int main() { const uint32_t samples_per_pixel = 16; const uint32_t width = 1280; const uint32_t height = 720; const vec3 cam_pos(0, 0, 25); const vec3 look_at(0, 0, -1); const vec3 up(0, 1, 0); camera cam(cam_pos, look_at, up, 90, (float)width / height); image img(width, height); sphere s(vec3(0, 0, -0.5), 1); vec3 light_dir = normalize(vec3(-1, -1, -1)); vec3 ambient_color = vec3(1.0, 0, 0); vec3 *pixels = img.pixels; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) { vec3 color(0, 0, 0); for (uint32_t sample = 0; sample < samples_per_pixel; ++sample) { const ray r = make_ray( cam, (x + rand_float(generator)) / width, (height - (y + rand_float(generator))) / height ); vec3 hit; vec3 normal; if (intersect(s, r, &hit, &normal)) { vec3 dir_light_color = fmaxf(0, dot(normal, -light_dir)) * vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); color += saturate(ambient_color + dir_light_color); } } color /= samples_per_pixel; *pixels++ = color; } } save_as_png(img, "test.png"); return 0; }
/** * Determines the worst resulting aspect ratio of a set of rectangles laid out in a larger one. * * @param sum The sum of all areas in the list. * @param min_dim The value of the outer rectangle's minimum dimension. * @param areas The areas to be laid out. * @param num_rects The number of rectangles in the list. */ float worst(float sum, float min_dim, float *areas, size_t num_rects) { float sum_sq = sum * sum; float min_dim_sq = min_dim * min_dim; float min_area = areas[0]; float max_area = areas[0]; size_t i; /* Determine the rectangles with the largest and smallest areas */ for(i = 1; i < num_rects; ++i) { if(areas[i] < min_area) { min_area = areas[i]; } else if(areas[i] > max_area) { max_area = areas[i]; } } return fmaxf(min_dim_sq * max_area / sum_sq, sum_sq / (min_dim_sq * min_area)); }
/* shoot on circle */ uint8_t dc_circle(float interval, float start) { dc_autoshoot = DC_AUTOSHOOT_CIRCLE; dc_gps_count = 0; dc_circle_interval = fmodf(fmaxf(interval, 1.), 360.); if(start == DC_IGNORE) { start = DegOfRad(estimator_psi); } dc_circle_start_angle = fmodf(start, 360.); if (start < 0.) start += 360.; //dc_circle_last_block = floorf(dc_circle_start_angle/dc_circle_interval); dc_circle_last_block = 0; dc_circle_max_blocks = floorf(360./dc_circle_interval); dc_probing = TRUE; dc_info(); return 0; }
void Camera::setCameraOrbitLocation(float yawDegrees, float pitchDegrees, float radius) { m_cameraOrbitYawDegrees= wrap_degrees(yawDegrees); m_cameraOrbitPitchDegrees= clampf(pitchDegrees, 0.f, 60.f); m_cameraOrbitRadius= fmaxf(radius, k_camera_min_zoom); const float yawRadians= degrees_to_radians(m_cameraOrbitYawDegrees); const float pitchRadians= degrees_to_radians(m_cameraOrbitPitchDegrees); const float xzRadiusAtPitch= m_cameraOrbitRadius*cosf(pitchRadians); m_cameraPosition= glm::vec3( xzRadiusAtPitch*sinf(yawRadians), m_cameraOrbitRadius*sinf(pitchRadians), xzRadiusAtPitch*cosf(yawRadians)) + glm::vec3(0.f, k_camera_y_offset, 0.f); publishCameraViewMatrix(); }
void graphModel::setRange( float _min, float _max ) { if( _min != m_minValue || _max != m_maxValue ) { m_minValue = _min; m_maxValue = _max; if( !m_samples.isEmpty() ) { // Trim existing values for( int i=0; i < length(); i++ ) { m_samples[i] = fmaxf( _min, fminf( m_samples[i], _max ) ); } } emit rangeChanged(); } }
/* * Attitude rates controller. * Input: '_rates_sp' vector, '_thrust_sp' * Output: '_att_control' vector */ void MulticopterAttitudeControl::control_attitude_rates(float dt) { /* reset integral if disarmed */ if (!_armed.armed || !_vehicle_status.is_rotary_wing) {; } /* current body angular rates */ math::Vector<3> rates; rates(0) = _ctrl_state.roll_rate; rates(1) = _ctrl_state.pitch_rate; rates(2) = _ctrl_state.yaw_rate; /* throttle pid attenuation factor */ float tpa = fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(1.0f, 1.0f - _params.tpa_slope * (fabsf(_v_rates_sp.thrust) - _params.tpa_breakpoint))); /* angular rates error */ math::Vector<3> rates_err = _rates_sp - rates; _att_control = _params.rate_p.emult(rates_err * tpa) + _params.rate_d.emult(_rates_prev - rates) / dt + _rates_int + _params.rate_ff.emult(_rates_sp); _rates_sp_prev = _rates_sp; _rates_prev = rates; /* update integral only if not saturated on low limit and if motor commands are not saturated */ if (_thrust_sp > MIN_TAKEOFF_THRUST && !_motor_limits.lower_limit && !_motor_limits.upper_limit) { for (int i = AXIS_INDEX_ROLL; i < AXIS_COUNT; i++) { if (fabsf(_att_control(i)) < _thrust_sp) { float rate_i = _rates_int(i) + _params.rate_i(i) * rates_err(i) * dt; if (PX4_ISFINITE(rate_i) && rate_i > -RATES_I_LIMIT && rate_i < RATES_I_LIMIT && _att_control(i) > -RATES_I_LIMIT && _att_control(i) < RATES_I_LIMIT && /* if the axis is the yaw axis, do not update the integral if the limit is hit */ !((i == AXIS_INDEX_YAW) && _motor_limits.yaw)) { _rates_int(i) = rate_i; } } } } }
