Beispiel #1
// create spgram object
//  _nfft       : FFT size
//  _wtype      : window type, e.g. LIQUID_WINDOW_HAMMING
//  _window_len : window length
//  _delay      : delay between transforms, _delay > 0
SPGRAM() SPGRAM(_create)(unsigned int _nfft,
                         int          _wtype,
                         unsigned int _window_len,
                         unsigned int _delay)
    // validate input
    if (_nfft < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: spgram%s_create(), fft size must be at least 2\n", EXTENSION);
    } else if (_window_len > _nfft) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: spgram%s_create(), window size cannot exceed fft size\n", EXTENSION);
    } else if (_window_len == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: spgram%s_create(), window size must be greater than zero\n", EXTENSION);
    } else if (_wtype == LIQUID_WINDOW_KBD && _window_len % 2) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: spgram%s_create(), KBD window length must be even\n", EXTENSION);
    } else if (_delay == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: spgram%s_create(), delay must be greater than 0\n", EXTENSION);

    // allocate memory for main object
    SPGRAM() q = (SPGRAM()) malloc(sizeof(struct SPGRAM(_s)));

    // set input parameters
    q->nfft       = _nfft;
    q->wtype      = _wtype;
    q->window_len = _window_len;
    q->delay      = _delay;
    q->frequency  =  0;
    q->sample_rate= -1;

    // set object for full accumulation
    SPGRAM(_set_alpha)(q, -1.0f);

    // create FFT arrays, object
    q->buf_time = (TC*) malloc((q->nfft)*sizeof(TC));
    q->buf_freq = (TC*) malloc((q->nfft)*sizeof(TC));
    q->psd      = (T *) malloc((q->nfft)*sizeof(T ));
    q->fft      = FFT_CREATE_PLAN(q->nfft, q->buf_time, q->buf_freq, FFT_DIR_FORWARD, FFT_METHOD);

    // create buffer
    q->buffer = WINDOW(_create)(q->window_len);

    // create window
    q->w = (T*) malloc((q->window_len)*sizeof(T));
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int n = q->window_len;
    float beta = 10.0f;
    float zeta =  3.0f;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
        switch (q->wtype) {
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_HAMMING:         q->w[i] = hamming(i,n);         break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_HANN:            q->w[i] = hann(i,n);            break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_BLACKMANHARRIS:  q->w[i] = blackmanharris(i,n);  break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_BLACKMANHARRIS7: q->w[i] = blackmanharris7(i,n); break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_KAISER:          q->w[i] = kaiser(i,n,beta,0);   break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_FLATTOP:         q->w[i] = flattop(i,n);         break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_TRIANGULAR:      q->w[i] = triangular(i,n,n);    break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_RCOSTAPER:       q->w[i] = liquid_rcostaper_windowf(i,n/3,n); break;
        case LIQUID_WINDOW_KBD:             q->w[i] = liquid_kbd(i,n,zeta); break;
            fprintf(stderr,"error: spgram%s_create(), invalid window\n", EXTENSION);

    // scale by window magnitude, FFT size
    float g = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<q->window_len; i++)
        g += q->w[i] * q->w[i];
    g = M_SQRT2 / ( sqrtf(g / q->window_len) * sqrtf((float)(q->nfft)) );

    // scale window and copy
    for (i=0; i<q->window_len; i++)
        q->w[i] = g * q->w[i];

    // reset the spgram object
    q->num_samples_total    = 0;
    q->num_transforms_total = 0;

    // return new object
    return q;
Beispiel #2
/* Design FIR filter using the Window method

   n     filter length must be odd for HP and BS filters
   w     buffer for the filter taps (must be n long)
   fc    cutoff frequencies (1 for LP and HP, 2 for BP and BS)
         0 < fc < 1 where 1 <=> Fs/2
   flags window and filter type as defined in filter.h
         variables are ored together: i.e. LP|HAMMING will give a
         low pass filter designed using a hamming window
   opt   beta constant used only when designing using kaiser windows

   returns 0 if OK, -1 if fail
TfirFilter::_ftype_t* TfirFilter::design_fir(unsigned int *n, _ftype_t* fc, int type, int window, _ftype_t opt)
  unsigned int  o   = *n & 1;            // Indicator for odd filter length
  unsigned int  end = ((*n + 1) >> 1) - o;       // Loop end
  unsigned int  i;                      // Loop index

