static struct starfish * make_starfish (struct state *st, int maxx, int maxy, int size) { struct starfish *s = (struct starfish *) calloc(1, sizeof(*s)); int i; s->blob_p = st->blob_p; s->elasticity = SCALE * get_float_resource (st->dpy, "thickness", "Thickness"); if (s->elasticity == 0) /* bell curve from 0-15, avg 7.5 */ s->elasticity = RAND(5*SCALE) + RAND(5*SCALE) + RAND(5*SCALE); s->rotv = get_float_resource (st->dpy, "rotation", "Rotation"); if (s->rotv == -1) /* bell curve from 0-12 degrees, avg 6 */ s->rotv = frand(4) + frand(4) + frand(4); s->rotv /= 360; /* convert degrees to ratio */ if (s->blob_p) { s->elasticity *= 3; s->rotv *= 3; } s->rot_max = s->rotv * 2; s->rota = 0.0004 + frand(0.0002); if (! (random() % 20)) size *= frand(0.35) + frand(0.35) + 0.3; { static const char skips[] = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 12 }; s->skip = skips[random() % sizeof(skips)]; } if (! (random() % (s->skip == 2 ? 3 : 12))) s->mode = zoom; else s->mode = pulse; maxx *= SCALE; maxy *= SCALE; size *= SCALE; s->max_r = size; s->min_r = 0; if (s->min_r < (5*SCALE)) s->min_r = (5*SCALE); s->x = maxx/2; s->y = maxy/2; s->th = frand(M_PI+M_PI) * RANDSIGN(); { static const char sizes[] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 10, 35 }; int nsizes = sizeof(sizes); if (s->skip > 3) nsizes -= 4; s->npoints = s->skip * sizes[random() % nsizes]; } s->spline = make_spline (s->npoints); s->r = (long *) malloc (sizeof(*s->r) * s->npoints); for (i = 0; i < s->npoints; i++) s->r[i] = ((i % s->skip) == 0) ? 0 : size; return s; }
int pickPositions() { int gals; VectorNew(galPos[100]); VectorNew(galVel[100]); VectorNew(shit); float galSize[100]; float galMassMin[100]; float galMassMax[100]; float spawnRange; int i; int g; particle_t *p; particleDetail_t *pd; float totalMass = 0; float angle; float angle2; float radius; gals = (rand() % (1 + spawnVars.maxGalCount-spawnVars.minGalCount)) + spawnVars.minGalCount; if (gals <= 0) { conAdd(LERR, "For some reason galaxies to spawn is 0 or less. Not possible!"); return 0; } if (gals >= 100) { conAdd(LERR, "Maximum galaxies to spawn is 100"); return 0; } spawnRange = frand(spawnVars.minSpawnRange, spawnVars.maxSpawnRange); conAdd(LNORM, "Spawning new simulation..."); conAdd(LLOW, "- %i particles...", state.particleCount); conAdd(LLOW, "- %i galaxies...", gals); for (g = 0; g < gals; g++) { galMassMin[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalMass, spawnVars.maxGalMass); galMassMax[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalMass, spawnVars.maxGalMass); galSize[g] = frand(spawnVars.minGalSize, spawnVars.maxGalSize); setRangePosition(galPos[g], spawnRange); setRangePosition(galVel[g], frand(0,1) * frand(0,1) * frand(spawnVars.minGalVel, spawnVars.maxGalVel)); } for (i = 0; i < state.particleCount; i++) { if (!(i % 100)) { view.recordParticlesDone = i; doVideoUpdateInSpawn(); } if (state.restartSpawning) { return 0; } p = getParticleFirstFrame(i); pd = getParticleDetail(i); g = rand() % gals; pd->mass = frand(galMassMin[g], galMassMax[g]); // if (g % 2 == 0) // pd->mass = -pd->mass; totalMass += pd->mass; // position VectorCopy(galPos[g], p->pos); setRangePosition((float *)&shit, galSize[g]); VectorAdd(p->pos, shit, p->pos); // galaxy structured position angle = frand(0, PI*2); radius = frand(0, galSize[g]); VectorZero(p->pos); p->pos[0] = cos(angle) * radius; p->pos[1] = sin(angle) * radius; p->pos[2] = frand(-radius/10, radius/10); VectorAdd(galPos[g], p->pos, p->pos); angle2 = angle + PI / 2; p->vel[0] = cos(angle2) * radius * 0.05f; p->vel[1] = sin(angle2) * radius * 0.05f; p->vel[2] = 0; VectorAdd(galVel[g], p->vel, p->vel); if (g & 2) { p->vel[0] = -p->vel[0]; p->vel[1] = -p->vel[1]; p->vel[2] = -p->vel[2]; } } conAdd(LLOW, "- %f total mass...", totalMass); conAdd(LLOW, "- %f galaxy mass...", totalMass / gals); conAdd(LLOW, "- %f particle mass...", totalMass / state.particleCount); return 0; }
static void * halftone_init (Display *dpy, Window window) { int x, y, i; int count; int spacing; double factor; double min_mass; double max_mass; double min_speed; double max_speed; XGCValues gc_values; XWindowAttributes attrs; halftone_screen *halftone; halftone = (halftone_screen *) calloc (1, sizeof(halftone_screen)); halftone->dpy = dpy; halftone->window = window; //halftone->delay = get_integer_resource (dpy, "delay", "Integer"); //halftone->delay = (halftone->delay < 0 ? DEFAULT_DELAY : halftone->delay); halftone->delay = delay; halftone->delay = (halftone->delay < 0 ? DEFAULT_DELAY : halftone->delay); halftone->gc = XCreateGC (halftone->dpy, halftone->window, 0, &gc_values); halftone->buffer_width = -1; halftone->buffer_height = -1; halftone->dots = NULL; /* Read command line arguments and set all settings. */ //count = get_integer_resource (dpy, "count", "Count"); count = count_; halftone->gravity_point_count = count < 1 ? DEFAULT_COUNT : count; //spacing = get_integer_resource (dpy, "spacing", "Integer"); spacing = spacing_; halftone->spacing = spacing < 1 ? DEFAULT_SPACING : spacing; //factor = get_float_resource (dpy, "sizeFactor", "Double"); factor = sizeFactor; halftone->max_dot_size = (factor < 0 ? DEFAULT_SIZE_FACTOR : factor) * halftone->spacing; //min_mass = get_float_resource (dpy, "minMass", "Double"); min_mass = minMass; min_mass = min_mass < 0 ? DEFAULT_MIN_MASS : min_mass; //max_mass = get_float_resource (dpy, "maxMass", "Double"); max_mass = maxMass; max_mass = max_mass < 0 ? DEFAULT_MAX_MASS : max_mass; max_mass = max_mass < min_mass ? min_mass : max_mass; //min_speed = get_float_resource (dpy, "minSpeed", "Double"); min_speed = minSpeed; min_speed = min_speed < 0 ? DEFAULT_MIN_SPEED : min_speed; //max_speed = get_float_resource (dpy, "maxSpeed", "Double"); max_speed = maxSpeed; max_speed = max_speed < 0 ? DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED : max_speed; max_speed = max_speed < min_speed ? min_speed : max_speed; /* Set up the moving gravity points. */ halftone->gravity_point_x = (double *) malloc(halftone->gravity_point_count * sizeof(double)); halftone->gravity_point_y = (double *) malloc(halftone->gravity_point_count * sizeof(double)); halftone->gravity_point_mass = (double *) malloc(halftone->gravity_point_count * sizeof(double)); halftone->gravity_point_x_inc = (double *) malloc(halftone->gravity_point_count * sizeof(double)); halftone->gravity_point_y_inc = (double *) malloc(halftone->gravity_point_count * sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < halftone->gravity_point_count; i++) { halftone->gravity_point_x[i] = frand(1); halftone->gravity_point_y[i] = frand(1); halftone->gravity_point_mass[i] = min_mass + (max_mass - min_mass) * frand(1); halftone->gravity_point_x_inc[i] = min_speed + (max_speed - min_speed) * frand(1); halftone->gravity_point_y_inc[i] = min_speed + (max_speed - min_speed) * frand(1); } /* Set up the dots. */ XGetWindowAttributes(halftone->dpy, halftone->window, &attrs); //halftone->ncolors = get_integer_resource (dpy, "colors", "Colors"); halftone->ncolors = colors; if (halftone->ncolors < 4) halftone->ncolors = 4; halftone->colors = (XColor *) calloc(halftone->ncolors, sizeof(XColor)); make_smooth_colormap (attrs.screen, attrs.visual, attrs.colormap, halftone->colors, &halftone->ncolors, True, 0, False); halftone->color0 = 0; halftone->color1 = halftone->ncolors / 2; //halftone->cycle_speed = get_integer_resource (dpy, "cycleSpeed", "CycleSpeed"); halftone->cycle_speed = cycleSpeed; halftone->color_tick = 0; update_buffer(halftone, &attrs); update_dot_attributes(halftone, &attrs); for (x = 0; x < halftone->dots_width; x++) for (y = 0; y < halftone->dots_height; y++) { halftone->dots[x + y * halftone->dots_width] = 0; } return halftone; }