float ArmClass::Validate_Turret_Command(float cmd, bool ispidcmd) { #if 01 int tur = GetTurretEncoder(); if (cmd >= 0.0f) // if cmd is moving turret toward lower angle... { if (tur < ARM_TURRET_MIN_ENCODER) // and it is past the lowest angle allowed { //float error = ARM_TURRET_MIN_ENCODER - tur; // BAD! return 0.0f; } } else if (cmd <= 0.0f) // if cmd is moving turret toward higher angles... { if (tur > ARM_TURRET_MAX_ENCODER) // and it is past the highest angle allowed { // BAD! return 0.0f; } } #endif if(ispidcmd) { //randon .002 commands... if(cmd > 0.003f) { cmd = fmaxf(cmd, MIN_TURRET_CMD); } else if (cmd < -.003f) { cmd = fminf(cmd, -MIN_TURRET_CMD); } else if (cmd < .003f && cmd > -.003f) { cmd = 0.0f; } } return cmd; }
glm::vec3 BlinnMicrofacetBxDF::SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(const glm::vec3 &wo, glm::vec3 &wi_ret, float rand1, float rand2, float &pdf_ret) const{ float cos_theta( powf( rand1, 1.f / ( exponent + 1.f ) ) ); float sin_theta( sqrtf( fmaxf( 0.f, 1.f - cos_theta * cos_theta ) ) ); float phi( rand2 * TWO_PI ); float cos_phi( cosf( phi ) ); float sin_phi( sinf( phi ) ); glm::vec3 wh( sin_theta * cos_phi, sin_theta * sin_phi, cos_theta ); float woDwh( glm::dot( wo, wh ) ); if( woDwh < 0.f ) wh = -wh; wi_ret = -wo + 2.f * woDwh * wh; pdf_ret = PDF( wo, wi_ret ); return EvaluateScatteredEnergy( wo, wi_ret ); }
/* shoot on circle */ uint8_t dc_circle(float interval, float start) { dc_autoshoot = DC_AUTOSHOOT_CIRCLE; dc_gps_count = 0; dc_circle_interval = fmodf(fmaxf(interval, 1.), 360.); if (start == DC_IGNORE) { start = DegOfRad(stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->psi); } dc_circle_start_angle = fmodf(start, 360.); if (start < 0.) { start += 360.; } //dc_circle_last_block = floorf(dc_circle_start_angle/dc_circle_interval); dc_circle_last_block = 0; dc_circle_max_blocks = floorf(360. / dc_circle_interval); dc_info(); return 0; }
int BlockLocalPositionEstimator::mocapMeasure(Vector<float, n_y_mocap> &y) { uint8_t x_variance = _sub_mocap_odom.get().COVARIANCE_MATRIX_X_VARIANCE; uint8_t y_variance = _sub_mocap_odom.get().COVARIANCE_MATRIX_Y_VARIANCE; uint8_t z_variance = _sub_mocap_odom.get().COVARIANCE_MATRIX_Z_VARIANCE; if (PX4_ISFINITE(_sub_mocap_odom.get().pose_covariance[x_variance])) { // check if the mocap data is valid based on the covariances _mocap_eph = sqrtf(fmaxf(_sub_mocap_odom.get().pose_covariance[x_variance], _sub_mocap_odom.get().pose_covariance[y_variance])); _mocap_epv = sqrtf(_sub_mocap_odom.get().pose_covariance[z_variance]); _mocap_xy_valid = _mocap_eph <= EP_MAX_STD_DEV; _mocap_z_valid = _mocap_epv <= EP_MAX_STD_DEV; } else { // if we don't have covariances, assume every reading _mocap_xy_valid = true; _mocap_z_valid = true; } if (!_mocap_xy_valid || !_mocap_z_valid) { _time_last_mocap = _sub_mocap_odom.get().timestamp; return -1; } else { _time_last_mocap = _sub_mocap_odom.get().timestamp; if (PX4_ISFINITE(_sub_mocap_odom.get().x)) { y.setZero(); y(Y_mocap_x) = _sub_mocap_odom.get().x; y(Y_mocap_y) = _sub_mocap_odom.get().y; y(Y_mocap_z) = _sub_mocap_odom.get().z; _mocapStats.update(y); return OK; } else { return -1; } } }
static void print_bounds(zarray_t * vertices) { // Approximate centroid: Just average all vertices, regardless of // the frequency they are referenced by an index float minMax[3][2] = {{FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX},{FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX},{FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX}}; for (int i = 0; i < zarray_size(vertices); i++) { float pt[3]; zarray_get(vertices, i, &pt); // iterate over xyz coords for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { minMax[j][0] = fminf(pt[j], minMax[j][0]); minMax[j][1] = fmaxf(pt[j], minMax[j][1]); } } printf(" Object bounds: xyz [%.2f, %.2f][%.2f, %.2f][%.2f, %.2f]\n", minMax[0][0],minMax[0][1], minMax[1][0],minMax[1][1], minMax[2][0],minMax[2][1]); }
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance bool HelloWorld::init() { ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if ( !Layer::init() ) { return false; } { auto background = ({ Sprite *sprite = Sprite::create("home_babies.png"); Size winSize = Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); sprite->setPosition(Vec2(winSize.width/2, winSize.height/2)); float scaleX = winSize.width / sprite->getContentSize().width; float scaleY = winSize.height / sprite->getContentSize().height; float scale = fmaxf(scaleY, scaleX); sprite->setScale(scale); sprite; }); this->addChild(background, 0); }
