Beispiel #1
/* Function:  FM_window_from_diag()
 * Synopsis:  Create a hit window, with sequence-based coordinates, from a diagonal
 *            holding FM-based coordinates
 * Details:   The submitted diagonal is in FM-based coordinates. Since a single
 *            FM index might be the concatenation of many sequences in the
 *            original, this needs to be converted to coordinates in the
 *            original sequence space (get sequence ID and positions). A diag
 *            might span multiple input strings, so it is broken up as
 *            necessary (usually, only one of these will pan out as a legit
 *            diagonal, but we'll let the next stage sort that out).
 * Args:      diag       - The FM-based diagonal
 *            fm         - Data for the FM-index.
 *            meta       - FM metadata from the config
 *            windowlist - RETURN: collection of SSV-passing windows, with meta data required for downstream stages.
 * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
static int
FM_window_from_diag (FM_DIAG *diag, const FM_DATA *fm, const FM_METADATA *meta, P7_HMM_WINDOWLIST *windowlist) {

  // if diag->complementarity == p7_NOCOMPLEMENT, these positions are in context of FM->T
  // otherwise, they're in context of revcomp(FM->T).

  int status;
  uint32_t seg_id;
  uint64_t seg_pos;

  status = fm_getOriginalPosition (fm, meta, 0, diag->length, diag->complementarity, diag->n, &seg_id, &seg_pos);

  p7_hmmwindow_new(windowlist, seg_id, seg_pos, diag->n, diag->k+diag->length-1, diag->length, diag->score, diag->complementarity,

  return eslOK;

/* Function:  main()
 * Synopsis:  Run set of queries against an FM
 * Purpose:   Read in a FM and a file of query sequences.
 *            For each query, find matching FM interval, then collect positions in
 *            the original text T for the corresponding occurrences. These positions
 *            are 0-based (so first character is position 0).
main(int argc,  char *argv[]) 
  void* tmp; // used for RALLOC calls
  clock_t t1, t2;
  struct tms ts1, ts2;
  char *fname_fm      = NULL;
  char *fname_queries = NULL;
  FM_HIT *hits        = NULL;
  char *line          = NULL;
  int status        = eslOK;
  int hit_cnt       = 0;
  int hit_indiv_cnt = 0;
  int miss_cnt      = 0;
  int hit_num       = 0;
  int hit_num2       = 0;
  int hits_size     = 0;
  int i,j;
  int count_only    = 0;

  FM_INTERVAL interval;
  FM_DATA *fmsf = NULL;
  FM_DATA *fmsb = NULL;
  FILE* fp_fm   = NULL;
  FILE* fp      = NULL;
  FILE* out     = NULL;
  char *outname = NULL;

  ESL_GETOPTS     *go  = NULL;    /* command line processing                 */
  FM_CFG *cfg;
  FM_METADATA *meta;

  ESL_SQ       *tmpseq;  // used for sequence validation

  //start timer
  t1 = times(&ts1);

  process_commandline(argc, argv, &go, &fname_fm, &fname_queries);

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--out")) {
    outname = esl_opt_GetString(go, "--out");
    if ( esl_strcmp ("-", outname) == 0 ) {
      out = stdout;
      outname = "stdout";
    } else {
      out = fopen(outname,"w");

  if (esl_opt_IsOn(go, "--count_only"))
    count_only = 1;

  if((fp_fm = fopen(fname_fm, "rb")) == NULL)
    esl_fatal("Cannot open file `%s': ", fname_fm);

  cfg->occCallCnt = 0;
  meta = cfg->meta;
  meta->fp = fp_fm;

  fm_readFMmeta( meta);

  if      (meta->alph_type == fm_DNA)   abc     = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA);
  else if (meta->alph_type == fm_AMINO) abc     = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO);
  tmpseq = esl_sq_CreateDigital(abc);

  //read in FM-index blocks
  ESL_ALLOC(fmsf, meta->block_count * sizeof(FM_DATA) );
  if (!meta->fwd_only)
    ESL_ALLOC(fmsb, meta->block_count * sizeof(FM_DATA) );

  for (i=0; i<meta->block_count; i++) {
    fm_FM_read( fmsf+i,meta, TRUE );

    if (!meta->fwd_only) {
      fm_FM_read(fmsb+i, meta, FALSE );
      fmsb[i].SA = fmsf[i].SA;
      fmsb[i].T = fmsf[i].T;

  output_header(meta, stdout, go, fname_fm, fname_queries);

  /* initialize a few global variables, then call initGlobals
   * to do architecture-specific initialization
  fm_configInit(cfg, NULL);

  fm_alphabetCreate(meta, NULL); // don't override charBits

  fp = fopen(fname_queries,"r");
  if (fp == NULL)
    esl_fatal("Unable to open file %s\n", fname_queries);

