Beispiel #1
uint32_t progressive_render(int quality, int bytes_read) {
    printf("%i bytes read, rendering at quality=%.2f%%\n",bytes_read, 0.01*quality);
    FLIF_IMAGE* image = flif_decoder_get_image(d, 0);
    if (!image) { printf("Error: No decoded image found\n"); return 1; }
    uint32_t w = flif_image_get_width(image);
    uint32_t h = flif_image_get_height(image);
    if (!window) window = SDL_CreateWindow("FLIF Viewer", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, w, h, 0);
    if (!window) { printf("Error: Could not create window\n"); return 2; }
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title,"%ix%i FLIF image [read %i bytes, quality=%.2f%%]",w,h,bytes_read, 0.01*quality);
    SDL_Surface *canvas = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window);
    if (!canvas) { printf("Error: Could not get canvas\n"); return 2; }
    if (!surf) surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,w,h,32,0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000);
    if (!surf) { printf("Error: Could not create surface\n"); return 2; }
    char* pp =(char*) surf->pixels;
    for (uint32_t r=0; r<h; r++) {
        flif_image_read_row_RGBA8(image, r, pp, w * sizeof(RGBA));
        pp += surf->pitch;
    if (flif_image_get_nb_channels(image) > 3) {
      // SDL_FillRect(canvas,NULL,0);
      // Draw checkerboard background for image with alpha channel
      SDL_Rect sq; sq.w=20; sq.h=20;
      for (sq.y=0; sq.y<h; sq.y+=sq.h) for (sq.x=0; sq.x<w; sq.x+=sq.w)
          SDL_FillRect(canvas,&sq,((sq.y/sq.h + sq.x/sq.w)&1 ? 0xFF606060 : 0xFFA0A0A0));
    SDL_Event e;
    while (SDL_PollEvent(&e)) {if (!do_event(e)) return 0;} // stop decoding
    return quality + 500; // call me back when you have at least 5% better quality
Beispiel #2
uint32_t progressive_render(int32_t quality, int64_t bytes_read) {
    while (drawing) {SDL_Delay(50);}
    drawing = 1;
    printf("%lli bytes read, rendering at quality=%.2f%%\n",(unsigned long long int) bytes_read, 0.01*quality);
    animation = (flif_decoder_num_images(d) > 1);
    FLIF_IMAGE* image = flif_decoder_get_image(d, 0);
    if (!image) { printf("Error: No decoded image found\n"); return 1; }
    uint32_t w = flif_image_get_width(image);
    uint32_t h = flif_image_get_height(image);
    if (!window) { printf("Error: Could not create window\n"); return 2; }
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title,"%ix%i FLIF image [read %lli bytes, quality=%.2f%%]",w,h,(unsigned long long int) bytes_read, 0.01*quality);
    for (int f = 0; f< flif_decoder_num_images(d); f++) {
        FLIF_IMAGE* image = flif_decoder_get_image(d, f);
        if (!image) { printf("Error: No decoded image found\n"); return 1; }
        uint32_t w = flif_image_get_width(image);
        uint32_t h = flif_image_get_height(image);
        frame_delay[f] = flif_image_get_frame_delay(image);
        if (!surf[f]) surf[f] = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,w,h,32,0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000);
        if (!surf[f]) { printf("Error: Could not create surface\n"); return 1; }
        if (!tmpsurf) tmpsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,w,h,32,0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000);
        if (!tmpsurf) { printf("Error: Could not create surface\n"); return 1; }
        char* pp =(char*) tmpsurf->pixels;
        for (uint32_t r=0; r<h; r++) {
            flif_image_read_row_RGBA8(image, r, pp, w * sizeof(RGBA));
            pp += tmpsurf->pitch;
        if (flif_image_get_nb_channels(image) > 3) {
          if (!bgsurf) {
            bgsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,w,h,32,0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000);
            // Draw checkerboard background for image with alpha channel
            SDL_Rect sq; sq.w=20; sq.h=20;
            for (sq.y=0; sq.y<h; sq.y+=sq.h) for (sq.x=0; sq.x<w; sq.x+=sq.w)
              SDL_FillRect(bgsurf,&sq,((sq.y/sq.h + sq.x/sq.w)&1 ? 0xFF606060 : 0xFFA0A0A0));
    drawing = 0;
//    SDL_Delay(1000);
    if (quit) return 0; // stop decoding
    return quality + 1000; // call me back when you have at least 10.00% better quality
Beispiel #3
// Callback function: converts (partially) decoded image/animation to a/several SDL_Texture(s),
//                    resizes the viewer window if needed, and calls draw_image()
// Input arguments are: quality (0..10000), current position in the .flif file
// Output is the desired minimal quality before doing the next callback
uint32_t progressive_render(int32_t quality, int64_t bytes_read) {
    loading = 1;
    while (drawing) {SDL_Delay(50);} // don't touch the textures until we're done drawing
    printf("%lli bytes read, rendering at quality=%.2f%%\n",(long long int) bytes_read, 0.01*quality);
    FLIF_IMAGE* image = flif_decoder_get_image(d, 0);
    if (!image) { printf("Error: No decoded image found\n"); return 1; }
    uint32_t w = flif_image_get_width(image);
    uint32_t h = flif_image_get_height(image);

