__global__ void kernelAddOneParticle(ParBox pb,
                                     DataSpace<simDim> superCell, DataSpace<simDim> parLocalCell)
    typedef typename ParBox::FrameType FRAME;

    FRAME *frame;

    int linearIdx = DataSpaceOperations<simDim>::template map<MappingDesc::SuperCellSize > (parLocalCell);

    float_X parWeighting = NUM_EL_PER_PARTICLE;

    frame = &(pb.getEmptyFrame());
    pb.setAsLastFrame(*frame, superCell);

    // many particle loop:
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
        floatD_X pos;
        for(int i=0; i<simDim; ++i)
          pos[i] = 0.5;

        const float_X GAMMA0_X = 1.0f / sqrtf(1.0f - float_X(BETA0_X * BETA0_X));
        const float_X GAMMA0_Y = 1.0f / sqrtf(1.0f - float_X(BETA0_Y * BETA0_Y));
        const float_X GAMMA0_Z = 1.0f / sqrtf(1.0f - float_X(BETA0_Z * BETA0_Z));
        float3_X mom = float3_X(
                                GAMMA0_X * getMass<FRAME>(parWeighting) * float_X(BETA0_X) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT,
                                GAMMA0_Y * getMass<FRAME>(parWeighting) * float_X(BETA0_Y) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT,
                                GAMMA0_Z * getMass<FRAME>(parWeighting) * float_X(BETA0_Z) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT

        par[position_] = pos;
        par[momentum_] = mom;
        par[multiMask_] = 1;
        par[localCellIdx_] = linearIdx;
        par[weighting_] = parWeighting;

        par[momentumPrev1_] = float3_X(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
        /*this code tree is only passed if we not select any particle*/
        par[radiationFlag_] = true;
Beispiel #2
__global__ void divideAnyCell(Mem mem, uint32_t n, Type divisor)
    uint32_t tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (tid >= n) return;

    const float3_X FLT3_MIN = float3_X(FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN);
    mem[tid] /= (divisor + FLT3_MIN);
 DINLINE float3_X getPosition( UNIRNG& rng,
                                const uint32_t totalNumParsPerCell,
                                const uint32_t curParticle )
     return float3_X( rng(),
                         rng() );
Beispiel #4
        /** Compute the 
        HINLINE float3_X laserLongitudinal( uint32_t currentStep, float_X& phase )
            float3_X elong = float3_X(float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0));

            phase = float_X(0.0);

            return elong;
    HDINLINE typename Memory::ValueType operator()(const Memory& mem, const uint32_t direction) const
        const float_X reciWidth = float_X(1.0) / CELL_WIDTH;
        const float_X reciHeight = float_X(1.0) / CELL_HEIGHT;

        switch (direction)
        case 0:
            return (mem[0][1] - mem[0][0]) * reciWidth;
        case 1:
            return (mem[1][0] - mem[0][0]) * reciHeight;

        case 2:
            return float3_X(0., 0., 0.);

        return float3_X(NAN, NAN, NAN);
Beispiel #6
/** Compute the 
HINLINE float3_X laserLongitudinal(uint32_t currentStep, float_X& phase)
    float3_X elong = float3_X(float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0));

    // a symmetric pulse will be initialized at position z=0 for
    // we shift the complete pulse for the half of this time to start with
    // the front of the laser pulse.
    const double mue = 0.5 * INIT_TIME;
    const double runTime = DELTA_T*currentStep - mue;
    const double f = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / WAVE_LENGTH;

    const double w = 2.0 * PI * f;

    const double endUpramp = -0.5 * LASER_NOFOCUS_CONSTANT;
    const double startDownramp = 0.5 * LASER_NOFOCUS_CONSTANT;

    if (runTime >= endUpramp && runTime <= startDownramp)
        // plateau
        elong.x() = float_X(
                          * math::sin(w * runTime)
    else if (runTime > startDownramp)
        // downramp = end
        const double exponent =
            ((runTime - startDownramp)
             / PULSE_LENGTH / sqrt(2.0));
        elong.x() = float_X(
                          * math::exp(-0.5 * exponent * exponent)
                          * math::sin(w * runTime)
        // upramp = start
        const double exponent = ((runTime - endUpramp) / PULSE_LENGTH / sqrt(2.0));
        elong.x() = float_X(
                          * math::exp(-0.5 * exponent * exponent)
                          * math::sin(w * runTime)