bool ParticleEmitter::Update(const clock_t diff) { //Nejdrive pricist k celkovemu casu ten ubehly (milisekundy) totaltime += diff; //Pak porovnat celkovy cas, zdali uz ubehnul maximalni cas if(totaltime >= time) return false; //--> odstranit emitter z listu pro update //TODO: dodelat "dojizdeni" emitteru - cas po ktery uz nebudou vydavany castice, ale //stare castice se budou stale pohybovat, az zmizi. Po tu dobu vracet stale true! uint32 newparticlescount = 10; //Zde update vsech castic a emit novych while(newparticlescount > 0) { if (Particles.size() < velocity-1) { if (nextParticleCountdown < diff) { //vytvorit novou castici Particle* pNew = new Particle; //a priradit ji veskere hodnoty //velice neuniverzalni a ne prilis profesionalni postup zde pNew->sx = x; pNew->sz = z; if (dirangleh < PI/4 || dirangleh > 7*PI/4 || (dirangleh > 3*PI/4 && dirangleh < 5*PI/4) ) pNew->sz = z+frand(square1,square3); else pNew->sx = x+frand(square1,square3); pNew->sy = y+frand(square2,square4); //az sem pNew->modelId = modelId; pNew->actTime = 0; pNew->destrange = frand(minrange,maxrange); pNew->hangle = frand(dirangleh-angleh/2,dirangleh+angleh/2); pNew->vangle = frand(diranglev-anglev/2,diranglev+anglev/2); pNew->modelSize = modelSize+frand(min(0,sizevar),max(0,sizevar)); float rotate = 0.0f; if (flags & EMIT_FLAG_RANDOM_ROTATE) rotate = frand(0,PI); //pridat ji do display listu a ulozit pointer pNew->pRec = gDisplay.DrawModel(x,y,z,modelId, ANIM_IDLE,false,pNew->modelSize,rotate); Particles.push_back(pNew); nextParticleCountdown = density; } else nextParticleCountdown -= diff; } --newparticlescount; } Particle* temp; // Projit particles a rozpohybovat je for (std::list<Particle*>::iterator itr = Particles.begin(); itr != Particles.end(); ++itr) { temp = *itr; //pricist cas ktery ubehl [ms] temp->actTime += diff; if (!temp->pRec) continue; //speed [pocet tisicin rozmeru za 1 sekundu] temp->pRec->x = temp->sx+(float(temp->actTime)/1000)*(float(speed)/1000)*cos(temp->hangle); temp->pRec->y = temp->sy+(float(temp->actTime)/1000)*(float(speed)/1000)*sin(temp->vangle); temp->pRec->z = temp->sz+(float(temp->actTime)/1000)*(float(speed)/1000)*sin(temp->hangle); //pokud castice urazila drahu jakou ma urazit, vymazeme ji if (pythagoras_c(pythagoras_c(temp->pRec->x-temp->sx,temp->pRec->z-temp->sz),temp->pRec->y-temp->sy) > temp->destrange) { temp->pRec->remove = true; itr = Particles.erase(itr); if (itr == Particles.end()) break; if (itr != Particles.begin()) --itr; continue; } } return true; //false pokud emitter dosahne maximalniho casu pusobeni nebo je jinak odstranen }
static double bellrand (double extent) /* like frand(), but a bell curve. */ { return (((frand(extent) + frand(extent) + frand(extent)) / 3) - (extent/2)); }
ParticleList& BeamEmitter::obliqueEmit(Scalar t, Scalar dt) { Vector2 xMKS; for (int j=0; j < 4*(j2 - j1) + 2; j += 2){ int index = j/2; int jl = points[j]; int kl = points[j+1]; int jh = points[j+2]; int kh = points[j+3]; if (jh == jl && kh == kl) continue; // if this is a duplicate point, get next Vector2 p1 = fields->getMKS(jl, kl); // note these are local to this segment Vector2 p2 = fields->getMKS(jh, kh); Scalar localRate = emissionRate*dt*get_time_value(t)*area[index]/totalArea; oblExtra[index] += localRate; if (oblExtra[index] < 1) continue; // not enough to emit in this cell Scalar del_t = dt/localRate; while (oblExtra[index] >= 1) { oblExtra[index] -= 1; if (kl == kh || !rweight) xMKS = p1 + frand()*(p2 - p1); else { Scalar r_min = p1.e2(); Scalar r_max = p2.e2(); xMKS = Vector2(0.5*(p1.e1() + p2.e1()), sqrt(r_min*r_min + (r_max*r_max - r_min*r_min)*frand())); } Vector2 x = fields->getGridCoords(xMKS); if (kl == kh) { // horizontal // x += deltaHorizontal; // perturb particles off boundary normal = Vector3(0, 1, 0)*get_normal(); } else if (k2 > k1) { // up and right // x -= deltaVertical; normal = Vector3(-1, 0, 0)*get_normal(); } else { // down and right // x += deltaVertical; normal = Vector3(1, 0, 0)*get_normal(); } Vector3 u; if (thetaDot.e3()){ // only correct if r*thetaDot << vz // thetaDot is yDot for ZXgeometry Vector3 v = maxwellian->get_V(normal); if (rweight) v+=xMKS.e2()*thetaDot; u = v/sqrt(1-v*v*iSPEED_OF_LIGHT_SQ); } else u = maxwellian->get_U(normal); x += delta; Particle* p = new Particle(x, u, species, np2c); Boundary* bPtr = initialPush(del_t*oblExtra[index], dt, *p); if (!bPtr) particleList.add(p); } } return particleList; }
void CLQ2_RailTrail( vec3_t start, vec3_t end ) { byte clr = 0x74; vec3_t move; VectorCopy( start, move ); vec3_t vec; VectorSubtract( end, start, vec ); float len = VectorNormalize( vec ); vec3_t right, up; MakeNormalVectors( vec, right, up ); for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { cparticle_t* p = CL_AllocParticle(); if ( !p ) { return; } p->type = pt_q2static; VectorClear( p->accel ); float d = i * 0.1; float c = cos( d ); float s = sin( d ); vec3_t dir; VectorScale( right, c, dir ); VectorMA( dir, s, up, dir ); p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 1 + frand() * 0.2 ); p->color = clr + ( rand() & 7 ); for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { p->org[ j ] = move[ j ] + dir[ j ] * 3; p->vel[ j ] = dir[ j ] * 6; } VectorAdd( move, vec, move ); } float dec = 0.75; VectorScale( vec, dec, vec ); VectorCopy( start, move ); while ( len > 0 ) { len -= dec; cparticle_t* p = CL_AllocParticle(); if ( !p ) { return; } p->type = pt_q2static; VectorClear( p->accel ); p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 0.6 + frand() * 0.2 ); p->color = rand() & 15; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { p->org[ j ] = move[ j ] + crand() * 3; p->vel[ j ] = crand() * 3; p->accel[ j ] = 0; } VectorAdd( move, vec, move ); } }
/** * @brief Choose if a new ground mission should be started. * @note Recon mission -- Stage 1 * @note Already one ground mission has been made * @sa CP_ReconMissionSelect */ static bool CP_ReconMissionNewGroundMission (mission_t *mission) { return (frand() > 0.7f); }
bool FleeingMovementGenerator<T>::_getPoint(T& owner, float& x, float& y, float& z) { if (!&owner) { return false; } float dist_from_caster, angle_to_caster; if (Unit* fright = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(owner, i_frightGuid)) { dist_from_caster = fright->GetDistance(&owner); if (dist_from_caster > 0.2f) { angle_to_caster = fright->GetAngle(&owner); } else { angle_to_caster = frand(0, 2 * M_PI_F); } } else { dist_from_caster = 0.0f; angle_to_caster = frand(0, 2 * M_PI_F); } float dist, angle; if (dist_from_caster < MIN_QUIET_DISTANCE) { dist = frand(0.4f, 1.3f) * (MIN_QUIET_DISTANCE - dist_from_caster); angle = angle_to_caster + frand(-M_PI_F / 8, M_PI_F / 8); } else if (dist_from_caster > MAX_QUIET_DISTANCE) { dist = frand(0.4f, 1.0f) * (MAX_QUIET_DISTANCE - MIN_QUIET_DISTANCE); angle = -angle_to_caster + frand(-M_PI_F / 4, M_PI_F / 4); } else // we are inside quiet range { dist = frand(0.6f, 1.2f) * (MAX_QUIET_DISTANCE - MIN_QUIET_DISTANCE); angle = frand(0, 2 * M_PI_F); } float curr_x, curr_y, curr_z; owner.GetPosition(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z); x = curr_x + dist * cos(angle); y = curr_y + dist * sin(angle); z = curr_z + 0.5f; // try to fix z if (!owner.GetMap()->GetHeightInRange(owner.GetPhaseMask(), x, y, z)) return false; if (owner.GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER) { // check any collision float testZ = z + 0.5f; // needed to avoid some false positive hit detection of terrain or passable little object if (owner.GetMap()->GetHitPosition(curr_x, curr_y, curr_z + 0.5f, x, y, testZ, owner.GetPhaseMask(), -0.1f)) { z = testZ; if (!owner.GetMap()->GetHeightInRange(owner.GetPhaseMask(), x, y, z)) return false; } } return true; }
void CL_Heatbeam (vec3_t start, vec3_t end) { vec3_t move; vec3_t vec; float len; int j; cparticle_t *p; vec3_t forward, right, up; int i; float d, c, s; vec3_t dir; float ltime; float step = 32.0, rstep; float start_pt; float rot; VectorCopy (start, move); VectorSubtract (end, start, vec); len = VectorNormalize (vec); // MakeNormalVectors (vec, right, up); VectorCopy (cl.v_forward, forward); VectorCopy (cl.v_right, right); VectorCopy (cl.v_up, up); VectorMA (move, -0.5, right, move); VectorMA (move, -0.5, up, move); for (i=0; i<8; i++) { if (!free_particles) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p->next; p->next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p->time = cl.time; VectorClear (p->accel); d = crand()*M_PI; c = cos(d)*30; s = sin(d)*30; p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -5.0 / (1+frand()); p->color = 223 - (rand()&7); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { p->org[j] = move[j]; } VectorScale (vec, 450, p->vel); VectorMA (p->vel, c, right, p->vel); VectorMA (p->vel, s, up, p->vel); } /* ltime = (float) cl.time/1000.0; start_pt = fmod(ltime*16.0,step); VectorMA (move, start_pt, vec, move); VectorScale (vec, step, vec); // Com_Printf ("%f\n", ltime); rstep = M_PI/12.0; for (i=start_pt ; i<len ; i+=step) { if (i>step*5) // don't bother after the 5th ring break; for (rot = 0; rot < M_PI*2; rot += rstep) { if (!free_particles) return; p = free_particles; free_particles = p->next; p->next = active_particles; active_particles = p; p->time = cl.time; VectorClear (p->accel); // rot+= fmod(ltime, 12.0)*M_PI; // c = cos(rot)/2.0; // s = sin(rot)/2.0; c = cos(rot)/1.5; s = sin(rot)/1.5; // trim it so it looks like it's starting at the origin if (i < 10) { VectorScale (right, c*(i/10.0), dir); VectorMA (dir, s*(i/10.0), up, dir); } else { VectorScale (right, c, dir); VectorMA (dir, s, up, dir); } p->alpha = 0.5; // p->alphavel = -1.0 / (1+frand()*0.2); p->alphavel = -1000.0; // p->color = 0x74 + (rand()&7); p->color = 223 - (rand()&7); for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) { p->org[j] = move[j] + dir[j]*3; // p->vel[j] = dir[j]*6; p->vel[j] = 0; } } VectorAdd (move, vec, move); } */ }