    // set the window title and size
    if (!window) { printf("Error: Could not create window\n"); return 2; }
    char title[100];
    sprintf(title,"FLIF image decoded at %ix%i [read %lli bytes, quality=%.2f%%]",w,h,(long long int) bytes_read, 0.01*quality);
    if (!window_size_set) {
      int ww = (w > dm.w ? dm.w : w);
      int wh = (h > dm.h ? dm.h : h);
      if (ww > w * wh / h) ww = wh * w / h;
      else if (ww < w * wh / h) wh = ww * h / w;
      if (w > dm.w*8/10 && h > dm.h*8/10) { ww = ww*8/10; wh = wh*8/10; }
      if (w > dm.w*8/10 && h > dm.h*8/10) { SDL_MaximizeWindow(window); }
      window_size_set = 1;

    // allocate enough room for the texture pointers and frame delays
    if (!image_frame) image_frame = calloc(flif_decoder_num_images(d), sizeof(FLIF_IMAGE*));
    if (!frame_delay) frame_delay = calloc(flif_decoder_num_images(d), sizeof(int));

    // produce one SDL_Texture per frame
    for (int f = 0; f < flif_decoder_num_images(d); f++) {
        if (quit) return 0;
        FLIF_IMAGE* image = flif_decoder_get_image(d, f);
        if (!image) { printf("Error: No decoded image found\n"); return 1; }
        frame_delay[f] = flif_image_get_frame_delay(image);
        // Copy the decoded pixels to a temporary surface
        if (!tmpsurf) tmpsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,w,h,32,0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000);
        if (!tmpsurf) { printf("Error: Could not create surface\n"); return 1; }
        char* pp =(char*) tmpsurf->pixels;
        for (uint32_t r=0; r<h; r++) {
            flif_image_read_row_RGBA8(image, r, pp, w * sizeof(RGBA));
            pp += tmpsurf->pitch;
        // Draw checkerboard background for image/animation with alpha channel
        if (flif_image_get_nb_channels(image) > 3) {
          if (!bgsurf) bgsurf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,w,h,32,0x000000FF,0x0000FF00,0x00FF0000,0xFF000000);
          if (!bgsurf) { printf("Error: Could not create surface\n"); return 1; }
          SDL_Rect sq; sq.w=20; sq.h=20;
          for (sq.y=0; sq.y<h; sq.y+=sq.h) for (sq.x=0; sq.x<w; sq.x+=sq.w)
              SDL_FillRect(bgsurf,&sq,((sq.y/sq.h + sq.x/sq.w)&1 ? 0xFF606060 : 0xFFA0A0A0));
          // Alpha-blend decoded frame on top of checkerboard background
          SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf); tmpsurf = bgsurf; bgsurf = NULL;
        if (!renderer) { printf("Error: Could not get renderer\n"); return 1; }
        if (image_frame[f]) SDL_DestroyTexture(image_frame[f]);
        // Convert the surface to a texture (for accelerated blitting)
        image_frame[f] = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, tmpsurf);
        if (!image_frame[f]) { printf("Could not create texture!\n"); quit=1; return 0; }
    SDL_FreeSurface(tmpsurf); tmpsurf=NULL;
    loading = 0;
    // setting nb_frames to a value > 1 will make sure the main thread keeps calling draw_image()
    nb_frames = flif_decoder_num_images(d);
    if (quit) return 0; // stop decoding
    return quality + 1000; // call me back when you have at least 10.00% better quality