const char * fl_show_simple_input( const char * str1, const char * defstr ) { if ( fd_input ) { fl_hide_form( fd_input->form ); fl_free_form( fd_input->form ); fli_safe_free( fd_input ); } else fl_deactivate_all_forms( ); fli_safe_free( ret_str ); fd_input = create_input( str1, defstr ); fl_show_form( fd_input->form, FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT, FL_TRANSIENT, "Input" ); fl_update_display( 0 ); while ( fl_do_only_forms( ) != fd_input->but ) /* empty */ ; ret_str = fl_strdup( fl_get_input( fd_input->input ) ); fl_hide_form( fd_input->form ); fl_free_form( fd_input->form ); fli_safe_free( fd_input ); fl_activate_all_forms( ); return ret_str; }
NeoWindow::~NeoWindow() { /*if ( portal != NULL ) { delete portal; portal = NULL; }*/ if ( pixmap != (Pixmap) NULL ) { ::XFreePixmap( display, pixmap ); pixmap = NULL; } fl_remove_canvas_handler( mainWin->mainCanvas, Expose, expose_callback ); fl_remove_canvas_handler( mainWin->mainCanvas, ButtonPress, buttonRelease_callback ); fl_remove_canvas_handler( mainWin->mainCanvas, ButtonRelease, buttonRelease_callback ); fl_hide_form( mainWin->mainWindow ); fl_free_form( mainWin->mainWindow ); mainWin = NULL; if ( options_box != NULL ) { fl_hide_form( options_box->options ); fl_free_form( options_box->options ); options_box = NULL; } if ( nnet_plot != NULL ) { fl_hide_form( nnet_plot->neural_net_plot ); fl_free_form( nnet_plot->neural_net_plot ); nnet_plot = NULL; } if ( chart_wind != NULL ) { fl_hide_form( chart_wind->chart_window ); fl_free_form( chart_wind->chart_window ); chart_wind = NULL; } ::XFlush( display ); ::XFreeGC( display, gc ); ::XCloseDisplay( display ); fl_finish(); }
int main( int argc, char * argv[ ] ) { FD_newbut *cbform ; fl_initialize( &argc, argv, "FormDemo", 0, 0 ); cbform = create_form_newbut( ); fl_show_form( cbform->newbut, FL_PLACE_CENTER, FL_TRANSIENT, "test" ); while( fl_do_forms( ) != cbform->bexit ) /* empty */ ; fl_hide_form( cbform->newbut ); fl_free_form( cbform->newbut ); free( cbform ); fprintf( stderr,"sleeping\n" ); sleep( 2 ); cbform = create_form_newbut( ); fl_show_form( cbform->newbut, FL_PLACE_CENTER, 0, 0 ); while( fl_do_forms() != cbform->bexit ) /* empty */; fl_finish( ); return 0; }
void unc_ret_cb(FL_OBJECT *ob, long user_data){//return din ceas - sterg si obiectul din lista unc_pl *p1u, *p2u; //caut in lista pointerul corespunzatoar formei pe care vreau sa o sterg for(p2u = p1u = crt_head; p1u->p_unceas->retOB != ob && p1u != NULL; p2u = p1u, p1u = p1u->next); fl_hide_form(p1u->p_unceas->unCeas); fl_free_form(p1u->p_unceas->unCeas); if(p1u == p2u){//nodul eliberat a fost capul listei if(p1u->next == NULL){// a fost singurul nod in lista free(p1u); crt_head = NULL; } else{ //nu a fost singurul nod in lista crt_head = p1u->next; free(p1u); } } else{ //nu a fost capul listei if(p1u->next == NULL){ //a fost coada listei free(p1u); p2u->next = NULL; } else{ p2u->next = p1u->next; free(p1u); } } }
static void form_dealloc(formobject *f) { releaseobjects(f->ob_form); if (f->ob_form->visible) fl_hide_form(f->ob_form); fl_free_form(f->ob_form); PyObject_Del(f); }
void NeoWindow::HandleOptionsObject( FL_OBJECT *obj ) { // Handle command from form on options dialog FD_options *box = options_box; if ( obj == box->ok ) { fl_hide_form( box->options ); fl_free_form( box->options ); Refresh( true ); options_box = NULL; } else if ( obj == box->initial_pop ) neo->initial_creatures = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->initial_plant ) neo->num_initial_food_locs = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->initial_flesh ) neo->num_initial_meat_locs = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->give_head_start ) neo->bGiveHeadStart = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->allow_sex ) neo->bAllowSexual = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->allow_asex ) neo->bAllowAsexual = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->terrain_size ) neo->terrain_size = atoi( fl_get_choice_text( obj ) ); else if ( obj == box->scale ) neo->scale = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->prob_crossover ) neo->prob_crossover = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->prob_mutation ) neo->prob_mutation = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->max_pop ) neo->maximum_creatures = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->min_pop ) neo->nMinimumPopulation = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->age_factor ) neo->age_factor = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->carcass_decay_rate ) neo->nCarcassDecayRate = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->waste_decay_rate ) neo->nWasteDecayRate = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->poison_decay_rate ) neo->nPoisonDecayRate = fl_get_slider_value( obj ); else if ( obj == box->give_head_start ) neo->bGiveHeadStart = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->allow_sex ) neo->bAllowSexual = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->allow_asex ) neo->bAllowAsexual = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->maintain_min_pop ) neo->bKeepMinimumPopulation = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->use_survivor ) neo->bUseSurvivorForMinimum = fl_get_button( obj ); else if ( obj == box->save_sim ) if ( fl_get_button( obj ) ) neo->saveEveryNsteps = fl_get_slider_value( box->save_every ); else neo->saveEveryNsteps = -1; else if ( obj == box->file_name ) strcpy( neo->fileName, fl_get_input( obj ) ); }
void NeoWindow::HandleChartWindowObject( FL_OBJECT *obj ) { FD_chart_window *box = chart_wind; if ( obj == box->ok ) { fl_hide_form( box->chart_window ); fl_free_form( box->chart_window ); Refresh( true ); chart_wind = NULL; } }
void NeoWindow::HandleNNetPlotObject( FL_OBJECT *obj ) { FD_neural_net_plot *box = nnet_plot; if ( obj == box->ok ) { fl_remove_canvas_handler( nnet_plot->mainCanvas, Expose, expose_callback ); fl_hide_form( box->neural_net_plot ); fl_free_form( box->neural_net_plot ); Refresh( true ); nnet_plot = NULL; } }
void anim_reactive_collision_interface(AnimProb * AnimProbPt) { int NofCoef; NofCoef = XYZ_ANIM.animation[0]->nof_coef; ZANIM = AnimProbPt; if (ARCI != NULL) { fl_hide_form(ARCI); fl_free_form(ARCI); ARCI = NULL; } ARCI = fl_bgn_form(FL_UP_BOX, 200, 370); ARCI_REAC_TIME = fl_add_valslider (FL_HOR_SLIDER, 10, 10, 180, 20, "Reaction Time"); fl_set_slider_bounds (ARCI_REAC_TIME, 0, 3); fl_set_slider_value (ARCI_REAC_TIME, 1); fl_set_slider_step (ARCI_REAC_TIME, 0.1); ARCI_CONST_BLOCKS = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 10, 50, 180, 20, "Constitute Blocks"); fl_set_object_callback(ARCI_CONST_BLOCKS, anim_arci_cb, 10); ARCI_NOF_BLOCK = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT, 10, 80, 180, 20, ""); anim_udpate_nof_blocks(); ARCI_NOF_ATTEMPTS = fl_add_valslider (FL_HOR_SLIDER, 10, 110, 180, 20, "Number of Attempt for Solving Collisions"); fl_set_slider_bounds (ARCI_NOF_ATTEMPTS, 0, 1000); fl_set_slider_value (ARCI_NOF_ATTEMPTS, 100); fl_set_slider_step (ARCI_NOF_ATTEMPTS, 10); ARCI_SOLVE_COL = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 10, 150, 180, 20, "Solve Blocks"); fl_set_object_callback(ARCI_SOLVE_COL, anim_arci_cb, 11); ARCI_SOLVED = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT, 10, 180, 180, 20, ""); anim_udpate_solved(); ARCI_SHOW_SOL = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 10, 210, 180, 20, "Show Solution(s)"); fl_set_object_callback(ARCI_SHOW_SOL, anim_arci_cb, 12); ARCI_OPTIM = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 10, 240, 180, 20, "Optimize Solution(s)"); fl_set_object_callback(ARCI_OPTIM, anim_arci_cb, 13); ARCI_OPTIMIZED = fl_add_text(FL_NORMAL_TEXT, 10, 270, 180, 20, ""); anim_udpate_optimized(); ARCI_SHOW_OPTIM = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 10, 300, 180, 20, "Show Optimized Solution(s)"); fl_set_object_callback(ARCI_SHOW_OPTIM, anim_arci_cb, 14); ARCI_CLOSE = fl_add_button(FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 10, 330, 180, 20, "Close"); fl_set_object_callback(ARCI_CLOSE, anim_arci_cb, 15); fl_end_form(); fl_show_form (ARCI, FL_PLACE_SIZE, FL_FULLBORDER, "Reactive collisions"); }
