void PDF_PLOTTER::Text( const wxPoint&              aPos,
                        enum EDA_COLOR_T            aColor,
                        const wxString&             aText,
                        double                      aOrient,
                        const wxSize&               aSize,
                        enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T    aH_justify,
                        enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T    aV_justify,
                        int                         aWidth,
                        bool                        aItalic,
                        bool                        aBold,
                        bool                        aMultilineAllowed )
    // PDF files do not like 0 sized texts which create broken files.
    if( aSize.x == 0 || aSize.y == 0 )

    // Fix me: see how to use PDF text mode for multiline texts
    if( aMultilineAllowed && !aText.Contains( wxT( "\n" ) ) )
        aMultilineAllowed = false;  // the text has only one line.

    // Emit native PDF text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode != PLOTTEXTMODE_STROKE && !aMultilineAllowed )
        const char *fontname = aItalic ? (aBold ? "/KicadFontBI" : "/KicadFontI")
            : (aBold ? "/KicadFontB" : "/KicadFont");

        // Compute the copious tranformation parameters
        double ctm_a, ctm_b, ctm_c, ctm_d, ctm_e, ctm_f;
        double wideningFactor, heightFactor;
        computeTextParameters( aPos, aText, aOrient, aSize, aH_justify,
                aV_justify, aWidth, aItalic, aBold,
                &wideningFactor, &ctm_a, &ctm_b, &ctm_c,
                &ctm_d, &ctm_e, &ctm_f, &heightFactor );

        SetColor( aColor );
        SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );

        /* We use the full CTM instead of the text matrix because the same
           coordinate system will be used for the overlining. Also the %f
           for the trig part of the matrix to avoid %g going in exponential
           format (which is not supported)
           Rendermode 0 shows the text, rendermode 3 is invisible */
        fprintf( workFile, "q %f %f %f %f %g %g cm BT %s %g Tf %d Tr %g Tz ",
                ctm_a, ctm_b, ctm_c, ctm_d, ctm_e, ctm_f,
                fontname, heightFactor,
                (m_textMode == PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE) ? 0 : 3,
                wideningFactor * 100 );

        // The text must be escaped correctly
        fputsPostscriptString( workFile, aText );
        fputs( " Tj ET\n", workFile );

        /* We are still in text coordinates, plot the overbars (if we're
         * not doing phantom text) */
        if( m_textMode == PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE )
            std::vector<int> pos_pairs;
            postscriptOverlinePositions( aText, aSize.x, aItalic, aBold, &pos_pairs );
            int overbar_y = KiROUND( aSize.y * 1.1 );
            for( unsigned i = 0; i < pos_pairs.size(); i += 2)
                /* This is a nontrivial situation: we are *not* in the user
                   coordinate system, so the userToDeviceCoordinates function
                   can't be used! Strange as it may seem, the userToDeviceSize
                   is the right function to use here... */
                DPOINT dev_from = userToDeviceSize( wxSize( pos_pairs[i], overbar_y ) );
                DPOINT dev_to = userToDeviceSize( wxSize( pos_pairs[i + 1], overbar_y ) );
                fprintf( workFile, "%g %g m %g %g l ",
                        dev_from.x, dev_from.y, dev_to.x, dev_to.y );

        // Stroke and restore the CTM
        fputs( "S Q\n", workFile );

    // Plot the stroked text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode != PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE || aMultilineAllowed )
        PLOTTER::Text( aPos, aColor, aText, aOrient, aSize, aH_justify, aV_justify,
                aWidth, aItalic, aBold, aMultilineAllowed );
void PS_PLOTTER::Text( const wxPoint&              aPos,
		       enum EDA_COLOR_T            aColor,
		       const wxString&             aText,
		       double                      aOrient,
		       const wxSize&               aSize,
		       enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T    aH_justify,
		       enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T    aV_justify,
		       int                         aWidth,
		       bool                        aItalic,
		       bool                        aBold )
    SetCurrentLineWidth( aWidth );
    SetColor( aColor );

    // Draw the native postscript text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode == PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE )
        const char *fontname = aItalic ? (aBold ? "/KicadFont-BoldOblique"
                : "/KicadFont-Oblique")
            : (aBold ? "/KicadFont-Bold"
                    : "/KicadFont");

        // Compute the copious tranformation parameters
        double ctm_a, ctm_b, ctm_c, ctm_d, ctm_e, ctm_f;
        double wideningFactor, heightFactor;
        computeTextParameters( aPos, aText, aOrient, aSize, aH_justify,
                aV_justify, aWidth, aItalic, aBold,
                &wideningFactor, &ctm_a, &ctm_b, &ctm_c,
                &ctm_d, &ctm_e, &ctm_f, &heightFactor );

        // The text must be escaped correctly, the others are the various
        // parameters. The CTM is formatted with %f since sin/cos tends
        // to make %g use exponential notation (which is not supported)
        fputsPostscriptString( outputFile, aText );
        fprintf( outputFile, " %g [%f %f %f %f %f %f] %g %s textshow\n",
                wideningFactor, ctm_a, ctm_b, ctm_c, ctm_d, ctm_e, ctm_f,
                heightFactor, fontname );

        /* The textshow operator retained the coordinate system, we use it
         * to plot the overbars. See the PDF sister function for more
         * details */

        std::vector<int> pos_pairs;
        postscriptOverlinePositions( aText, aSize.x, aItalic, aBold, &pos_pairs );
        int overbar_y = KiROUND( aSize.y * 1.1 );
        for( unsigned i = 0; i < pos_pairs.size(); i += 2)
            DPOINT dev_from = userToDeviceSize( wxSize( pos_pairs[i], overbar_y ) );
            DPOINT dev_to = userToDeviceSize( wxSize( pos_pairs[i + 1], overbar_y ) );
            fprintf( outputFile, "%g %g %g %g line ",
                    dev_from.x, dev_from.y, dev_to.x, dev_to.y );

        // Restore the CTM
        fputs( "grestore\n", outputFile );

    // Draw the hidden postscript text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode == PLOTTEXTMODE_PHANTOM )
        fputsPostscriptString( outputFile, aText );
	DPOINT pos_dev = userToDeviceCoordinates( aPos );
        fprintf( outputFile, " %g %g phantomshow\n",
                 pos_dev.x, pos_dev.y );

    // Draw the stroked text (if requested)
    if( m_textMode != PLOTTEXTMODE_NATIVE )
        PLOTTER::Text( aPos, aColor, aText, aOrient, aSize, aH_justify, aV_justify,
                aWidth, aItalic, aBold );