    phase = float_X(0.0);

    return elong;
Beispiel #7
        /** Calculate the gas density, divided by the maximum density GAS_DENSITY
         * @param y as distance in propagation direction (unit: meters / UNIT_LENGTH)
         * @return float_X between 0.0 and 1.0
        DINLINE float_X calcNormedDensitiy( float3_X pos )
            if (pos.y() < VACUUM_Y) return float_X(0.0);

            const float3_X exponent = float3_X( math::abs((pos.x() - GAS_CENTER_X)/GAS_SIGMA_X),
                                                 math::abs((pos.y() - GAS_CENTER_Y)/GAS_SIGMA_Y),
                                                 math::abs((pos.z() - GAS_CENTER_Z)/GAS_SIGMA_Z) );

            const float_X density = math::exp(GAS_FACTOR * __powf(exponent.x(), GAS_POWER))
                                * math::exp(GAS_FACTOR * __powf(exponent.y(), GAS_POWER))
                                * math::exp(GAS_FACTOR * __powf(exponent.z(), GAS_POWER));
            return density;
Beispiel #8
    void operator ()(FieldJ& _fieldJ_device)

        typedef PMacc::math::CT::Size_t<TILE_WIDTH,TILE_HEIGHT,TILE_DEPTH> GuardDim;
        // Get fieldJ without guards

        container::HostBuffer<float3_X, 3> fieldJ_with_guards(fieldJ_device.size());
        fieldJ_with_guards = fieldJ_device;
        container::View<container::HostBuffer<float3_X, 3> > fieldJ(fieldJ_with_guards.view(GuardDim().vec(), -GuardDim().vec()));
        float3_X beta(BETA0_X, BETA0_Y, BETA0_Z);
        std::cout << "\nsingle P A R T I C L E facts:\n\n";
        std::cout << "position: (" << float3_X(LOCAL_POS_X, LOCAL_POS_Y, LOCAL_POS_Z)
            << ") at cell " << fieldJ.size()/size_t(2) << std::endl;
        std::cout << "velocity: (" << beta << ") * c\n";
        std::cout << "delta_pos: (" << beta * SPEED_OF_LIGHT / float3_X(CELL_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT, CELL_DEPTH) << ") * cellSize\n";
        const double j = Q_EL / CELL_VOLUME * abs(beta) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
        const double unit_current = UNIT_CHARGE / (UNIT_LENGTH * UNIT_LENGTH * UNIT_TIME);
        std::cout << "j = rho * abs(velocity) = " << std::setprecision(6) << j * unit_current << " A/m²" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "------------------------------------------\n\n";
        std::cout << "fieldJ facts:\n\n";
//        std::cout << "zone: " << fieldJ.zone().size << ", " << fieldJ.zone().offset << std::endl;
//        std::cout << "index: " << *cursor::make_MultiIndexCursor<3>()(math::Int<3>(1,2,3)) << std::endl;
//        std::cout << "index: " << cursor::make_MultiIndexCursor<3>()[math::Int<3>(1,2,3)] << std::endl;

            fieldJ.origin(), cursor::make_MultiIndexCursor<3>(),

        std::cout << "------------------------------------------\n\n";
 DINLINE float3_X getPosition( UNIRNG& rng,
                                const uint32_t totalNumParsPerCell,
                                const uint32_t curParticle )
     // spacing between particles in each direction in the cell
     const float3_X spacing = float3_X( float_X(1.0) / float_X(numParsPerCell_X),
                                         float_X(1.0) / float_X(numParsPerCell_Y),
                                         float_X(1.0) / float_X(numParsPerCell_Z) );
     // length of the x lattice, number of particles in the xy plane
     const uint32_t lineX   = numParsPerCell_X;
     const uint32_t planeXY = numParsPerCell_X * numParsPerCell_Y;
     // coordinate in the local in-cell lattice
     //   x = [0, numParsPerCell_X-1]
     //   y = [0, numParsPerCell_Y-1]
     //   z = [0, numParsPerCell_Z-1]
     const uint3 inCellCoordinate = make_uint3( curParticle % lineX,
                                                (curParticle % planeXY) / lineX,
                                                curParticle / planeXY );
     return float3_X( float_X(inCellCoordinate.x) * spacing.x() + spacing.x() * 0.5,
                         float_X(inCellCoordinate.y) * spacing.y() + spacing.y() * 0.5,
                         float_X(inCellCoordinate.z) * spacing.z() + spacing.z() * 0.5 );
Beispiel #10
        HDINLINE void operator()(
            T_Rng & rng,
            T_Particle & particle,
            T_Args && ...
            using ParamClass = T_ParamClass;