ENTRYPOINT void init_planet (ModeInfo * mi) { planetstruct *gp; int screen = MI_SCREEN(mi); Bool wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi); if (planets == NULL) { if ((planets = (planetstruct *) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi), sizeof (planetstruct))) == NULL) return; } gp = &planets[screen]; if ((gp->glx_context = init_GL(mi)) != NULL) { reshape_planet(mi, MI_WIDTH(mi), MI_HEIGHT(mi)); } { //char *f = get_string_resource(mi->dpy, "imageForeground", "Foreground"); //char *b = get_string_resource(mi->dpy, "imageBackground", "Background"); char *f = _strdup(imageForeground); char *b = _strdup(imageBackground); char *s; if (!f) f = _strdup("white"); if (!b) b = _strdup("black"); for (s = f + strlen(f)-1; s > f; s--) if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') *s = 0; for (s = b + strlen(b)-1; s > b; s--) if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') *s = 0; if (!XParseColor(mi->dpy, mi->xgwa.colormap, f, &gp->fg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unparsable color: \"%s\"\n", progname, f); exit(1); } if (!XParseColor(mi->dpy, mi->xgwa.colormap, b, &gp->bg)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unparsable color: \"%s\"\n", progname, f); exit(1); } free (f); free (b); } { double spin_speed = 0.5; double wander_speed = 0.02; gp->rot = make_rotator (do_roll ? spin_speed : 0, do_roll ? spin_speed : 0, 0, 1, do_wander ? wander_speed : 0, True); gp->z = frand (1.0); gp->trackball = gltrackball_init (); } if (wire) { do_texture = False; do_light = False; } if (do_texture) setup_texture (mi); if (do_light) init_sun (mi); if (do_stars) init_stars (mi); if (random() & 1) star_spin = -star_spin; /* construct the polygons of the planet */ gp->platelist = glGenLists(1); glNewList (gp->platelist, GL_COMPILE); glColor3f (1,1,1); glPushMatrix (); glScalef (RADIUS, RADIUS, RADIUS); glRotatef (90, 1, 0, 0); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); unit_sphere (resolution, resolution, wire); glPopMatrix (); glEndList(); /* construct the polygons of the latitude/longitude/axis lines. */ gp->latlonglist = glGenLists(1); glNewList (gp->latlonglist, GL_COMPILE); glPushMatrix (); glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); glDisable (GL_LIGHTING); glDisable (GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glColor3f (0.1, 0.3, 0.1); glScalef (RADIUS, RADIUS, RADIUS); glScalef (1.01, 1.01, 1.01); glRotatef (90, 1, 0, 0); unit_sphere (12, 24, 1); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(0, -2, 0); glVertex3f(0, 2, 0); glEnd(); glPopMatrix (); glEndList(); }
// commented out to remove unused parameter warnings in Linux void key(unsigned char key, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) { switch (key) { case ' ': bPause = !bPause; break; case 13: psystem->update(timestep); renderer->setVertexBuffer(psystem->getCurrentReadBuffer(), psystem->getNumParticles()); break; case '\033': case 'q': exit(0); break; case 'v': mode = M_VIEW; break; case 'm': mode = M_MOVE; break; case 'p': displayMode = (ParticleRenderer::DisplayMode) ((displayMode + 1) % ParticleRenderer::PARTICLE_NUM_MODES); break; case 'd': psystem->dumpGrid(); break; case 'u': psystem->dumpParticles(0, 1); break; case 'r': displayEnabled = !displayEnabled; break; case '1': psystem->reset(ParticleSystem::CONFIG_GRID); break; case '2': psystem->reset(ParticleSystem::CONFIG_RANDOM); break; case '3': { // inject a sphere of particles float pr = psystem->getParticleRadius(); float tr = pr+(pr*2.0f)*ballr; float pos[4], vel[4]; pos[0] = -1.0 + tr + frand()*(2.0f - tr*2.0f); pos[1] = 1.0f - tr; pos[2] = -1.0 + tr + frand()*(2.0f - tr*2.0f); pos[3] = 0.0f; vel[0] = vel[1] = vel[2] = vel[3] = 0.0f; psystem->addSphere(0, pos, vel, ballr, pr*2.0f); } break; case '4': { // shoot ball from camera float pr = psystem->getParticleRadius(); float vel[4], velw[4], pos[4], posw[4]; vel[0] = 0.0f; vel[1] = 0.0f; vel[2] = -0.05f; vel[3] = 0.0f; ixform(vel, velw, modelView); pos[0] = 0.0f; pos[1] = 0.0f; pos[2] = -2.5f; pos[3] = 1.0; ixformPoint(pos, posw, modelView); posw[3] = 0.0f; psystem->addSphere(0, posw, velw, ballr, pr*2.0f); } break; case 'w': wireframe = !wireframe; break; case 'h': displaySliders = !displaySliders; break; } glutPostRedisplay(); }
void intro_init( void ) { // create openGL functions for (int i=0; i<NUM_GL_NAMES; i++) glFP[i] = (GenFP)wglGetProcAddress(glnames[i]); // create noise Texture #ifdef FLOAT_TEXTURE for (int i = 0; i < NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE * NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE * NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE * 4; i++) { noiseData[i] = frand() - 0.5f; } #else for (int i = 0; i < NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE * NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE * NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE * 4; i++) { noiseData[i] = (unsigned char)rand(); } #endif // Create and link shader and stuff: // I will have to separate these to be able to use more than one shader... // TODO: I should make some sort of compiling and linking loop... // init objects: GLuint vMainObject = glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER); GLuint fMainBackground = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); GLuint fOffscreenCopy = glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); shaderPrograms[0] = glCreateProgram(); shaderPrograms[1] = glCreateProgram(); // compile sources: glShaderSource(vMainObject, 1, &vertexMainObject, NULL); glCompileShader(vMainObject); glShaderSource(fMainBackground, 1, &fragmentMainBackground, NULL); glCompileShader(fMainBackground); glShaderSource(fOffscreenCopy, 1, &fragmentOffscreenCopy, NULL); glCompileShader(fOffscreenCopy); #ifdef SHADER_DEBUG // Check programs int tmp, tmp2; glGetShaderiv(vMainObject, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &tmp); if (!tmp) { glGetShaderInfoLog(vMainObject, 4096, &tmp2, err); err[tmp2]=0; MessageBox(hWnd, err, "vMainObject shader error", MB_OK); return; } glGetShaderiv(fMainBackground, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &tmp); if (!tmp) { glGetShaderInfoLog(fMainBackground, 4096, &tmp2, err); err[tmp2]=0; MessageBox(hWnd, err, "fMainBackground shader error", MB_OK); return; } glGetShaderiv(fOffscreenCopy, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &tmp); if (!tmp) { glGetShaderInfoLog(fOffscreenCopy, 4096, &tmp2, err); err[tmp2]=0; MessageBox(hWnd, err, "fOffscreeCopy shader error", MB_OK); return; } #endif // link shaders: glAttachShader(shaderPrograms[0], vMainObject); glAttachShader(shaderPrograms[0], fMainBackground); glLinkProgram(shaderPrograms[0]); glAttachShader(shaderPrograms[1], vMainObject); glAttachShader(shaderPrograms[1], fOffscreenCopy); glLinkProgram(shaderPrograms[1]); // Set texture. glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_3D); // automatic? glGenTextures(1, &noiseTexture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D, noiseTexture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, GL_REPEAT); #ifdef FLOAT_TEXTURE glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_RGBA32F, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, noiseData); #else glTexImage3D(GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0, GL_RGBA8, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, NOISE_TEXTURE_SIZE, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, noiseData); #endif // Create a rendertarget texture glGenTextures(1, &offscreenTexture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, offscreenTexture); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, OFFSCREEN_WIDTH, OFFSCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0); //glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); }