/* fonctions de destruction des objets forms */ void g3d_delete_steering_form(void) {int n,i; n = 4; if(fl_get_button(steering_obj)){fl_hide_form(STEERING_FORM);} fl_free_object(obj1); fl_free_object(obj2); for(i=0;i<n;i++){ BUTTON_TAB_OBJ[i]->u_vdata = NULL; BUTTON_TAB_OBJ[i]->next = NULL; BUTTON_TAB_OBJ[i]->prev = NULL; fl_free_object(BUTTON_TAB_OBJ[i]); } GROUP->next = NULL; GROUP->prev = NULL; fl_free_object(GROUP); fl_free_form(STEERING_FORM); free(BUTTON_TAB_OBJ); }
static void anim_arci_cb (FL_OBJECT * obj, long arg) { switch (arg) { case 10 : ZANIM->ColOptions.ColBlockExtTime = fl_get_slider_value(ARCI_REAC_TIME); anim_col_avoidance_step1(ZANIM); anim_udpate_nof_blocks(); anim_udpate_solved(); anim_interface_update(); break; case 11 : ZANIM->ColOptions.NofAttempts = fl_get_slider_value(ARCI_NOF_ATTEMPTS); anim_col_avoidance_step2(ZANIM); anim_udpate_nof_blocks(); anim_udpate_solved(); anim_udpate_optimized(); break; case 12 : anim_show_form(ZANIM->ColAvoidRes, ZANIM->Robot); break; case 13 : anim_col_avoidance_step3(ZANIM); anim_udpate_optimized(); break; case 14 : anim_show_form(ZANIM->ColOpt2Res, ZANIM->Robot); break; case 15 : fl_hide_form(ARCI); fl_free_form(ARCI); ARCI = NULL; anim_interface_update(); break; default : PrintWarning (("anim_reac_col_interface.c -- unknown command")); break; } }
int fl_show_question( const char * str, int ans ) { FL_OBJECT *retobj; char shortcut[ 4 ]; int k = 0; if ( fd_yesno ) { fl_hide_form( fd_yesno->form ); fl_free_form( fd_yesno->form ); fl_free( fd_yesno ); } else fl_deactivate_all_forms( ); fd_yesno = create_yesno( ); default_ans = ans; fli_parse_goodies_label( fd_yesno->yes, FLQuestionYesLabel ); fli_parse_goodies_label( fd_yesno->no, FLQuestionNoLabel ); /* We don't set a shortcut if the first letter of the "yes" label is identical to all letters in the "no" label */ while ( fd_yesno->no->label[ k ] && tolower( ( int ) fd_yesno->yes->label[ 0 ] ) == tolower( ( int ) fd_yesno->yes->label[ k ] ) ) k++; if ( fd_yesno->no->label[ k ] ) { shortcut[ 0 ] = fd_yesno->yes->label[ 0 ]; shortcut[ 1 ] = tolower( ( int ) fd_yesno->yes->label[ 0 ] ); shortcut[ 2 ] = toupper( ( int ) fd_yesno->yes->label[ 0 ] ); shortcut[ 3 ] = '\0'; fl_set_button_shortcut( fd_yesno->yes, shortcut, 1 ); shortcut[ 0 ] = fd_yesno->no->label[ k ]; shortcut[ 1 ] = toupper( ( int ) fd_yesno->no->label[ k ] ); shortcut[ 2 ] = tolower( ( int ) fd_yesno->no->label[ k ] ); fl_set_button_shortcut( fd_yesno->no, shortcut, 1 ); } fli_get_goodie_title( fd_yesno->form, FLQuestionTitle ); fli_handle_goodie_font( fd_yesno->yes, fd_yesno->str ); fli_handle_goodie_font( fd_yesno->no, NULL ); fl_set_object_label( fd_yesno->str, str ); if ( ans == 1 ) fl_set_form_hotobject( fd_yesno->form, fd_yesno->yes ); else if ( ans == 0 ) fl_set_form_hotobject( fd_yesno->form, fd_yesno->no ); else fl_set_form_hotspot( fd_yesno->form, -1, -1 ); fl_show_form( fd_yesno->form, FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT, FL_TRANSIENT, fd_yesno->form->label ); fl_update_display( 0 ); while ( ( retobj = fl_do_only_forms( ) ) != fd_yesno->yes && retobj != fd_yesno->no ) /* empty */; k = retobj == fd_yesno->yes; fl_hide_form( fd_yesno->form ); fl_free_form( fd_yesno->form ); fli_safe_free( fd_yesno ); fl_activate_all_forms( ); return k; }
void g3d_delete_grasp_planning_form(void) { fl_free_form(GRASP_PLANNING_FORM); }
