Beispiel #1
// Checked: 2010-08-30 (RLVa-1.2.1c) | Modified: RLVa-1.2.1c
void RlvForceWear::addWearable(const LLViewerInventoryItem* pItem, EWearAction eAction)
	const LLViewerWearable* pWearable = gAgentWearables.getWearableFromItemID(pItem->getLinkedUUID());
	// When replacing remove all currently worn wearables of this type *unless* the item is currently worn
	if ( (ACTION_WEAR_REPLACE == eAction) && (!pWearable) )
	// Remove it from 'm_remWearables' if it's pending removal
	if ( (pWearable) && (isRemWearable(pWearable)) )
		m_remWearables.erase(std::remove(m_remWearables.begin(), m_remWearables.end(), pWearable), m_remWearables.end());

	addwearables_map_t::iterator itAddWearables = m_addWearables.find(pItem->getWearableType());
	if (itAddWearables == m_addWearables.end())
		m_addWearables.insert(addwearable_pair_t(pItem->getWearableType(), LLInventoryModel::item_array_t()));
		itAddWearables = m_addWearables.find(pItem->getWearableType());

	if (ACTION_WEAR_ADD == eAction)				// Add it at the back if it's not already there
		if (!isAddWearable(pItem))
	else if (ACTION_WEAR_REPLACE == eAction)	// Replace all pending wearables of this type with the specified item
Beispiel #2
 * This function will first remove system cache files, e.g. `Thumbs.db`,
 * `.DS_Store`. Then will try to remove the whole tree if the tree consist
 * only of folders
bool Utils::Fs::smartRemoveEmptyFolderTree(const QString &path)
    if (path.isEmpty() || !QDir(path).exists())
        return true;

    static const QStringList deleteFilesList = {
        // Windows
        // Linux
        // Mac OS

    // travel from the deepest folder and remove anything unwanted on the way out.
    QStringList dirList(path + "/");  // get all sub directories paths
    QDirIterator iter(path, (QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot), QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
    while (iter.hasNext())
        dirList << + "/";
    // sort descending by directory depth
    std::sort(dirList.begin(), dirList.end()
              , [](const QString &l, const QString &r) { return l.count("/") > r.count("/"); });

    for (const QString &p : qAsConst(dirList)) {
        // remove unwanted files
        for (const QString &f : deleteFilesList) {
            forceRemove(p + f);

        // remove temp files on linux (file ends with '~'), e.g. `filename~`
        QDir dir(p);
        QStringList tmpFileList = dir.entryList(QDir::Files);
        for (const QString &f : tmpFileList) {
            if (f.endsWith("~"))
                forceRemove(p + f);

        // remove directory if empty

    return QDir(path).exists();
Beispiel #3
// Checked: 2010-03-19 (RLVa-1.2.0a) | Added: RLVa-1.2.0a
void RlvForceWear::forceRemove(LLWearableType::EType wtType)
	for (U32 idxWearable = 0, cntWearable = gAgentWearables.getWearableCount(wtType); idxWearable < cntWearable; idxWearable++)
		forceRemove(gAgentWearables.getViewerWearable(wtType, idxWearable));
// Checked: 2010-03-19 (RLVa-1.1.3a) | Added: RLVa-1.2.0a
void RlvForceWear::forceRemove(EWearableType wtType)