VOID RayTrace(INT pid) { INT j; INT x, y; /* Pixel address. */ REAL xx, yy; VEC3 N; /* Normal at intersection. */ VEC3 Ipoint; /* Intersection point. */ COLOR c; /* Color for storing background. */ RAY *ray; /* Ray pointer. */ RAY rmsg; /* Ray message. */ RAYJOB job; /* Ray job from work pool. */ OBJECT *po; /* Ptr to object. */ BOOL hit; /* An object hit? */ IRECORD hitrecord; /* Intersection record. */ ray = &rmsg; while (GetJobs(&job, pid) != WPS_EMPTY) { while (GetRayJobFromBundle(&job, &x, &y)) { /* Convert the ray job to the ray message format. */ xx = (REAL)x; yy = (REAL)y; if (AntiAlias) for (j = 0; j < NumSubRays; j++) { ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(ray, xx + frand(), yy + frand()); PushRayTreeStack(ray, pid); } else { ConvertPrimRayJobToRayMsg(ray, xx, yy); PushRayTreeStack(ray, pid); } while (PopRayTreeStack(ray, pid) != RTS_EMPTY) { /* Find which object is closest along the ray. */ switch (TraversalType) { case TT_LIST: hit = Intersect(ray, &hitrecord); break; case TT_HUG: hit = TraverseHierarchyUniform(ray, &hitrecord, pid); break; } /* Process the object ray hit. */ if (hit) { /* * Get parent object to be able to access * object operations. */ po = hitrecord.pelem->parent; /* Calculate intersection point. */ RayPoint(Ipoint, ray, hitrecord.t); /* Calculate normal at this point. */ ((void (*)(IRECORD *, VEC3, VEC3))(*po->procs->normal))(&hitrecord, Ipoint, N); /* Make sure normal is pointing toward ray origin. */ if ((VecDot(ray->D, N)) > 0.0) VecNegate(N, N); /* * Compute shade at this point - will process * shadow rays and add secondary reflection * and refraction rays to ray tree stack */ Shade(Ipoint, N, ray, &hitrecord, pid); } else { /* Add background as pixel contribution. */ VecCopy(c, View.bkg); VecScale(c, ray->weight, c); AddPixelColor(c, ray->x, ray->y); } } } } }
void PetAI::MoveToVictim(Unit* u) { if (!u) return; switch (m_AIType) { case PET_AI_PASSIVE: case PET_AI_SLACKER: case PET_AI_HEALER: if (Unit* owner = m_creature->GetCharmerOrOwner()) m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(owner, PET_FOLLOW_DIST, m_creature->IsPet() ? ((Pet*)m_creature)->GetPetFollowAngle() : PET_FOLLOW_ANGLE); break; case PET_AI_RANGED: if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_PET_ADVANCED_AI)) m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(u, attackDistance, m_creature->GetAngle(u) + frand(-M_PI_F/4.0f, M_PI_F/4.0f)); else m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(u); break; case PET_AI_MELEE: case PET_AI_RANGED_NOAMMO: default: m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(u); break; } DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_AI_AND_MOVEGENSS,"PetAI::MoveToVictim pet %s move to %s, distance %f, AI type %u", m_creature->GetObjectGuid().GetString().c_str(),u ? u->GetObjectGuid().GetString().c_str() : "<none>",attackDistance, m_AIType); }
/* task that renders a single screen tile */ Vec3fa renderPixelPathTrace(float x, float y, const Vec3fa& vx, const Vec3fa& vy, const Vec3fa& vz, const Vec3fa& p) { int seed = 21344*x+121233*y+234532*g_accu_count; float time = frand(seed); /* initialize ray */ RTCRay2 ray; = p; ray.dir = normalize(x*vx + y*vy + vz); ray.tnear = 0.0f; ray.tfar = inf; ray.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ray.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ray.mask = -1; ray.time = time; ray.filter = NULL; Vec3fa color = Vec3fa(0.0f); Vec3fa weight = Vec3fa(1.0f); size_t depth = 0; while (true) { /* terminate ray path */ if (reduce_max(weight) < 0.01 || depth > 20) return color; /* intersect ray with scene and gather all hits */ rtcIntersect(g_scene,*((RTCRay*)&ray)); // FIXME: use (RTCRay&) cast /* exit if we hit environment */ if (ray.geomID == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) return color + weight*Vec3fa(g_ambient_intensity); /* calculate transmissivity of hair */ AnisotropicBlinn brdf; float tnear_eps = 0.0001f; if (ray.geomID < g_ispc_scene->numHairSets) { /* calculate tangent space */ const Vec3fa dx = normalize(ray.Ng); const Vec3fa dy = normalize(cross(ray.dir,dx)); const Vec3fa dz = normalize(cross(dy,dx)); /* generate anisotropic BRDF */ AnisotropicBlinn__Constructor(&brdf,hair_Kr,hair_Kt,dx,20.0f,dy,2.0f,dz); brdf.Kr = hair_Kr; Vec3fa p = evalBezier(ray.geomID,ray.primID,ray.u); tnear_eps = 1.1f*p.w; } else { int meshID = ray.geomID-g_ispc_scene->numHairSets; ISPCMesh* mesh = g_ispc_scene->meshes[meshID]; ISPCTriangle* triangle = &mesh->triangles[ray.primID]; ISPCMaterial* material = &g_ispc_scene->materials[triangle->materialID]; if (material->illum == 1) { /* calculate tangent space */ const Vec3fa dx = normalize(Vec3fa(mesh->normals[triangle->v0])); const Vec3fa dy = normalize(cross(ray.dir,dx)); const Vec3fa dz = normalize(cross(dy,dx)); /* generate anisotropic BRDF */ AnisotropicBlinn__Constructor(&brdf,hair_Kr,hair_Kt,dx,20.0f,dy,2.0f,dz); brdf.Kr = hair_Kr; tnear_eps = 1.1f*mesh->texcoords[triangle->v0].x; } else { if (dot(ray.dir,ray.Ng) > 0) ray.Ng = neg(ray.Ng); /* calculate tangent space */ const Vec3fa dz = normalize(ray.Ng); const Vec3fa dx = normalize(cross(dz,ray.dir)); const Vec3fa dy = normalize(cross(dz,dx)); /* generate isotropic BRDF */ AnisotropicBlinn__Constructor(&brdf,Vec3fa(1.0f),Vec3fa(0.0f),dx,1.0f,dy,1.0f,dz); } } /* sample directional light */ RTCRay2 shadow; = + ray.tfar*ray.dir; shadow.dir = neg(Vec3fa(g_dirlight_direction)); shadow.tnear = tnear_eps; shadow.tfar = inf; shadow.time = time; Vec3fa T = occluded(g_scene,shadow); Vec3fa c = AnisotropicBlinn__eval(&brdf,neg(ray.dir),neg(Vec3fa(g_dirlight_direction))); color = color + weight*c*T*Vec3fa(g_dirlight_intensity); // FIXME: use += operator #if 1 /* sample BRDF */ Vec3fa wi; c = AnisotropicBlinn__sample(&brdf,neg(ray.dir),wi,frand(seed),frand(seed),frand(seed)); if (wi.w <= 0.0f) return color; /* calculate secondary ray and offset it out of the hair */ float sign = dot(Vec3fa(wi), < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f; = + ray.tfar*ray.dir + sign*tnear_eps*; ray.dir = Vec3fa(wi); ray.tnear = 0.001f; ray.tfar = inf; ray.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ray.primID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ray.mask = -1; ray.time = time; ray.filter = NULL; weight = weight * c/wi.w; // FIXME: use *= operator #else /* continue with transparency ray */ ray.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ray.tnear = 1.001f*ray.tfar; ray.tfar = inf; weight *= brdf.Kt; #endif depth++; } return color; }
void UpdateAI(const uint32 diff) { if (!UpdateVictim()) return; if (me->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_CASTING)) return; events.Update(diff); while (uint32 eventId = events.ExecuteEvent()) { switch (eventId) { case EVENT_SECONDARY_ATTACK: { if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO)) { uint32 spellId = RAND(SPELL_RIGHT_CROSS, SPELL_LEFT_HOOK, SPELL_HAMMER_FIST, SPELL_SWEEPING_KICK); me->CastSpell(target, spellId, true); } events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SECONDARY_ATTACK, urand(5000, 10000)); break; } case EVENT_SUMMON_TOTEM: { me->MonsterTextEmote("Gara'jal summons a Spirit Totem. Use it to Cross Over to the Spirit World !", 0, true); float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f; GetRandPosFromCenterInDist(4277.08f, 1341.35f, frand(0.0f, 30.0f), x, y); me->SummonCreature(NPC_SPIRIT_TOTEM, x, y, 454.55f, 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_DESPAWN); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SUMMON_TOTEM, urand(47500, 52500)); break; } case EVENT_SUMMON_SHADOWY_MINION: { float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f; GetRandPosFromCenterInDist(4277.08f, 1341.35f, frand(0.0f, 30.0f), x, y); me->SummonCreature(NPC_SHADOWY_MINION_REAL, x, y, 454.55f, 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_DESPAWN); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SUMMON_SHADOWY_MINION, urand(10000, 15000)); break; } case EVENT_VOODOO_DOLL: { pInstance->DoRemoveAurasDueToSpellOnPlayers(SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_VISUAL); pInstance->DoRemoveAurasDueToSpellOnPlayers(SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_SHARE); me->MonsterTextEmote("Gara'jal selects random players to become Voodoo Dolls !", 0, true); int32 mobCount = Is25ManRaid() ? 