            const float3_X tmpRand = float3_X(
            float_X const macroWeighting = particle[ weighting_ ];

            float_X const energy = ( ParamClass::temperature * UNITCONV_keV_to_Joule ) / UNIT_ENERGY;

            // since energy is related to one particle
            // and our units are normalized for macro particle quanities
            // energy is quite small
            float_X const macroEnergy = macroWeighting * energy;
            // non-rel, MW:
            //    p = m * v
            //            v ~ sqrt(k*T/m), k*T = E
            // => p = sqrt(m)
            // Note on macro particle energies, with weighting w:
            //    p_1 = m_1 * v
            //                v = v_1 = v_w
            //    p_w = p_1 * w
            //    E_w = E_1 * w
            // Since masses, energies and momenta add up linear, we can
            // just take w times the p_1. Take care, E means E_1 !
            // This goes to:
            //    p_w = w * p_1 = w * m_1 * sqrt( E / m_1 )
            //        = sqrt( E * w^2 * m_1 )
            //        = sqrt( E * w * m_w )
            // Which makes sense, since it means that we use a macroMass
            // and a macroEnergy now.
            float3_X const mom = tmpRand * ( float_X )math::sqrt(
                precisionCast< sqrt_X >(
                    macroEnergy *
            T_ValueFunctor::operator( )( particle[ momentum_ ], mom );
Beispiel #11
__global__ void channelsToRGB(Mem mem, uint32_t n)
    uint32_t tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (tid >= n) return;

    float3_X rgb = float3_X(float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0));

    mem[tid] = rgb;
         * @param currentStep
         * @param subGrid
         * @param phase
         * @return
        HINLINE float3_X laserLongitudinal( uint32_t currentStep, float_X& phase )
            const double runTime = DELTA_T*currentStep;
            const double f = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / WAVE_LENGTH;

            float3_X elong = float3_X(float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0));

            // a symmetric pulse will be initialized at position z=0 for
            // a time of PULSE_INIT * PULSE_LENGTH = INIT_TIME.
            // we shift the complete pulse for the half of this time to start with
            // the front of the laser pulse.
            const double mue = 0.5 * INIT_TIME;

            //rayleigh length (in y-direction)
            const double y_R = PI * W0 * W0 / WAVE_LENGTH;
            //gaussian beam waist in the nearfield: w_y(y=0) == W0
            const double w_y = W0 * sqrt( 1.0 + ( FOCUS_POS / y_R )*( FOCUS_POS / y_R ) );

            const double envelope = double( AMPLITUDE ) * double( W0 ) / w_y;

            if( Polarisation == LINEAR_X )
                elong.x() = float_X( envelope );
            else if( Polarisation == LINEAR_Z )
                elong.z() = float_X( envelope );
            else if( Polarisation == CIRCULAR )
                elong.x() = float_X( envelope / sqrt(2.0) );
                elong.z() = float_X( envelope / sqrt(2.0) );

            phase = 2.0f * float_X(PI ) * float_X(f ) * ( runTime - float_X(mue ) - FOCUS_POS / SPEED_OF_LIGHT );

            return elong;
__global__ void kernelAddOneParticle(ParBox pb,
                                     DataSpace<simDim> superCell, DataSpace<simDim> parLocalCell)
    typedef typename ParBox::FrameType FRAME;

    FRAME *frame;

    int linearIdx = DataSpaceOperations<simDim>::template map<MappingDesc::SuperCellSize > (parLocalCell);

    float_X parWeighting = NUM_EL_PER_PARTICLE;

    frame = &(pb.getEmptyFrame());
    pb.setAsLastFrame(*frame, superCell);

    // many particle loop:
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
        PMACC_AUTO(par, (*frame)[i]);