void Renderer::calcSceneParams(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, float* offsets) { // number of cells along the larger screen dimension const float NCELLS_MAJOR = MAX_INSTANCES_PER_SIDE; // cell size in scene space const float CELL_SIZE = 2.0f / NCELLS_MAJOR; // Calculations are done in "landscape", i.e. assuming dim[0] >= dim[1]. // Only at the end are values put in the opposite order if h > w. const float dim[2] = {fmaxf(w,h), fminf(w,h)}; const float aspect[2] = {dim[0] / dim[1], dim[1] / dim[0]}; const float scene2clip[2] = {1.0f, aspect[0]}; const long ncells[2] = { (long)NCELLS_MAJOR, (long)floorf(NCELLS_MAJOR * aspect[1]) }; float centers[2][MAX_INSTANCES_PER_SIDE]; for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++) { float offset = -ncells[d] / NCELLS_MAJOR; // -1.0 for d=0 for (int i = 0; i < ncells[d]; i++) { centers[d][i] = scene2clip[d] * (CELL_SIZE*(i + 0.5f) + offset); } } int major = w >= h ? 0 : 1; int minor = w >= h ? 1 : 0; // outer product of centers[0] and centers[1] for (int i = 0; i < ncells[0]; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ncells[1]; j++) { int idx = i*ncells[1] + j; offsets[2*idx + major] = centers[0][i]; offsets[2*idx + minor] = centers[1][j]; } } mNumInstances = ncells[0] * ncells[1]; mScale[major] = 0.5f * CELL_SIZE * scene2clip[0]; mScale[minor] = 0.5f * CELL_SIZE * scene2clip[1]; }
// calculate filtered offset between GPS height measurement and EKF height estimate // offset should be subtracted from GPS measurement to match filter estimate // offset is used to switch reversion to GPS from alternate height data source void NavEKF3_core::calcFiltGpsHgtOffset() { // Estimate the WGS-84 height of the EKF's origin using a Bayes filter // calculate the variance of our a-priori estimate of the ekf origin height float deltaTime = constrain_float(0.001f * (imuDataDelayed.time_ms - lastOriginHgtTime_ms), 0.0f, 1.0f); if (activeHgtSource == HGT_SOURCE_BARO) { // Use the baro drift rate const float baroDriftRate = 0.05f; ekfOriginHgtVar += sq(baroDriftRate * deltaTime); } else if (activeHgtSource == HGT_SOURCE_RNG) { // use the worse case expected terrain gradient and vehicle horizontal speed const float maxTerrGrad = 0.25f; ekfOriginHgtVar += sq(maxTerrGrad * norm(stateStruct.velocity.x , stateStruct.velocity.y) * deltaTime); } else if (activeHgtSource == HGT_SOURCE_GPS) { // by definition we are using GPS height as the EKF datum in this mode // so cannot run this filter return; } lastOriginHgtTime_ms = imuDataDelayed.time_ms; // calculate the observation variance assuming EKF error relative to datum is independant of GPS observation error // when not using GPS as height source float originHgtObsVar = sq(gpsHgtAccuracy) + P[8][8]; // calculate the correction gain float gain = ekfOriginHgtVar / (ekfOriginHgtVar + originHgtObsVar); // calculate the innovation float innovation = - stateStruct.position.z - gpsDataDelayed.hgt; // check the innovation variance ratio float ratio = sq(innovation) / (ekfOriginHgtVar + originHgtObsVar); // correct the EKF origin and variance estimate if the innovation variance ratio is < 5-sigma if (ratio < 5.0f) { EKF_origin.alt -= (int)(100.0f * gain * innovation); ekfOriginHgtVar -= fmaxf(gain * ekfOriginHgtVar , 0.0f); } }
static gboolean expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, dt_iop_module_t *self) { // capture gui color picked event. if(darktable.gui->reset) return FALSE; if(self->picked_color_max[0] < self->picked_color_min[0]) return FALSE; if(!self->request_color_pick) return FALSE; static float old[3] = {0, 0, 0}; const float *grayrgb = self->picked_color; if(grayrgb[0] == old[0] && grayrgb[1] == old[1] && grayrgb[2] == old[2]) return FALSE; for(int k=0; k<3; k++) old[k] = grayrgb[k]; dt_iop_temperature_params_t *p = (dt_iop_temperature_params_t *)self->params; for(int k=0; k<3; k++) p->coeffs[k] = (grayrgb[k] > 0.001f) ? 1.0f/grayrgb[k] : 1.0f; // normalize green: p->coeffs[0] /= p->coeffs[1]; p->coeffs[2] /= p->coeffs[1]; p->coeffs[1] = 1.0; for(int k=0; k<3; k++) p->coeffs[k] = fmaxf(0.0f, fminf(8.0f, p->coeffs[k])); gui_update_from_coeffs(self); dt_dev_add_history_item(darktable.develop, self, TRUE); return FALSE; }
static inline void process_filmic(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, void *ivoid, void *ovoid, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *roi_out, dt_iop_global_tonemap_data_t *data) { float *in = (float *)ivoid; float *out = (float *)ovoid; const int ch = piece->colors; #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(roi_out, in, out, data) schedule(static) #endif for(size_t k=0; k<(size_t)roi_out->width*roi_out->height; k++) { float *inp = in + ch*k; float *outp = out + ch*k; float l = inp[0]/100.0; float x = fmaxf(0.0f, l-0.004f); outp[0] = 100.0 * ((x*(6.2*x+.5))/(x*(6.2*x+1.7)+0.06)); outp[1] = inp[1]; outp[2] = inp[2]; } }
