Beispiel #1
HE_Mesh::HE_Mesh(FVMesh& mesh)
: Mesh(nullptr)
    for (int vIdx = 0 ; vIdx < mesh.vertices.size() ; vIdx++)
        vertices.push_back(HE_Vertex(mesh.vertices[vIdx].p, -1));

    for (int fIdx = 0 ; fIdx < mesh.faces.size() ; fIdx++)
        FVMeshFace& fvFace = mesh.faces[fIdx];
        HE_Face heFace;
        HE_Edge edge0(fvFace.vertex_index[0], fIdx); // vertices in face are ordered counter-clockwise
        HE_Edge edge1(fvFace.vertex_index[1], fIdx);
        HE_Edge edge2(fvFace.vertex_index[2], fIdx);

        int newEdgeIndex = edges.size();

        vertices[ fvFace.vertex_index[0] ].someEdge_idx = newEdgeIndex+0; // overwrites existing data, if present
        vertices[ fvFace.vertex_index[1] ].someEdge_idx = newEdgeIndex+1;
        vertices[ fvFace.vertex_index[2] ].someEdge_idx = newEdgeIndex+2;

        edge0.next_edge_idx = newEdgeIndex+1;
        edge1.next_edge_idx = newEdgeIndex+2;
        edge2.next_edge_idx = newEdgeIndex+0;


        heFace.edge_idx[0] = newEdgeIndex+0;
        heFace.edge_idx[1] = newEdgeIndex+1;
        heFace.edge_idx[2] = newEdgeIndex+2;


    // connect half-edges:

    bool faceEdgeIsConnected[mesh.faces.size()][3] = {}; // initialize all as false

    // for each edge of each face : if it doesn't have a converse then find the converse in the edges of the opposite face
    for (int fIdx = 0 ; fIdx < mesh.faces.size() ; fIdx++)
        FVMeshFace& fvFace = mesh.faces[fIdx];
        //FVMeshFaceHandle fh(mesh, fIdx);

        HE_FaceHandle fnew(*this, fIdx); // face index on FVMesh corresponds to index in HE_Mesh

//        HE_EdgeHandle edge = fnew.edge0();
//        HE_EdgeHandle edgeStart = edge;
//        do //
        for (int eIdx = 0; eIdx < 3; eIdx++)
            if (faceEdgeIsConnected[fIdx][eIdx])
                { //;
                continue; }

            int edge_idx = faces[fIdx].edge_idx[eIdx];
            HE_Edge& edge = edges[ edge_idx ];
            int face2 = fvFace.connected_face_index[eIdx]; // connected_face X is connected via vertex X and vertex X+1

            if (face2 < 0)
                atlas::logError("Incorrect model: disconnected faces. Support generation aborted.\n");
                exit(1); // TODO: not exit, but continue without support!

            for (int e2 = 0; e2 < 3; e2++)
                if (mesh.faces[face2].vertex_index[e2] == edges[edge.next_edge_idx].from_vert_idx)
                    edges[ faces[face2].edge_idx[e2] ].converse_edge_idx = edge_idx;
                    edge.converse_edge_idx = faces[face2].edge_idx[e2];
                    faceEdgeIsConnected[face2][e2] = true; // the other way around doesn't have to be set; we will not pass the same edge twice
                if (e2 == 2) std::cerr << "Couldn't find converse of edge " << std::to_string(edge_idx) <<"!!!!!" << std::endl;

            //edge =;
        } //while (edge != edgeStart)



Beispiel #2
void bee_colony::evolve(population &pop) const
	// Let's store some useful variables.
	const problem::base &prob = pop.problem();
	const problem::base::size_type prob_i_dimension = prob.get_i_dimension(), D = prob.get_dimension(), Dc = D - prob_i_dimension, prob_c_dimension = prob.get_c_dimension();
	const decision_vector &lb = prob.get_lb(), &ub = prob.get_ub();
	const population::size_type NP = (int) pop.size();

	//We perform some checks to determine wether the problem/population are suitable for ABC
	if ( Dc == 0 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"There is no continuous part in the problem decision vector for ABC to optimise");

	if ( prob.get_f_dimension() != 1 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The problem is not single objective and ABC is not suitable to solve it");

	if ( prob_c_dimension != 0 ) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"The problem is not box constrained and ABC is not suitable to solve it");

	if (NP < 2) {
		pagmo_throw(value_error,"for ABC at least 2 individuals in the population are needed");