4 : 3; for (int32 i = 0; i < mobCount; ++i) { if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(i == 0 ? SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO : SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0, 0, true, -SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_VISUAL)) { voodooTargets[i] = target->GetGUID(); me->MonsterTextEmote("You are a Voodoo Doll ! Damage you take is copied to the other Voodoo Dolls in your raid !", target->GetGUID(), true); target->AddAura(SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_VISUAL, target); } } if (Player* target = sObjectAccessor->GetPlayer(*me, voodooTargets[0])) me->CastSpell(target, SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_SHARE, true); break; } case EVENT_BANISHMENT: { if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO)) { me->AddAura(SPELL_BANISHMENT, target); me->AddAura(SPELL_SOUL_CUT_SUICIDE, target); me->AddAura(SPELL_SOUL_CUT_DAMAGE, target); Difficulty difficulty = me->GetMap()->GetDifficulty(); uint64 viewerGuid = target->GetGUID(); uint8 mobCount = IsHeroic() ? 3: 1; for (uint8 i = 0; i < mobCount; ++i) if (Creature* soulCutter = me->SummonCreature(NPC_SOUL_CUTTER, target->GetPositionX() + 2.0f, target->GetPositionY() + 2.0f, target->GetPositionZ(), 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN, 30000, i == 0 ? viewerGuid: 0)) { soulCutter->SetPhaseMask(2, true); soulCutter->AI()->AttackStart(target); soulCutter->SetInCombatWith(target); soulCutter->getThreatManager().addThreat(target, 10000.0f); } me->getThreatManager().resetAllAggro(); } pInstance->DoRemoveAurasDueToSpellOnPlayers(SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_VISUAL); pInstance->DoRemoveAurasDueToSpellOnPlayers(SPELL_VOODOO_DOLL_SHARE); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_VOODOO_DOLL, 5000); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_BANISHMENT, 90000); break; } case EVENT_FINAL_DESTINATION: { me->CastSpell(me, SPELL_FINAL_DESTINATION, false); Talk(TALK_FRENZY); break; } default: break; } } DoMeleeAttackIfReady(); }
//generate one html file in file name fname void gen_file(char *fname, int i) { char progress[200]; int len = doc_len(); if ( 0 && i >= 20800 ) { sprintf(progress, "echo 'doc len %d' >> /scratch/report.txt",(len)); system(progress); } int linesofar = 0, total_so_far = 0; FILE *f = fopen(fname, "w"); int link = 0; if (f != NULL) { fprintf(f, "<html><head></head><body>\n"); while (1) { char *nextw; if ( 0 && i >= 20800 ) { sprintf(progress, "echo 'lines so far len %d TOTAL %d' >> /scratch/report.txt",(linesofar), total_so_far); system(progress); } if (frand() < link_freq) { if ( 0 && i >= 20800 ) { sprintf(progress, "echo '----------get URL ' >> /scratch/report.txt"); system(progress); } nextw = get_url(); link = 1; } else { if ( 0 && i >= 20800 ) { sprintf(progress, "echo '----------get WORD ' >> /scratch/report.txt"); system(progress); } nextw = get_word(); link =0; } if (link) { fprintf(f,"<a href=\"%s\">link</a> ",nextw); } else { fprintf(f,"%s ",nextw); } linesofar = linesofar + strlen(nextw); if (linesofar > 80 ) { fprintf(f, "\n"); total_so_far += linesofar + 1; if (total_so_far > len) break; linesofar = 0; } } fprintf(f, "\n</body></html>"); } else { printf ("Couldn't open %s\n", fname); exit(1); } fclose(f); }
void CLQ2_DiminishingTrail( vec3_t start, vec3_t end, q2centity_t* old, int flags ) { vec3_t move; VectorCopy( start, move ); vec3_t vec; VectorSubtract( end, start, vec ); float len = VectorNormalize( vec ); float dec = 0.5; VectorScale( vec, dec, vec ); float orgscale; float velscale; if ( old->trailcount > 900 ) { orgscale = 4; velscale = 15; } else if ( old->trailcount > 800 ) { orgscale = 2; velscale = 10; } else { orgscale = 1; velscale = 5; } while ( len > 0 ) { len -= dec; // drop less particles as it flies if ( ( rand() & 1023 ) < old->trailcount ) { cparticle_t* p = CL_AllocParticle(); if ( !p ) { return; } p->type = pt_q2static; VectorClear( p->accel ); if ( flags & Q2EF_GIB ) { p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 1 + frand() * 0.4 ); p->color = 0xe8 + ( rand() & 7 ); for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { p->org[ j ] = move[ j ] + crand() * orgscale; p->vel[ j ] = crand() * velscale; p->accel[ j ] = 0; } p->vel[ 2 ] -= PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } else if ( flags & Q2EF_GREENGIB ) { p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 1 + frand() * 0.4 ); p->color = 0xdb + ( rand() & 7 ); for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { p->org[ j ] = move[ j ] + crand() * orgscale; p->vel[ j ] = crand() * velscale; p->accel[ j ] = 0; } p->vel[ 2 ] -= PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } else { p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 1 + frand() * 0.2 ); p->color = 4 + ( rand() & 7 ); for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { p->org[ j ] = move[ j ] + crand() * orgscale; p->vel[ j ] = crand() * velscale; } p->accel[ 2 ] = 20; } } old->trailcount -= 5; if ( old->trailcount < 100 ) { old->trailcount = 100; } VectorAdd( move, vec, move ); } }
// ---------- main ---------- int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL(uvar_s); UserInput_t *uvar = &uvar_s; uvar->randSeed = 1; uvar->Nruns = 1; uvar->inAlign = uvar->outAlign = sizeof(void*); // ---------- register user-variable ---------- XLALRegisterUvarMember( randSeed, INT4, 's', OPTIONAL, "Random-number seed"); XLALRegisterUvarMember( Nruns, INT4, 'r', OPTIONAL, "Number of repeated timing 'runs' to average over (=improves variance)" ); XLALRegisterUvarMember( inAlign, INT4, 'a', OPTIONAL, "Alignment of input vectors; default is sizeof(void*), i.e. no particular alignment" ); XLALRegisterUvarMember( outAlign, INT4, 'b', OPTIONAL, "Alignment of output vectors; default is sizeof(void*), i.e. no particular alignment" ); BOOLEAN should_exit = 0; XLAL_CHECK( XLALUserVarReadAllInput( &should_exit, argc, argv, lalVCSInfoList ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC ); if ( should_exit ) { exit (1); } srand ( uvar->randSeed ); XLAL_CHECK ( uvar->Nruns >= 1, XLAL_EDOM ); UINT4 Nruns = (UINT4)uvar->Nruns; UINT4 Ntrials = 1000000 + 7; REAL4VectorAligned *xIn_a, *xIn2_a, *xOut_a, *xOut2_a; XLAL_CHECK ( ( xIn_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( ( xIn2_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOut_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOut2_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); REAL4VectorAligned *xOutRef_a, *xOutRef2_a; XLAL_CHECK ( (xOutRef_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( (xOutRef2_a = XLALCreateREAL4VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); // extract aligned REAL4 vectors from these REAL4 *xIn = xIn_a->data; REAL4 *xIn2 = xIn2_a->data; REAL4 *xOut = xOut_a->data; REAL4 *xOut2 = xOut2_a->data; REAL4 *xOutRef = xOutRef_a->data; REAL4 *xOutRef2 = xOutRef2_a->data; UINT4Vector *xOutU4; UINT4Vector *xOutRefU4; XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOutU4 = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( Ntrials )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOutRefU4 = XLALCreateUINT4Vector ( Ntrials )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); REAL8VectorAligned *xInD_a, *xIn2D_a, *xOutD_a, *xOutRefD_a; XLAL_CHECK ( ( xInD_a = XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( ( xIn2D_a = XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->inAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( ( xOutD_a = XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); XLAL_CHECK ( (xOutRefD_a= XLALCreateREAL8VectorAligned ( Ntrials, uvar->outAlign )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC ); // extract aligned REAL8 vectors from these REAL8 *xInD = xInD_a->data; REAL8 *xIn2D = xIn2D_a->data; REAL8 *xOutD = xOutD_a->data; REAL8 *xOutRefD = xOutRefD_a->data; REAL8 