//Compute finite-volume style face-weights for fluid from nodal signed distances
void FluidSim::compute_weights() {

   //Compute face area fractions (using marching squares cases).
   for(int k = 0; k < nk; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni+1; ++i) {
      u_weights(i,j,k) = 1 - fraction_inside(nodal_solid_phi(i,j,  k),
                                             nodal_solid_phi(i,j,  k+1),
      u_weights(i,j,k) = clamp(u_weights(i,j,k),0.0f,1.0f);
   for(int k = 0; k < nk; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < nj+1; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) {
      v_weights(i,j,k) = 1 - fraction_inside(nodal_solid_phi(i,  j,k),
                                             nodal_solid_phi(i,  j,k+1),
      v_weights(i,j,k) = clamp(v_weights(i,j,k),0.0f,1.0f);
   for(int k = 0; k < nk+1; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) {
      w_weights(i,j,k) = 1 - fraction_inside(nodal_solid_phi(i,  j,  k),
                                             nodal_solid_phi(i,  j+1,k),
                                             nodal_solid_phi(i+1,j,  k),
      w_weights(i,j,k) = clamp(w_weights(i,j,k),0.0f,1.0f);

Beispiel #2
//Compute finite-volume style face-weights for fluid from nodal signed distances
void FluidSim::compute_weights() {

   for(int j = 0; j < u_weights.nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < u_weights.ni; ++i) {
      u_weights(i,j) = 1 - fraction_inside(nodal_solid_phi(i,j+1), nodal_solid_phi(i,j));
   for(int j = 0; j < v_weights.nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < v_weights.ni; ++i) {
      v_weights(i,j) = 1 - fraction_inside(nodal_solid_phi(i+1,j), nodal_solid_phi(i,j));

Beispiel #3
//On a signed distance field, compute the fraction inside the (negative) isosurface
//along the 1D line segment joining phi_left and phi_right sample points.
//Except now there are two level sets, and we want the fraction that is the union
//of their interiors
float fraction_inside_either(float phi_left0, float phi_right0, float phi_left1, float phi_right1)
   if(phi_left0 <= 0) {
      if(phi_right0 <= 0) {
         //entirely inside solid0 [-/-][?]
         return 1;
      else { //phi_right0 > 0
         if(phi_left1 <= 0) {
            if(phi_right1 <= 0) {
               //entirely inside solid1 -> [-/+][-/-]
               return 1;
            else {//both left sides are inside, neither right side [-/+][-/+]
               return max( fraction_inside(phi_left0, phi_right0), 
                           fraction_inside(phi_left1, phi_right1) );
         else { //phi_left1 > 0 
            if(phi_right1 <= 0) { //opposite sides are interior [-/+][+/-]
               float frac0 = fraction_inside(phi_left0, phi_right0);
               float frac1 = fraction_inside(phi_left1, phi_right1);
               float total =  frac0+frac1;
               if(total <= 1)
                  return total;
                  return 1;

            else {//phi_right1 > 0
               //phi1 plays no role, both outside [-/+][+/+]
               return fraction_inside(phi_left0, phi_right0);
   else {
      if(phi_right0 <= 0) {
         if(phi_left1 <= 0) {
            if(phi_right1 <= 0) {
               //entirely inside solid1[+/-][-/-]
               return 1;
            else {
               //coming in from opposing sides [+/-][-/+]
               float frac0 = fraction_inside(phi_left0, phi_right0);
               float frac1 = fraction_inside(phi_left1, phi_right1);
               float total =  frac0+frac1;
               if(total <= 1)
                  return total;
                  return 1;
         else { //phi_left1 > 0 
            if(phi_right1 <= 0) {
               //coming from the same side, take the larger one [+/-][+/-]
               return max( fraction_inside(phi_left0, phi_right0), 
                           fraction_inside(phi_left1, phi_right1) );
            else { //phi_right > 0
               //Only have to worry about phi_0 [+/-][+/+]
               return fraction_inside(phi_left0, phi_right0);
      else {
         //Only have to worry about phi_1 [+/+][?]
         return fraction_inside(phi_left1, phi_right1);
//An implementation of the variational pressure projection solve for static geometry
void FluidSim::solve_pressure(float dt) {

   int ni = v.ni;
   int nj = u.nj;
   int nk = u.nk;

   int system_size = ni*nj*nk;
   if(rhs.size() != system_size) {
   rhs.assign(rhs.size(), 0);
   pressure.assign(pressure.size(), 0);