  ESL_ALLOC(line, FM_MAX_LINE * sizeof(char));

  hits_size = 200;
  ESL_ALLOC(hits, hits_size * sizeof(FM_HIT));

  while(fgets(line, FM_MAX_LINE, fp) ) {
    int qlen=0;
    while (line[qlen] != '\0' && line[qlen] != '\n')  qlen++;
    if (line[qlen] == '\n')  line[qlen] = '\0';

    hit_num = 0;

    for (i=0; i<meta->block_count; i++) {

      fm_getSARangeReverse(fmsf+i, cfg, line, meta->inv_alph, &interval);
      if (interval.lower>=0 && interval.lower <= interval.upper) {
        int new_hit_num =  interval.upper - interval.lower + 1;
        hit_num += new_hit_num;
        if (!count_only) {
          if (hit_num > hits_size) {
            hits_size = 2*hit_num;
            ESL_RALLOC(hits, tmp, hits_size * sizeof(FM_HIT));
          getFMHits(fmsf+i, cfg, &interval, i, hit_num-new_hit_num, qlen, hits, fm_forward);


      /* find reverse hits, using backward search on the forward FM*/
      if (!meta->fwd_only) {
        fm_getSARangeForward(fmsb+i, cfg, line, meta->inv_alph, &interval);// yes, use the backward fm to produce the equivalent of a forward search on the forward fm
        if (interval.lower>=0 && interval.lower <= interval.upper) {
          int new_hit_num =  interval.upper - interval.lower + 1;
          hit_num += new_hit_num;
          if (!count_only) {
            if (hit_num > hits_size) {
              hits_size = 2*hit_num;
              ESL_RALLOC(hits, tmp, hits_size * sizeof(FM_HIT));
            //even though I used fmsb above, use fmsf here, since we'll now do a backward trace
            //in the FM-index to find the next sampled SA position
            getFMHits(fmsf+i, cfg, &interval, i, hit_num-new_hit_num, qlen, hits, fm_backward);



    if (hit_num > 0) {
      if (count_only) {
        hit_indiv_cnt += hit_num;
      } else {
        hit_num2 = 0;

        //for each hit, identify the sequence id and position within that sequence
        for (i = 0; i< hit_num; i++) {

          status = fm_getOriginalPosition (fmsf, meta, hits[i].block, hits[i].length, fm_forward, hits[i].start,  &(hits[i].block), &(hits[i].start) );
          hits[i].sortkey = (status==eslERANGE ? -1 : meta->seq_data[ hits[i].block ].target_id);

          //validate match - if any characters in orig sequence were ambiguities, reject
          fm_convertRange2DSQ( fmsf, meta, hits[i].start, hits[i].length, p7_NOCOMPLEMENT, tmpseq, TRUE );
          for (j=1; j<=hits[i].length; j++) {
            if (tmpseq->dsq[j] >= abc->K) {
              hits[i].sortkey = -1; //reject
              j = hits[i].length+1; //quit looking

          if (hits[i].sortkey != -1)
            hit_num2++; // legitimate hit

        if (hit_num2 > 0)

        //now sort according the the sequence_id corresponding to that seq_offset
        qsort(hits, hit_num, sizeof(FM_HIT), hit_sorter);

        //skim past the skipped entries
        i = 0;
        while ( i < hit_num ) {
          if (hits[i].sortkey != -1 )
            break;  //

        if (i < hit_num) {
          if (out != NULL) {
            fprintf (out, "%s\n",line);
            //fprintf (out, "\t%10s (%8d %s)\n",meta->seq_data[ hits[i].block ].name, hits[i].start, (hits[i].direction==fm_forward?"+":"-"));
            fprintf (out, "    %8ld %s %10s\n", (long)(hits[i].start), (hits[i].direction==fm_forward?"f":"r"), meta->seq_data[ hits[i].block ].name);
          i++; // skip the first one, since I'll be comparing each to the previous

          for (  ; i< hit_num; i++) {
            if ( //meta->seq_data[ hits[i].block ].id != meta->seq_data[ hits[i-1].block ].id ||
                 hits[i].sortkey   != hits[i-1].sortkey ||  //sortkey is seq_data[].id
                 hits[i].direction != hits[i-1].direction ||
                 hits[i].start     != hits[i-1].start )
              if (out != NULL)
                //fprintf (out, "\t%10s (%8d %s)\n",meta->seq_data[ hits[i].block ].name, hits[i].start, (hits[i].direction==fm_forward?"+":"-"));
                fprintf (out, "    %8ld %s %10s\n", (long)(hits[i].start), (hits[i].direction==fm_forward?"f":"r"), meta->seq_data[ hits[i].block ].name);
          if (out != NULL)
            fprintf (out, "\n");
    } else {


  for (i=0; i<meta->block_count; i++) {
    fm_FM_destroy( fmsf+i, 1 );
    if (!meta->fwd_only)
      fm_FM_destroy( fmsb+i, 0 );

  free (hits);
  free (line);


  // compute and print the elapsed time in millisec
  t2 = times(&ts2);
    double clk_ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
    double elapsedTime = (t2-t1)/clk_ticks;
    double throughput = cfg->occCallCnt/elapsedTime;

    fprintf (stderr, "hit: %-10d  (%d)\n", hit_cnt, hit_indiv_cnt);
    fprintf (stderr, "miss:%-10d\n", miss_cnt);
    fprintf (stderr, "run time:  %.2f seconds\n", elapsedTime);
    fprintf (stderr, "occ calls: %12s\n", commaprint(cfg->occCallCnt));
    fprintf (stderr, "occ/sec:   %12s\n", commaprint(throughput));


  printf ("failure allocating memory for hits\n");