	// Get out if there is nothing to do.
	if (m_iter == 0) {

	// Some vectors used during evolution are allocated here.
	fitness_vector fnew(prob.get_f_dimension());
	decision_vector dummy(D,0);			//used for initialisation purposes
	std::vector<decision_vector > X(NP,dummy);	//set of food sources
	std::vector<fitness_vector> fit(NP);		//food sources fitness

	decision_vector temp_solution(D,0);

	std::vector<int> trial(NP,0);

	std::vector<double> probability(NP);

	population::size_type neighbour = 0;

	decision_vector::size_type param2change = 0;

	std::vector<double> selectionfitness(NP), cumsum(NP), cumsumTemp(NP);
	std::vector <population::size_type> selection(NP);

	double r = 0;

	// Copy the food sources position and their fitness
	for ( population::size_type i = 0; i<NP; i++ ) {
		X[i]	=	pop.get_individual(i).cur_x;
		fit[i]	=	pop.get_individual(i).cur_f;

	// Main ABC loop
	for (int j = 0; j < m_iter; ++j) {
		//1- Send employed bees
		for (population::size_type ii = 0; ii< NP; ++ii) {
			//selects a random component (only of the continuous part) of the decision vector
			param2change = boost::uniform_int<decision_vector::size_type>(0,Dc-1)(m_urng);
			//randomly chose a solution to be used to produce a mutant solution of solution ii
			//randomly selected solution must be different from ii
				neighbour = boost::uniform_int<population::size_type>(0,NP-1)(m_urng);
			while(neighbour == ii);

			//copy local solution into temp_solution (the whole decision_vector, also the integer part)
			for(population::size_type i=0; i<D; ++i) {
				temp_solution[i] = X[ii][i];

			//mutate temp_solution
			temp_solution[param2change] = X[ii][param2change] + boost::uniform_real<double>(-1,1)(m_drng) * (X[ii][param2change] - X[neighbour][param2change]);

			//if generated parameter value is out of boundaries, it is shifted onto the boundaries*/
			if (temp_solution[param2change]<lb[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = lb[param2change];
			if (temp_solution[param2change]>ub[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = ub[param2change];

			//Calling void prob.objfun(fitness_vector,decision_vector) is more efficient as no memory allocation occur
			//A call to fitness_vector prob.objfun(decision_vector) allocates memory for the return value.
			//If the new solution is better than the old one replace it with the mutant one and reset its trial counter
			if(prob.compare_fitness(fnew, fit[ii])) {
				X[ii][param2change] = temp_solution[param2change];
				prob.objfun(fit[ii], X[ii]); //update the fitness vector
				trial[ii] = 0;
			else {
				trial[ii]++; //if the solution can't be improved incrase its trial counter
		} //End of loop on the population members

		//2 - Send onlooker bees
		//We scale all fitness values from 0 (worst) to absolute value of the best fitness
		fitness_vector worstfit=fit[0];
		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 1; i < NP;i++) {
			if (prob.compare_fitness(worstfit,fit[i])) worstfit=fit[i];

		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
			selectionfitness[i] = fabs(worstfit[0] - fit[i][0]) + 1.;

		// We build and normalise the cumulative sum
		cumsumTemp[0] = selectionfitness[0];
		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 1; i< NP; i++) {
			cumsumTemp[i] = cumsumTemp[i - 1] + selectionfitness[i];
		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
			cumsum[i] = cumsumTemp[i]/cumsumTemp[NP-1];

		for (pagmo::population::size_type i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
			r = m_drng();
			for (pagmo::population::size_type j = 0; j < NP; j++) {
				if (cumsum[j] > r) {

		for(pagmo::population::size_type t = 0; t < NP; ++t) {
			r = m_drng();
			pagmo::population::size_type ii = selection[t];
			//selects a random component (only of the continuous part) of the decision vector
			param2change = boost::uniform_int<decision_vector::size_type>(0,Dc-1)(m_urng);
			//randomly chose a solution to be used to produce a mutant solution of solution ii
			//randomly selected solution must be different from ii
				neighbour = boost::uniform_int<population::size_type>(0,NP-1)(m_urng);
			while(neighbour == ii);

			//copy local solution into temp_solution (also integer part)
			for(population::size_type i=0; i<D; ++i) {
				temp_solution[i] = X[ii][i];

			//mutate temp_solution
			temp_solution[param2change] = X[ii][param2change] + boost::uniform_real<double>(-1,1)(m_drng) * (X[ii][param2change] - X[neighbour][param2change]);