css_dim_t measure(void *context, float width, float height) { const char *text = (const char *)context; css_dim_t dim; if (strcmp(text, SMALL_TEXT) == 0) { if (width != width) { width = 1000000; } dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = fminf(SMALL_WIDTH, width); dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = SMALL_HEIGHT; return dim; } if (strcmp(text, LONG_TEXT) == 0) { if (width != width) { width = 1000000; } dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = width >= BIG_WIDTH ? BIG_WIDTH : fmaxf(BIG_MIN_WIDTH, width); dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = width >= BIG_WIDTH ? SMALL_HEIGHT : BIG_HEIGHT; return dim; } if (strcmp(text, MEASURE_WITH_RATIO_2) == 0) { if (width > 0) { dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = width; dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = width * 2; } else if (height > 0) { dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = height * 2; dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = height; } else { dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = 99999; dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = 99999; } return dim; } // Should not go here dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = CSS_UNDEFINED; dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = CSS_UNDEFINED; return dim; }
css_dim_t measure(void *context, float width) { const char *text = context; css_dim_t dim; if (width != width) { width = 1000000; } if (strcmp(text, SMALL_TEXT) == 0) { dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = fminf(SMALL_WIDTH, width); dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = SMALL_HEIGHT; return dim; } if (strcmp(text, LONG_TEXT) == 0) { dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = width >= BIG_WIDTH ? BIG_WIDTH : fmaxf(BIG_MIN_WIDTH, width); dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = width >= BIG_WIDTH ? SMALL_HEIGHT : BIG_HEIGHT; return dim; } // Should not go here dim.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = CSS_UNDEFINED; dim.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = CSS_UNDEFINED; return dim; }
bool sphere_intersect(sphere_t s, vector_t ray_start, vector_t ray_direction, vector_t* hit) { float a = vector_magnitude_2(ray_direction); vector_t recentered = vector_sub(ray_start,; float b = 2 * vector_dot(ray_direction, recentered); float c = vector_magnitude_2(recentered) - (s.radius * s.radius); float discrim = (b * b) - (4.0 * a * c); if (discrim < 0.0) return false; float sqrt_discrim = sqrtf(discrim); float t1 = (-b + sqrt_discrim) / (2.0 * a); float t2 = (-b - sqrt_discrim) / (2.0 * a); float t; if (t1 > 0.0 && t2 > 0.0) { t = fminf(t1, t2); } else { t = fmaxf(t1, t2); } if (t <= 0.0) return false; *hit = vector_add(ray_start, vector_scale(ray_direction, t)); return true; }
void solution_check(central2d_t* sim) { int nx = sim->nx, ny = sim->ny; float* u = sim->u; float h_sum = 0, hu_sum = 0, hv_sum = 0; float hmin = u[central2d_offset(sim,0,0,0)]; float hmax = hmin; for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { float h = u[central2d_offset(sim,0,i,j)]; h_sum += h; hu_sum += u[central2d_offset(sim,1,i,j)]; hv_sum += u[central2d_offset(sim,2,i,j)]; hmax = fmaxf(h, hmax); hmin = fminf(h, hmin); } float cell_area = sim->dx * sim->dy; h_sum *= cell_area; hu_sum *= cell_area; hv_sum *= cell_area; printf("-\n Volume: %g\n Momentum: (%g, %g)\n Range: [%g, %g]\n", h_sum, hu_sum, hv_sum, hmin, hmax); assert(hmin > 0); }
static void testSize() { start_test("Lock free FIFO - size"); const int es = sizeof(int); const int c = 100; const int nCases = 5; int nPush[nCases] = {10, 20, 30, 5, 90}; int nPop[nCases] = {5, 1, 60, 10, 90}; for (int i = 0; i < nCases; i++) { drLockFreeFIFO f; drLockFreeFIFO_init(&f, c, es); for (int j = 0; j < nPush[i]; j++) { int success = drLockFreeFIFO_push(&f, &j); } for (int j = 0; j < nPop[i]; j++) { int val = 0; int success = drLockFreeFIFO_pop(&f, &val); } const int expectedSize = fmaxf(0.0f, nPush[i] - nPop[i]); const int size = drLockFreeFIFO_getNumElements(&f); fail_unless(expectedSize == size, "FIFO size should be the same after pushing and popping the same number of items"); drLockFreeFIFO_deinit(&f); } }
// untested - algorithm sound but could be typos CollisionData sat_hull_ray(const ConvexHull &A, const ray &r) { CollisionData cd = { false, INFINITY }; // setup return value std::vector<vec2> axes; axes.reserve(A.verts.size()); for (int i = 0; i < A.verts.size(); ++i) axes.push_back(perp(normal(A.verts[i] - A.verts[(i + 1) % A.verts.size()]))); float tmin = 0, //"Entering" scalar for the ray tmax = 1; //"Leaving" scalar for the ray vec2 cnormal; float tpmin; for (int i = 0; i < axes.size(); ++i) { float N = dot(axes[i], r.position - A.verts[i]); float D = -dot(axes[i], r.direction); float t = N / D; if (D < 0 && t > tmin) { tmin = fmaxf(tmin, t); cnormal = axes[i]; cd = { tmin < tmax, (tmax-tmin) * r.length, axes[i], r.position + r.direction * r.length *tmin }; } else tmax = fminf(tmax, t); if (tmin > tmax) return cd; } return cd; }
/// clamp each vector values inline __host__ __device__ Vec3 clamp(const Vec3& min_v, const Vec3& max_v) const { return Vec3( fminf( fmaxf(x, min_v.x), max_v.x), fminf( fmaxf(y, min_v.y), max_v.y), fminf( fmaxf(z, min_v.z), max_v.z)); }