   //Build the linear system for pressure
   for(int k = 1; k < nk-1; ++k) {
      for(int j = 1; j < nj-1; ++j) {
         for(int i = 1; i < ni-1; ++i) {
            int index = i + ni*j + ni*nj*k;

            rhs[index] = 0;
            pressure[index] = 0;
            float centre_phi = liquid_phi(i,j,k);
            if(centre_phi < 0) {

               //right neighbour
               float term = u_weights(i+1,j,k) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float right_phi = liquid_phi(i+1,j,k);
               if(right_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index + 1, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, right_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] -= u_weights(i+1,j,k)*u(i+1,j,k) / dx;

               //left neighbour
               term = u_weights(i,j,k) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float left_phi = liquid_phi(i-1,j,k);
               if(left_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index - 1, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, left_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] += u_weights(i,j,k)*u(i,j,k) / dx;

               //top neighbour
               term = v_weights(i,j+1,k) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float top_phi = liquid_phi(i,j+1,k);
               if(top_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index + ni, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, top_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] -= v_weights(i,j+1,k)*v(i,j+1,k) / dx;

               //bottom neighbour
               term = v_weights(i,j,k) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float bot_phi = liquid_phi(i,j-1,k);
               if(bot_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index - ni, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, bot_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] += v_weights(i,j,k)*v(i,j,k) / dx;

               //far neighbour
               term = w_weights(i,j,k+1) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float far_phi = liquid_phi(i,j,k+1);
               if(far_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index + ni*nj, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, far_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] -= w_weights(i,j,k+1)*w(i,j,k+1) / dx;

               //near neighbour
               term = w_weights(i,j,k) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float near_phi = liquid_phi(i,j,k-1);
               if(near_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index - ni*nj, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, near_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] += w_weights(i,j,k)*w(i,j,k) / dx;

               //far neighbour
               term = w_weights(i,j,k+1) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float far_phi = liquid_phi(i,j,k+1);
               if(far_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index + ni*nj, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, far_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] -= w_weights(i,j,k+1)*w(i,j,k+1) / dx;

               //near neighbour
               term = w_weights(i,j,k) * dt / sqr(dx);
               float near_phi = liquid_phi(i,j,k-1);
               if(near_phi < 0) {
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index - ni*nj, -term);
               else {
                  float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, near_phi);
                  if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
                  matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
               rhs[index] += w_weights(i,j,k)*w(i,j,k) / dx;   


   //Solve the system using Robert Bridson's incomplete Cholesky PCG solver

   double tolerance;
   int iterations;
   solver.set_solver_parameters(1e-18, 1000);
   bool success = solver.solve(matrix, rhs, pressure, tolerance, iterations);
   //printf("Solver took %d iterations and had residual %e\n", iterations, tolerance);
   if(!success) {
      printf("WARNING: Pressure solve failed!************************************************\n");

   //Apply the velocity update
   for(int k = 0; k < u.nk; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < u.nj; ++j) for(int i = 1; i < u.ni-1; ++i) {
      int index = i + j*ni + k*ni*nj;
      if(u_weights(i,j,k) > 0 && (liquid_phi(i,j,k) < 0 || liquid_phi(i-1,j,k) < 0)) {
         float theta = 1;
         if(liquid_phi(i,j,k) >= 0 || liquid_phi(i-1,j,k) >= 0)
            theta = fraction_inside(liquid_phi(i-1,j,k), liquid_phi(i,j,k));
         if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
         u(i,j,k) -= dt  * (float)(pressure[index] - pressure[index-1]) / dx / theta; 
         u_valid(i,j,k) = 1;
   for(int k = 0; k < v.nk; ++k) for(int j = 1; j < v.nj-1; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < v.ni; ++i) {
      int index = i + j*ni + k*ni*nj;
      if(v_weights(i,j,k) > 0 && (liquid_phi(i,j,k) < 0 || liquid_phi(i,j-1,k) < 0)) {
         float theta = 1;
         if(liquid_phi(i,j,k) >= 0 || liquid_phi(i,j-1,k) >= 0)
            theta = fraction_inside(liquid_phi(i,j-1,k), liquid_phi(i,j,k));
         if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
         v(i,j,k) -= dt  * (float)(pressure[index] - pressure[index-ni]) / dx / theta; 
         v_valid(i,j,k) = 1;