			/*if generated parameter value is out of boundaries, it is shifted onto the boundaries*/
			if (temp_solution[param2change]<lb[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = lb[param2change];
			if (temp_solution[param2change]>ub[param2change]) {
				temp_solution[param2change] = ub[param2change];

			//Calling void prob.objfun(fitness_vector,decision_vector) is more efficient as no memory allocation occur
			//A call to fitness_vector prob.objfun(decision_vector) allocates memory for the return value.
			//If the new solution is better than the old one replace it with the mutant one and reset its trial counter
			if(prob.compare_fitness(fnew, fit[ii])) {
				X[ii][param2change] = temp_solution[param2change];
				prob.objfun(fit[ii], X[ii]); //update the fitness vector
				trial[ii] = 0;
			else {
				trial[ii]++; //if the solution can't be improved incrase its  trial counter

		//3 - Send scout bees
		int maxtrialindex = 0;
		for (population::size_type ii=1; ii<NP; ++ii)
			if (trial[ii] > trial[maxtrialindex]) {
				maxtrialindex = ii;
		if(trial[maxtrialindex] >= m_limit)
			//select a new random solution
			for(problem::base::size_type jj = 0; jj < Dc; ++jj) {
				X[maxtrialindex][jj] = boost::uniform_real<double>(lb[jj],ub[jj])(m_drng);
			trial[maxtrialindex] = 0;

	} // end of main ABC loop

Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   TPS<double>         rbf;
   Polinomio<double>   pol;
   Matrix<double>      A,B;
   Vector<double>      x,y,f;
   Vector<double>      lambda,b;
   Vector<double>      xnew,ynew,fnew; 
   double              c=0.01;
   int                 n,ni,m;
//make the data in the square [0,1] x [0,1]   
   make_data(0,1,0,1, 21, 21, x, y, ni, n);

//stablish the exponent in: r^beta log(r)
//configure the associate polynomial
// pol.make( data_dimension, degree_pol)
   pol.make(2 , rbf.get_degree_pol());
//show the rbf and pol info
//show the number of nodes   
   cout<<"total nodes    N  = "<<n<<endl;
   cout<<"interior nodes ni = "<<ni<<endl;
   cout<<"boundary nodes nf = "<<n-ni<<endl;

//get the number of elements in the polynomial base
   m = pol.get_M();
//resize the matrices to store the partial derivatives
   A.Resize(n+m,n+m);  A = 0.0;
   B.Resize(n+m,n+m);  B = 0.0;
//Recall that this problem has the general form
//   (Uxx+Uyy)   (Pxx+Pyy)   =  f     interior nodes 
//     U           P_b       =  g     boundary nodes  ni..n 
//   P^transpose   0         =  0     momentun conditions in P  
// P is the polynomial wit size n x m
// P_b is the polynomial working in the boundary nodes, size   nf x m
// Pxx+Pyy  has size  ni x m   
//make the matriz derivatives   
   fill_matrix(   "dxx"     , rbf , pol , c , x , y, 0 ,  ni ,  A);
   fill_matrix(   "dyy"     , rbf , pol , c , x , y, 0 ,  ni ,  B);
   A = A + B;   //  A <-  Uxx + Uyy
//Add the submatriz for the boundary nodes:   U , P_b           boundary nodes  ni..n        
   fill_matrix(   "normal"  , rbf , pol , c , x , y, ni,   n ,  A);
//Add the submatriz P^transpose at the end:    P^transpose   
   fill_matrix( "pol_trans" , rbf , pol , c , x , y, n ,  n+m,  A);
//resize the vector to store the right_size of the PDE      
   b.Resize(n+m); b = 0.0;
//fill with   f  
   for(int i=0;i<ni;i++)
      b(i) = right_side(x(i), y(i));
//fill with the boundary condition      
   for(int i=ni;i<n;i++)
      b(i) = boundary_condition(x(i),y(i));
//solve the linear system of equations 
   lambda =  gauss(A,b);
//make the new data grid    
   int ni2,n2;
   make_data(0,1,0,1, 41, 41, xnew, ynew, ni2, n2);
//interpolate on this new data grid (xnew,ynew)     
   fnew = interpolate(rbf,pol,c,lambda,x,y,xnew,ynew);
//determine the maximum error
   double e=0.0;
   for(int i=0;i<ni2;i++)
     e = max(e, fabs(fnew(i) - sin(2*M_PI*xnew(i))*cos(2*M_PI*ynew(i)))  );
//show the error     
   cout<<"The maximum error: e_max = "<<e<<endl<<endl;
//store the interpolated data   
  return 0;