Beispiel #1
static void free_comp_struct(hal_comp_t * comp)
    int *prev, next;
#ifdef RTAPI
    hal_funct_t *funct;
#endif /* RTAPI */
    hal_pin_t *pin;
    hal_param_t *param;

    /* can't delete the component until we delete its "stuff" */
    /* need to check for functs only if a realtime component */
#ifdef RTAPI
    /* search the function list for this component's functs */
    prev = &(hal_data->funct_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	funct = SHMPTR(next);
	if (SHMPTR(funct->owner_ptr) == comp) {
	    /* this function belongs to our component, unlink from list */
	    *prev = funct->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(funct->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
#endif /* RTAPI */
    /* search the pin list for this component's pins */
    prev = &(hal_data->pin_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	pin = SHMPTR(next);
	if (SHMPTR(pin->owner_ptr) == comp) {
	    /* this pin belongs to our component, unlink from list */
	    *prev = pin->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(pin->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
    /* search the parameter list for this component's parameters */
    prev = &(hal_data->param_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	param = SHMPTR(next);
	if (SHMPTR(param->owner_ptr) == comp) {
	    /* this param belongs to our component, unlink from list */
	    *prev = param->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(param->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
    /* now we can delete the component itself */
    /* clear contents of struct */
    comp->comp_id = -1;
    comp->type = TYPE_INVALID;
    comp->state = COMP_INVALID;
    comp->last_bound = 0;
    comp->last_unbound = 0;
    comp->last_update = 0;
    comp->shmem_base = 0;
    comp->name[0] = '\0';
    /* add it to free list */
    comp->next_ptr = hal_data->comp_free_ptr;
    hal_data->comp_free_ptr = SHMOFF(comp);
Beispiel #2
static void free_comp_struct(hal_comp_t * comp)
    int *prev, next;
#ifdef RTAPI
    hal_funct_t *funct;
#endif /* RTAPI */
    hal_pin_t *pin;
    hal_param_t *param;

    /* can't delete the component until we delete its "stuff" */
    /* need to check for functs only if a realtime component */
#ifdef RTAPI
    // first unlink and destroy all functs, so an RT thread
    // cant trample on the comp while it's being destroyed

    /* search the function list for this component's functs */
    prev = &(hal_data->funct_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	funct = SHMPTR(next);
	hal_comp_t *owner = halpr_find_owning_comp(funct->owner_id);
	if (owner == comp) {
	    /* this function belongs to our component, unlink from list */
	    *prev = funct->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(funct->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
    // here, technically all the comp's functs are
    // delf'd and not visible anymore

    // now that the funct is gone,
    // exit all the comp's instances
    next = hal_data->inst_list_ptr;
    while (next != 0) {
	hal_inst_t *inst = SHMPTR(next);
	next = inst->next_ptr;
	if (inst->comp_id == comp->comp_id) {
	    // this instance is owned by this comp
    // here all insts, their pins, params and functs are gone.

#endif /* RTAPI */

    // now work the legacy pins and params which are
    // directly owned by the comp.

    /* search the pin list for this component's pins */
    prev = &(hal_data->pin_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	pin = SHMPTR(next);
	if (pin->owner_id == comp->comp_id) {
	    /* this pin belongs to our component, unlink from list */
	    *prev = pin->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(pin->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
    /* search the parameter list for this component's parameters */
    prev = &(hal_data->param_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	param = SHMPTR(next);
	if (param->owner_id == comp->comp_id) {
	    /* this param belongs to our component, unlink from list */
	    *prev = param->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(param->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;

    /* now we can delete the component itself */
    /* clear contents of struct */
    comp->comp_id = 0;
    comp->type = TYPE_INVALID;
    comp->state = COMP_INVALID;
    comp->last_bound = 0;
    comp->last_unbound = 0;
    comp->last_update = 0;
    comp->shmem_base = 0;
    comp->name[0] = '\0';

Beispiel #3
// almost a copy of free_comp_struct(), but based on instance
// unlinks and frees functs exported by this instance
// then calls any custom destructor
// then unlinks & deletes all pins owned by this instance
// then deletes params owned by this instance
void free_inst_struct(hal_inst_t * inst)
    int *prev, next;
#ifdef RTAPI
    hal_funct_t *funct;
#endif /* RTAPI */
    hal_pin_t *pin;
    hal_param_t *param;

    /* can't delete the instance until we delete its "stuff" */
    /* need to check for functs only if a realtime component */
#ifdef RTAPI
    /* search the function list for this instance's functs */
    prev = &(hal_data->funct_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	funct = SHMPTR(next);
	if (funct->owner_id == inst->inst_id) {
	    /* this function belongs to this instance, unlink from list */
	    *prev = funct->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(funct->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;

    // now that the funct is gone, call the dtor for this instance
    // get owning comp
    hal_comp_t *comp = halpr_find_owning_comp(inst->comp_id);
    if (comp->dtor) {
	//NB - pins, params etc still intact
	// this instance is owned by this comp, call destructor
	HALDBG("calling custom destructor(%s,%s)", comp->name, inst->name);
	comp->dtor(inst->name, SHMPTR(inst->inst_data_ptr), inst->inst_size);
#endif /* RTAPI */

    /* search the pin list for this instance's pins */
    prev = &(hal_data->pin_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	pin = SHMPTR(next);
	if (pin->owner_id == inst->inst_id) {
	    /* this pin belongs to our instance, unlink from list */
	    *prev = pin->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(pin->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
    /* search the parameter list for this instance's parameters */
    prev = &(hal_data->param_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	param = SHMPTR(next);
	if (param->owner_id == inst->inst_id) {
	    /* this param belongs to our instance, unlink from list */
	    *prev = param->next_ptr;
	    /* and delete it */
	} else {
	    /* no match, try the next one */
	    prev = &(param->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;
    /* now we can delete the instance itself */

    // search the instance list and unlink instances owned by this comp
    hal_inst_t *ip;
    prev = &(hal_data->inst_list_ptr);
    next = *prev;
    while (next != 0) {
	ip = SHMPTR(next);
	if (ip == inst) {
	    // this instance is owned by this comp
	    *prev = ip->next_ptr;
	    // zap the instance structure
	    ip->comp_id = 0;
	    ip->inst_id = 0;
	    ip->inst_data_ptr = 0; // NB - loosing HAL memory here
	    ip->inst_size = 0;
	    ip->name[0] = '\0';
	    // add it to free list
	    ip->next_ptr = hal_data->inst_free_ptr;
	    hal_data->inst_free_ptr = SHMOFF(ip);
	} else {
	    prev = &(ip->next_ptr);
	next = *prev;