Beispiel #1
// Returns the closest non-blocking tile to pos, or returns pos if no non-blocking tiles are present within a 2 tile distance.
static Position findNonblockingPosition(Position pos, PROPULSION_TYPE propulsion, int player = 0, FPATH_MOVETYPE moveType = FMT_BLOCK)
	Vector2i centreTile = map_coord(pos.xy);
	if (!fpathBaseBlockingTile(centreTile.x, centreTile.y, propulsion, player, moveType))
		return pos;  // Fast case, pos is not on a blocking tile.

	Vector2i bestTile = centreTile;
	int bestDistSq = INT32_MAX;
	for (int y = -2; y <= 2; ++y)
		for (int x = -2; x <= 2; ++x)
			Vector2i tile = centreTile + Vector2i(x, y);
			Vector2i diff = world_coord(tile) + Vector2i(TILE_UNITS / 2, TILE_UNITS / 2) - pos.xy;
			int distSq = diff * diff;
			if (distSq < bestDistSq && !fpathBaseBlockingTile(tile.x, tile.y, propulsion, player, moveType))
				bestTile = tile;
				bestDistSq = distSq;

	// Return point on tile closest to the original pos.
	Vector2i minCoord = world_coord(bestTile);
	Vector2i maxCoord = minCoord + Vector2i(TILE_UNITS - 1, TILE_UNITS - 1);

	return Position(std::min(std::max(pos.x, minCoord.x), maxCoord.x), std::min(std::max(pos.y, minCoord.y), maxCoord.y), pos.z);
Beispiel #2
void fpathSetBlockingMap(PATHJOB *psJob)
	if (fpathCurrentGameTime != gameTime)
		// New tick, remove maps which are no longer needed.
		fpathCurrentGameTime = gameTime;

	// Figure out which map we are looking for.
	PathBlockingType type;
	type.gameTime = gameTime;
	type.propulsion = psJob->propulsion;
	type.owner = psJob->owner;
	type.moveType = psJob->moveType;

	// Find the map.
	std::list<PathBlockingMap>::iterator i = std::find(fpathBlockingMaps.begin(), fpathBlockingMaps.end(), type);
	if (i == fpathBlockingMaps.end())
		// Didn't find the map, so i does not point to a map.

		// i now points to an empty map with no data. Fill the map.
		i->type = type;
		std::vector<bool> &map = i->map;
		uint32_t checksumMap = 0, checksumDangerMap = 0, factor = 0;
		for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; ++x)
			map[x + y*mapWidth] = fpathBaseBlockingTile(x, y, type.propulsion, type.owner, type.moveType);
			checksumMap ^= map[x + y*mapWidth]*(factor = 3*factor + 1);
		if (!isHumanPlayer(type.owner) && type.moveType == FMT_MOVE)
			std::vector<bool> &dangerMap = i->dangerMap;
			for (int y = 0; y < mapHeight; ++y)
				for (int x = 0; x < mapWidth; ++x)
				dangerMap[x + y*mapWidth] = auxTile(x, y, type.owner) & AUXBITS_THREAT;
				checksumDangerMap ^= map[x + y*mapWidth]*(factor = 3*factor + 1);
		syncDebug("blockingMap(%d,%d,%d,%d) = %08X %08X", gameTime, psJob->propulsion, psJob->owner, psJob->moveType, checksumMap, checksumDangerMap);
		syncDebug("blockingMap(%d,%d,%d,%d) = cached", gameTime, psJob->propulsion, psJob->owner, psJob->moveType);

	// i now points to the correct map. Make psJob->blockingMap point to it.
	psJob->blockingMap = &*i;
Beispiel #3
// Check if the map tile at a location blocks a droid
bool fpathBlockingTile(SDWORD x, SDWORD y, PROPULSION_TYPE propulsion)
	return fpathBaseBlockingTile(x, y, propulsion, 0, FMT_BLOCK);  // with FMT_BLOCK, it is irrelevant which player is passed in
Beispiel #4
bool fpathDroidBlockingTile(DROID *psDroid, int x, int y, FPATH_MOVETYPE moveType)
	return fpathBaseBlockingTile(x, y, getPropulsionStats(psDroid)->propulsionType, psDroid->player, moveType);