  _ftype_t k1 = 2 * _ftype_t(M_PI);             // 2*pi*fc1
  _ftype_t k2 = 0.5f * (_ftype_t)(1 - o);// Constant used if the filter has even length
  _ftype_t k3;                           // 2*pi*fc2 Constant used in BP and BS design
  _ftype_t g  = 0.0f;                    // Gain
  _ftype_t t1,t2,t3;                     // Temporary variables
  _ftype_t fc1,fc2;                      // Cutoff frequencies

  // Sanity check
  if(*n==0) return NULL;

  if (!o && (type==TfirSettings::BANDSTOP || type==TfirSettings::HIGHPASS))
  _ftype_t *w=(_ftype_t*)aligned_calloc(sizeof(_ftype_t),*n);

  // Get window coefficients
    boxcar(*n,w); break;
    triang(*n,w); break;
    hamming(*n,w); break;
    hanning(*n,w); break;
    blackman(*n,w); break;
    flattop(*n,w); break;
    kaiser(*n,w,opt); break;
    delete []w;
    return NULL;

  if(type==TfirSettings::LOWPASS || type==TfirSettings::HIGHPASS){
    // Cutoff frequency must be < 0.5 where 0.5 <=> Fs/2
    fc1 = ((fc1 <= 1.0) && (fc1 > 0.0)) ? fc1/2 : 0.25f;
    k1 *= fc1;

    if(type==TfirSettings::LOWPASS){ // Low pass filter

      // If the filter length is odd, there is one point which is exactly
      // in the middle. The value at this point is 2*fCutoff*sin(x)/x,
      // where x is zero. To make sure nothing strange happens, we set this
      // value separately.
      if (o){
        w[end] = fc1 * w[end] * 2.0f;

      // Create filter
      for (i=0 ; i<end ; i++){
        t1 = (_ftype_t)(i+1) - k2;
        w[end-i-1] = w[*n-end+i] = _ftype_t(w[end-i-1] * sin(k1 * t1)/(M_PI * t1)); // Sinc
        g += 2*w[end-i-1]; // Total gain in filter
    else{ // High pass filter
      //if (!o) // High pass filters must have odd length
      // return -1;
      w[end] = _ftype_t(1.0 - (fc1 * w[end] * 2.0));
      g= w[end];

      // Create filter
      for (i=0 ; i<end ; i++){
        t1 = (_ftype_t)(i+1);
        w[end-i-1] = w[*n-end+i] = _ftype_t(-1 * w[end-i-1] * sin(k1 * t1)/(M_PI * t1)); // Sinc
        g += ((i&1) ? (2*w[end-i-1]) : (-2*w[end-i-1])); // Total gain in filter

  if(type==TfirSettings::BANDPASS || type==TfirSettings::BANDSTOP){
    // Cutoff frequencies must be < 1.0 where 1.0 <=> Fs/2
    fc1 = ((fc1 <= 1.0) && (fc1 > 0.0)) ? fc1/2 : 0.25f;
    fc2 = ((fc2 <= 1.0) && (fc2 > 0.0)) ? fc2/2 : 0.25f;
    k3  = k1 * fc2; // 2*pi*fc2
    k1 *= fc1;      // 2*pi*fc1

    if(type==TfirSettings::BANDPASS){ // Band pass
      // Calculate center tap
      if (o){
        w[end] = (fc2 - fc1) * w[end] * 2.0f;

      // Create filter
      for (i=0 ; i<end ; i++){
        t1 = (_ftype_t)(i+1) - k2;
        t2 = _ftype_t(sin(k3 * t1)/(M_PI * t1)); // Sinc fc2
        t3 = _ftype_t(sin(k1 * t1)/(M_PI * t1)); // Sinc fc1
        g += w[end-i-1] * (t3 + t2);   // Total gain in filter
        w[end-i-1] = w[*n-end+i] = w[end-i-1] * (t2 - t3);
    else{ // Band stop
      //if (!o) // Band stop filters must have odd length
      //  return -1;
      w[end] = _ftype_t(1.0 - (fc2 - fc1) * w[end] * 2.0);
      g= w[end];

      // Create filter
      for (i=0 ; i<end ; i++){
        t1 = (_ftype_t)(i+1);
        t2 = _ftype_t(sin(k1 * t1)/(M_PI * t1)); // Sinc fc1
        t3 = _ftype_t(sin(k3 * t1)/(M_PI * t1)); // Sinc fc2
        w[end-i-1] = w[*n-end+i] = w[end-i-1] * (t2 - t3);
        g += 2*w[end-i-1]; // Total gain in filter

  // Normalize gain
  for (i=0; i<*n; i++)
    w[i] *= g;

  return w;