   for(int k = 1; k < w.nk-1; ++k) for(int j = 0; j < w.nj; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < w.ni; ++i) {
      int index = i + j*ni + k*ni*nj;
      if(w_weights(i,j,k) > 0 && (liquid_phi(i,j,k) < 0 || liquid_phi(i,j,k-1) < 0)) {
         float theta = 1;
         if(liquid_phi(i,j,k) >= 0 || liquid_phi(i,j,k-1) >= 0)
            theta = fraction_inside(liquid_phi(i,j,k-1), liquid_phi(i,j,k));
         if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
         w(i,j,k) -= dt  * (float)(pressure[index] - pressure[index-ni*nj]) / dx / theta; 
         w_valid(i,j,k) = 1;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < u_valid.a.size(); ++i)
      if(u_valid.a[i] == 0)
         u.a[i] = 0;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < v_valid.a.size(); ++i)
      if(v_valid.a[i] == 0)
         v.a[i] = 0;
   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < w_valid.a.size(); ++i)
      if(w_valid.a[i] == 0)
         w.a[i] = 0;
//An implementation of the variational pressure projection solve for static geometry
void FluidSim::solve_pressure(float dt) {
   //This linear system could be simplified, but I've left it as is for clarity 
   //and consistency with the standard naive discretization
   int ni = v.ni;
   int nj = u.nj;
   int system_size = ni*nj;
   if(rhs.size() != system_size) {
   //Build the linear system for pressure
   for(int j = 1; j < nj-1; ++j) {
      for(int i = 1; i < ni-1; ++i) {
         int index = i + ni*j;
         rhs[index] = 0;
         pressure[index] = 0;
         float centre_phi = liquid_phi(i,j);
         if(centre_phi < 0) {

            //right neighbour
            float term = u_weights(i+1,j) * dt / sqr(dx);
            float right_phi = liquid_phi(i+1,j);
            if(right_phi < 0) {
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index + 1, -term);
            else {
               float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, right_phi);
               if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
            rhs[index] -= u_weights(i+1,j)*u(i+1,j) / dx;
            //left neighbour
            term = u_weights(i,j) * dt / sqr(dx);
            float left_phi = liquid_phi(i-1,j);
            if(left_phi < 0) {
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index - 1, -term);
            else {
               float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, left_phi);
               if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
            rhs[index] += u_weights(i,j)*u(i,j) / dx;
            //top neighbour
            term = v_weights(i,j+1) * dt / sqr(dx);
            float top_phi = liquid_phi(i,j+1);
            if(top_phi < 0) {
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index + ni, -term);
            else {
               float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, top_phi);
               if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
            rhs[index] -= v_weights(i,j+1)*v(i,j+1) / dx;
            //bottom neighbour
            term = v_weights(i,j) * dt / sqr(dx);
            float bot_phi = liquid_phi(i,j-1);
            if(bot_phi < 0) {
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term);
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index - ni, -term);
            else {
               float theta = fraction_inside(centre_phi, bot_phi);
               if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
               matrix.add_to_element(index, index, term/theta);
            rhs[index] += v_weights(i,j)*v(i,j) / dx;

   //Solve the system using Robert Bridson's incomplete Cholesky PCG solver
   double tolerance;
   int iterations;
   bool success = solver.solve(matrix, rhs, pressure, tolerance, iterations);
   if(!success) {
      printf("WARNING: Pressure solve failed!************************************************\n");
   //Apply the velocity update
   for(int j = 0; j < u.nj; ++j) for(int i = 1; i < u.ni-1; ++i) {
      int index = i + j*ni;
      if(u_weights(i,j) > 0 && (liquid_phi(i,j) < 0 || liquid_phi(i-1,j) < 0)) {
         float theta = 1;
         if(liquid_phi(i,j) >= 0 || liquid_phi(i-1,j) >= 0)
            theta = fraction_inside(liquid_phi(i-1,j), liquid_phi(i,j));
         if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
         u(i,j) -= dt  * (float)(pressure[index] - pressure[index-1]) / dx / theta; 
         u_valid(i,j) = 1;
         u(i,j) = 0;
   for(int j = 1; j < v.nj-1; ++j) for(int i = 0; i < v.ni; ++i) {
      int index = i + j*ni;
      if(v_weights(i,j) > 0 && (liquid_phi(i,j) < 0 || liquid_phi(i,j-1) < 0)) {
         float theta = 1;
         if(liquid_phi(i,j) >= 0 || liquid_phi(i,j-1) >= 0)
            theta = fraction_inside(liquid_phi(i,j-1), liquid_phi(i,j));
         if(theta < 0.01f) theta = 0.01f;
         v(i,j) -= dt  * (float)(pressure[index] - pressure[index-ni]) / dx / theta; 
         v_valid(i,j) = 1;
         v(i,j) = 0;