tic, toc; REAL4 maxErr = 0, maxRelerr = 0; REAL4 abstol, reltol; XLALPrintInfo ("Testing sin(x), cos(x) for x in [-1000, 1000]\n"); for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) { xIn[i] = 2000 * ( frand() - 0.5 ); } abstol = 2e-7, reltol = 1e-5; // ==================== SIN() ==================== TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_S2S(Sin,xIn); // ==================== COS() ==================== TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_S2S(Cos,xIn); // ==================== SINCOS() ==================== TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_S2SS(SinCos,xIn); // ==================== SINCOS(2PI*x) ==================== TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_S2SS(SinCos2Pi,xIn); // ==================== EXP() ==================== XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting exp(x) for x in [-10, 10]\n"); for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) { xIn[i] = 20 * ( frand() - 0.5 ); } abstol = 4e-3, reltol = 3e-7; TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_S2S(Exp,xIn); // ==================== LOG() ==================== XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting log(x) for x in (0, 10000]\n"); for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) { xIn[i] = 10000.0f * frand() + 1e-6; } // for i < Ntrials abstol = 2e-6, reltol = 2e-7; TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_S2S(Log,xIn); // ==================== ADD,MUL ==================== for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) { xIn[i] = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6; xIn2[i] = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6; xInD[i] = -100000.0 + 200000.0 * frand() + 1e-6; xIn2D[i]= -100000.0 + 200000.0 * frand() + 1e-6; } // for i < Ntrials abstol = 2e-7, reltol = 2e-7; XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting add,multiply,shift,scale(x,y) for x,y in (-10000, 10000]\n"); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2S(Add,xIn,xIn2); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2S(Multiply,xIn,xIn2); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2S(Max,xIn,xIn2); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2S(Shift,xIn[0],xIn2); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2S(Scale,xIn[0],xIn2); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_DD2D(Scale,xInD[0],xIn2D); // ==================== FIND ==================== for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < Ntrials; i ++ ) { xIn[i] = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6; xIn2[i] = -10000.0f + 20000.0f * frand() + 1e-6; } // for i < Ntrials XLALPrintInfo ("\nTesting find for x,y in (-10000, 10000]\n"); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2uU(FindVectorLessEqual,xIn,xIn2); TESTBENCH_VECTORMATH_SS2uU(FindScalarLessEqual,xIn[0],xIn2); XLALPrintInfo ("\n"); // ---------- clean up memory ---------- XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xIn_a ); XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xIn2_a ); XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOut_a ); XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOut2_a ); XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOutRef_a ); XLALDestroyREAL4VectorAligned ( xOutRef2_a ); XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( xOutU4 ); XLALDestroyUINT4Vector ( xOutRefU4 ); XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xInD_a ); XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xIn2D_a ); XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xOutD_a ); XLALDestroyREAL8VectorAligned ( xOutRefD_a ); XLALDestroyUserVars(); LALCheckMemoryLeaks(); return XLAL_SUCCESS; } // main()
void CLQ2_TrapParticles( vec3_t origin ) { origin[ 2 ] -= 14; vec3_t start; VectorCopy( origin, start ); vec3_t end; VectorCopy( origin, end ); origin[ 2 ] += 14; end[ 2 ] += 64; vec3_t move; VectorCopy( start, move ); vec3_t vec; VectorSubtract( end, start, vec ); float len = VectorNormalize( vec ); int dec = 5; VectorScale( vec, 5, vec ); // FIXME: this is a really silly way to have a loop while ( len > 0 ) { len -= dec; cparticle_t* p = CL_AllocParticle(); if ( !p ) { return; } p->type = pt_q2static; VectorClear( p->accel ); p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 0.3 + frand() * 0.2 ); p->color = 0xe0; for ( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { p->org[ j ] = move[ j ] + crand(); p->vel[ j ] = crand() * 15; p->accel[ j ] = 0; } p->accel[ 2 ] = PARTICLE_GRAVITY; VectorAdd( move, vec, move ); } vec3_t org; VectorCopy( origin, org ); for ( int i = -2; i <= 2; i += 4 ) { for ( int j = -2; j <= 2; j += 4 ) { for ( int k = -2; k <= 2; k += 4 ) { cparticle_t* p = CL_AllocParticle(); if ( !p ) { return; } p->type = pt_q2static; p->color = 0xe0 + ( rand() & 3 ); p->alpha = 1.0; p->alphavel = -1.0 / ( 0.3 + ( rand() & 7 ) * 0.02 ); p->org[ 0 ] = org[ 0 ] + i + ( ( rand() & 23 ) * crand() ); p->org[ 1 ] = org[ 1 ] + j + ( ( rand() & 23 ) * crand() ); p->org[ 2 ] = org[ 2 ] + k + ( ( rand() & 23 ) * crand() ); vec3_t dir; dir[ 0 ] = j * 8; dir[ 1 ] = i * 8; dir[ 2 ] = k * 8; VectorNormalize( dir ); float vel = 50 + ( rand() & 63 ); VectorScale( dir, vel, p->vel ); p->accel[ 0 ] = p->accel[ 1 ] = 0; p->accel[ 2 ] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY; } } } }
/* Start a new cluster of lines going. Pick their anim type, and in, mid, and out positions. */ static void reset_lines (ModeInfo *mi) { fliptext_configuration *sc = &scs[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; int i; line *prev = 0; GLfloat minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, maxw, maxh; sc->rotation.x = 5 - BELLRAND(10); sc->rotation.y = 5 - BELLRAND(10); sc->rotation.z = 5 - BELLRAND(10); switch (random() % 8) { case 0: sc->anim_type = SCROLL_TOP; break; case 1: sc->anim_type = SCROLL_BOTTOM; break; default: sc->anim_type = SPIN; break; } minx = sc->left_margin * 0.9; maxx = sc->right_margin * 0.9; miny = sc->bottom_margin * 0.9; maxy = sc->top_margin * 0.9; minz = sc->left_margin * 5; maxz = sc->right_margin * 2; maxw = sc->font_wrap_pixels * sc->font_scale; maxh = max_lines * sc->line_height * sc->font_scale; if (maxw > maxx - minx) maxw = maxx - minx; if (maxh > maxy - miny) maxh = maxy - miny; if (alignment_random_p) sc->alignment = (random() % 3) - 1; if (sc->alignment == -1) maxx -= maxw; else if (sc->alignment == 1) minx += maxw; else minx += maxw/2, maxx -= maxw/2; miny += maxh/2; maxy -= maxh/2; sc->mid.x = minx + frand (maxx - minx); if (sc->anim_type == SPIN) sc->mid.y = miny + BELLRAND (maxy - miny); else sc->mid.y = miny + frand (maxy - miny); sc->in.x = BELLRAND(sc->right_margin * 2) - sc->right_margin; sc->out.x = BELLRAND(sc->right_margin * 2) - sc->right_margin; sc->in.y = miny + frand(maxy - miny); sc->out.y = miny + frand(maxy - miny); sc->in.z = minz + frand(maxz - minz); sc->out.z = minz + frand(maxz - minz); sc->mid.z = 0; if (sc->anim_type == SPIN && sc->in.z > 0) sc->in.z /= 4; if (sc->anim_type == SPIN && sc->out.z > 0) sc->out.z /= 4; for (i = 0; i < max_lines; i++) { line *line = make_line (sc, (i == 0)); if (!line) break; /* no text available */ if (i >= min_lines && (!line->text || !*line->text)) /* blank after min */ break; } for (i = 0; i < sc->nlines; i++) { line *line = sc->lines[i]; if (!prev) { line->from.y = sc->bottom_margin; line->to.y = 0; } else { line->from.y = prev->from.y - prev->height; line->to.y = prev->to.y - prev->height; } line->cluster_pos = i; line->cluster_size = sc->nlines; prev = line; } }
static void animate_lava (ModeInfo *mi) { lavalite_configuration *bp = &bps[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; int wire = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi); Bool just_started_p = bp->just_started_p; double isolevel = 0.3; /* Maybe bubble a new blobby to the surface. */ if (just_started_p || frand(1.0) < bp->launch_chance) { bp->just_started_p = False; launch_balls (mi); if (do_impatient && just_started_p) while (1) { int i; move_balls (mi); for (i = 0; i < bp->nballs; i++) { metaball *b = &bp->balls[i]; if (b->alive_p && !b->static_p && !b->leader && b->z > 0.5) goto DONE; } } DONE: ; } move_balls (mi); glNewList (bp->ball_list, GL_COMPILE); glPushMatrix(); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, lava_spec); glMateriali (GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, lava_shininess); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, lava_color); /* For the blobbies, the origin is on the axis at the bottom of the glass bottle; and the top of the bottle is +1 on Z. */ glTranslatef (0, 0, -0.5); mi->polygon_count = 0; { double s; if (bp->grid_size == 0) bp->grid_size = 1; /* first time through */ s = 1.0/bp->grid_size; glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef (-0.5, -0.5, 0); glScalef (s, s, s); marching_cubes (resolution, isolevel, wire, do_smooth, obj_init, obj_compute, obj_free, bp, &mi->polygon_count); glPopMatrix(); } mi->polygon_count += bp->bottle_poly_count; glPopMatrix(); glEndList (); }
