when just the day has changed, in which case
    it does nothing.

    The \a force parameter is used when the locale has changed; the month
    shown doesn't change, but the days displayed do.
    The \a previousDate parameter is ignored when \a force is true.
void QQuickCalendarModel::populateFromVisibleDate(const QDate &previousDate, bool force)
    // We don't need to populate if the year and month haven't changed.
    if (!force && mVisibleDate.year() == previousDate.year() && mVisibleDate.month() == previousDate.month())

    // Since our model is of a fixed size, we fill it once and assign values each time
    // the month changes, instead of clearing and appending each time.
    bool isEmpty = mVisibleDates.isEmpty();
    if (isEmpty) {
        mVisibleDates.fill(QDate(), daysOnACalendarMonth);

    // The actual first (1st) day of the month.
    QDate firstDayOfMonthDate(mVisibleDate.year(), mVisibleDate.month(), 1);
    int difference = ((firstDayOfMonthDate.dayOfWeek() - mLocale.firstDayOfWeek()) + 7) % 7;
    // The first day to display should never be the 1st of the month, as we want some days from
    // the previous month to be visible.
    if (difference == 0)
        difference += daysInAWeek;
    QDate firstDateToDisplay = firstDayOfMonthDate.addDays(-difference);
    for (int i = 0; i < daysOnACalendarMonth; ++i)
        mVisibleDates[i] = firstDateToDisplay.addDays(i);

    mFirstVisibleDate = mVisibleDates.at(0);
    mLastVisibleDate = mVisibleDates.at(mVisibleDates.size() - 1);

    if (!isEmpty) {
        emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, 0));
    } else {
        emit countChanged(rowCount());
bool QQuickMonthModelPrivate::populate(int m, int y, const QLocale &l, bool force)
    if (!force && m == month && y == year && l.firstDayOfWeek() == locale.firstDayOfWeek())
        return false;

    // The actual first (1st) day of the month.
    QDate firstDayOfMonthDate(y, m, 1);
    int difference = ((firstDayOfMonthDate.dayOfWeek() - l.firstDayOfWeek()) + 7) % 7;
    // The first day to display should never be the 1st of the month, as we want some days from
    // the previous month to be visible.
    if (difference == 0)
        difference += 7;
    QDate firstDateToDisplay = firstDayOfMonthDate.addDays(-difference);

    today = QDate::currentDate();
    for (int i = 0; i < daysOnACalendarMonth; ++i)
        dates[i] = firstDateToDisplay.addDays(i);

    q->setTitle(l.standaloneMonthName(m) + QStringLiteral(" ") + QString::number(y));

    return true;