/* If the control panel is visible, hide it and then delete it. */ void Quit_cb(FL_OBJECT *ob, long data) { CtrlPanelOn=0; fl_hide_form(fd_ctrlpanel->ctrlpanel); fl_free_form(fd_ctrlpanel->ctrlpanel); }
void g3d_delete_genom_form(void) { fl_free_form(GENOM_FORM); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef RTAI RT_TASK *task; RTIME period; #endif int i,j,aa; void *status; /* uint32_t rf_mode_max[4] = {55759,55759,55759,55759}; uint32_t rf_mode_med[4] = {39375,39375,39375,39375}; uint32_t rf_mode_byp[4] = {22991,22991,22991,22991}; */ uint32_t my_rf_mode = RXEN + TXEN + TXLPFNORM + TXLPFEN + TXLPF25 + RXLPFNORM + RXLPFEN + RXLPF25 + LNA1ON +LNAMax + RFBBNORM + DMAMODE_RX + DMAMODE_TX; uint32_t rf_mode_base = TXLPFNORM + TXLPFEN + TXLPF25 + RXLPFNORM + RXLPFEN + RXLPF25 + LNA1ON +LNAMax + RFBBNORM; uint32_t rf_mode[4] = {my_rf_mode,0,0,0}; uint32_t rf_local[4] = {8255000,8255000,8255000,8255000}; // UE zepto //{8254617, 8254617, 8254617, 8254617}; //eNB khalifa //{8255067,8254810,8257340,8257340}; // eNB PETRONAS uint32_t rf_vcocal[4] = {910,910,910,910}; uint32_t rf_vcocal_850[4] = {2015, 2015, 2015, 2015}; uint32_t rf_rxdc[4] = {32896,32896,32896,32896}; uint32_t rxgain[4] = {20,20,20,20}; uint32_t txgain[4] = {20,20,20,20}; uint16_t Nid_cell = 0; uint8_t cooperation_flag=0, transmission_mode=1, abstraction_flag=0; uint8_t beta_ACK=0,beta_RI=0,beta_CQI=2; int c; char do_forms=0; unsigned int fd; unsigned int tcxo = 114; int amp; uint8_t prach_fmt; int N_ZC; char rxg_fname[100]; char txg_fname[100]; char rflo_fname[100]; char rfdc_fname[100]; FILE *rxg_fd=NULL; FILE *txg_fd=NULL; FILE *rflo_fd=NULL; FILE *rfdc_fd=NULL; unsigned int rxg_max[4]={133,133,133,133}, rxg_med[4]={127,127,127,127}, rxg_byp[4]={120,120,120,120}; int tx_max_power=0; char line[1000]; int l; int ret, ant; int ant_offset=0; int error_code; char *itti_dump_file = NULL; const struct option long_options[] = { {"calib-ue-rx", required_argument, NULL, 256}, {"calib-ue-rx-med", required_argument, NULL, 257}, {"calib-ue-rx-byp", required_argument, NULL, 258}, {"debug-ue-prach", no_argument, NULL, 259}, {"no-L2-connect", no_argument, NULL, 260}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}}; //mode = normal_txrx; while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "C:K:O:ST:UdF:V",long_options,NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'V': ouput_vcd = 1; break; case 'd': do_forms=1; break; case 'U': UE_flag = 1; break; case 'C': carrier_freq[0] = atoi(optarg); carrier_freq[1] = atoi(optarg); carrier_freq[2] = atoi(optarg); carrier_freq[3] = atoi(optarg); break; case 'S': fs4_test=1; break; case 'T': tcxo=atoi(optarg); break; case 'K': #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) itti_dump_file = strdup(optarg); #else printf("-K option is disabled when ENABLE_ITTI is not defined\n"); #endif break; case 'O': #if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME) EPC_MODE_ENABLED = 1; if (optarg == NULL) /* No IP address provided: use localhost */ { memcpy(&EPC_MODE_MME_ADDRESS[0], "", 10); } else { uint8_t ip_length = strlen(optarg) + 1; memcpy(&EPC_MODE_MME_ADDRESS[0], optarg, ip_length > 16 ? 16 : ip_length); } #else printf("You enabled mme mode without s1ap compiled...\n"); #endif break; case 'F': sprintf(rxg_fname,"%srxg.lime",optarg); rxg_fd = fopen(rxg_fname,"r"); if (rxg_fd) { printf("Loading RX Gain parameters from %s\n",rxg_fname); l=0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), rxg_fd)) { if ((strlen(line)==0) || (*line == '#')) continue; //ignore empty or comment lines else { if (l==0) sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d",&rxg_max[0],&rxg_max[1],&rxg_max[2],&rxg_max[3]); if (l==1) sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d",&rxg_med[0],&rxg_med[1],&rxg_med[2],&rxg_med[3]); if (l==2) sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d",&rxg_byp[0],&rxg_byp[1],&rxg_byp[2],&rxg_byp[3]); l++; } } } else