/// clamp each vector values inline __host__ __device__ Vec3 clamp(float min_v, float max_v) const { return Vec3( fminf( fmaxf(x, min_v), max_v), fminf( fmaxf(y, min_v), max_v), fminf( fmaxf(z, min_v), max_v)); }
/// value of the max coordinate inline __host__ __device__ float get_max() const { return fmaxf(fmaxf(x,y),z); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // calculate the intersection of a sphere the given ray // the ray has an origin and a direction, ray = origin + t*direction // find the t parameter, return true if it is between 0.0 and 1.0, false // otherwise, write the results in following variables: // depth - t \in [0.0 1.0] // posX - x position of intersection point, nothing if no intersection // posY - y position of intersection point, nothing if no intersection // posZ - z position of intersection point, nothing if no intersection // normalX - x component of normal at intersection point, nothing if no intersection // normalX - y component of normal at intersection point, nothing if no intersection // normalX - z component of normal at intersection point, nothing if no intersection // // attention: a sphere has usually two intersection points make sure to return // the one that is closest to the ray's origin and still in the viewing frustum // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Sphere::intersect(Ray ray, double *depth, double *posX, double *posY, double *posZ, double *normalX, double *normalY, double *normalZ) { //////////*********** START OF CODE TO CHANGE *******//////////// // from slides: // (cx + t * vx)^2 + (cy + t * vy)^2 + (cz + t * vy)^2 = r^2 // text: // (e+td−c)·(e+td−c)−R2 = 0 // (d·d)t^2 +2d·(e−c)t+(e−c)·(e−c)−R^2 = 0 // d: the direction vector of the ray // e: point at which the ray starts // c: center point of the sphere Vec3 dvec( ray.direction[0], ray.direction[1], ray.direction[2]); Vec3 evec( ray.origin[0], ray.origin[1], ray.origin[2]); Vec3 cvec( this->center[0], this->center[1], this->center[2]); // use the quadratic equation, since we have the form At^2 + Bt + C = 0. double a =; double b = dvec.scale(2).dot(evec.subtract(cvec)); Vec3 eMinusCvec = evec.subtract(cvec); double c = - (this->radius * this->radius); // discriminant: b^2 - 4ac double discriminant = (b * b) - (4 * a * c); // From text: If the discriminant is negative, its square root // is imaginary and the line and sphere do not intersect. if (discriminant < 0) { //printf("No intersection with sphere - 1\n"); return false; } else { // there is at least one intersection point double t1 = (-b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a); double t2 = (-b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a); double tmin = fminf(t1, t2); double tmax = fmaxf(t1, t2); double t = 0; // t is set to either tmin or tmax (or the function returns false) if (tmin >= 0) { //} && tmin <= 1) { t = tmin; } else if (tmax >= 0) { //} && tmax <= 1) { t = tmax; } else { // return false if neither interestion point is within [0, 1] //printf("No intersection with sphere. t values (%f, %f)\n", t1, t2); return false; } *depth = t; // position: (e + td) Vec3 posvec = dvec.scale(t).add(evec); *posX = posvec[0]; *posY = posvec[1]; *posZ = posvec[2]; // normal: 2(p - c) Vec3 normalvec = posvec.subtract(cvec).scale(2); normalvec.normalize(); *normalX = normalvec[0]; *normalY = normalvec[1]; *normalZ = normalvec[2]; } //////////*********** END OF CODE TO CHANGE *******//////////// //printf("Sphere intersection found (%f, %f, %f) \n", *posX, *posY, *posZ); return true; }
float ArmClass::Validate_Lift_Command(float cmd, bool ispidcmd) { #if 01 // Validating the lift command. // We broke the limits down into two cases. // 1) When the turret is facing forward (0deg) the arm can go down to 0deg or up to (180-39.2 = 140.8deg) // 2) When the turret is facing sideways (90deg or 270deg) the arm can go down to 14.6deg or up to (180-14.6 = 165.4deg) int lift_enc = GetLifterEncoder(); float lift_angle = Lift_Encoder_To_Degrees(lift_enc); int turret_enc = GetTurretEncoder(); float turret_angle = Turret_Encoder_To_Degrees(turret_enc); // Special case: Turret is centered. if (TurretRoughlyCentered()) { if (cmd >= 0.0f) // if we are pushing the arm down (might have to switch this to > 0.0 { if (lift_angle < ARM_LIFT_MIN_WHEN_CENTERED) { // BAD! pushing the arm into the frame of the robot float error = ARM_LIFT_MIN_WHEN_CENTERED - lift_angle; return Compute_Lift_Error_Correction_Command(error); } } if (cmd <= 0.0f) // lifting, limit at 140 deg { if (lift_angle > ARM_LIFT_MAX_WHEN_CENTERED) { float error = ARM_LIFT_MAX_WHEN_CENTERED - lift_angle; return Compute_Lift_Error_Correction_Command(error); } } } else if (fabs(turret_angle) < 45.0f) // Mostly Forward case { if (cmd >= 0.0f) // if we are pushing the arm down (might have to switch this to > 0.0 { if (lift_angle < ARM_LIFT_MIN_WHEN_FWD) { // BAD! pushing the arm into the frame of the robot float error = ARM_LIFT_MIN_WHEN_FWD - lift_angle; return Compute_Lift_Error_Correction_Command(error); } } if (cmd <= 0.0f) // lifting, limit at 140 deg { if (lift_angle > ARM_LIFT_MAX_WHEN_FWD) { float error = ARM_LIFT_MAX_WHEN_FWD - lift_angle; return Compute_Lift_Error_Correction_Command(error); } } } else // Sideways case { if (cmd >= 0.0f) // if we are pushing the arm down (might have to switch this to > 0.0 { if (lift_angle < ARM_LIFT_MIN_WHEN_SIDEWAYS) { // BAD! violating the envelop to one side of the robot float error = ARM_LIFT_MIN_WHEN_SIDEWAYS - lift_angle; return Compute_Lift_Error_Correction_Command(error); } } if (cmd <= 0.0f) // lifting, limit at 140 deg { if (lift_angle > ARM_LIFT_MAX_WHEN_SIDEWAYS) { // BAD! violating the envelope to the other side of the robot float error = ARM_LIFT_MAX_WHEN_SIDEWAYS - lift_angle; return Compute_Lift_Error_Correction_Command(error); } } } #endif if(ispidcmd) { //randon .002 commands... if(cmd > 0.003f) { cmd = fmaxf(cmd, MIN_ARM_LIFT_CMD); } else if (cmd < -.003f) { cmd = fminf(cmd, -MIN_ARM_LIFT_CMD); } else if (cmd < .003f && cmd > -.003f) { cmd = 0.0f; } } return cmd; }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { /* BEGIN DECLARATIONS */ WINFO wi; /* struct for command line input */ /* workspace */ float * v; /* velocity field */ float * p1; /* pressure field, current time step */ float * p0; /* pressure field, last time step */ float * tr; /* storage for traces */ float * tmp; /* used to swap p1 and p0 */ int ix, it; /* counters */ int isrc; /* source counter */ int imf; /* movie frame counter */ int isx; /* source location, in units of dx */ int nxz; /* number of spatial grid points */ /* int nz; local number of gridpoints */ int ntr; /* number of traces */ int nsam; /* number of trace samples */ int nsrc; /* number of shots */ float rz,rx,s; /* precomputed coefficients */ float vmax,vmin; /* max, min velocity values */ /* float two; two */ /* END DECLARATIONS */ sf_init(argc,argv); /* read inputs from command line */ getinputs(true,&wi); /* compute number of shots */ nsrc = (wi.isxend-wi.isxbeg)/(wi.iskip); nsrc++; /* compute number of spatial grid points */ nxz=wi.nx *; /* compute number of traces, samples in each record */ ntr=wi.igxend-wi.igxbeg+1; nsam=ntr*wi.nt; /* allocate, initialize p0, p1, v, traces */ p0=sf_floatalloc(nxz); p1=sf_floatalloc(nxz); v =sf_floatalloc(nxz); tr=sf_floatalloc(nsam); /* read velocity */ sf_floatread(v,nxz,wi.vfile); /* CFL, sanity checks */ vmax=fgetmax(v,nxz); vmin=fgetmin(v,nxz); if (vmax*wi.dt>CFL*fmaxf(wi.dx, { sf_warning("CFL criterion violated"); sf_warning("vmax=%e dx=%e dz=%e dt=%e\n",vmax,wi.dx,,wi.dt); sf_error("max permitted dt=%e\n",CFL*fmaxf(wi.dx,; } if (vmin<=0.0) sf_error("min velocity nonpositive"); /* only square of velocity array needed from here on */ fsquare(v,nxz); /* precalculate some coefficients */ rz=wi.dt*wi.dt/(*; rx=wi.dt*wi.dt/(wi.dx*wi.dx); s =2.0*(rz+rx); /* two=2.0;; */ /* shot loop */ isrc=0; isx=wi.isxbeg; while (isx <= wi.isxend) { /* initialize pressure fields, traces */ fzeros(p0,nxz); fzeros(p1,nxz); fzeros(tr,nsam); /* initialize movie frame counter */ imf=0; /* time loop */ for (it=0;it<wi.nt;it++) { /* construct next time step, overwrite on p0 */ step_forward(p0,p1,v,,wi.nx,rz,rx,s); /* tack on source */ p0[wi.isz+isx*]+=fgetrick(it*wi.dt,wi.freq); /* swap pointers */ tmp=p0; p0=p1; p1=tmp; /* store trace samples if necessary */ if (NULL != wi.tfile) for (ix=0;ix<ntr;ix++) tr[ix*wi.nt+it]=p1[(wi.igxbeg+ix)*]; /* write movie snap to file if necessary */ if (NULL != wi.mfile && wi.nm && !(it%wi.nm)) { sf_floatwrite(p1,nxz,wi.mfile); imf++; } /* next t */ } /* write traces to file if necessary */ if (NULL != wi.tfile) sf_floatwrite(tr,nsam,wi.tfile); isx += wi.iskip; isrc++; } exit(0); }
void BattleGesture::UpdateTrackingMarker() { Unit* unit = _trackingMarker->GetUnit(); glm::vec2 screenTouchPosition = _trackingTouch->GetPosition(); glm::vec2 screenMarkerPosition = screenTouchPosition + glm::vec2(0, 1) * (_offsetToMarker * GetFlipSign()); glm::vec2 touchPosition = _battleView->GetTerrainPosition3(screenTouchPosition).xy(); glm::vec2 markerPosition = _battleView->GetTerrainPosition3(screenMarkerPosition).xy(); Unit* enemyUnit = FindEnemyUnit(touchPosition, markerPosition); glm::vec2 unitCenter = unit->; bool isModifierMode = _tappedModiferArea || _modifierTouch != nullptr || _trackingTouch->GetCurrentButtons().right; _trackingMarker->SetRenderOrientation(isModifierMode); if (!isModifierMode) { std::vector<glm::vec2>& path = _trackingMarker->_path; glm::vec2 currentDestination = path.size() != 0 ? *(path.end() - 1) : unit->; bounds2f contentBounds = _battleView->GetContentBounds(); glm::vec2 contentCenter =; float contentRadius = contentBounds.width() / 2; glm::vec2 differenceToCenter = contentCenter - markerPosition; float distanceToCenter = glm::length(differenceToCenter); if (distanceToCenter > contentRadius) { markerPosition += differenceToCenter * (distanceToCenter - contentRadius) / distanceToCenter; } float movementLimit = -1; float delta = 1.0f / fmaxf(1, glm::length(currentDestination - markerPosition)); for (float k = delta; k < 1; k += delta) { GroundMap* groundMap = _battleView->GetSimulator()->GetGroundMap(); if (groundMap != nullptr && groundMap->IsImpassable(glm::mix(currentDestination, markerPosition, k))) { movementLimit = k; break; } } if (movementLimit >= 0) { glm::vec2 diff = markerPosition - currentDestination; markerPosition = currentDestination + diff * movementLimit; markerPosition -= glm::normalize(diff) * 10.0f; enemyUnit = nullptr; } if (enemyUnit && !_trackingMarker->GetMeleeTarget()) SoundPlayer::singleton->Play(SoundBufferCommandMod); _trackingMarker->SetMeleeTarget(enemyUnit); _trackingMarker->SetDestination(&markerPosition); if (enemyUnit != nullptr) MovementRules::UpdateMovementPath(_trackingMarker->_path, unitCenter, enemyUnit->; else MovementRules::UpdateMovementPath(_trackingMarker->_path, unitCenter, markerPosition); if (enemyUnit != nullptr) { glm::vec2 destination = enemyUnit->; glm::vec2 orientation = destination + glm::normalize(destination - unitCenter) * 18.0f; _trackingMarker->SetOrientation(&orientation); } else if (MovementRules::Length(_trackingMarker->_path) > KEEP_ORIENTATION_TRESHHOLD) { glm::vec2 dir = glm::normalize(markerPosition - unitCenter); if (path.size() >= 2) dir = glm::normalize(*(path.end() - 1) - *(path.end() - 2)); glm::vec2 orientation = markerPosition + dir * 18.0f; _trackingMarker->SetOrientation(&orientation); } else { glm::vec2 orientation = markerPosition + 18.0f * vector2_from_angle(unit->state.bearing); _trackingMarker->SetOrientation(&orientation); } } else { MovementRules::UpdateMovementPathStart(_trackingMarker->_path, unitCenter); bool holdFire = false; if (_trackingMarker->GetUnit()->state.unitMode == UnitMode_Standing && _trackingMarker->GetUnit()->stats.maximumRange > 0) { bounds2f unitCurrentBounds = GetUnitCurrentBounds(_trackingMarker->GetUnit()); holdFire = glm::distance(screenMarkerPosition, <= unitCurrentBounds.x().radius(); } if (holdFire) { _trackingMarker->SetMissileTarget(_trackingMarker->GetUnit()); _trackingMarker->SetOrientation(nullptr); } else { //if (!_tappedUnitCenter) // enemyUnit = nullptr; if (!_allowTargetEnemyUnit) enemyUnit = nullptr; if (enemyUnit != nullptr && _trackingMarker->GetMissileTarget() == nullptr) SoundPlayer::singleton->Play(SoundBufferCommandMod); _trackingMarker->SetMissileTarget(enemyUnit); _trackingMarker->SetOrientation(&markerPosition); } } }
void Mission::set_mission_items() { /* make sure param is up to date */ updateParams(); /* reset the altitude foh logic, if altitude foh is enabled (param) a new foh element starts now */ altitude_sp_foh_reset(); struct position_setpoint_triplet_s *pos_sp_triplet = _navigator->get_position_setpoint_triplet(); /* set previous position setpoint to current */ set_previous_pos_setpoint(); /* Copy previous mission item altitude (can be extended to a copy of the full mission item if needed) */ if (pos_sp_triplet->previous.valid) { _mission_item_previous_alt = get_absolute_altitude_for_item(_mission_item); } /* the home dist check provides user feedback, so we initialize it to this */ bool user_feedback_done = false; /* try setting onboard mission item */ if (_param_onboard_enabled.get() && read_mission_item(true, true, &_mission_item)) { /* if mission type changed, notify */ if (_mission_type != MISSION_TYPE_ONBOARD) { mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_fd(), "onboard mission now running"); user_feedback_done = true; } _mission_type = MISSION_TYPE_ONBOARD; /* try setting offboard mission item */ } else if (read_mission_item(false, true, &_mission_item)) { /* if mission type changed, notify */ if (_mission_type != MISSION_TYPE_OFFBOARD) { mavlink_log_info(_navigator->get_mavlink_fd(), "offboard mission now running"); user_feedback_done = true; } _mission_type = MISSION_TYPE_OFFBOARD; } else { /* no mission available or mission finished, switch to loiter */ if (_mission_type != MISSION_TYPE_NONE) { /* */ mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_fd(), "mission finished, loitering"); user_feedback_done = true; /* use last setpoint for loiter */ _navigator->set_can_loiter_at_sp(true); } _mission_type = MISSION_TYPE_NONE; /* set loiter mission item and ensure that there is a minimum clearance from home */ set_loiter_item(&_mission_item, _param_takeoff_alt.get()); /* update position setpoint triplet */ pos_sp_triplet->previous.valid = false; mission_item_to_position_setpoint(&_mission_item, &pos_sp_triplet->current); pos_sp_triplet->next.valid = false; /* reuse setpoint for LOITER only if it's not IDLE */ _navigator->set_can_loiter_at_sp(pos_sp_triplet->current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LOITER); set_mission_finished(); if (!user_feedback_done) { /* only tell users that we got no mission if there has not been any * better, more specific feedback yet * */ if (_navigator->get_vstatus()->condition_landed) { /* landed, refusing to take off without a mission */ mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_fd(), "no valid mission available, refusing takeoff"); } else { mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_fd(), "no valid mission available, loitering"); } user_feedback_done = true; } _navigator->set_position_setpoint_triplet_updated(); return; } if (pos_sp_triplet->current.valid) { _on_arrival_yaw = _mission_item.yaw; } /* do takeoff on first waypoint for rotary wing vehicles */ if (_navigator->get_vstatus()->is_rotary_wing) { /* force takeoff if landed (additional protection) */ if (!_takeoff && _navigator->get_vstatus()->condition_landed) { _need_takeoff = true; } /* new current mission item set, check if we need takeoff */ if (_need_takeoff && ( _mission_item.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_TAKEOFF || _mission_item.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_WAYPOINT || _mission_item.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_LOITER_TIME_LIMIT || _mission_item.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_LOITER_TURN_COUNT || _mission_item.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_LOITER_UNLIMITED || _mission_item.nav_cmd == NAV_CMD_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH)) { _takeoff = true; _need_takeoff = false; } } if (_takeoff) { /* do takeoff before going to setpoint */ /* set mission item as next position setpoint */ mission_item_to_position_setpoint(&_mission_item, &pos_sp_triplet->next); /* next SP is not takeoff anymore */ pos_sp_triplet->next.type = position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_POSITION; /* calculate takeoff altitude */ float takeoff_alt = get_absolute_altitude_for_item(_mission_item); /* takeoff to at least NAV_TAKEOFF_ALT above home/ground, even if first waypoint is lower */ if (_navigator->get_vstatus()->condition_landed) { takeoff_alt = fmaxf(takeoff_alt, _navigator->get_global_position()->alt + _param_takeoff_alt.get()); } else { takeoff_alt = fmaxf(takeoff_alt, _navigator->get_home_position()->alt + _param_takeoff_alt.get()); } /* check if we already above takeoff altitude */ if (_navigator->get_global_position()->alt < takeoff_alt) { mavlink_log_critical(_navigator->get_mavlink_fd(), "takeoff to %.1f meters above home", (double)(takeoff_alt - _navigator->get_home_position()->alt)); _mission_item.nav_cmd = NAV_CMD_TAKEOFF; = _navigator->get_global_position()->lat; _mission_item.lon = _navigator->get_global_position()->lon; _mission_item.yaw = NAN; _mission_item.altitude = takeoff_alt; _mission_item.altitude_is_relative = false; _mission_item.autocontinue = true; _mission_item.time_inside = 0; mission_item_to_position_setpoint(&_mission_item, &pos_sp_triplet->current); _navigator->set_position_setpoint_triplet_updated(); return; } else { /* skip takeoff */ _takeoff = false; } } if (_takeoff_finished) { /* we just finished takeoff */ /* in case we still have to move to the takeoff waypoint we need a waypoint mission item */ _mission_item.nav_cmd = NAV_CMD_WAYPOINT; _takeoff_finished = false; } /* set current position setpoint from mission item */ mission_item_to_position_setpoint(&_mission_item, &pos_sp_triplet->current); /* require takeoff after landing or idle */ if (pos_sp_triplet->current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LAND || pos_sp_triplet->current.type == position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_IDLE) { _need_takeoff = true; } _navigator->set_can_loiter_at_sp(false); reset_mission_item_reached(); if (_mission_type == MISSION_TYPE_OFFBOARD) { set_current_offboard_mission_item(); } // TODO: report onboard mission item somehow if (_mission_item.autocontinue && _mission_item.time_inside <= 0.001f) { /* try to read next mission item */ struct mission_item_s mission_item_next; if (read_mission_item(_mission_type == MISSION_TYPE_ONBOARD, false, &mission_item_next)) { /* got next mission item, update setpoint triplet */ mission_item_to_position_setpoint(&mission_item_next, &pos_sp_triplet->next); } else { /* next mission item is not available */ pos_sp_triplet->next.valid = false; } } else { /* vehicle will be paused on current waypoint, don't set next item */ pos_sp_triplet->next.valid = false; } /* Save the distance between the current sp and the previous one */ if (pos_sp_triplet->current.valid && pos_sp_triplet->previous.valid) { _distance_current_previous = get_distance_to_next_waypoint(pos_sp_triplet->, pos_sp_triplet->current.lon, pos_sp_triplet->, pos_sp_triplet->previous.lon); } _navigator->set_position_setpoint_triplet_updated(); }