void PetAI::MoveToVictim(Unit* pTarget) { if (!pTarget) return; switch (m_AIType) { case PET_AI_PASSIVE: case PET_AI_SLACKER: case PET_AI_HEALER: m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveTargetedHome(); break; case PET_AI_RANGED: if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_PET_ADVANCED_AI)) m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(pTarget, m_attackDistance, m_creature->GetAngle(pTarget) + frand(-M_PI_F/4.0f, M_PI_F/4.0f)); else m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(pTarget); break; case PET_AI_MELEE: case PET_AI_RANGED_NOAMMO: default: m_creature->GetMotionMaster()->MoveChase(pTarget); break; } DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_AI_AND_MOVEGENSS,"PetAI::MoveToVictim pet %s move to %s, distance %f, AI type %u", m_creature->GetObjectGuid().GetString().c_str(),pTarget ? pTarget->GetObjectGuid().GetString().c_str() : "<none>",m_attackDistance, m_AIType); }
void UpdateAI(uint32 diff) override { if (!UpdateVictim()) return; events.Update(diff); if (me->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_CASTING)) return; while (uint32 eventId = events.ExecuteEvent()) { switch (eventId) { case EVENT_SHADOW_WORD_PAIN: DoCastVictim(SPELL_SHADOW_WORD_PAIN, true); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SHADOW_WORD_PAIN, urand(5000, 7000), 0, PHASE_ONE); break; case EVENT_GOUGE: DoCastVictim(SPELL_GOUGE, true); break; case EVENT_SUMMON_PROWLERS: if (_summonCountA < MAX_PROWLERS_PER_SIDE) { if (Unit* trigger = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*me, _triggersSideAGUID[urand(0, 4)])) { trigger->CastSpell(trigger, SPELL_SUMMON_PROWLER); ++_summonCountA; } } if (_summonCountB < MAX_PROWLERS_PER_SIDE) { if (Unit* trigger = ObjectAccessor::GetUnit(*me, _triggersSideBGUID[urand(0, 4)])) { trigger->CastSpell(trigger, SPELL_SUMMON_PROWLER); ++_summonCountB; } } events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SUMMON_PROWLERS, 6000, 0, PHASE_ALL); break; case EVENT_MARK_OF_ARLOKK: { Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_TOPAGGRO, urand(1, 3), 0.0f, false, -SPELL_MARK_OF_ARLOKK); if (!target) target = me->GetVictim(); if (target) { DoCast(target, SPELL_MARK_OF_ARLOKK, true); Talk(SAY_FEAST_PROWLER, target); } events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_MARK_OF_ARLOKK, urand(120000, 130000)); break; } case EVENT_TRANSFORM: { DoCast(me, SPELL_PANTHER_TRANSFORM); // SPELL_AURA_TRANSFORM me->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 0, uint32(EQUIP_UNEQUIP)); me->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 1, uint32(EQUIP_UNEQUIP)); /* const CreatureTemplate* cinfo = me->GetCreatureTemplate(); me->SetBaseWeaponDamage(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE, (cinfo->mindmg +((cinfo->mindmg/100) * 35))); me->SetBaseWeaponDamage(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE, (cinfo->maxdmg +((cinfo->maxdmg/100) * 35))); me->UpdateDamagePhysical(BASE_ATTACK); */ me->AttackStop(); DoResetThreat(); me->SetReactState(REACT_PASSIVE); me->SetFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE|UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE); DoCast(me, SPELL_VANISH_VISUAL); DoCast(me, SPELL_VANISH); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_VANISH, 1000, 0, PHASE_ONE); break; } case EVENT_VANISH: DoCast(me, SPELL_SUPER_INVIS); me->SetWalk(false); me->GetMotionMaster()->MovePoint(0, frand(-11551.0f, -11508.0f), frand(-1638.0f, -1617.0f), me->GetPositionZ()); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_VANISH_2, 9000, 0, PHASE_ONE); break; case EVENT_VANISH_2: DoCast(me, SPELL_VANISH); DoCast(me, SPELL_SUPER_INVIS); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_VISIBLE, urand(7000, 10000), 0, PHASE_ONE); break; case EVENT_VISIBLE: me->SetReactState(REACT_AGGRESSIVE); me->RemoveFlag(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE|UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE); if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0)) AttackStart(target); me->RemoveAura(SPELL_SUPER_INVIS); me->RemoveAura(SPELL_VANISH); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_RAVAGE, urand(10000, 14000), 0, PHASE_TWO); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_TRANSFORM_BACK, urand(15000, 18000), 0, PHASE_TWO); events.SetPhase(PHASE_TWO); me->HandleStatModifier(UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND, TOTAL_PCT, 35.0f, true); // hack break; case EVENT_RAVAGE: DoCastVictim(SPELL_RAVAGE, true); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_RAVAGE, urand(10000, 14000), 0, PHASE_TWO); break; case EVENT_TRANSFORM_BACK: { me->RemoveAura(SPELL_PANTHER_TRANSFORM); // SPELL_AURA_TRANSFORM DoCast(me, SPELL_VANISH_VISUAL); me->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 0, uint32(WEAPON_DAGGER)); me->SetUInt32Value(UNIT_VIRTUAL_ITEM_SLOT_ID + 1, uint32(WEAPON_DAGGER)); /* const CreatureTemplate* cinfo = me->GetCreatureTemplate(); me->SetBaseWeaponDamage(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE, (cinfo->mindmg)); me->SetBaseWeaponDamage(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE, (cinfo->maxdmg)); me->UpdateDamagePhysical(BASE_ATTACK); */ me->HandleStatModifier(UNIT_MOD_DAMAGE_MAINHAND, TOTAL_PCT, 35.0f, false); // hack events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_SHADOW_WORD_PAIN, urand(4000, 7000), 0, PHASE_ONE); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_GOUGE, urand(12000, 15000), 0, PHASE_ONE); events.ScheduleEvent(EVENT_TRANSFORM, urand(16000, 20000), 0, PHASE_ONE); events.SetPhase(PHASE_ONE); break; } default: break; } } DoMeleeAttackIfReady(); }
ENTRYPOINT void init_jigglypuff(ModeInfo *mi) { jigglystruct *js; int subdivs; if(!jss) { jss = (jigglystruct*) calloc(MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi), sizeof(jigglystruct)); if(!jss) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No..memory...must...abort..\n", progname); exit(1); } } js = &jss[MI_SCREEN(mi)]; js->do_wireframe = MI_IS_WIREFRAME(mi); # ifdef HAVE_JWZGLES js->do_wireframe = 0; /* GL_LINE unimplemented */ # endif js->shininess = shininess; subdivs = (complexity==1) ? 4 : (complexity==2) ? 5 : (complexity==3) ? 6 : 5; js->spooky = spooky << (subdivs-3); if(!parse_color(js)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Bad color specification: '%s'.\n", progname, color); exit(-1); } if(random_parms) randomize_parameters(js); js->angle = frand(180); js->axis = frand(M_PI); js->shape = tesselated_tetrahedron(1, subdivs, js); if(!do_tetrahedron) solid_spherify(js->shape, 1); if(js->color_style == COLOR_STYLE_CLOWNBARF) clownbarf_colorize(js->shape); calculate_parameters(js, subdivs); if((js->glx_context = init_GL(mi)) != NULL) { glXMakeCurrent(MI_DISPLAY(mi), MI_WINDOW(mi), *(js->glx_context)); setup_opengl(mi, js); reshape_jigglypuff(mi, MI_WIDTH(mi), MI_HEIGHT(mi)); } else { MI_CLEARWINDOW(mi); } js->trackball = gltrackball_init(); /* _DEBUG("distance : %f\nhold : %f\nspherify : %f\ndamping : %f\ndfact : %f\n", js->stable_distance, js->hold_strength, js->spherify_strength, js->damping_velocity, js->damping_factor); _DEBUG("wire : %d\nspooky : %d\nstyle : %d\nshininess : %d\n", js->do_wireframe, js->spooky, js->color_style, js->shininess);*/ }
inline std::complex<double> crand(){ return std::complex<double>(frand(),frand()); }