printf("%s not found, running with defaults\n",rxg_fname); sprintf(txg_fname,"%stxg.lime",optarg); txg_fd = fopen(txg_fname,"r"); if (txg_fd) { printf("Loading TX Gain parameters from %s\n",txg_fname); l=0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), txg_fd)) { if ((strlen(line)==0) || (*line == '#')) { continue; //ignore empty or comment lines } else { if (l==0) sscanf(line,"%d %d %d %d",&txgain[0],&txgain[1],&txgain[2],&txgain[3]); if (l==1) sscanf(line,"%d",&tx_max_power); l++; } } } else printf("%s not found, running with defaults\n",txg_fname); sprintf(rflo_fname,"%srflo.lime",optarg); rflo_fd = fopen(rflo_fname,"r"); if (rflo_fd) { printf("Loading RF LO parameters from %s\n",rflo_fname); fscanf(rflo_fd,"%d %d %d %d",&rf_local[0],&rf_local[1],&rf_local[2],&rf_local[3]); } else printf("%s not found, running with defaults\n",rflo_fname); sprintf(rfdc_fname,"%srfdc.lime",optarg); rfdc_fd = fopen(rfdc_fname,"r"); if (rfdc_fd) { printf("Loading RF DC parameters from %s\n",rfdc_fname); fscanf(rfdc_fd,"%d %d %d %d",&rf_rxdc[0],&rf_rxdc[1],&rf_rxdc[2],&rf_rxdc[3]); } else printf("%s not found, running with defaults\n",rfdc_fname); break; /* case 256: mode = rx_calib_ue; rx_input_level_dBm = atoi(optarg); printf("Running with UE calibration on (LNA max), input level %d dBm\n",rx_input_level_dBm); break; case 257: mode = rx_calib_ue_med; rx_input_level_dBm = atoi(optarg); printf("Running with UE calibration on (LNA med), input level %d dBm\n",rx_input_level_dBm); break; case 258: mode = rx_calib_ue_byp; rx_input_level_dBm = atoi(optarg); printf("Running with UE calibration on (LNA byp), input level %d dBm\n",rx_input_level_dBm); break; case 259: mode = debug_prach; break; case 260: mode = no_L2_connect; break; */ default: break; } } if (UE_flag==1) printf("configuring for UE\n"); else printf("configuring for eNB\n"); //randominit (0); //set_taus_seed (0); // initialize the log (see log.h for details) logInit(); #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) itti_init(TASK_MAX, THREAD_MAX, MESSAGES_ID_MAX, tasks_info, messages_info, messages_definition_xml, itti_dump_file); # if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME) if (itti_create_task(TASK_SCTP, sctp_eNB_task, NULL) < 0) { LOG_E(EMU, "Create task failed"); LOG_D(EMU, "Initializing SCTP task interface: FAILED\n"); return -1; } if (itti_create_task(TASK_S1AP, s1ap_eNB_task, NULL) < 0) { LOG_E(EMU, "Create task failed"); LOG_D(EMU, "Initializing S1AP task interface: FAILED\n"); return -1; } # endif if (itti_create_task(TASK_L2L1, l2l1_task, NULL) < 0) { LOG_E(EMU, "Create task failed"); LOG_D(EMU, "Initializing L2L1 task interface: FAILED\n"); return -1; } // Handle signals until all tasks are terminated // itti_wait_tasks_end(); #endif if (ouput_vcd) { if (UE_flag==1) vcd_signal_dumper_init("/tmp/openair_dump_UE.vcd"); else vcd_signal_dumper_init("/tmp/openair_dump_eNB.vcd"); } #ifdef NAS_NETLINK netlink_init(); #endif // to make a graceful exit when ctrl-c is pressed signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); #ifndef RTAI check_clock(); #endif g_log->log_component[HW].level = LOG_DEBUG; g_log->log_component[HW].flag = LOG_HIGH; #ifdef OPENAIR2 g_log->log_component[PHY].level = LOG_INFO; #else g_log->log_component[PHY].level = LOG_INFO; #endif g_log->log_component[PHY].flag = LOG_HIGH; g_log->log_component[MAC].level = LOG_INFO; g_log->log_component[MAC].flag = LOG_HIGH; g_log->log_component[RLC].level = LOG_INFO; g_log->log_component[RLC].flag = LOG_HIGH; g_log->log_component[PDCP].level = LOG_INFO; g_log->log_component[PDCP].flag = LOG_HIGH; g_log->log_component[OTG].level = LOG_INFO; g_log->log_component[OTG].flag = LOG_HIGH; g_log->log_component[RRC].level = LOG_INFO; g_log->log_component[RRC].flag = LOG_HIGH; // Initialize card ret = openair0_open(); if ( ret != 0 ) { if (ret == -1) printf("Error opening /dev/openair0"); if (ret == -2) printf("Error mapping bigshm"); if (ret == -3) printf("Error mapping RX or TX buffer"); return(ret); } printf ("Detected %d number of cards, %d number of antennas.