Beispiel #1
// Could we get iph-based instruments support sample-exact models by using a
// frame-length of 1 while rendering?
void sf2Instrument::play( sampleFrame * _working_buffer )
	const fpp_t frames = engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod();


	const int currentMidiPitch = instrumentTrack()->midiPitch();
	if( m_lastMidiPitch != currentMidiPitch )
		m_lastMidiPitch = currentMidiPitch;
		fluid_synth_pitch_bend( m_synth, m_channel, m_lastMidiPitch );

	const int currentMidiPitchRange = instrumentTrack()->midiPitchRange();
	if( m_lastMidiPitchRange != currentMidiPitchRange )
		m_lastMidiPitchRange = currentMidiPitchRange;
		fluid_synth_pitch_wheel_sens( m_synth, m_channel, m_lastMidiPitchRange );

	if( m_internalSampleRate < engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate() &&
							m_srcState != NULL )
		const fpp_t f = frames * m_internalSampleRate / engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate();
#ifdef __GNUC__
		sampleFrame tmp[f];
		sampleFrame * tmp = new sampleFrame[f];
		fluid_synth_write_float( m_synth, f, tmp, 0, 2, tmp, 1, 2 );

		SRC_DATA src_data;
		src_data.data_in = tmp[0];
		src_data.data_out = _working_buffer[0];
		src_data.input_frames = f;
		src_data.output_frames = frames;
		src_data.src_ratio = (double) frames / f;
		src_data.end_of_input = 0;
		int error = src_process( m_srcState, &src_data );
#ifndef __GNUC__
		delete[] tmp;
		if( error )
			qCritical( "sf2Instrument: error while resampling: %s", src_strerror( error ) );
		if( src_data.output_frames_gen > frames )
			qCritical( "sf2Instrument: not enough frames: %ld / %d", src_data.output_frames_gen, frames );
		fluid_synth_write_float( m_synth, frames, _working_buffer, 0, 2, _working_buffer, 1, 2 );

	instrumentTrack()->processAudioBuffer( _working_buffer, frames, NULL );
/* PortAudio callback
 * fluid_portaudio_run
static int
fluid_portaudio_run (const void *input, void *output, unsigned long frameCount,
                     const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo,
                     PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData)
  fluid_portaudio_driver_t *dev = (fluid_portaudio_driver_t *)userData;

  if (dev->callback) {
    float* left = dev->buffers[0];
    float* right = dev->buffers[1];
	int i, r, l;
	long len = frameCount;
    float* buffer = (float *)output;

	// callback fills dev->buffers
    (*dev->callback)(dev->data, len, 0, NULL, 2, dev->buffers);

    bzero(buffer, dev->chansOpen*len*sizeof(float));
    for (i = 0, l = dev->chanL, r = dev->chanR; i < len; i++, l += dev->chansOpen, r += dev->chansOpen) {
      buffer[l] = left[i];
      buffer[r] = right[i];
  } else
	/* it's as simple as that: */
	fluid_synth_write_float ((fluid_synth_t *)dev->data, frameCount, output, dev->chanL, dev->chansOpen, output, dev->chanR, dev->chansOpen);
  return 0;
fluid_core_audio_callback ( void *data,
                            AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
                            const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
                            UInt32 inBusNumber,
                            UInt32 inNumberFrames,
                            AudioBufferList *ioData)
  int i, k;
  fluid_core_audio_driver_t* dev = (fluid_core_audio_driver_t*) data;
  int len = inNumberFrames;
  float* buffer = ioData->mBuffers[0].mData;

  if (dev->callback)
    float* left = dev->buffers[0];
    float* right = dev->buffers[1];