void advanceAnimation() { float timeElapsed = gm->elapsedTime(); float radius = max(1.0f, gm->screenWidth() / gm->screenHeight()); if (touched) { if (touchedDist <= s.starLength * 2) touchedDist += timeElapsed * s.speed; } else PHLowPassFilter(touchedDist, 0.0f, timeElapsed, 5); float ss = s.starLength + touchedDist; float distance = timeElapsed * s.speed * (ss / s.starLength); while (!points.empty()) { point & p = points.front(); if (p.z - ss < -NEAR_PLANE) break; points.pop_front(); } bool reshape = touchedDist > 0.05; offset += distance; distanceLeft -= distance; while (distanceLeft <= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < chunk; i ++) { point p; p.z = -FAR_PLANE - distanceLeft - offset; float r = frand(0.5f, 2.0f) * radius; float angle = frand(0.0f, M_PI * 2.0f); p.up = PHPoint(r, s.starWidth).rotated(angle); p.down = PHPoint(r, -s.starWidth).rotated(angle); distanceLeft += frand(0.5f, 1.0f) * starSpread; points.push_back(p); } reshape = true; } if (reshape) { size_t n = points.size(); if (!n) { vao->disableDrawing(); return; } size_t vertices = n * 4; GLfloat * v = new GLfloat[vertices * 5]; GLfloat * p = v; for (list<point>::iterator i = points.begin(); i != points.end(); i++) { point & pt = *i; pt.z += offset; p[0] = pt.up.x; p[1] = pt.up.y; p[2] = pt.z; p[3] = 0.0f; p[4] = 0.0f; p[5] = pt.down.x; p[6] = pt.down.y; p[7] = pt.z; p[8] = 0.0f; p[9] = 1.0f; p[10] = pt.up.x; p[11] = pt.up.y; p[12] = pt.z - ss; p[13] = 1.0f; p[14] = 0.0f; p[15] = pt.down.x; p[16] = pt.down.y; p[17] = pt.z - ss; p[18] = 1.0f; p[19] = 1.0f; //PHLog("%f %f %f %f %f %f", pt.up.x, pt.up.y, pt.down.x, pt.down.y, pt.z, pt.z - s.starLength); p+= 20; } offset = 0.0f; PHGLCheckError(); vbo->setDataOptimally(v, vertices * 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), PHGLVBO::dynamicDraw); delete[] v; elements->resize(n, vao); } PHVector3 pos = _body->position(); pos.z = offset; _body->setPosition(pos); }
bool EffectDummyCreature_spell_dummy_npc(Unit* pCaster, uint32 uiSpellId, SpellEffectIndex uiEffIndex, Creature* pCreatureTarget, ObjectGuid /*originalCasterGuid*/) { switch (uiSpellId) { case SPELL_ADMINISTER_ANTIDOTE: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_HELBOAR) return true; // possible needs check for quest state, to not have any effect when quest really complete pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_DREADTUSK); return true; } return true; } case SPELL_APPLY_SALVE: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCaster->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER) return true; if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_SICKLY_DEER && pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_SICKLY_GAZELLE) return true; // Update entry, remove aura, set the kill credit and despawn uint32 uiUpdateEntry = pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() == NPC_SICKLY_DEER ? NPC_CURED_DEER : NPC_CURED_GAZELLE; pCreatureTarget->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(SPELL_SICKLY_AURA); pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(uiUpdateEntry); ((Player*)pCaster)->KilledMonsterCredit(uiUpdateEntry); pCreatureTarget->ForcedDespawn(20000); return true; } return true; } case SPELL_INOCULATE_OWLKIN: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_OWLKIN) return true; pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_OWLKIN_INOC); ((Player*)pCaster)->KilledMonsterCredit(NPC_OWLKIN_INOC); // set despawn timer, since we want to remove creature after a short time pCreatureTarget->ForcedDespawn(15000); return true; } return true; } case SPELL_FEL_SIPHON_DUMMY: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_FELBLOOD_INITIATE) return true; pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_EMACIATED_FELBLOOD); return true; } return true; } case SPELL_SACRED_CLEANSING: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_1) { if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_MORBENT) return true; pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_WEAKENED_MORBENT); return true; } return true; } case SPELL_TAG_MURLOC_PROC: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() == NPC_BLACKSILT_MURLOC) pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_TAGGED_MURLOC); } return true; } case SPELL_ORB_OF_MURLOC_CONTROL: { pCreatureTarget->CastSpell(pCaster, SPELL_GREENGILL_SLAVE_FREED, true); // Freed Greengill Slave pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_FREED_GREENGILL_SLAVE); pCreatureTarget->CastSpell(pCreatureTarget, SPELL_ENRAGE, true); return true; } case SPELL_FUMPING: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_2) { switch (urand(0, 2)) { case 0: { pCaster->CastSpell(pCreatureTarget, SPELL_SUMMON_HAISHULUD, true); break; } case 1: { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (Creature* pSandGnome = pCaster->SummonCreature(NPC_SAND_GNOME, pCreatureTarget->GetPositionX(), pCreatureTarget->GetPositionY(), pCreatureTarget->GetPositionZ(), 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OOC_DESPAWN, 30000)) pSandGnome->AI()->AttackStart(pCaster); } break; } case 2: { for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (Creature* pMatureBoneSifter = pCaster->SummonCreature(NPC_MATURE_BONE_SIFTER, pCreatureTarget->GetPositionX(), pCreatureTarget->GetPositionY(), pCreatureTarget->GetPositionZ(), 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_OOC_DESPAWN, 30000)) pMatureBoneSifter->AI()->AttackStart(pCaster); } break; } } pCreatureTarget->ForcedDespawn(); } return true; } case SPELL_THROW_GORDAWG_BOULDER: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (irand(i, 2)) // 2-3 summons pCreatureTarget->SummonCreature(NPC_MINION_OF_GUROK, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_DESPAWN, 5000); } if (pCreatureTarget->getVictim()) { pCaster->DealDamage(pCreatureTarget, pCreatureTarget->GetMaxHealth(), NULL, DIRECT_DAMAGE, SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, NULL, false); return true; } // If not in combat, no xp or loot pCreatureTarget->SetDeathState(JUST_DIED); pCreatureTarget->SetHealth(0); return true; } return true; } case SPELL_EXPOSE_RAZORTHORN_ROOT: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_RAZORTHORN_RAVAGER) return true; if (GameObject* pMound = GetClosestGameObjectWithEntry(pCreatureTarget, GO_RAZORTHORN_DIRT_MOUND, 20.0f)) { if (pMound->GetRespawnTime() != 0) return true; pCreatureTarget->CastSpell(pCreatureTarget, SPELL_SUMMON_RAZORTHORN_ROOT, true); pMound->SetLootState(GO_JUST_DEACTIVATED); } } return true; } case SPELL_MELODIOUS_RAPTURE: { if (uiEffIndex == EFFECT_INDEX_0) { if (pCaster->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER && pCreatureTarget->GetEntry() != NPC_DEEPRUN_RAT) return true; pCreatureTarget->UpdateEntry(NPC_ENTHRALLED_DEEPRUN_RAT); pCreatureTarget->CastSpell(pCreatureTarget, SPELL_MELODIOUS_RAPTURE_VISUAL, false); pCreatureTarget->GetMotionMaster()->MoveFollow(pCaster, frand(0.5f, 3.0f), frand(M_PI_F * 0.8f, M_PI_F * 1.2f)); ((Player*)pCaster)->KilledMonsterCredit(NPC_ENTHRALLED_DEEPRUN_RAT); } return true; } } return false; }
void FluidEmitter::tick(QList<Particle *> *estimates, double secs) { for(int i = m_fs->ps.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { Particle *p = estimates->at(m_fs->; // std::cout << p << std::endl; // double lambda = m_fs->lambdas[i]; // std::cout << lambda << std::endl; // if(lambda >= -.1 && glm::length(p->v) < .05 && glm::length(p->p - p->ep) < .05) { // if(p->p.y >= 10 || fabs(p->p.x) >= 10 ) { if(glm::length(p->v) < .06 && p->p.y <= 5) { if(m_fs->lambdas[i] <= 0) { p->t -= 1; if(p->t <= 0) { p->t = 0; // p->ph = SOLID; // Particle *newP = new Particle(p->p, 0, SOLID); // newP->v = p->v; // p->imass -= secs; // if(p->imass == 0) p->imass = 0; p->ph = SOLID; p->ep = p->p; p->v = glm::dvec2(); p->f = glm::dvec2(); // grains.append(newP); // estimates->append(newP); // estimates->removeAt(m_fs->; // if(m_fs->ps.contains(i)) m_fs->removeParticle(i); // delete p; // p->imass = 1; // p->ph = SOLID; // m_fs->ps.removeAt(i); } } else { p->t += secs; if(p->t > 3) p->t = 3; } // } } } // for(int i=0; i<grains.size(); i++) { // Particle *p =; // if(glm::length(p->v) <= .02) { // grains.removeAt(i); // p->imass = 0; // p->v = glm::dvec2(); // p->f = glm::dvec2(); // p->ep = p->p; // } // } timer += secs; totalTimer += secs; while(totalTimer < 5 && timer >= 1./m_particlesPerSec) { timer -= 1./m_particlesPerSec; if(m_fs != NULL) { Particle *p = new Particle(m_posn, 1, FLUID); p->v = glm::dvec2(frand(),1); m_fs->addParticle(estimates->size()); estimates->append(p); } } }