        /** we now initialize all attributes of the new particle to their default values
         *   some attributes, such as the position, localCellIdx, weighting or the
         *   multiMask (\see AttrToIgnore) of the particle will be set individually
         *   in the following lines since they are already known at this point.
            typedef typename ParBox::FrameType FrameType;
            typedef typename FrameType::ValueTypeSeq ParticleAttrList;
            typedef bmpl::vector4<position<>, multiMask, localCellIdx, weighting> AttrToIgnore;
            typedef typename ResolveAndRemoveFromSeq<ParticleAttrList, AttrToIgnore>::type ParticleCleanedAttrList;

                SetAttributeToDefault<bmpl::_1> > setToDefault;

        float3_X pos = float3_X(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

        const float_X GAMMA0 = (float_X) (1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - (BETA0_X * BETA0_X + BETA0_Y * BETA0_Y + BETA0_Z * BETA0_Z)));
        float3_X mom = float3_X(
                                     GAMMA0 * attribute::getMass(parWeighting,par) * float_X(BETA0_X) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT,
                                     GAMMA0 * attribute::getMass(parWeighting,par) * float_X(BETA0_Y) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT,
                                     GAMMA0 * attribute::getMass(parWeighting,par) * float_X(BETA0_Z) * SPEED_OF_LIGHT

        par[position_] = pos;
        par[momentum_] = mom;
        par[multiMask_] = 1;
        par[localCellIdx_] = linearIdx;
        par[weighting_] = parWeighting;

        par[radiationFlag_] = true;
                __host__ DINLINE void operator( )(
                                                      const BType bField, /* at t=0 */
                                                      const EType eField, /* at t=0 */
                                                      PosType& pos, /* at t=0 */
                                                      MomType& mom, /* at t=-1/2 */
                                                      const MassType mass,
                                                      const ChargeType charge)
                Gamma gammaCalc;
                Velocity velocityCalc;
                const float_X epsilon = 1.0e-6;
                const float_X deltaT = DELTA_T;

                //const float3_X velocity_atMinusHalf = velocity(mom, mass);
                const float_X gamma = gammaCalc( mom, mass );

                const MomType mom_old = mom;

                const float_X B2 = math::abs2( bField );
                const float_X B = abs( bField );

                if( B2 > epsilon )
                    trigo_X sinres;
                    trigo_X cosres;
                    trigo_X arg = B * charge * deltaT / gamma;
                    math::sincos( arg, sinres, cosres );

                    mom.x() = bField.x() * bField.x() * ( eField.x() * charge * deltaT + mom_old.x() );
                    mom.y() = bField.y() * bField.y() * ( eField.y() * charge * deltaT + mom_old.y() );
                    mom.z() = bField.z() * bField.z() * ( eField.z() * charge * deltaT + mom_old.z() );

#define SUM_PLINE1(I,J,K) bField.J() * ( -levichivita(I,J,K) * gamma * eField.K() + bField.I() * ( eField.J() * charge * deltaT + mom_old.J() ) )
#define SUM_PLINE2(I,J,K) -bField.J() * ( -levichivita(I,J,K) * gamma * eField.K() + bField.I() * mom_old.J() - bField.J() * mom_old.I() )
#define SUM_PLINE3(I,J,K) bField.J() * bField.J() * gamma * eField.I() - bField.I() * bField.J() * gamma * eField.J() + levichivita(I,J,K) * mom_old.J() * bField.K() * B2

                    mom.x() += FOR_JK_NOT_I( x, y, z, SUM_PLINE1 );
                    mom.x() += float_X(cosres ) * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( x, y, z, SUM_PLINE2 ) );
                    mom.x() += float_X(sinres ) / B * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( x, y, z, SUM_PLINE3 ) );

                    mom.y() += FOR_JK_NOT_I( y, z, x, SUM_PLINE1 );
                    mom.y() += float_X(cosres ) * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( y, z, x, SUM_PLINE2 ) );
                    mom.y() += float_X(sinres ) / B * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( y, z, x, SUM_PLINE3 ) );

                    mom.z() += FOR_JK_NOT_I( z, x, y, SUM_PLINE1 );
                    mom.z() += float_X(cosres ) * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( z, x, y, SUM_PLINE2 ) );
                    mom.z() += float_X(sinres ) / B * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( z, x, y, SUM_PLINE3 ) );

                    mom *= float_X(1.0) / B2;
                    mom += eField * charge * deltaT;

                float3_X dr = float3_X( float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0), float_X(0.0) );
                // old spacial change calculation: linear step
                if( TrajectoryInterpolation == LINEAR )
                    const float3_X vel = velocityCalc( mom, mass );
                    dr = float3_X( vel.x() * deltaT / CELL_WIDTH,
                                                   vel.y() * deltaT / CELL_HEIGHT,
                                                   vel.z() * deltaT / CELL_DEPTH );