    (*dev->callback)(dev->data, len, 0, NULL, 2, dev->buffers);

    for (i = 0, k = 0; i < len; i++) {
      buffer[k++] = left[i];
      buffer[k++] = right[i];
  else fluid_synth_write_float((fluid_synth_t*) dev->data, len, buffer, 0, 2,
                               buffer, 1, 2);
  return noErr;
Beispiel #4
    int audio(CSOUND *csound) {
#pragma omp critical (critical_section_fluid_all_out)
          uint32_t offset = opds.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
          uint32_t early  = opds.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
          if (UNLIKELY(offset)) {
            memset(aLeftOut, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
            memset(aRightOut, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
          if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
            ksmps -= early;
            memset(&aLeftOut[ksmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
            memset(&aRightOut[ksmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
          std::vector<fluid_synth_t *> &fluidSynths =
          for (frame = offset; frame < ksmps; frame++) {
            aLeftOut[frame] = FL(0.0);
            aRightOut[frame] = FL(0.0);
            for (size_t i = 0, n = fluidSynths.size(); i < n; i++) {
              fluid_synth_t *fluidSynth = fluidSynths[i];
              leftSample = FL(0.0);
              rightSample = FL(0.0);
              fluid_synth_write_float(fluidSynth, 1, &leftSample, 0, 1,
                                      &rightSample, 0, 1);
              aLeftOut[frame] += (MYFLT) leftSample /* * csound->e0dbfs */;
              aRightOut[frame] += (MYFLT) rightSample /* * csound->e0dbfs */;
        return OK;
Beispiel #5
    int audio(CSOUND *csound) {
#pragma omp critical (critical_section_fluid_out)
          uint32_t offset = opds.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
          uint32_t early  = opds.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
          if (UNLIKELY(offset)) {
            memset(aLeftOut, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
            memset(aRightOut, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
          if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
            ksmps -= early;
            memset(&aLeftOut[ksmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
            memset(&aRightOut[ksmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
         for (frame = offset; frame < ksmps; frame++) {
            leftSample = 0.0f;
            rightSample = 0.0f;
            fluid_synth_write_float(fluidSynth, 1, &leftSample, 0, 1,
                                    &rightSample, 0, 1);
            aLeftOut[frame] = leftSample /* * csound->e0dbfs */;
            aRightOut[frame] = rightSample /* * csound->e0dbfs */;
        return OK;
Beispiel #6
static void RT_process(SoundPlugin *plugin, int64_t time, int num_frames, float **inputs, float **outputs){
  Data *data = (Data*)plugin->data;
  //data =NULL; // crashreporter test.
  //printf("telling sequencer that it is time %d\n",(int)data->time);
  fluid_sequencer_process(data->sequencer, get_fluidsynth_time(data,data->time));
  data->time += num_frames;

  // What's the difference between fluid_synth_write_float and fluid_synth_nwrite_float? Sounds to me like they produce exactly the same sound.
#if 0
    printf("fluid_synth_write_float failed\n");
  if(fluid_synth_nwrite_float(data->synth,num_frames, &outputs[0], &outputs[1], NULL, NULL)==FLUID_FAILED)
    printf("fluid_synth_write_float failed\n");

  if(data->new_data != NULL){

    plugin->data = data->new_data; // hmm.
    data->new_data = NULL;

Beispiel #7
t_int *soundfonts_perform(t_int *input)
    t_soundfonts *instance = (t_soundfonts *)(input[1]);
    t_sample *outL = (t_sample *)(input[2]);
    t_sample *outR = (t_sample *)(input[3]);
    int n = (int)(input[4]);
    fluid_synth_write_float(instance->synth, n, outL, 0, 1, outR, 0, 1);
    return input + 5;
Beispiel #8
void sf2Instrument::renderFrames( f_cnt_t frames, sampleFrame * buf )
	if( m_internalSampleRate < Engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate() &&
							m_srcState != NULL )
		const fpp_t f = frames * m_internalSampleRate / Engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate();
#ifdef __GNUC__
		sampleFrame tmp[f];
		sampleFrame * tmp = new sampleFrame[f];
		fluid_synth_write_float( m_synth, f, tmp, 0, 2, tmp, 1, 2 );