\n", openair0_num_detected_cards, openair0_num_antennas[card]); p_exmimo_config = openair0_exmimo_pci[card].exmimo_config_ptr; p_exmimo_id = openair0_exmimo_pci[card].exmimo_id_ptr; printf("Card %d: ExpressMIMO %d, HW Rev %d, SW Rev 0x%d\n", card, p_exmimo_id->board_exmimoversion, p_exmimo_id->board_hwrev, p_exmimo_id->board_swrev); if (p_exmimo_id->board_swrev>=BOARD_SWREV_CNTL2) p_exmimo_config->framing.eNB_flag = 0; else p_exmimo_config->framing.eNB_flag = !UE_flag; p_exmimo_config->framing.tdd_config = DUPLEXMODE_FDD + TXRXSWITCH_LSB; for (ant=0; ant<4; ant++) p_exmimo_config->framing.resampling_factor[ant] = RESAMPLING_FACTOR; /* for (ant=0;ant<max(frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx,frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx);ant++) p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] = rf_mode_base; for (ant=0;ant<frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx;ant++) p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] += (TXEN + DMAMODE_TX); for (ant=0;ant<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx;ant++) p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] += (RXEN + DMAMODE_RX); for (ant=max(frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx,frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx);ant<4;ant++) { p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] = 0; carrier_freq[ant] = 0; //this turns off all other LIMEs } */ ant_offset = 0; for (ant=0; ant<4; ant++) { if (ant==ant_offset) { //if (1) { p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] = rf_mode_base; //p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] += (TXEN + DMAMODE_TX); p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] += (RXEN + DMAMODE_RX); } else { p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[ant] = 0; carrier_freq[ant] = 0; //this turns off all other LIMEs } } for (ant = 0; ant<4; ant++) { p_exmimo_config->rf.do_autocal[ant] = 1; p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_freq_rx[ant] = carrier_freq[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_freq_tx[ant] = carrier_freq[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rx_gain[ant][0] = rxgain[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.tx_gain[ant][0] = txgain[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_local[ant] = rf_local[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_rxdc[ant] = rf_rxdc[ant]; if ((carrier_freq[ant] >= 850000000) && (carrier_freq[ant] <= 865000000)) { p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_vcocal[ant] = rf_vcocal_850[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_band_mode[ant] = DD_TDD; } else if ((carrier_freq[ant] >= 1900000000) && (carrier_freq[ant] <= 2000000000)) { p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_vcocal[ant] = rf_vcocal[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_band_mode[ant] = B19G_TDD; } else { p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_vcocal[ant] = rf_vcocal[ant]; p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_band_mode[ant] = 0; } p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_gain_txlow[ant] = 31; p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_gain_txhigh[ant] = 31; p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_gain_rxfinal[ant] = 52; p_exmimo_config->rf.rffe_gain_rxlow[ant] = 31; } number_of_cards = openair0_num_detected_cards; /* if (p_exmimo_id->board_exmimoversion==1) //ExpressMIMO1 openair_daq_vars.timing_advance = 138; else //ExpressMIMO2 openair_daq_vars.timing_advance = 0; */ openair0_dump_config(card); printf("EXMIMO_CONFIG: rf_mode 0x %x %x %x %x, [0]: TXRXEn %d, TXLPFEn %d, TXLPF %d, RXLPFEn %d, RXLPF %d, RFBB %d, LNA %d, LNAGain %d, RXLPFMode %d, SWITCH %d, rf_rxdc %d, rf_local %d, rf_vcocal %d\n", p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0], p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[1], p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[2], p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[3], (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&3), // RXen+TXen (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&4)>>2, //TXLPFen (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&TXLPFMASK)>>3, //TXLPF (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&128)>>7, //RXLPFen (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&RXLPFMASK)>>8, //TXLPF (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&RFBBMASK)>>16, // RFBB mode (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&LNAMASK)>>12, // RFBB mode (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&LNAGAINMASK)>>14, // RFBB mode (p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_mode[0]&RXLPFMODEMASK)>>19, // RXLPF mode (p_exmimo_config->framing.tdd_config&TXRXSWITCH_MASK)>>1, // Switch mode p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_rxdc[0], p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_local[0], p_exmimo_config->rf.rf_vcocal[0]); for (ant=0;ant<4;ant++) p_exmimo_config->rf.do_autocal[ant] = 0; #ifdef EMOS error_code = rtf_create(CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_MINOR,CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_SIZE); if (error_code==0) printf("[OPENAIR][SCHED][INIT] Created EMOS FIFO %d\n",CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_MINOR); else if (error_code==ENODEV) printf("[OPENAIR][SCHED][INIT] Problem: EMOS FIFO %d is greater than or equal to RTF_NO\n",CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_MINOR); else if (error_code==ENOMEM) printf("[OPENAIR][SCHED][INIT] Problem: cannot allocate memory for EMOS FIFO %d\n",CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_MINOR); else printf("[OPENAIR][SCHED][INIT] Problem creating EMOS FIFO %d, error_code %d\n",CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_MINOR,error_code); #endif mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE); #ifdef RTAI // make main thread LXRT soft realtime task = rt_task_init_schmod(nam2num("MYTASK"), 9, 0, 0, SCHED_FIFO, 0xF); // start realtime timer and scheduler #ifdef TIMER_ONESHOT_MODE rt_set_oneshot_mode(); start_rt_timer(0); printf("started RTAI timer inoneshot mode\n"); #else rt_set_periodic_mode(); period = start_rt_timer(nano2count(500000)); printf("started RTAI timer with period %llu ns\n",count2nano(period)); #endif printf("Init mutex\n"); //mutex = rt_get_adr(nam2num("MUTEX")); mutex = rt_sem_init(nam2num("MUTEX"), 1); if (mutex==0) { printf("Error init mutex\n"); exit(-1); } else printf("mutex=%p\n",mutex); #endif DAQ_MBOX = (volatile unsigned int *) openair0_exmimo_pci[card].rxcnt_ptr[0]; // this starts the DMA transfers if (UE_flag!=1) openair0_start_rt_acquisition(card); #ifdef XFORMS if (do_forms==1) { fl_initialize (&argc, argv, NULL, 0, 0); form_stats = create_form_stats_form(); if (UE_flag==1) { form_ue[UE_id] = create_lte_phy_scope_ue(); sprintf (title, "LTE DL SCOPE UE"); fl_show_form (form_ue[UE_id]->lte_phy_scope_ue, FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT, FL_FULLBORDER, title); } else { for(UE_id=0;UE_id<scope_enb_num_ue;UE_id++) { form_enb[UE_id] = create_lte_phy_scope_enb(); sprintf (title, "UE%d LTE UL SCOPE eNB",UE_id+1); fl_show_form (form_enb[UE_id]->lte_phy_scope_enb, FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT, FL_FULLBORDER, title); } } fl_show_form (form_stats->stats_form, FL_PLACE_HOTSPOT, FL_FULLBORDER, "stats"); if (UE_flag==0) { for (UE_id=0;UE_id<scope_enb_num_ue;UE_id++) { if (otg_enabled) { fl_set_button(form_enb[UE_id]->button_0,1); fl_set_object_label(form_enb[UE_id]->button_0,"DL Traffic ON"); } else { fl_set_button(form_enb[UE_id]->button_0,0); fl_set_object_label(form_enb[UE_id]->button_0,"DL Traffic OFF"); } } } else { if (openair_daq_vars.use_ia_receiver) { fl_set_button(form_ue[UE_id]->button_0,1); fl_set_object_label(form_ue[UE_id]->button_0, "IA Receiver ON"); } else { fl_set_button(form_ue[UE_id]->button_0,0); fl_set_object_label(form_ue[UE_id]->button_0, "IA Receiver OFF"); } } ret = pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, scope_thread, NULL); printf("Scope thread created, ret=%d\n",ret); } #endif #ifdef EMOS ret = pthread_create(&thread3, NULL, emos_thread, NULL); printf("EMOS thread created, ret=%d\n",ret); #endif rt_sleep_ns(10*FRAME_PERIOD); #ifndef RTAI pthread_attr_init (&attr_dlsch_threads); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr_dlsch_threads,OPENAIR_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); //attr_dlsch_threads.priority = 1; sched_param_dlsch.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO); //OPENAIR_THREAD_PRIORITY; pthread_attr_setschedparam (&attr_dlsch_threads, &sched_param_dlsch); pthread_attr_setschedpolicy (&attr_dlsch_threads, SCHED_FIFO); #endif // start the main thread if (UE_flag == 1) { /* #ifdef RTAI thread1 = rt_thread_create(UE_thread, NULL, 100000000); #else error_code = pthread_create(&thread1, &attr_dlsch_threads, UE_thread, NULL); if (error_code!= 0) { LOG_D(HW,"[lte-softmodem.c] Could not allocate UE_thread, error %d\n",error_code); return(error_code); } else { LOG_D(HW,"[lte-softmodem.c] Allocate UE_thread successful\n"); } #endif #ifdef DLSCH_THREAD init_rx_pdsch_thread(); rt_sleep_ns(FRAME_PERIOD/10); init_dlsch_threads(); #endif printf("UE threads created\n"); */ } else { #ifdef RTAI thread0 = rt_thread_create(eNB_thread, NULL, 100000000); #else error_code = pthread_create(&thread0, &attr_dlsch_threads, eNB_thread, NULL); if (error_code!= 0) { LOG_D(HW,"[lte-softmodem.c] Could not allocate eNB_thread, error %d\n",error_code); return(error_code); } else { LOG_D(HW,"[lte-softmodem.c] Allocate eNB_thread successful\n"); } #endif #ifdef ULSCH_THREAD init_ulsch_threads(); #endif printf("eNB threads created\n"); } // wait for end of program printf("TYPE <CTRL-C> TO TERMINATE\n"); //getchar(); while (oai_exit==0) rt_sleep_ns(FRAME_PERIOD); // stop threads #ifdef XFORMS printf("waiting for XFORMS thread\n"); if (do_forms==1) { pthread_join(thread2,&status); fl_hide_form(form_stats->stats_form); fl_free_form(form_stats->stats_form); if (UE_flag==1) { fl_hide_form(form_ue[UE_id]->lte_phy_scope_ue); fl_free_form(form_ue[UE_id]->lte_phy_scope_ue); } else { for(UE_id=0;UE_id<scope_enb_num_ue;UE_id++) { fl_hide_form(form_enb[UE_id]->lte_phy_scope_enb); fl_free_form(form_enb[UE_id]->lte_phy_scope_enb); } } } #endif printf("stopping MODEM threads\n"); // cleanup if (UE_flag == 1) { /* #ifdef RTAI rt_thread_join(thread1); #else pthread_join(thread1,&status); #endif #ifdef DLSCH_THREAD cleanup_dlsch_threads(); cleanup_rx_pdsch_thread(); #endif */ } else { #ifdef RTAI rt_thread_join(thread0); #else pthread_join(thread0,&status); #endif #ifdef ULSCH_THREAD cleanup_ulsch_threads(); #endif } #ifdef OPENAIR2 //cleanup_pdcp_thread(); #endif #ifdef RTAI stop_rt_timer(); #endif printf("stopping card\n"); openair0_stop(card); printf("closing openair0_lib\n"); openair0_close(); #ifdef EMOS printf("waiting for EMOS thread\n"); pthread_cancel(thread3); pthread_join(thread3,&status); #endif #ifdef EMOS error_code = rtf_destroy(CHANSOUNDER_FIFO_MINOR); printf("[OPENAIR][SCHED][CLEANUP] EMOS FIFO closed, error_code %d\n", error_code); #endif if (ouput_vcd) vcd_signal_dumper_close(); logClean(); return 0; }
static void CB_cancel(FL_OBJECT *ob, long arg) { fl_hide_form(INPUT_FORM); fl_free_object(INPUT_OBJ1); fl_free_object(INPUT_OBJ2); fl_free_form(INPUT_FORM); }