                // new spacial change calculation
                if( TrajectoryInterpolation == NONLINEAR )
                    const float3_X vel_old = velocityCalc( mom_old, mass );
                    const float_X QoM = charge / mass;
                    const float_X B4 = B2 * B2;
                    float3_X r = pos;

                    if( B4 > epsilon )
                        trigo_X sinres;
                        trigo_X cosres;
                        trigo_X arg = B * QoM * deltaT / SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
                        math::sincos( arg, sinres, cosres );

                        r.x() = bField.x() * bField.x() * bField.x() * bField.x() * QoM
                            * ( eField.x() * QoM * deltaT * deltaT + 2.0f * ( deltaT * vel_old.x() + pos.x() ) );

#define SUM_RLINE1(I,J,K) 2.0 * bField.J() * bField.J() * bField.J() * bField.J() * QoM * pos.x() \
                    + 2.0 * bField.J() * bField.J() * bField.K() * bField.K() * QoM * pos.x() \
                    + bField.J() * bField.J() * bField.J() * ( -levichivita(I,J,K) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * ( eField.K() * QoM * deltaT + vel_old.K() ) + bField.I() * QoM * deltaT * ( eField.J() * QoM * deltaT + 2.0 * vel_old.J() ) ) \
                    + bField.J() * bField.J() * ( 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * eField.I() + bField.I() * bField.I() * QoM * ( eField.I() * QoM * deltaT * deltaT + 2.0 * deltaT * vel_old.I() + 4.0 * pos.I() ) + levichivita(I,J,K) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * bField.K() * vel_old.J() + bField.K() * QoM * ( levichivita(I,J,K) * 2.0 * eField.J() * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * deltaT + bField.I() * bField.K() * QoM * deltaT * deltaT ) ) \
                    + bField.I() * bField.J() * ( bField.I() * bField.I() * QoM * deltaT * ( eField.J() * QoM * deltaT + 2.0 * vel_old.J() ) - levichivita(I,J,K) * 2.0 * bField.I() * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * ( eField.K() * QoM * deltaT + vel_old.K() ) - 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * eField.J() )

#define SUM_RLINE2(I,J,K) - bField.J() * ( SPEED_OF_LIGHT * eField.I() * bField.J() - levichivita(I,J,K) * bField.J() * bField.J() * vel_old.K() - bField.I() * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * eField.J() - levichivita(I,J,K) * bField.J() * vel_old.K() * ( bField.I() * bField.I() + bField.K() *bField.K() ) )

#define SUM_RLINE3(I,J,K) levichivita(I,J,K) * bField.J() * ( SPEED_OF_LIGHT * eField.K() + levichivita(I,J,K) * ( bField.J() * vel_old.I() - bField.I() * vel_old.J() ) )

                        r.x() += FOR_JK_NOT_I( x, y, z, SUM_RLINE1 );
                        r.x() += float_X(cosres ) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( x, y, z, SUM_RLINE2 ) );
                        r.x() += float_X(sinres ) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * B * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( x, y, z, SUM_RLINE3 ) );

                        r.y() += FOR_JK_NOT_I( y, z, x, SUM_RLINE1 );
                        r.y() += float_X(cosres ) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( y, z, x, SUM_RLINE2 ) );
                        r.y() += float_X(sinres ) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * B * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( y, z, x, SUM_RLINE3 ) );

                        r.z() += FOR_JK_NOT_I( z, x, y, SUM_RLINE1 );
                        r.z() += float_X(cosres ) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( z, x, y, SUM_RLINE2 ) );
                        r.z() += float_X(sinres ) * 2.0 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT * B * ( FOR_JK_NOT_I( z, x, y, SUM_RLINE3 ) );

                        r *= float_X(0.5) / B4 / QoM;
                        r += eField * QoM * deltaT * deltaT + vel_old * deltaT;
                    dr = r - pos;
                    dr *= float3_X(1.0) / cellSize;


                pos += dr;