		SRC_DATA src_data;
		src_data.data_in = (float *)tmp;
		src_data.data_out = (float *)buf;
		src_data.input_frames = f;
		src_data.output_frames = frames;
		src_data.src_ratio = (double) frames / f;
		src_data.end_of_input = 0;
		int error = src_process( m_srcState, &src_data );
#ifndef __GNUC__
		delete[] tmp;
		if( error )
			qCritical( "sf2Instrument: error while resampling: %s", src_strerror( error ) );
		if( src_data.output_frames_gen > frames )
			qCritical( "sf2Instrument: not enough frames: %ld / %d", src_data.output_frames_gen, frames );
		fluid_synth_write_float( m_synth, frames, buf, 0, 2, buf, 1, 2 );
Beispiel #9
void ISynth::process(unsigned /*pos*/, float** ports, int offset, int n)
      if (!_busy) {
            //  get and process all pending events from the
            //  synthesizer GUI
            while (gui->fifoSize())
            fluid_synth_write_float(_fluidsynth, n, ports[0],
               offset, 1, ports[1], offset, 1);
      // printf("%f %f\n", *ports[0], *(ports[0]+1));
Beispiel #10
static GstFlowReturn
produce_samples (GstFluidDec * fluiddec, GstClockTime pts, guint64 sample)
  GstClockTime duration, timestamp;
  guint64 samples, offset;
  GstMapInfo info;
  GstBuffer *outbuf;

  samples = sample - fluiddec->last_sample;
  duration = pts - fluiddec->last_pts;
  offset = fluiddec->last_sample;
  timestamp = fluiddec->last_pts;

  fluiddec->last_pts = pts;
  fluiddec->last_sample = sample;

  if (samples == 0)
    return GST_FLOW_OK;

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (fluiddec, "duration %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
      ", samples %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (duration), samples);

  outbuf = gst_buffer_new_allocate (NULL, samples * FLUID_DEC_BPS, NULL);

  gst_buffer_map (outbuf, &info, GST_MAP_WRITE);
  fluid_synth_write_float (fluiddec->synth, samples,, 0, 2,, 1, 2);
  gst_buffer_unmap (outbuf, &info);

  GST_BUFFER_DTS (outbuf) = timestamp;
  GST_BUFFER_PTS (outbuf) = timestamp;
  GST_BUFFER_DURATION (outbuf) = duration;
  GST_BUFFER_OFFSET (outbuf) = offset;
  GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END (outbuf) = offset + samples;

  if (fluiddec->discont) {
    fluiddec->discont = FALSE;

  return gst_pad_push (fluiddec->srcpad, outbuf);
static block_t *DecodeBlock (decoder_t *p_dec, block_t **pp_block)
    block_t *p_block;
    decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys;
    block_t *p_out = NULL;

    if (pp_block == NULL)
        return NULL;
    p_block = *pp_block;
    if (p_block == NULL)
        return NULL;
    *pp_block = NULL;

    if (p_block->i_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID && !date_Get (&p_sys->end_date))
        date_Set (&p_sys->end_date, p_block->i_pts);
    if (p_block->i_pts < date_Get (&p_sys->end_date))
        msg_Warn (p_dec, "MIDI message in the past?");
        goto drop;

    if (p_block->i_buffer < 1)
        goto drop;

    uint8_t event = p_block->p_buffer[0];
    uint8_t channel = p_block->p_buffer[0] & 0xf;
    event &= 0xF0;

    if (event == 0xF0)
        switch (channel)
            case 0:
                if (p_block->p_buffer[p_block->i_buffer - 1] != 0xF7)
            case 7:
                    msg_Warn (p_dec, "fragmented SysEx not implemented");
                    goto drop;
                fluid_synth_sysex (p_sys->synth, (char *)p_block->p_buffer + 1,
                                   p_block->i_buffer - 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
            case 0xF:
                fluid_synth_system_reset (p_sys->synth);

    uint8_t p1 = (p_block->i_buffer > 1) ? (p_block->p_buffer[1] & 0x7f) : 0;
    uint8_t p2 = (p_block->i_buffer > 2) ? (p_block->p_buffer[2] & 0x7f) : 0;

    switch (event & 0xF0)
        case 0x80:
            fluid_synth_noteoff (p_sys->synth, channel, p1);
        case 0x90:
            fluid_synth_noteon (p_sys->synth, channel, p1, p2);
        /*case 0xA0: note aftertouch not implemented */
        case 0xB0:
            fluid_synth_cc (p_sys->synth, channel, p1, p2);
        case 0xC0:
            fluid_synth_program_change (p_sys->synth, channel, p1);
        case 0xD0:
            fluid_synth_channel_pressure (p_sys->synth, channel, p1);
        case 0xE0:
            fluid_synth_pitch_bend (p_sys->synth, channel, (p2 << 7) | p1);

