static inline void free_pattern(struct simple_pattern *m) { if(!m) return; free_pattern(m->child); free_pattern(m->next); freez((void *)m->match); freez(m); }
static void free_selector(ks_selector_t *selector) { (void) free_pattern(&selector->ks_class); (void) free_pattern(&selector->ks_module); (void) free_pattern(&selector->ks_instance); (void) free_pattern(&selector->ks_name); (void) free_pattern(&selector->ks_statistic); free(selector); }
void free_struct_sample(SAMPLE s) { /* Frees the memory of sample s. */ int i; for(i=0;i<s.n;i++) { free_pattern(s.examples[i].x); free_label(s.examples[i].y); } free(s.examples); }
void free_struct_sample(SAMPLE s) { int i; for (i=0;i<s.n;i++) { free_pattern(s.examples[i].x); free_label(s.examples[i].y); free_latent_var(s.examples[i].h); } free(s.examples); }
void free_struct_sample(SAMPLE s) { /* Free the whole training sample. */ int i; for (i=0;i<s.n;i++) { free_pattern(s.examples[i].x); free_label(s.examples[i].y); } free(s.examples); }
/* select training samples for aspectlet */ void select_examples_aspectlet(char *trainfile, CAD **cads, int cad_index) { int i, j, n, count, count_pos, part_num, view_label; int *flag; char *pname; float azimuth, elevation, distance; FILE *fp; LABEL y; EXAMPLE example, *examples_aspectlet; /* find corresponding parts between two cads */ part_num = cads[cad_index]->part_num; flag = (int*)my_malloc(sizeof(int)*part_num); for(i = 0; i < part_num; i++) { pname = cads[cad_index]->part_names[i]; for(j = 0; j < cads[0]->part_num; j++) { if(strcmp(pname, cads[0]->part_names[j]) == 0) { flag[i] = j; break; } } } examples_aspectlet = NULL; /* select positive samples */ /* open data file */ if((fp = fopen(trainfile, "r")) == NULL) { printf("Can not open data file %s\n", trainfile); exit(1); } fscanf(fp, "%d", &n); count = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { /* read example */ example = read_one_example(fp, cads); y = example.y; if(y.object_label == 1) { azimuth = cads[0]->objects2d[y.view_label]->azimuth; elevation = cads[0]->objects2d[y.view_label]->elevation; distance = cads[0]->objects2d[y.view_label]->distance; /* find the view label */ view_label = -1; for(j = 0; j < cads[cad_index]->view_num; j++) { if(cads[cad_index]->objects2d[j]->azimuth == azimuth && cads[cad_index]->objects2d[j]->elevation == elevation && cads[cad_index]->objects2d[j]->distance == distance) { view_label = j; break; } } /* select the sample */ if(view_label != -1) { examples_aspectlet = (EXAMPLE*)realloc(examples_aspectlet, sizeof(EXAMPLE)*(count+1)); if(examples_aspectlet == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); } /* construct the sample */ examples_aspectlet[count].y.object_label = y.object_label; examples_aspectlet[count].y.cad_label = y.cad_label; examples_aspectlet[count].y.view_label = view_label; examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_num = part_num; examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_label = (float*)my_malloc(sizeof(float)*2*part_num); /* get part labels */ for(j = 0; j < part_num; j++) { if(cads[cad_index]->roots[j] != -1) /* not root template */ { examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_label[j] = y.part_label[flag[j]]; examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_label[j+part_num] = y.part_label[flag[j]+cads[0]->part_num]; } else /* is root template */ { if(y.part_label[flag[j]] == 0 && y.part_label[flag[j]+cads[0]->part_num] == 0) /* root not visible */ { examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_label[j] = 0; examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_label[j+part_num] = 0; } else /* compute root location and bounding box */ compute_bbox_root(&(examples_aspectlet[count].y), j, cads[cad_index]); } } /* get occlusion label */ examples_aspectlet[count].y.occlusion = (int*)my_malloc(sizeof(int)*part_num); for(j = 0; j < part_num; j++) examples_aspectlet[count].y.occlusion[j] = y.occlusion[flag[j]]; examples_aspectlet[count] = 0; /* copy the image */ examples_aspectlet[count].x.image = copy_cumatrix(example.x.image); count++; } /* end if view_label != -1 */ free_pattern(example.x); free_label(example.y); } /* end if y.object_label == 1 */ else break; } /* select negative samples */ count_pos = count; for(; i < n; i++) { if(y.object_label == -1) { examples_aspectlet = (EXAMPLE*)realloc(examples_aspectlet, sizeof(EXAMPLE)*(count+1)); if(examples_aspectlet == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); exit(1); } examples_aspectlet[count].y.object_label = -1; examples_aspectlet[count].y.cad_label = -1; examples_aspectlet[count].y.view_label = -1; examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_num = -1; examples_aspectlet[count].y.part_label = NULL; examples_aspectlet[count].y.occlusion = NULL; for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) examples_aspectlet[count].y.bbox[j] = 0; examples_aspectlet[count] = 0; /* copy the image */ examples_aspectlet[count].x.image = copy_cumatrix(example.x.image); count++; if(count >= 2*count_pos) break; } free_pattern(example.x); free_label(example.y); example = read_one_example(fp, cads); y = example.y; } free_pattern(example.x); free_label(example.y); free(flag); fclose(fp); /* write examples */ printf("Writing data to temp_part.dat: %d positive samples, %d negative samples...\n", count_pos, count-count_pos); fp = fopen("temp_part.dat", "w"); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", count); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* write object label */ fprintf(fp, "%d ", examples_aspectlet[i].y.object_label); if(examples_aspectlet[i].y.object_label == 1) { /* write cad label */ fprintf(fp, "%d ", examples_aspectlet[i].y.cad_label); /* write view label */ fprintf(fp, "%d ", examples_aspectlet[i].y.view_label); /* write part label */ for(j = 0; j < 2*part_num; j++) fprintf(fp, "%f ", examples_aspectlet[i].y.part_label[j]); /* write occlusion label */ for(j = 0; j < part_num; j++) fprintf(fp, "%d ", examples_aspectlet[i].y.occlusion[j]); /* write bounding box */ for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) fprintf(fp, "%f ", examples_aspectlet[i].y.bbox[j]); } /* write image size */ fprintf(fp, "%d ", examples_aspectlet[i].x.image.dims_num); for(j = 0; j < examples_aspectlet[i].x.image.dims_num; j++) fprintf(fp, "%d ", examples_aspectlet[i].x.image.dims[j]); /* write image pixel */ for(j = 0; j < examples_aspectlet[i].x.image.length; j++) fprintf(fp, "%u ", (unsigned int)examples_aspectlet[i][j]); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } fclose(fp); printf("Done\n"); /* clean up */ for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { free_pattern(examples_aspectlet[i].x); free_label(examples_aspectlet[i].y); } free(examples_aspectlet); }
void simple_pattern_free(SIMPLE_PATTERN *list) { if(!list) return; free_pattern(((struct simple_pattern *)list)); }