    unsigned samples =
        (p_block->i_pts - date_Get (&p_sys->end_date)) * 441 / 10000;
    if (samples == 0)
        goto drop;

    p_out = decoder_NewAudioBuffer (p_dec, samples);
    if (p_out == NULL)
        goto drop;

    p_out->i_pts = date_Get (&p_sys->end_date );
    p_out->i_length = date_Increment (&p_sys->end_date, samples)
                      - p_out->i_pts;
    fluid_synth_write_float (p_sys->synth, samples, p_out->p_buffer, 0, 2,
                             p_out->p_buffer, 1, 2);
    block_Release (p_block);
    return p_out;
Beispiel #12
static aout_buffer_t *DecodeBlock (decoder_t *p_dec, block_t **pp_block)
    block_t *p_block;
    decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys;
    aout_buffer_t *p_out = NULL;

    if (pp_block == NULL)
        return NULL;
    p_block = *pp_block;
    if (p_block == NULL)
        return NULL;
    *pp_block = NULL;

    if (p_block->i_pts && !date_Get (&p_sys->end_date))
        date_Set (&p_sys->end_date, p_block->i_pts);
    if (p_block->i_pts < date_Get (&p_sys->end_date))
        msg_Warn (p_dec, "MIDI message in the past?");
        goto drop;

    if (p_block->i_buffer < 1)
        goto drop;

    uint8_t channel = p_block->p_buffer[0] & 0xf;
    uint8_t p1 = (p_block->i_buffer > 1) ? (p_block->p_buffer[1] & 0x7f) : 0;
    uint8_t p2 = (p_block->i_buffer > 2) ? (p_block->p_buffer[2] & 0x7f) : 0;

    switch (p_block->p_buffer[0] & 0xf0)
        case 0x80:
            fluid_synth_noteoff (p_sys->synth, channel, p1);
        case 0x90:
            fluid_synth_noteon (p_sys->synth, channel, p1, p2);
        case 0xB0:
            fluid_synth_cc (p_sys->synth, channel, p1, p2);
        case 0xC0:
            fluid_synth_program_change (p_sys->synth, channel, p1);
        case 0xE0:
            fluid_synth_pitch_bend (p_sys->synth, channel, (p1 << 7) | p2);

    unsigned samples =
        (p_block->i_pts - date_Get (&p_sys->end_date)) * 441 / 10000;
    if (samples == 0)
        return NULL;

    p_out = decoder_NewAudioBuffer (p_dec, samples);
    if (p_out == NULL)
        goto drop;

    p_out->i_pts = date_Get (&p_sys->end_date );
    p_out->i_length = date_Increment (&p_sys->end_date, samples)
                      - p_out->i_pts;
    if (!p_sys->fixed)
        fluid_synth_write_float (p_sys->synth, samples,
                                 p_out->p_buffer, 0, 2,
                                 p_out->p_buffer, 1, 2);
        fluid_synth_write_s16 (p_sys->synth, samples,
                               (int16_t *)p_out->p_buffer, 0, 2,
                               (int16_t *)p_out->p_buffer, 1, 2);
    block_Release (p_block);
    return p_out;
Beispiel #13
 void WriteSamples(ALuint count, float *buffer)
 { fluid_synth_write_float(fluidSynth, count, buffer, 0, 2, buffer, 1, 2); }
Beispiel #14
 // for Chugins extending UGen
 void tick( SAMPLE *in, SAMPLE *out )
     // default: this passes whatever input is patched into Chugin
     fluid_synth_write_float(m_synth, 1, out, 0, 0, out+1, 0, 0);
Beispiel #15
fluidsynth_render_audio (unsigned int nframes, float *left_channel, float *right_channel)
  //printf("\nsynth == %d, nframes == %d, left_channel == %f right_channel == %f\n",synth, nframes, left_channel, right_channel);
  fluid_synth_write_float (synth, nframes, left_channel, 0, 1, right_channel, 0, 1);